"...The Qianjie I know won't show mercy in battle." Lei Dian Mei said coldly.


Although in terms of strength, the Qian Jie standing in front of her is no different from the Qian Jie she knows, but there is no doubt... Qian Jie is not the kind of guy who will obediently listen to others.

In addition, if you look closely, Leiden Mei can easily detect the dense pink mist surrounding this person pretending to be Qianjie.

There is no doubt that it is a symptom of being infected by the power of erosion.

"Oh—?" Qian Jie said gloomily, "I didn't expect you to know me quite well, but unfortunately, I didn't come here to fight you."

"I know." Leiden Yai spread her five fingers and took out her Herrscher armor, "It's not a battle, but a hunt, right?"

No... it's just a [play].

Although I want to say this, but since Leiden Mei has already made up words in his style, Qianjie doesn't bother to refute.

The fire that burns everything rises wantonly in the dark night scene.

In an instant, in Leiden Mei's field of vision, Qianjie's figure wrapped in raging fire disappeared without warning.

Raiden Mei's pupils froze, she calmly raised her sword, and without hesitation put the blade of the sword on her chest.

Accompanied by the sound of the explosion, Qianjie's fist collided with Raiden Mei's sword.

"Hmm!" Accompanied by the distressed voice, the corners of Leiden Mei's mouth twisted.

Just as she expected at the beginning, the confrontation of strength ended in her own defeat. Although the posture of holding the knife did not collapse, her body was still easily blown away.

However, since the result of the confrontation was known from the very beginning, before taking this blow, Leiden Mei was of course prepared to deal with it.

Even if he admits that he is not as powerful as the opponent, Raiden Mei still does not give up hope of winning.

——After all, no matter from the perspective of a master swordsman or the Herrscher of Thunder, strength has never been her specialty.

The moment she was blown away, her body was instantly surrounded by bright lightning. Mei Lei suddenly raised her head, and her pupils emitting bright light drew two fierce trajectories in the air, mixed with hostility and necessity. Sheng determined to look through the night scene and pointed directly at the thousand calamities wrapped in flames.

In the next second, in the night sky that had just been lit up by the flames of a thousand calamities, bursts of dark clouds quickly condensed.

"Oh?" Alicia's eyes lit up, "Is it possible to see Mei's all-out attitude here? This is really a surprise."

Although strictly speaking, manipulating the weather is not a kind of power of thunder, but... the knowledge contained in the spiral imprint that Wei Wei handed over to her includes various backdoors to the huge data of Paradise.

Even if she can't directly modify the data like the Herrscher of Corrosion, just changing the weather and making the weather in Eternal Paradise more suitable for the power of thunder she possesses, it's not impossible matter.

The cold wind under the night gradually neighed, and the thick dark clouds shone with bright and distorted thunder lights. At the moment when the body that flew upside down reached the highest point, Lei Dian Mei suddenly raised his palm, with an expression like The queen is generally cold.

Several thick electric arcs burst out through the clouds, and under Leiden Mei's incomparably precise control, those flashes of lightning seemed to be attracted by a lightning rod, condensing on her raised palm, Immediately afterwards, the electric arc, which was originally just a broken line, turned into a sphere, and lost its original brightness, turning into a misty condensate that almost turned into a solid.

"Since you claim to be that man, then try to take this blow for me!"

With an order, the super lightning that was condensed by Leiden Mei to the point of almost turning into substance fell straight down towards Zhun Qianjie's body.

But in the next moment, after seeing the figure facing Leiden, Mei Lei's pupils shrank slightly.

"Hmph." Qian Jie raised his palm, and took it lightly, this flash of high heat and huge impact, and then followed the thunder and lightning, and let out a soft mocking sound at Lei Dian Mei.

It's like saying "I've got you".

Chapter 158 Green·Qiana·Green 5k

Although it was the super lightning that was caught by him, the moment Raiden Mei's line of sight met the two [eyes] that were similar to eye slits and were burning raging flames on the Qianjie mask, there was a surge of An unspeakable chill suddenly rushed from the back to the back of the head.

It's not just his own attack, what is really caught by Qian Jie is his exact position in the night sky at this moment.

In less than half a second, the moment when Lei Ting was caught by Qian Jie, what came into Lei Dian Mei's field of vision was nothing but the ground with two deep footprints left.

The figure of Qianjie, who had just caught the super lightning, disappeared like a phantom.

Leiden Mei saw through Qianjie's intention, but was a step too late.

Even though she is a Herrscher, Mei Raiden can fly freely even in the sky with no strength to rely on.

But even so, it is also because she cannot borrow strength. Even if she is the Herrscher of Thunder, with the help of the weather, she has cast a full blow, and in a short period of time, there is no way to regain her self-esteem. Proud speed.

As a result, Leiden Mei could only watch helplessly, the Qianjie who disappeared in place like a phantom, turned into a meteor going upstream, and he, who was wrapped in a raging fire, approached him in less than a millisecond come over.

