Right, looking at the current situation, [Tianyuan Qiying] who is in the same world as her obviously wants to take advantage of the first-mover advantage that Ulandal, who is in this world, has already confessed to the captain, and openly steal the achievements of the same [self] , Then, as Qiyana, she can of course stand beside the [Herserscher of Salinity Flames] to borrow some advantages that belong to them.

Having figured out the key [Herserscher of the End] Qiyana nodded, and lowered her voice: "Next time you find a chance, don't forget to bring me along."

"It's easy to talk about." [Herserscher of Salinity Flame] Qiyana also whispered, "However, I'm the captain with Mei and Bronya, shouldn't you care?"

"..." [Herserscher of the End] Qiyana's expression froze, she closed her eyes, struggled for a long while, and finally nodded her head heavily.

It's impossible to say that she doesn't care, but rather than doing nothing and watching the captain being raped by others, she would rather choose to join the captain's team.

On the other side, Urandale stared blankly at the two Qiyana who were whispering in a low voice. She and [Tianyuan Qiying] who were also dumbfounded looked at each other, and felt as if a lump had been placed on her head. Heavy as a weight.

In the next instant, extreme grievance and anger occupied all her thoughts.


Obviously I am the captain's real girlfriend, why would the captain be with other girls...

I... I'm also jealous of the captain's body!I also want to do what couples should do with the captain!

no!Can't go on like this!

Realizing that if she continued to do nothing, she would really not even be able to take a sip of the soup, Ulandal desperately suppressed the grievance and discomfort in her chest.

She took a few hasty deep breaths, and then moved her gaze very firmly to the face of the acting captain [Twilight Knight].

"No matter what Kiyana did to the captain... Before we broke up, I was still the captain's girlfriend, and I also had the obligation to protect my boyfriend." Urandale said, "How do other people choose? I don't care, but this time, I won't give up my place to take care of the captain."

"So confident?" Kiyana, who made up her mind to stand on the same front as herself, also calmed down, "Although you are the strongest Valkyrie in this world, you yourself You should understand that your strength is far from being able to deal with any crisis, right?"

"I know." Ulandal remained unchanged, "Compared to me, you, the Herrscher of the End, are the one who can better protect the captain's safety."

"But don't you forget that while trying to protect the captain, we also have the duty to resist the Honkai for the human beings in this world?"

Chapter 277 The increasingly chaotic situation 4K

Seeing Ulandal's upright words, [Herserscher of the Last End] Qiyana suddenly got stuck.

To be honest, she really wanted to say something to Ulandal, who the hell cares about Honkai at this time, compared to the captain who became a child, Honkai is nothing!

But she also knows that it's okay to shout this kind of dirty and irresponsible thoughts deep in her heart. With the character of [The Herrscher of the End] Qiyana, it is absolutely impossible for her to really save the world. The mission of the world was thrown aside.

But the problem is, the problem is the problem is—

"So what about you, sister?" Staring at Youlandelle's sassy face who looked much younger than herself, [The Herrscher of the End] Kiyana put her hands on her hips, with awe-inspiring manner, "Yes, you are right , I admit that it is our duty to resist Honkai, but if it is the duty to fight Honkai, you, the true descendant of the Kaslana clan and the Valkyrie with the strongest destiny, need to take on this responsibility even more? If you don't, I'm just your clone, and I haven't even been registered in the Valkyrie file of destiny in this world!"

"That..." Qiyana from the Essence World weakly raised her hand, smiling all over her face, "But my name is in the Valkyrie file of Destiny, even though it's only a B-rank Valkyrie."

"Shut up!" Hearing the sudden dismantling of herself in this world, [The Herrscher of the End] Qiyana suddenly became a little angry.

"Oh..." Kiyana shrank her neck, a little aggrieved.

"Tsk..." [The Herrscher of the End] Qiyana couldn't help covering her face, and put on an expression that she couldn't bear to look directly at.

Compared with the [Herserscher of Fire Flame] who was also younger than herself, this self who was still in the paramecia stage was so embarrassing that she couldn't look directly at it.

In terms of the time it took to know the captain, this paramecium who obtained some future information through the consciousness mapping of [Herrscher of Fire] during the third collapse, no matter which Chia originally belonged to Hyperion In terms of the power of the Herrscher who controls the Herrscher of the Sky, with Hubrian's help, she also stood on the starting point of becoming stronger earlier than the other three Kianas.

