What kind of person you meet and what you should say, in the process of communication, Li Shubai can probably properly prepare for all of these, and make the communication between the two sides go smoothly.

But it's a pity... After all, this is a communication habit cultivated in the workplace. This set of communication logic based on intelligence analysis does not apply to Qiyana [The Law of Salinity] in front of Li Shubai. By].

The reason is also very simple.

"Well, I really already know that I was wrong." Li Shubai said cautiously, "Can't this matter be exposed for now?"

"How can that work?" Kiyana [Herserscher of Fire Flame] still had a smile on her face, "As our supreme commander, how could our Captain Shubai make a mistake in his judgment?"

Even Li Shubai, who can be said to be ignorant in terms of emotions, knows that it is impossible to expect girls in a state of rage to speak well.

Moreover, the more critical thing is——

"Miss Kiyana, please allow Rita to interrupt first."

Beside Qiyana [Herserscher of Fire Flame], there are still a lot of think tanks with the same ugly faces.

"Compared to asking the captain to give an answer here, the more important thing is to let the captain return to the Hyperion as soon as possible."

They were supposed to be their own Valkyries, but at this moment, everyone present stood beside Qiyana [Herrscher of Fire].

"Rita is right." Ulandal [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] said lightly, "Compared with the captain's behavior of leaving without warning, it is more important for the captain to return to the Hyperion as soon as possible. important."

"Master Captain, if Rita remembers correctly, before setting out to find Kevin, you should have promised Rita that after the mission in this world is completed, you will immediately return to the Huberian and talk to Huberian in person. Everyone on the ship is guilty, isn't it?" Rita [Cang Knight·Moon Soul] stared into Li Shubai's eyes with a sweet smile, "We Valkyries who belong to the captain can be on the Hyperion with our original The world we are in is free to come and go, the captain should have the same authority as us, right? How about returning to the Hyperion immediately under everyone's noses?"

"Well, but I haven't put the end--"

"Don't you want to go to the moon again?!"

Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of metal deformation, the handrail in Qiyana's [Herserscher of Fire] was deeply embedded by her fingers.

"You want to go to the moon again, yes, but this time, I want to go with the captain!"

"No!" Without even thinking about it, Li Shubai rejected Qiyana's proposal in a second, "No... Kiyana, don't get me wrong, I really don't have the ability to look down on you, nor I don't believe what you mean, it's just..."

"...don't want to see us get hurt, do you?" Qiyana [Herserscher of Fire] took a deep breath, her blue pupils filled with fiery anger, "But Captain, you have I never thought that you are forcing us to do things that you can't even do yourself. You worry about us, don't we worry about you?"

"That's different, Qiyana." Li Shubai said earnestly.

"What's the difference?" Kiana [Herserscher of Fire] stared at her captain stubbornly, "Is it because you are stronger than me? Then why are you willing to let Kevin and Bronya follow you?" !"

"Because, if we consider the worst case, the price we need to pay is not at the same level." Li Shubai closed his eyes lightly and sighed.

"Bronya told me a long time ago, isn't it just staying alone on the moon, do you think I can't bear it?" Qiyana [The Herrscher of Salinity] stared at Li Shubai, and retorted, "Neither Death will not be deprived of one's humanity by the Honkai consciousness, and even under special circumstances, there is a chance to meet everyone, but it is only by paying this level of price that the Honkai can be defeated, what does the captain disagree with? Compared with the situation of the captain, it is clear that the price I paid is much smaller!!"

Qiyana [Herserscher of Fire] gasped for a moment, and lowered her voice that had unknowingly become louder: "I know you like me very much, Captain, I... including Mei, Bu Lonia, Ulandal...and everyone on the Hyperion also like the captain very, very much."

"I can also clearly understand that the captain has been working hard for our affairs, but it is precisely because of this, Captain Shubai, that you should understand that we, who have been helped by you, are all I hope I can stand by your side in an upright manner."

"Even if—you might kill everyone, including Raiden Mei, Bronya, Teresa, Himeko... and many others?"


At the moment when Qiyana's words fell, Li Shubai said this in a bone-chilling voice.

"..." All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the entire conference room became audible.

"Captain... what did you say?" After being dazed for a long time, Qiyana [Herserscher of Fire] spoke with difficulty, "You...don't scare me! What do you mean I will..."

