As he spoke, Otto couldn't help but recall a certain niece that Teresa hadn't recognized for nearly ten years. In the face of this real case, his tone suddenly became a little more confident. Insufficient up.

"I have to admit that I was really slapped by that so-called researcher." He sighed helplessly, "Now that I think about it, since he can hack into the internal system of the Destiny Headquarters so easily, how Of course, it also means that he already knows all the information about our destiny, and of course it is impossible not to take countermeasures against Ulandal and Rita..."

"...No, purely on this point, from the moment he invaded the Destiny System as if entering no one's land, I was actually mentally prepared."

"I can only say that no matter how cautious I am, I really can't predict... There is actually someone in this world who can come up with such an effective plan to deal with the two S-rank Valkyries of Destiny."

Otto thought he was cautious enough about the news of the Herrscher of the Sky. In order to deal with the intelligence sent to the headquarters of Destiny by unknown strangers until now, he sent all the people that Destiny could mobilize to Tianqiong City. Two S-rank Valkyrie, although the individual strength of these two S-rank Valkyrie cannot be generalized, but also, as an S-rank Valkyrie, Rita is completely different from all other Valkyrie.

Leaving aside Teresa, an experimental body that is similar to a fusion warrior, myself, the two ancients who are over five hundred years old lying in the petri dish, and the body of the Herrscher... such unconventional people In addition, Rita, the S-rank Valkyrie, is already at the forefront of destiny in terms of strength and experience.

It can be said that the two S-rank Valkyrie, Ulandal and Rita, themselves represent the armed forces with more than [-]% of the Destiny.

However... Rita actually failed.

Not only did Rita lose contact, but in front of the bright burst of thunder, the mission recorder that Rita had been secretly turning on, as well as all the equipment driven by electricity on the Valkyrie armor she was wearing, were all together. In an instant, everything lost its original function.

After Rita completely cut off contact with Destiny... Urandale, who followed closely behind, even lost the chance to send the mission report.

Losing two Valkyries one after another, who can be said to be at the pillar level, even Otto, who is as proud as Otto, has to admit his carelessness and failure.

"If the Herrscher who suddenly appeared is identified as Raiden Mei for the time being...that inconspicuous little girl has completely controlled her Herrscher's power before K423." Otto raised his eyes, carefully Looking at the holographic projection that has been turned into a surveillance screen again, the barren scene suspended in mid-air has long been empty, except for the burnt traces of the trees and the huge potholes that suddenly appeared on the ground, still silently reminding the splendid scene not long ago In addition, the culprit who caused all this has completely lost track, "Is it the research result of anti-entropy? No... If anti-entropy has successfully found a way to help Herrscher regain humanity, and reached an agreement with anti-entropy Teresa of the alliance has no reason not to let K423 try to control the power of the Herrscher of the Sky."

"Also... Let's not mention Rita, why did Ulandal lose so quickly?"

Although the traces on the scene give people a thrilling feeling, Otto is very aware of the strength of Youlandelle. If she really tried her best to fight her opponent head-on and was defeated in the end, this piece of land located on the outskirts of Tianqiong City The wilderness should have been wretched already.

However, the expected environmental changes did not occur in that wilderness. During the few minutes when the Herrscher of Thunder used his power to block the monitoring of the destiny satellite, the traces left by the battlefield even made Otto feel It felt like Ulandal didn't put up much resistance at all.

"Is it because Rita fell into the opponent's hands first, and was coerced so that he couldn't use his full strength? Or, does the opponent have some kind of means that can make both Rita and Ulandal lose their fighting power?"

"Although from the resume sent by Amber, the researcher Li Shubai who hijacked K423 in the video sent back by Rita did maintain the Valkyrie armor for Rita and Ulandal, but in his destiny It should be impossible to have access to the core components and technology of the fourth-generation Godslayer Armor."

"Wait... Look at the position where the Herrscher of Thunder suddenly appeared. Could it be that she wants to protect the boy who was attacked by Mei Lei?"

Otto's eyes lit up slightly.

"If you think about it along this line of thought, you can naturally come to such a conclusion."

"—His research and understanding of Herrscher is much deeper than our destiny and anti-entropy."

"And since the other party even completed the experiment to help the Herrscher regain his humanity one step ahead of me, and even obtained the undoubtedly huge achievement of the Herrscher of Thunder, then he cannot be judged by the usual way of thinking."