As a result, this guy, who has already taken a fancy to the captain, can be said to be able to eat and wipe off this piece of meat at any time, but he can still let this piece of meat be taken away by Youlandelle, who knew the captain a little later. of……

How about the ruthlessness you used to chase after Mei back then?How come you become so virtuous once you meet the captain?If it wasn't for [Herserscher of Firefire] and [Sky Ranger] who just tricked the captain into bed, how would their team of Kiyana face the top-ranked Ulandal today?

"In short, no matter what you say, I'm going to the captain's side this time!" [Herserscher of the End] Qiyana put her arms around her chest and asserted in a strong tone: "Anyway, you can't stop me .”

"It's true that we can't stop you as the Herrscher of the End, but if there is no world beacon sent by Aiyi, you probably won't be able to find the captain in the endless parallel world." Stargazing said lightly Said, "Now that things have come to an end, why don't we all have a showdown together?"

"Showdown?" [The Herrscher of the End] Kiyana glanced at this plain-clothed girl who looked the same as her aunt, but had an insanely wise look, and was a little confused about the other party's purpose for a while.

"Hmm." Guan Xing nodded lightly, "My generation, Guan Xing, is the same as your useless aunt, a person who assists the captain and all officials in Hyperion."

"Who are you calling ineffective?!" Teresa and Twilight Knight turned their heads at the same time, staring at the star and shouting.

Stargazing Quan pretended not to hear the protests of the two Teresas, and continued to say to the [Herserscher of the Last End] Kiyana who was full of suspicion: "Although you don't seem to be on the Hyperion's crew list, Name, but I see your attitude towards the captain's longing, you should be the same as us, you consider yourself one of the crew members under his name, right?"

"My name isn't on the Hyperion's crew list?" [Herserscher of the End] Qiyana was stunned, "How is that possible?! I already..."

"Same as the [Tian Yuan] who originally belonged to the same world as you, he has long been accepted as the captain as a Valkyrie, right?" Guan Xing slapped the feather fan in his hand, "It's easy to understand, If my guess is correct, you, like your elder sister, are among the first members of the Hyperion to be entered into the ship. But it is also because the captain was trapped in a false reincarnation, you Several Valkyries who did not have time to return to the ship at the last moment...therefore, the relevant records were erased."

[The Herrscher of the End] Qiyana's expression softened a little, and she muttered to herself: "So it's like this..."

"We are here to open your wounds, not to blackmail you." Guan Xing said, "Since you are like us, a Valkyrie who was once recognized by the captain and willing to accept the captain's recruitment. , then from a legal point of view, we are colleagues who work together under the same person, and we are also companions who can trust each other and borrow each other's strength—about this, I don't know if you agree or not."

"..." Although I instinctively feel that this shrewd girl who looks like my aunt secretly dug a bottomless pit under her feet, but for the theory she stated, [The Herrscher of the End] Qi Yana couldn't find anything to refute.

It is indeed the same as what Guan Xing said, no matter how fierce disputes they have raised in matters related to relationships, if someone really encounters any trouble that is difficult to solve, each of them will not hesitate to send Lend your own strength to the other party.

The Hyperion is such a place. Maybe everyone has different ideas, maybe everyone has their own selfish desires, and maybe some people have some privacy that they are embarrassed to share with others... But generally speaking, being able to join The Valkyries of the Hyperion are all recognized by the captain, and they also recognize the captain from the bottom of their hearts.

Even if they have different personalities, most of the members on the Hyperion are kind-hearted, and naturally it is impossible to repel and harm others in the true sense (except in the sense of non-supervisors). After a long time, [Herserscher of the Last Yan] Qiyana finally nodded her head.

"Since everyone is recognized by the captain, of course I will regard everyone as a trusted comrade-in-arms and partner." [Herserscher of the End] Qiyana thought for a while, and said seriously Added a sentence, "But one size counts for one size, even if this is the case, I can't give up the captain!"

"I know." As if he had expected [The Herrscher of the End] Qiyana's answer, Guan Xing said in a calm tone, "I have no intention of letting you show mercy, I just hope to stand on the ship In terms of length, most of the Valkyries on the Hyperion are the same."


