The petite girl was kneeling in the living room with her back facing her, her delicate calves and feet wrapped in velvet and white silk were on the outside of her thighs, her open fur coat trembled with the owner's constant pressing of the handle buttons, The skin on the exposed neck is fair and flawless.

As if hearing the sound of the door opening behind her, the little girl who tied her silver-gray hair into twin ponytails turned her face away, seeing that Li Shubai's expression didn't fluctuate at all, and her milky voice was flat: " Welcome back."

"..." My already tired brain developed a headache after seeing this scene.

Although the girl in front of him is very cute, and the unrestrained and sharp posture of playing games is also very suitable for his appetite, but before that, there is a more important question: "Why are you in this dormitory...? Teresa College The chief told me that this dormitory is a temporary dormitory out of vacancy, and there should be no one else there."

"It's true that no one lives in this dormitory. It's just that it was half an hour ago." The little girl's tone remained the same as before. She turned her face away and continued to focus on the game screen on the TV while talking to Li Shubai. Explain unhurriedly: "Bronya hacked into the student database of St. Freya College, and arranged her own data and files in it. Starting tonight, Bronya will be your roommate, a lot Advise."

Li Shubai really wanted to go back and ask Teresa if Destiny's system is a sieve, but seeing Bronya's way of concentrating on the game and not paying attention to her own violations, he suddenly felt Some weak.

So Li Shubai couldn't help but sighed: "Forget it...I'll go back to my room to rest first, you...just pay attention to yourself."

"Thank you for your concern, Bronya will take Li Shubai's advice to heart." Bronya said.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door that was just closed by Li Shubai.

"..." Tsk, why are there still people visiting at this hour?Didn't it mean that most of the students have already gone home?

It couldn't be Raiden Mei and Kiyana who were arranged in another dormitory, right?Li Shubai reluctantly walked to the door, stretched out his hand to grasp the doorknob, and opened the door while asking, "Who is that?"

The four eyes met, and Youlandelle's magnificent and flawless pupils like sapphires were full of seriousness and earnestness. She glanced at Li Shubai, closed the door as she entered the room, and walked around Li Shubai's body into the living room Then, he suddenly stood upright in a military posture, straightened his body, and made a standard backward turn. The plump heart tightly wrapped in the black military uniform was slightly shaken: "Valkyrie Youlandelle, Xiang Jian Long report, awaiting instructions."

"Oh..." Bronya turned her gaze again, and after glancing at Youlandelle who was standing at attention and Li Shubai who was stunned, she simply paused the game, stood up, and took a step back , the expressionless little face is filled with the words "eating melons and watching dramas".

While watching the play, Bronya also whispered to herself in her heart.

So he likes this tone?In the future, didn't I say that the captain likes a girl who can play games with her?I knew that I would not have taken the opportunity to change my clothes into a private server before I came here...

Li Shubai looked at Youlandelle with a serious face, and his headache became more intense.

Although in the Huberian earlier, Kiyana guessed that this Ulandal should belong to her Huberian just like the Herrscher of Fire and the grown-up Bronya. But to be honest, until now, he still has no way of grasping how to get along with these Valkyries who claim to be his crew members.

It would be a lie to say that they are very familiar with each other, but if it is said that they are completely strangers, then Li Shubai really can't do it in the game. Judging from the few words revealed during this period of time, these Valkyries who claimed to be his crew members were indeed quite familiar with him, otherwise they wouldn't have said the kind of words that made him want to die.

Seemingly seeing that Li Shubai's thinking was being tormented by exhaustion and confusion, Youlandelle's serious and even rigid expression softened in an instant, and she relaxed her body slightly, allowing herself to stand upright. Her delicate body doesn't look as imposing as before, and her clear and dignified voice has softened a lot: "At this time, I really shouldn't get along with you with the attitude of working, it's getting late, It's time to rest."

"...Sorry." Li Shubai yawned for a long time, his tone sounded quite sleepy, "If there is anything else, let's find time to discuss it tomorrow. It is too inefficient to discuss in this state. "

With the end of the conversation, the day ends.

Youlandelle watched Li Shubai return to the room, then turned her gaze, nodded slightly to Bronya who was watching the play, then naturally opened the door of the room next to Li Shubai and walked in.

"..." Bronya did not respond to Ulandal's gesture. After both of them entered the room, she turned off the game console without hesitation, and took out a stack of neatly folded boxes from her pocket. The paper was neatly arranged, and a puzzled expression appeared on the face that should have been unable to show expression because of the loss of the emotional module.

On it, there are a few big characters written in undisguised manner.

—— "Captain's Development Strategy Notes [Bold and Bold] Information from the future, and suggestions [small print]"

PS. Please be sure to successfully capture the captain, this is very important to Bronya!Come on, old me.