"While presupposing as many possibilities as possible, we must also look at him with a more unreasonable perspective."

Suddenly, Otto couldn't help but twitched, and a trace of indescribable tiredness and discomfort flowed through his blue pupils.

"Tsk, think about it carefully, it really makes people feel a little bit disappointed. Although you are the Bishop of Destiny, however, no matter whether it is a capable person... or someone close to me, they all choose to leave me one by one. "

"In the eyes of that researcher, am I such a bishop who is not worthy of his trust?"

"Obviously you only need to report your own research results truthfully, let alone a mere research institute, even if you give him this destiny, it's not impossible..."

"...or did you accidentally persecute such a talented family member or someone important at a time I don't remember?"

Alas, Bishop Otto sighed with some headache, he raised his palm, and the golden light quickly condensed into the shape of a lighter between his white gloved fingers.

He lit up the lighter, ignited the stack of personal resumes and intelligence files about "Li Shubai" collected and submitted by Amber, and then threw them to the center of the desk without any hesitation, staring at it Gradually shrinking and finally turning into ashes, golden flames loomed in Bishop Otto's pupils.

Since none of these materials have any reference value, keeping them here will only mislead your own judgment.

Now, with both Ulandal and Rita under the control of the other party, the last way I have left is probably to go out and talk to him in person.

"Amber, next, I will leave for some time."

"If I don't come back in a short time, you will take over all the affairs of the destiny for the time being."

"good luck with your work."

After thinking about it, Otto deleted the last message before walking out of the room.

"The next time, let you work hard for a while."

Chapter 235 When she died, she suddenly opened in the dormitory... 4K

Intrinsic World January 2014, 1, 10:[-] pm.

Fu Hua feels very wrong recently.

Rather, since the third Honkai broke out, after Teresa and Jizi brought back the three women and one man who were quite wrong in various senses in Changkong City, the entire St. Freya College was filled with excitement. A very quirky vibe.

Not long ago, everything that Fu Hua encountered when she collaborated with Ji Zi's team to recover the God's Key in the South China Sea also proved that her feeling was not wrong.

Whether it's the Herrscher of the Sky who suddenly borrowed Kiana's body for unknown reasons and doesn't seem to be hostile to humans, or Bronya and Raiden who are not surprised by this incident at all. Mei, and even Rita Losweise whose hair grew a lot suddenly... The occurrence of this series of abnormal phenomena all led Fu Hua's thinking to a very obvious conclusion.

That young man named Li Shubai, no matter how he looked at it, was quite wrong.

However, this ailment does not refer to any bad aspects. After all, no matter how you look at it, it is an excellent thing for human civilization to allow a Herrscher to coexist peacefully with human beings.

Therefore, after the South China Sea incident ended, Fu Hua didn't even report the mission information to Bishop Otto immediately, but was just planning to find an opportunity to communicate with the boy in the next few days.

Then on the first day of the new term...the plan fails.

Except for the class time, the boy was either called away by Ji Zi, or he just played missing, and even in class, he simply laid down on the table and snored without doing anything...

Well, anyway, the next time is still very long. If she can't find a chance on the first day, there will always be a time when she can catch that boy.

And then...he was gone.

The literal kind.

Obviously, Qiyana, Raiden Mei, and Bronya, who are also survivors of the third Holocaust, are still in class normally, but Li Shubai is the only one who disappeared after the first day of class. When Fu Hua went to Teresa and Jizi to confirm the situation with the help of the class monitor, he only got an answer of "he has some private affairs of his own, so he left school temporarily", which was obviously perfunctory for her.

Besides the missing boy, Teresa, Himeko, and Kiyana's attitude towards themselves...became weird after that.

Her apparent identity is just an A-level Valkyrie. Although she is very talented, she is only a student of St. Freya Academy after all. But for some reason, Teresa and Himeko are the head of the academy. The teacher... But he can always show an emotion similar to respect and emotion when getting along with her.

Qiyana is even more strange. According to Fu Hua's understanding, although this guy has a detached personality, due to her childhood experience of wandering, except for the special situation of Mei Lei's body, it should be difficult for her to get rid of it in a short period of time. Just place complete trust in a stranger.