"Bronya is from the future after Honkai was defeated, you should all know that." Li Shubai said lightly, "However, I don't seem to have ever said that the way that the world can defeat Honkai is applicable to Of all the parallel worlds, the price borne by Kiyana in that world...is the heaviest, right?"

Bronya [Secondary Silver Wing] frowned deeply, and her pupils shrank slightly: "Could it be that..."

"As my Valkyrie, you all know that the Hyperion I hold has the function of observing various times and various world lines. And the endings of several worlds... Oh, I think, you should I don't want to see it." Li Shubai spread his hands, "Now, Qiyana, let me ask you again——"

"Are you really going to put the lives of 70 billion people in the world in this era of human civilization at the risk of being destroyed for your so-called personal will?"

Qiyana [Herserscher of Salinity Flame] pursed her lips, and said with some difficulty: "I—"

"Just based on your experience of failing once?" Li Shubai interrupted the other party's words without hesitation. He raised his head and stared coldly at Qiyana's sudden Blue eyes showing a daze and bewilderment, "You shouldn't forget how lucky you are to be able to get this posture?"

"If it wasn't for the power of the Plague Gem to assist you, the Herrscher of Thousands and the Herrscher of the Sky, would you have won them?"

"If there were no time traveler like me intervening in your world, would you have saved the life of your captain and teacher, Wuliang Ta Jizi?"

Beads in every word.

"Yes, in the future where Bronya lives, Kiyana in their world did pay a relatively minimal price to successfully seal Honkai, but are you sure that you will definitely become her? Or... ...Can you be [-]% sure that at the moment when the end comes, you can absolutely do what another person can do?" Li Shubai straightened his collar, and then put his palm behind his back , stood up from the seat.

The circle of Valkyries surrounding him subconsciously took a step back.

"You can call me vindictive, or you can call me authoritarian, I don't care." Li Shubai said, "But while scolding me, I hope you understand that things that have not been experienced will not be just because of what you say." The sentence [I can definitely do it] will turn into reality. If an irreparable tragedy really happens, even if I use the ability of time travel to forcefully rewrite it-everything that happened will still be left on you. The next scar that cannot be erased is like maggots attached to the bones, and the roots are broken."

"Qiana." Suddenly, Li Shubai cast his gaze on Qiyana [Herrscher of Fire] who lowered his head slightly, and said softly, "Even if you have completely mastered Herrscher of Sky and Herrscher of Flame Strength, but, I think, you should never be able to forget the scene where your most respected teacher fell before your eyes."

"It's impossible for you to want that kind of thing to happen before your eyes again, and neither do I." Li Shubai said, "So, I will definitely not repeat your mistakes."

Accompanied by unhurried footsteps and voices without emotion, the Valkyries who circled the city involuntarily gave way to Li Shubai while walking by.

"I'm going to return the authority of this Hyperion to Dr. Einstein. When anti-entropy regains control of it, I will return to my own Hyperion."

Chapter 262 Straightforward Artificial Intelligence 4k

"...Oh, I'm really nothing."

Hyperion, command room.

Li Shubai lowered his upper body slightly, stretched his hands to support the alloy table top of the podium, and let out a long sigh.

"It's hard to understand, Captain, you are really a contradictory person." Prometheus, who appeared in the command room at some time, hovered behind Li Shubai expressionlessly, and she tilted her head, "Since you are walking If you will regret it immediately after falling, wouldn’t it be better not to say those words to that Valkyrie named Qiyana from the very beginning? Even if the captain doesn’t want her to get involved with the end, it should be possible to use more Gentle words and harsh exhortations will widen the distance between the hearts of both parties, and even an artificial intelligence like me can understand this kind of thing."

"You, an artificial intelligence, still know how to be gentle?" Li Shubai turned his face away, staring at Prometheus' immature and flat expression.

Prometheus blinked his eyes. If she wasn't artificial intelligence, Li Shubai would probably be able to easily capture the word speechless from the emotion in her eyes.