The fiery wind blows towards the face, mercilessly burning the glare of the visual system, making Leiden Mei's vision tremble slightly, and what he sees is no longer the things in front of him, but the printed image of himself at [-] second. Afterwards, it was burned to the ground by Qianjie's explosive blow.

At this critical moment of death, after predicting her own death, Raiden Mei suddenly closed her eyes as if she had given up all resistance.

Then, she slightly turned her head away, revealing the huge gun barrel of the rising bloody arc.

No—that's not a cannon barrel, but a red dragon with its mouth wide open.

The reason why Raiden Mei closed her eyes was not because she gave up resistance, but because she wanted to protect her visual system from the next wanton burst of strong light.

The next moment, the bloody beam of light wrapped in electric arcs, like a huge searchlight, completely devoured Qianjie's body wrapped in raging fire.

Although she turned off her visual system in time and was not directly hit by the light beam, Leiden Mei could still feel the strong light that almost drenched her eyelids, and her cheeks became hot as if she was close to a stove.

When Kurigara bombarded Qianjie's body with thunder beams, Mei Lei, who closed her eyes, held her five fingers on the handle of her knife with incomparable precision.

She is well aware of the power of a thousand kalpas, and she can clearly understand that ordering Kurikara to meet a thousand kalpas is no different from ordering it to commit suicide.Relying on the lightning strike of Kurigara alone, even the hope of being injured for a thousand kalpas is very slim.

But even so, Qianjie's body that shot straight into the sky from below still stopped for a moment because of the sudden bombardment.

In the next second, the extremely thick blood-colored light beams scattered like bursting balloons, and after easily smashing the light beams wrapped in electric arcs, Qianjie's posture was like a meteor flying against the sky, hitting all of them mercilessly. Ligalo's lower jaw forcibly closed its huge mouth.

After being hit directly by Qianjie's fist with high heat and great strength, Kurigara couldn't even utter a mournful cry, and just lost consciousness powerlessly, and the huge dragon body also fell from midair because it stopped moving. He fell heavily.

At the same time, Raiden Mei, who realized that the conflict was over, opened her eyes again, and exerted force on the five fingers holding the handle of the knife, aiming at the opening that Qianjiena showed because of his fist at Kurigara. Without the slightest gap, he drew his sword at Qianjie who was close at hand.

The speed at which the knife is swung, the landing point of the blade, the timing of the enemy's opening, everything is perfect.

But, lost.

Facing Raiden Mei's excellent surprise attack, Qian Jie only did one simple thing to defuse her blow.

He raised his other arm, erected it, and held it around his neck.

Then, under Qianjie's arm, Leiden Mei's Herrscher Armor was shattered.



It is obvious that he is the Herrscher, another creature that is different from human beings, but at this moment, the word "monster" still flowed through Leiden Mei's mind uncontrollably.

At the same moment, smashing the thunder and lightning bombardment released by Kurigara knocked down its huge body, and even smashed its own Herrscher armor head-on... If it's not a monster, what else is there? Something to do it all?

Although such a detached scene made people feel hopeless, Leiden Mei, who had already known Qianjie's true strength, just clicked her tongue and launched her final resistance without any confusion.

After all - when it comes to monsters, as a Herrscher himself, he doesn't give up much.

The specific performance is that even if the Herrscher's armament in her hand is broken, even if her hands are briefly paralyzed due to the violent shock, she can still rely on another pair of hands and another Taidao to separate the two arms. A thousand kalpas that have been infused with power... Chase to apply the final sword.

Accompanied by the Herrscher God Ring that appeared out of thin air, the two arms that looked like ghosts and gods resembled the ancient armor, and drew out the huge sword.

"Heh——" Qian Jie raised his head slightly, and on the mask that covered his face, there was a slanted crack like a ghost, and he let out a pleasant and hearty laugh, "It's not bad, Herrscher .”

Facing Raiden Mei's indomitable resistance, Qianjie gave the highest evaluation that was beyond everyone's expectations——

"However, I've almost had enough fun—" In this way, with what can be called insulting words, he drew an end to this battle that was just "playing around" in his eyes, but which almost drove Raiden Mei to a dead end. Terminator, "——fall."


Following Qianjie's order, the half-melted meteorites formed a dense meteor swarm, covering the airspace where Leiden Mei was located.

Although I saw the meteor that suddenly fell down from the sky, whether it was because of the ferocious power of Qianjie, the arm that fell into a paralyzed state when the sword was shattered; or because of the super lightning that was fully controlled before, However, it is impossible to invoke the power of the Herrscher for the second time in a short period of time, and there is no way to effectively resist the meteor that has been called for a thousand kalpas.

In desperation, Leiden Mei could only forcibly control the two huge armor arms suspended in the air, forcibly changing the trajectory of the heavy sword that swung down towards Qianqianjie's body, and made them stand upright. On top of his head, to resist this fierce and hot meteor shower.

boom!Although at the last moment, he managed to resist the direct impact of the meteorites, but in the deafening explosion, Leiden Mei's body was still unavoidable and was mercilessly smashed down from midair by the surging force of the meteorites. Go down and land on your back.