But... after the South China Sea mission, Fu Hua could clearly feel the closeness and natural trust of this little worm towards her, which made her feel like she had done something wrong. While feeling guilty, he couldn't help feeling a little creepy.

This girl... Could it be that she has the same unreasonable thoughts about me as she did about Mei?Fu Hua couldn't help muttering to herself, but as a spy sent by Bishop Otto to monitor Kiyana, she couldn't simply reject Kiyana's kindness, no matter whether it was emotionally or rationally.

Therefore, our Chiyuan Shangxian reviewed how the word "Mei Zhe" is written after a long absence. She could only try to extract information about the boy from Qiyana's mouth, while quietly observing whether Qiyana was It's not true that he has completely controlled the power of the Herrscher of the Sky.

However——both of these plans fell through.

She could clearly feel Kiyana's trust and closeness to her, but even in this situation, whenever she secretly asked what happened to the boy who participated in the South China Sea mission with them, However, Qiyana can always laugh and throw out the news that she has heard more than once from Teresa and Jizi. Obviously, these three people have colluded in advance, and as for Herrsrscher of the Sky - in the South China Sea After showing his face for a short time, Fu Hua never saw her again in St. Freya College.

After struggling for a long time, she specially contacted Otto for a long time, and then received a radiant answer from the bishop:

"The Xilin plan has been completed, and you have completed our agreement, Immortal Chiyuan, as for the next thing, just act according to your own heart."


After finishing speaking, before the dazed Fu Hua could ask anything, Bishop Otto, who seemed to be lying in a bush, hung up the communication without hesitation.

Ever since, Fu Hua, who had honorably resigned from the post of [Spy], really...became a student of St. Freya College.

It's all a mess... While recalling a series of weird things that happened in the past two days, Fu Hua, who finished his day's homework, walked back to the dormitory with a stomach full of speechless confusion.

Her apparent identity was discovered by Jizi Wuliangta, and she was also a Valkyrie who directly belonged to the Extreme East branch and was promoted to A-level in the Extreme East branch. As an A-level Valkyrie, Fu Hua's The accommodation conditions for a single person are even more generous than that of Qiyana and her party combined.

Therefore, when she was thinking about whether to find a chance to visit Qiyana's side, and whether she could find a way to find out the specific situation on their side, after seeing the brightly lit scene in her dormitory, Fu Hua couldn't help but I fell into deep thought.

The person who suddenly visited his dormitory did not hide his traces and aura. There was even a wooden board engraved with the words "Grandly welcome the return of Ms. Fu Hua" at the door. The wooden board was full of gaudy patterns , the glass windows that let in the interior lights were painted over.


As if aware of the return of the owner of the room, a big fat cat that Fu Hua was familiar with lying on the wooden board stretched its waist, let out a weak cry, and then slipped in through the crack of the door. .


Fu Hua raised her hand and helped the flat mirror on the bridge of her nose. After standing there for a while, she silently called out her own Yu Duchen

Yu Duchen didn't respond... In other words, what he saw was not an illusion.

The cat just now...seems a little familiar, not only it, but also the uninvited guests in the dormitory who didn't hide their aura at seems that there are many people who feel a little familiar to me for no reason.

Our Chiyuan Immortal acted aboveboard all her life, and squad leader Fu Hua was also a good child who didn't know how to avoid danger, so after a moment of contemplation, she was still mentally prepared to face everything, and stepped forward to open the door of her dormitory .

"Hey, the Hua of this world is finally back." As soon as the door was opened, the two pink pupils were filled with excitement, and the fairy lady came up immediately, one left and one right supported Fu Hua's shoulders, and put She pushed into the room, "Come in, come in, we've been waiting for you for a long time! Let everyone see how you've been doing these years? Well... Speaking of which, you really like this exercise uniform, the first I am a student for the second time, why can't I choose more youthful clothes? She is still so young in appearance."

Suddenly being attacked by two pink goblin ladies, Fu Hua didn't even react at all for a moment. When she remembered that it was impossible for Alicia to be alive, so the two goblin girls in front of her should be fakes. The picture in the living room made her lose the ability to speak all of a sudden.

Patoferis, who was lying on her side with a relaxed face on the sofa, hugged the fat cat that had just come back from the door, and Gracie, who was literally spreading paint on the window, was holding a Higokumaru Sakura with a gentle face, and even Mebius and Aponia, who still have some memories of Fuhua because they are too dangerous, are there.