"After all, not everyone's professional level and knowledge reserves can be compared with Dr. Mei and the others, and not everyone's spirit is as tough as the captain and Kevin." Prometheus raised his arm to protect On the chest, it seems to be resisting something that is not here, "In order to allow me to stabilize the hope of most people when necessary, Dr. Mei equipped my language thinking module with a deceiving function. Gu Mei According to the doctor, although she doesn't like to treat anything irrationally, even she has to admit that white lies are an indispensable way to survive in the civilization and society formed by human beings. adjust."

Prometheus paused, and then continued: "For ordinary people, in many cases, ignorance may be the happier side than knowing all the facts."

"Dr. Mei told you that too?" Li Shubai asked.

Prometheus shook his head: "Although the function of deception was loaded by Dr. Mei for me, the last sentence is a theorem I summed up after collecting most cases."

"Then if you were replaced in my position, what kind of decision would you make?" Li Shubai asked a little curiously, "I'd like to know, from the perspective of artificial intelligence, how do you look at what happened in the conference room before?" things."

"Forgive me." Prometheus said in a cold tone, "From the perspective of artificial intelligence, in the conference room just now, whether it is the decision made by the captain or the way he expressed the decision to Kiana, it is very good. Crude, stupid. To say the least is like a parent trying to assert his authority over his children."

"Do you think so too?" Li Shubai smiled wryly, "It's really worthy of the artificial intelligence created by Dr. Mei, even the metaphor is so appropriate."

Li Shubai accepted Prometheus's evaluation so straightforwardly, which made the artificial duck a little confused.

She couldn't help tilting her head, hesitated for a moment, and added: "I think this kind of evaluation should be sharp enough."

"Sharp is sharp, but I don't understand the truth." Li Shubai shook his head and said softly, "In your eyes, the best choice should be to find a way to let Qiyana take over the final power, right?"

"Although there is indeed a possibility of failure, compared to other people, the Herrscher named Kiyana is indeed the Herrscher who has the best chance of becoming [the key]." Prometheus nodded, which is regarded as approval Li Shubai's judgment, "After successfully hacking into the other side of imaginary numbers, although I can't completely maintain the way of thinking as a human being, after loading the data into this body again, I can still remember clearly... ...the [Houkai Phenomenon] that has been imposed with a thinking frame, how much it favors that Herrscher."

"However..." Suddenly, Prometheus changed the subject, "...If the captain hadn't lied to Kiyana just now, the captain's concerns are not unreasonable."

"After all, no one can guarantee whether she can still maintain her will as a human being after accepting [Fate]." Prometheus said, "compared with the two cases that have already had clear results. , do you want Kiana to bear the risk of exterminating mankind by her own hands—"

"You misunderstood, Prometheus." Li Shubai interrupted Prometheus, he laughed, shook his head, and said softly, "Although this sentence may seem strange to me, but, I can guarantee that if Qiyana really stands in front of the end, then, no matter what, it is absolutely impossible for her to lose to Honkai."

"?" Prometheus was stunned, "But, didn't the captain just tell her..."

"I told Qiyana that I saw a future where human beings were wiped out by her own hands after she became the Herrscher of the Last, and I am indeed not lying." Li Shubai said lightly, "But, that world The situation in this world is quite different from the world we live in. If it is said that Kiyana in that world will become the end and restarting the world is a path close to fate, then the Kiyana in this world... That fate has been broken.”

"After all, strictly speaking, the Last Herrscher who restarted human civilization after cleaning the surface and watching humans die at his own hands, and the Kiyana Cass we are familiar with Lanna is not the same person at all."

"...So, what the captain just said was just a white lie?" Prometheus said.

"I can't talk about it." Li Shubai shrugged, "Didn't I say that I don't have any opinion on your evaluation of me, so although it is indeed a lie, if it is said to be in good faith... probably even myself There's no way to confirm it."

Prometheus frowned, and then stretched out immediately: "The logic of human thinking is indeed too difficult to understand."

"Rather than thinking about logic, it's better to say that it's some kind of behavior close to biological instinct." Li Shubai stood up straight, and his ten fingers jumped up and down on the keyboard of the podium, "Even if it's a beast, They also don't want to see their own cubs in a dangerous situation, especially for human beings who know right from wrong and distinguish between good and evil. Therefore, when they see their children crossing the road suddenly He will be extremely anxious, and after confirming that he is safe, he will not be able to help scolding him severely. Even if he regrets it after that, even if he sees the child's crying expression after being scolded, he will still be relentless. Do what you're supposed to do."