"That's why I propose a showdown here." Guan Xing replied calmly, "You and I both know that no matter how fiercely we compete for the captain's personal feelings in private, we must also complete the captain's dialogue. The instructions we gave—this is the prerequisite for everything and the basis for us to complete the communication. No matter who you are, you don’t want to drag the captain down because of your own selfish desires, right?”

"..." [The Herrscher of the End] Qiyana was silent for a moment, then nodded wordlessly, which was regarded as her approval of Stargazing's words.

"So, under this premise, what we have to do is to complete the tasks assigned to us by the captain... and compete for the right to stand beside the captain as fairly as possible. As long as everyone completes the task perfectly The mission assigned to us by the captain, then naturally, no one can interfere with the competition in personal feelings." Guan Xing said, "The reason why we agreed to the proposal of Miss Aiyi is not because Is that it?"

After all, although the captain's policy of action has always been to rush to the forefront of danger by himself, the captain himself has not actually restricted the freedom of movement of the members of the Hyperion.

Even in the original world, Kiyana, who failed to board the Hyperion, had to accept the captain's arrangement before they would stand by on Earth.

In most cases, the captain's instructions are extremely convincing, which is also one of the direct reasons why in many cases, these Valkyries can only watch the captain face danger.

But today is different from the past, the current captain has become a child who is only about ten years old, and even from a legal point of view, he has temporarily lost his capacity for civil conduct.

Then, of course, they can treat the current captain in the same way that the captain used to treat them.

They did not disobey the captain's orders.

After all, the captain never forbade them to fight against Honkai with their own will.

It's just that while they obeyed the order, they achieved results beyond the captain's expectations.

"I understand what you said." [Herserscher of the End] Qiyana took a deep breath, "But if this is the case, how should you ensure that we can have the fairest competition? If it is for If I complete the task of fighting against Honkai perfectly, I will definitely be required to stay in this world."

"Of course I know this." Guan Xing raised the feather fan in his hand, and pointed to the [Herrser of Salinity Flame] standing next to [The Herrscher of Final Yan], "So, the solution is also very simple. If the same person from different worlds exists on the Hyperion, why don't we take advantage of this unique feature?"

"Your two older sisters are planning to use the first-mover advantage brought by Miss Ulandale, who originally belonged to this world, to win the rightful place to stand beside the captain. You yourself and your older sisters Similarly, I am going to use my own excellent action ability from another world to enjoy the results that do not belong to me." Guan Xing said calmly, "Am I right?"

"What——" You Landal turned her gaze to the other two [Tianyuan Qiying] and [Hui Knight·Moon Soul], the corners of her mouth twitched uncontrollably, "You... you……"

Some [Tianyuan Qiying] and [Hui Knight·Moon Soul], who dare not look at themselves in this world, have erratic eyes, and they look away embarrassingly.

In fact, with the upright and serious characters of the two of them, Ulandal, it is impossible to come up with such an idea.

The reason why they secretly kept Chen Cang was because they accepted the advice of their dog-headed military advisors, [Dazzling Starthorn] and [Cang Knight·Moon Soul], two Ritas.

"In short, since the matter has developed to this point, we might as well use our respective [identities] to temporarily allocate the captain's incapacitated time." Guan Xing sneered, "Anyway, there are already people We have learned how to take advantage of the advantages gained by another [self] without a teacher, so we simply put this matter directly on the table."

"But if this is the case, wouldn't it be a bit unfair to those who haven't encountered another world yet?"

At this moment, among the thirteen Yingjies who had been silent on the sofa opposite the TV, someone suddenly spoke.

The person who spoke was [Miss Pink Fairy] Alysia, and the moment she asked this question, another Alysia [True Me Herrscher] who was sitting next to her also spoke: " That's right! Isn't this a little bad for Eden and Aponia?"

The air in the dormitory suddenly fell into silence.

To be honest, if it wasn't for these two goblin ladies who don't think it's a big deal, they suddenly mentioned this, Stargazing would almost have forgotten the thoughts of those Yingjies.

After all, among the thirteen heroes, except for two who were rescued by the captain and brought to a paradise like the Huberian, they were all focused on the captain, Alicia; Except for Dr. Mebius, the other Yingjies do not seem to have such blatant desire for love like them. Gracie, who is like a blank sheet of paper, even did not appear here because of her young age. They participated in this meeting together.

To this day, Guan Xing is not very clear about the views of these Yingjies on the captain, but to be honest, from the perspective of appearance and personal charm, these Yingjies are also formidable enemies.