And compared to these familiar people in various senses, the person who came out of the kitchen after hearing the movement from the door was even more important.

"Uh... sorry, I was planning to come to you alone." Wearing an apron, Fu Hua [Valkyrie · Xun Yu] was holding a spatula in her hand. She looked ashamed and said a little embarrassedly. He scratched his hair with the other hand, "It's just... you know, I can't stop Alicia from doing what she wants to do."

"Oh, how can you say that about Miss Goblin?" Alicia [Miss Pink Goblin?] pouted her pink mouth in dissatisfaction, "Isn't it that you want to take a good look at your former companions? Everyone would want to do it? You say, right?"

"Just say it, just say it." Alicia [True Self Herrsrscher] immediately echoed, "I finally came to this world and got such a precious opportunity. Of course, I have to do everything I want to do. It's all done! Don't you see that the other companions have not objected to my decision?"

"..." Fu Hua [Valkyrie·Xun Yu] sighed long and shook his head.She ignored the two goblin ladies who were talking more and more vigorously, but looked directly at herself in this world, and said in a rather helpless tone: "I know you have a lot of things to ask now, so..."

"Hua——! That pot of yours is about to burn!" Suddenly, Wei Wei's voice came from the kitchen.

"Uh... well, I'll go over right away." Fu Hua [Valkyrie·Xun Yu] responded quickly, and then took out a feather Duchen and handed it to Fu Hua who had no chance to interject, "I Go back first and continue to prepare for dinner with Weiwei. During this time, please accept the memories stored by Kataba Duchen first. After reading these memories, if you have any questions, I will take them together Let me explain it to you, understand?"

After finishing speaking, after stuffing Yu Duchen into his own hands in this world, without waiting for her response, Fu Hua [Valkyrie·Xun Yu] rushed back to the kitchen in a hurry.

——That's it, after a good dinner.

"...A hyperspace ship that shuttles between worlds and time? I see." After reading the memory of [Valkyrie·Xun Yu] stored in Yu Duchen, Fu Hua finally understood the situation. She took a look at [Yun Mo Dan Xin] with a plain face, and then at [Valkyrie·Xun Yu], who was no different from her in terms of dress or appearance, rubbed her brows slightly, "So, the true identities of the two of you are indeed mine... As for why there are two Alicias, it is also because of this reason."

"Do the dean and Qiyana know about this?" Suddenly, Fu Hua asked tentatively as if he remembered something.

"Yeah." [Valkyrie·Xun Yu] nodded, "In fact, when the third Houkai happened, Kiyana on your side had already experienced the consciousness of Kiyana from another world It was mapped. Not long after that, Principal Teresa came to the Hyperion with her in order to find a way for Kiana to control the power of the Herrscher of the Sky."

"No wonder... Qiyana's attitude towards me is so strange." Fu Hua recalled Qiyana's recent strange behavior, and nodded, "So, have you succeeded... It seems that there is no need to ask about this matter. .”

"Hmm." [Valkyrie·Xun Yu] nodded casually, as if he recognized Fu Hua's rhetoric, and then cut straight to the point, "This time we are here to find you, and we want to invite you to join us in our next action."

"What do you want to do?" Fu Hua asked, "Based on your knowledge of my current situation, you should know that I don't have much strength left."

"I know, frankly speaking, although my physical injuries have been recovered, in terms of combat performance, I am not much better than you are now." [Valkyrie·Xun Yu] smiled wryly, "But , after looking at the members currently in this dormitory, you should also understand... If it is power, it is no longer a problem for our Hyperion."

Fu Hua glanced at the two Alicias, and nodded: "...Indeed."

"So, what we need now is an [anchor point] that has experienced enough time in this era of civilization that we can successfully find the target position on the timeline."

"You want to interfere with the past of this world?" Fu Hua's pupils narrowed slightly, "Then why don't you go directly to Otto? He should be more interested in this matter."

"Not looking for Otto is purely because of personal grievances." [Valkyrie Xun Yu] spread his hands, "everyone on the Hyperion, more or less have some frictions and gaps with this Catholic bishop, so... as a cooperation Partner, of course he was ranked last."

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