"However, the relationship between the captain and Kiyana is not that of father, daughter and relatives." Prometheus said, "Even, from the perspective of biological age, the captain who is now 16 years and seven months old, She is much more immature than Miss Kiyana who is now an adult."

"At this time, can you stop which pot is not open and carry which pot?" Li Shubai rolled his eyes, "Or in your eyes, Qiyana's way of thinking is more mature than mine?"

"That's right." Prometheus nodded.

"You also know... huh?" Li Shubai's fingers operating the keyboard paused, and he turned around in astonishment, "What did you just say? Repeat it again, I seem to have misheard."

"If the captain heard the word 'right', then he heard it right." Prometheus said.

"On what basis did you make this judgment?" Li Shubai tilted his head, "I don't think I'm so stupid as to be younger than Qiyana, am I?"

"The level of IQ and the maturity of the mind are essentially two different concepts." Prometheus said lightly, "Although the captain's knowledge reserve is richer than Qiyana's, and his strength is also stronger than the current Qia's. Na is stronger, but only in terms of maturity, the captain is no better than Kiyana... no, it should even be said that she is no better than most of the Valkyries on the Hyperion."

"For example?" Li Shubai asked.

"For example, compared with other Valkyries, the captain is a commander who cannot accept the sacrifice of his subordinates." Prometheus said succinctly.

"What does this have to do with maturity?" Li Shubai laughed angrily, "If there is any commander who is very happy to see his subordinates running to die, then my suggestion is to buy a hoe and go back to the field to cultivate the land Bar."

"But the fact is that in all battles, as long as the enemy has a real threat, sacrifices are unavoidable. Even if it is difficult to accept subjectively, you must force yourself to face reality. This is a qualified and mature Leaders should be mentally prepared." Prometheus said, "I would rather be the vanguard myself than to let my subordinates face unknown risks. For a supreme commander who controls the entire ship In terms of this, it is a manifestation of the captain's immaturity."

"If not wanting them to be hurt is also a manifestation of immaturity, then I would rather not need such maturity." Li Shubai said.

"But it is precisely because of the captain's immaturity that the Hyperion has to search for the captain's traces in the boundless Quantum Sea." Prometheus said calmly, "The domineering parents and human nature The child who ran away... the captain who has these two characteristics at the same time, doesn't he realize how much trouble he has caused his subordinates?"

"..." Li Shubai was at a loss for words for a moment.

Although he hasn't recovered his memory, he still doesn't understand the reason why he immediately went to the Hyperion, but even so, he has to admit that whether it's Kiana, Raiden Mei, Bronya or Stargazing How much effort did they put in to find their trace in the sea of ​​quantum.

... No matter what the reason was, Li Shubai couldn't deny it, because his arbitrariness had caused them so much trouble.

After being silent for a long while, Li Shubai clicked his tongue and looked away.

"Well, I don't deny how much trouble my past willfulness has caused everyone, and I'm not prepared to shirk my responsibilities." He turned his body around again, and continued to return the authority under his control little by little. To the anti-entropy of this world, "So, I will return to my Hyperion later, and sincerely apologize to everyone, so you should be satisfied."

"I was not included among the Valkyries who were looking for the captain in the Quantum Sea." Prometheus said lightly, "The captain shouldn't have asked me this question either."

"Has anyone ever said that you are actually difficult to communicate with?" Li Shubai said.

"Before accepting Dr. Mei's improvements to my thinking module, many people had such evaluations of me." Prometheus said, "That's why Dr. Mei painstakingly entered my database. A resource for language arts."

"Why didn't I feel these so-called language arts?" Li Shubai said with a dark face, "Your stinging way of speaking is definitely not aimed at me alone, is it?"

"I don't know." Prometheus blinked his emotionless eyes. If she was a living human being, this weird movement would probably become proof of lying. Sometimes, my data may also receive a certain degree of loss."

"That's really a coincidence, it's bad or bad, it has to be in communication." After pressing the last button, Li Shubai let out a long breath, "Okay, then this Hyperion will have nothing to do with me for the time being. gone."

As soon as the voice fell, the light that represented the leap of time and space quickly enveloped Li Shubai's whole body.

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