Chapter 36 Dream, Stigmata Space

There was a click.

The sound of falling.

Not far away from the ear, there was a clear and pleasant crisp sound.

Like someone playing chess.

The surrounding environment was blurred, and the entire field of vision seemed to be covered by frosted glass.

"Are you serious?" someone asked.

The man's voice was crisp and immature, and Li Shubai felt as if he had heard this voice not long ago.

——It seemed to be Teresa's voice.

However, although it is the same voice, compared with Teresa, the tone of the person in front of me is calm and indifferent. Obviously, even by the tone alone, it can be heard that the IQ levels of the two parties are not at the same level at all. superior.


Just now... It seems that I heard another person's voice, but what is the other person talking about?It was as if the signal was blocked, the words were full of noise, so blurred that Li Shubai couldn't hear clearly at all.

Da--the sound of falling again.

"If you do this, wouldn't you..." The immature and clear voice trembled a little.

"..." Another voice was still vague.

Silence fell.

"... Even so, you still decided to do this." After a long silence, the crisp voice calmed down, as if he understood the other party's determination.


It's like this again... Why can't I hear another person's voice clearly?Li Shubai couldn't help becoming a little irritable.

Dialogue is to understand what two people are talking about in order to know what kind of topic they are talking about. This kind of words can only be heard half clearly.

But before he could express his protest, all voices including Luo Zi's voice stopped abruptly.

The field of vision is chaotic. If it was just like looking at a hazy picture through frosted glass, then the current scene can only be described by a smashed paint can.

In this way, in the chaos, Li Shubai didn't know how long it had passed.

At a certain moment, the chaos in front of him suddenly began to disperse, and the gradually condensed colors also began to show the outline of things.

The silhouette looked like three people leaning their heads towards him.

Two adults with silver hair and a little girl with blond hair.

"He's awake! Mom! Look! He's awake!" The blond girl's voice was full of vitality, while the silver-haired woman standing beside her whispered in a soft and gentle tone: "Shh, It's a little lighter, it looks like he hasn't woken up much, he should be very tired, let him rest for a while."

Under the pure white light, Li Shubai gradually opened his eyes.

He raised his head slightly, looked around in a daze, and finally focused on the family in front of him.

Siegfried Kaslana.

Cecilia Shaniat.

Bianca Atagena.

"???" Li Shubai looked at Bianca with a blank face, and Bianca nodded quickly at him a few times, her smart and beautiful pupils were bright and clear, and she was very happy for some reason. look.

Taking a closer look, it wasn't just the Siegfried family. When Li Shubai's eyes gradually adapted to the strong light around him, he realized that there were a lot of people standing densely around him, some of them were more familiar, while others were not. They are relatively unfamiliar, but basically everyone has a very distinctive feature, that is, the handsome and unrestrained men, the beautiful and charming women, the proud curves wrapped in various textures are displayed unscrupulously, and the slender and round long legs Wearing black silk and white silk leather pants and boots, Li Shubai didn't even know where to put the young lady's eyes.

What's even more ridiculous is that among these people, he even saw Cocolia with an embarrassed face and Walter Yang with glasses.

"Hey, what's going on?" Li Shubai was a little puzzled by this wonderful scene, his expression was strange, "I remember that I just fell asleep just now, is this still in a dream?"

"There's nothing wrong with saying it's a dream." At this moment, an elegant and calm male voice sounded. In that voice, which was enough to drive women into madness, Li Shubai's expression was blank, feeling that the world was collapsing.

The blond-haired man came to the side of Siegfried's family. He looked into Li Shubai's eyes and smiled: "This place belongs only to your consciousness space. In a sense, think of it as your unique space." There is indeed nothing wrong with the dream."

"...Then can you explain to me why I feel a headache when I'm dreaming?" Li Shubai stared at the elegant man with a smile on his face, "My dear Bishop Otto."

Siegfried, Cecilia, whose name is Bianca is actually Kiyana. It is unbelievable enough that these three people can stand in the same space as Bishop Otto. What is even more unbelievable is that they did not fight.

what happened?Did I time travel again while I was sleeping in the dormitory?In this world, Rioto is a qualified and kind-hearted bishop, and he has a good relationship with the Siegfried family—not a bad guy, huh?Although they didn't start a fight, Li Shubai could clearly see that Siegfried's family's expressions changed when Bishop Otto walked into him. Their originally friendly expressions instantly changed to look like eating a cockroach.

But they actually held back and didn't do anything to Otto? !Even the relatively irascible Siegfried.

"It seems that what I did in the Essence World really impressed you very much." After hearing Li Shubai's questioning, Otto's face, which has always been quite calm, showed a trace of He seemed to have a helpless wry smile, he shook his head, and said helplessly: "However, please rest assured, at least in this space, I belong to the captain, and I have no hostility towards any of you. After all..."