"Hmm—" Bearing the impact force enough to shatter the bones and muscles of an ordinary person in an instant, Leiden Mei couldn't help but let out a somewhat distressed voice. Before she could recover from the violent shock, a person with A beautiful face with a worried look suddenly appeared in her field of vision.

"Mei, are you alright?" The Herrscher of Corruption who usurped Alicia's identity squatted down with a look of genuine worry, and stretched out his hand to her, "Really, I'm I told Qian Jie to hold back for a while, it was just a meaningless fight, what are you two doing so seriously?"

When she heard these chattering words, Leiden Mei's eyes couldn't help being in a daze. Once upon a time, she thought that she might not be able to adapt to Alicia's nagging but quite individual free personality, but when she loves After Licia disappeared, seeing the Herrscher of Corrosion doing something that only Alicia would do with Alicia's face... a kind of indescribable sadness and pain without warning surged into her chest.

"Don't touch me——!" Because of this uncontrollable sadness, Raiden Mei waved away the palm that Alicia extended to her, she clenched her teeth tightly, and exerted all her strength on her body , with all his strength, he staggered up from the cracked ground, "Don't use Alicia's tone...to speak to me like that!"

"But even if you say that..." Alicia, who was waved away by Leiden Mei, didn't show any sad expression, she scratched her pink hair, looking a little embarrassed, "...but I am love Licia herself, let me not talk to you in Alicia's tone, Mei is too embarrassing, right?"

Blood pressure went up again.

She was so angry that she almost lost her mind, but the sense of powerlessness that spread all over her body let Leiden Mei know that she must not let meaningless anger dominate her brain.

Has it been temporarily recalled by the Herrscher of Corrosion?You can't see Qianjie's figure either in the air or on the ground. If it weren't for the still burning flames around and the cracks he smashed on the ground to remind others that what a tragic battle just happened here, maybe... ... Raiden Mei will think that everything before is just her own illusion.

... No, even if the thousand calamities just now were really just an illusion, the feeling of exhaustion of this power is still real.

On the other hand, the culprit who caused him to become what he is now, this Herrscher of Corrosion who looks exactly like Alicia, doesn't even breathe randomly.

In other words... the outcome has been decided.

Weiwei's judgment is correct. In this data space, from a certain point of view, the Herrscher of Corrosion is indeed an existence that she cannot overcome.

Therefore, now that he couldn't find any other way, all he could rely on was the careful plan arranged by Wei Wei.

Weiwei once told Leiden Mei that before she met Herrscher of Corrosion, she had written a message to Su... According to Weiwei's instructions, before Su reunited with her and revealed all her plans, she would His mission is to hold back the Herrscher of Corrosion in front of him at the lowest possible cost.

But, having said that...

After adjusting her chaotic breathing due to extreme anger for a while, Raiden Mei regrouped and focused on the innocent Alicia, only to feel that her blood pressure began to rise uncontrollably again.

...How did this guy do it?Raiden Mei couldn't figure it out.

Obviously Wei Wei told her clearly that Alicia's data has been completely deleted by the Herrscher of Corrosion, not by [corrosion] like Mebius, Kevin and Qianjie. .

In other words, even if it is the Herrscher of Corrosion, now that Alicia's data is gone, the most she can do is to imitate Alicia, and there is no way to act like she just arrived. Like a thousand calamities, use her data to make another Alicia.

But——is the so-called [imitation] able to achieve this level?

As a master swordsman and a Herrscher, her five senses are much sharper than ordinary humans.Although Raiden Mei can see that Alicia in front of her is not a memory in the Paradise of the Past like other Ying Jie, but at the same time, she can clearly feel that the Herrscher of Corruption in front of her, whether it is From any point of view, it was no different from the Alicia she knew.

Appearance, tone of voice, voice, breathing rate, emotion in sight, skin temperature, even subtle habitual movements—every second you spend with this Herrscher of Corrosion, you clearly know that she is the Herrscher of Corrosion, obviously Knowing that she is the culprit that caused Alicia's memory to disappear, the information obtained from the various senses of the body [she is Alicia herself] will still turn into thoughts uncontrollably It flooded into Leiden Mei's mind, and was deeply engraved on her thinking, unwilling to leave.

This feeling was really bad, and even made Mei Lei start to wonder if her brain was being eroded by the other party without her noticing, but Mei Lei knew very well that if the Herrscher of Corrosion could really If she erodes her own thinking when she can't notice it, then she doesn't need to deal with herself like this at all.

So, even though this fact made her feel very frustrated and annoyed, could it be said that her understanding of Alicia by Leiden Mei was even far inferior to that of the Herrscher of Corrosion?

Yes, like——

"Although Mei seems to be a bit unwilling to admit defeat, I don't think you will mind. Before further deciding the winner, please talk to me first, right?"

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