If Eden, Aponia and the others also have unruly intentions towards the captain... things will be troublesome.

Therefore, after the two Alysias exposed this problem, Guan Xing nodded, frankly admitted his negligence, and took this opportunity to ask cautiously: "Did the questions of your Excellencies Yingjie be revealed?" Taking the situation into consideration, it was indeed my negligence, what do you think of the captain?"

Chapter 278 The Captain's Transformation Plan 4k

Yingjie, who was the first to give an answer to Stargazer's inquiry, was our lovely cat, Miss Phyllis, who opened a "door" on the road to the end as a mortal.

"Hey, Sister Guanxing, in the absence of the captain, you are our boss. You don't have to call me, just call me Patuo or Phyllis." Mao Mao He grinned, his face full of flattery, "As for the opinion of the captain...you know it too, with our weak strength, how could it be possible for us to have such an unrealistic idea of ​​competing on the same stage? I will hang out with the captain, and I just want a place where I can take a nap in peace in this troubled world!"

We will never have any wrong thoughts about the captain!Padufelice's expression was so solemn that she almost swore an oath. She patted her chest vigorously, as if she wanted to take out her innocent heart to show everyone that she was sincere.

Of course, in the face of Patofelice's arrogant self-proof, Stargazing is not ready to believe even half of the punctuation marks.

The Valkyrie who was able to board the Huberian and was recognized by the captain is unlikely to be a villainous person, even if in some worlds, she personally killed Ragnar's stormtroopers and the infinite Tajiko's Herrscher of the Sky, Sirin, was accepted by the captain [this one] was also forcibly reformed before he could do any bad things.

But the absence of treachery and evil does not mean nobility and selflessness. In other words, as long as human beings are born, they must have their own selfishness. Some people like to show their selfishness without any scruples, while others are better at covering themselves up. real desire.

Undoubtedly, before she became Thirteen Heroes, Padophyllis, whose hands were not clean, belonged to the latter type.

However, even though he is not prepared to believe the cat's guarantee at all, Stargazing doesn't mean to break the casserole here and ask the bottom line.

Although Maomao is also very cute, compared with the other Yingjies, whether it is charm or fighting power, she is full of market atmosphere and not very strong, and she is indeed not enough to make Stargazer pay attention to her. threaten.

Stargazer pays more attention to the opinions of several other heroes——Eden, Aponia, Weiwei, and Sakura. Among them, Weiwei, who is wise enough to be close to demons, attracts her most attention.

As an intellectual Valkyrie, although Guanxing also has sufficient confidence in her own intelligence, she has left the pseudonym [Zhuge Kongming] in the long history, and she is almost the same as "wisdom" itself in a certain country. I put an equal sign on it.

But in any case, Stargazer also understands that his intelligence is still limited by some era itself.

The most obvious example is that she obviously likes to play with craftsman things, but she still can't figure out what to do to design the God's Key like Wei Wei.

As a projected life form of the World Bubble, Guan Xing's combat ability cannot be compared with that of Yingjie and Herrscher. If she can't even gain the upper hand in terms of resourcefulness, then the situation is too difficult for her to fight alone. It's too difficult.

"I know what Miss Phyllis thinks." So, after casually taking what Padofelice said, Guan Xing pointed the finger at Eden and the others, "Then, what do the rest of Yingjie think? Woolen cloth?"

However, this time, stargazing did not get a response.

Now even the two Alicias feel a little strange. In their cognition, whether it is Eden, Aponia, Wei Wei or Sakura, at least in terms of relationship, they should not be the kind who like to twist and turn. For people who like it, they like it, and if they don't like it, they don't like it. No matter how you say it, you have to give a good answer, right?Why did you just let go of stargazing all of a sudden?

With such confusion, the two Alicias turned their eyes away from the faces of the stargazers, and turned to their side——

——Then she saw Eden, Aponia, Sakura, and Weiwei whispering to each other and lowering their voices, secretly communicating something.

"My dear Eden, what are you guys talking about?" [Miss Pink Fairy] Alicia moved her head over and patted Eden on the shoulder, "Whispering between girls?"

"What? Are you whispering in secret?" [True Me Herrscher] Alicia also imitated her other self and leaned over, showing an aggrieved expression, "Why do you put a fairy Is the lady excluded? Let me join you too."

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