As he spoke, Otto raised his arm and pointed in a certain direction.

Li Shubai followed Otto's finger and looked over. After seeing the figure that Otto was pointing at, his mouth grew so big that his jaw almost fell to the ground.

Karen Kaslana.

"As you can see, Otto Apocalypse, at the moment when Karen was also taken into this stigmata space by you, it is impossible to have any unfavorable thoughts towards anyone." On Otto's face, A gentle smile emerged, "I believe, based on what you know about me, I should be able to gain your trust by saying this, my old friend, Captain Li Shubai?"

Chapter 37 Thinking, Summarizing, Planning

The sunlight coming in from the window made Li Shubai's consciousness gradually awake.

The time on the wall clock points to [-]:[-]. The sun rises late in winter, and it is still dark outside. Looking out of the window from the bed to see the sky where the sun is not yet visible, it is like a dark blue painted with painting tools.

In the quiet morning, only the sound of my own breathing is quietly ringing.

Pa, Li Shubai patted his face, and quickly sat up from the bed in order not to lose the warmth of the bed.

Let's check the current situation first.

This is the dormitory of the third building in the west area of ​​St. Freya College. The roommates are temporarily designated as Bronya and Youlandelle.

There was nothing wrong with his body, the exhaustion and sleepiness accumulated after a day's trek in Changkong City, and the physical strength that had fallen to the bottom, also basically recovered after Li Shubai got enough sleep.

Although the joints like the elbows and knees are still a little sore, which is probably the sequelae left over from the too strenuous exercise yesterday, but this level of soreness will basically not have a big impact on today's normal activities .

Last night when I was falling asleep, I had an unexplained dream. According to the testimony provided by the Otto I saw in the dream, the white world where only consciousness exists should be something similar to the Holy Spirit. the existence of trace space.

Stigmata Space - Li Shubai didn't quite understand why he entered that place while dreaming.I don't quite understand why it took me more than 140 days to travel to this world before I entered the stigmata space in the dream last night. But since the matter has already happened, Li Shubai also thanked him and let him get this I accepted the gift without knowing the reason.

After all, compared to the trivial matter of why he entered the stigmata space, there were a lot of bigger problems before Li Shubai's eyes.

He walked to the desk by the window, pulled out the chair and sat down, then took out a notebook from the drawer of the desk, took out a pen, and took advantage of the relatively flexible thoughts that had just woken up in the morning, thinking about the present The current situation, what may happen in the future, and what you can use to sort out in depth.

Before sorting out the status quo, first of all, you must figure out your purpose.

What kind of goals will my next self take action for?Li Shubai thought, if he didn't figure this out first, he would just run around like a headless chicken.

Too long-term goals... It's useless to think about it now, but in the short term, at least in the past few days, the goals I must achieve—

"Sure enough, let's find a way to pass the entrance examination for St. Freya first..." Li Shubai rubbed his forehead, feeling that his head, which just woke up, started to hurt like last night.

A well-known materialist philosopher once said: Knowledge can shape a person's personality; another great man also asserted: Arm yourself with the scientific and cultural knowledge of all mankind as much as possible.Therefore, Li Shubai is neither prepared to evade the entrance exam for St. Freya College, nor does he intend to cheat. Now that he has made up his mind to face everything in front of him, he can only rely on his past self to face "" The half-baked cognitive model of "collapsing" is absolutely unworkable.

Now that the next goal has been decided, the second point, what should be done?

There are still about six days before the end of the winter vacation, and the entrance exam of St. Freya College is divided into theoretical exams and practical exams.

Li Shubai pondered for a moment, and underlined heavily under the actual combat exercise exam.

The test of theoretical knowledge... Li Shubai is basically not worried. Although St. Freya College is a school that specializes in cultivating Valkyrie, but even here, most of the students who enter the school, before entering St. Freya College. It’s just ordinary people who don’t know about Honkai. Many students were discovered and taken in by Delisa Delisa or other teachers of St. Freya Academy after experiencing various tragedies caused by Honkai. .

Therefore, the theoretical knowledge difficulty of the St. Freya College Entrance Examination should not be regarded as particularly difficult.

What's more, Li Shubai was also the chief financial officer of a large enterprise before time travel. Unlike other majors that generally don't need further systematic study after graduating from university, even after entering the workplace, Li Shubai's finance major It is also necessary to have a thorough understanding of the financial and taxation policies and market trends that change every moment.In addition, St. Freya College is just an institution of higher learning, even if it needs to learn new knowledge before the entrance examination, Li Shubai, who has a certain degree of confidence in his learning ability, does not think that it is a problem of that level will stump yourself.

He is not worried about the theoretical knowledge test, but the other test will be a big problem.

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