[Transfer your own consciousness into the core of the Herrscher... As the Herrscher, what the traitor can do, of course there is no reason why we can't do the same thing. ] Sirin said, [It is the instinct of the Herrscher to devour the core of the Herrscher that does not belong to him, and it is also one of the original desires of the Herrscher. 14 years ago, that guy took advantage of this and secretly hid his consciousness in the At that time, Sirin's body, similarly, as long as you, like me, temporarily escape your consciousness into the core, the two of us can leave this world with the help of this woman's body. ]

Meanwhile, on the other side.

2015 3 Month 24 Day.

Vienna time, 6:35 am.

Austria - Schwechat International Airport (Flughafen Wien-Schwechat).

Under the morning sun that just woke up, the first flight from the far east to the local area landed steadily on the 4000-meter-long takeoff and landing path against the still somewhat cold spring breeze.

"Is this the city where Destiny's headquarters is located?" After passing through the D21 gate impatiently, Qiyana walked off the empty bridge and ran to the window of the lobby, "It doesn't look like there is anything unusual about it."

"Don't run around! Kiyana!" Teresa's voice came from far away from the empty bridge.

The flight they took was a special charter flight, or in other words, it was limited to these three days, and all the flights that landed at the international airport were arranged by destiny.

Although Destiny did not hide its existence from the world, and Otto also released a bold statement during the live broadcast that he welcomes people from all walks of life to watch the coronation ceremony of the new bishop, but after all, the floating island of Destiny is not something everyone can enter casually. place, so during these three days, all flights arriving in Vienna were controlled by destiny.

They checked the identities of all the passengers in advance, and all the passengers who arrived in Vienna during these three days were without exception insiders of Honkai.And after the people invited to attend the coronation ceremony arrive in Vienna, the Floating Islands of Destiny will also land their transport ships at the international airport, opening the green channel leading to the floating islands and Vienna International Airport .

In fact, as Teresa, they didn't need to take civilian flights like other outsiders. The Far East Branch already has an internal route directly to the headquarters of Destiny. It stands to reason that they can take the transport ship of the Far East Branch to reach Destiny directly. The floating island group of the headquarters.

But I don’t know what Otto thinks. After Teresa sent a direct line request to the headquarters of the destiny, it was immediately rejected by the headquarters of the destiny. Due to transportation pressure, the headquarters of Tianming temporarily closed the green passages of each branch and Tianming Airport, and the transport ships of the branch were not allowed to take off and land on the parking apron.

In order to reduce the transportation pressure, the unused passages were closed?The moment Teresa saw this reason, she had an extremely strong feeling that her IQ was being insulted. However, the coronation ceremony of the new bishop was arranged extremely tightly. , it would be better to act immediately and go to the sky island group of destiny according to the routine process.Therefore, Teresa immediately selected the candidates to participate in the ceremony, and temporarily handed over all the affairs of St. Freya to Jizi, who was probably already in a state of exhaustion, and personally led Kiana and her party to Shiwexia special international airport.

Now, the entire passenger lobby is full of people, and Teresa chased after Qiyana, who had jumped out of the gate, to the edge of the lobby, and grabbed her by the ear: "Come here!"

"Oh! It hurts! Why are you pulling my ears, Auntie!"

"If you don't run around, can I pull your ears?! After such a big incident, you still have the time to run around? Are you a husky?!" Theresa tugged at Kiyana's ears, angrily walked towards Passing the door of the lobby, "The transport ship sent by the floating island will arrive at noon. Before that, let's discuss what to do in the future!"

"I know! I know! So let go first, okay!!!"

Behind the two, Fu Hua, Lei Dian Mei and Bronya looked at each other wordlessly and sighed in unison.

10 minutes later, Austrian Airlines, VIP lounge.

In a noisy environment, five honored guests from the Far East branch sat around a round table. During the three days that Tianming completed the live broadcast, this international airport has undoubtedly become the gathering place for the most elite class in today's human society.

In addition to members from other different branches, well-known figures from all walks of life can be seen here and there.

But the moment Teresa and her group stepped into the lounge, almost everyone turned their gazes to Qiyana who was being dragged away by her ears.

In the live broadcast three days ago, in addition to the upcoming new bishop Ulandal, Otto also showed the world another new face who is about to become the vicar bishop—that is, the one who has never appeared in the destiny before. The new saint: Kiyana Shaniat.

Although Shaniat is also a surname that has been recorded in history textbooks, compared to You Lan, who has always stood on the front line of the battlefield and helped countless Valkyrie troops, and thus gained corresponding respect and fame. As far as Dale is concerned, almost everyone has never seen this so-called Saint of Destiny.

Compared with Kiana Shaniat, another Anna Shaniat who also has this surname is more famous.

Feeling those gazes with different expressions, Qiyana couldn't help but feel a little shivering.Before that, she was just a small B-rank Valkyrie. Even if she was well-known in St. Freya, she basically had a not very good reputation like "idiot".

Kiyana never thought that her name and appearance would suddenly become famous because of such absurd things.

Probably because she felt Qiyana's discomfort, Teresa narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked around with a cold gaze.

As a result, the eyes of everyone looking this way moved away in embarrassment.

As the current patriarch of the Apocalypse family and an S-rank Valkyrie who has not received any honors, Teresa's name still has a certain weight in destiny, and she is also a senior who has been active in the front line for more than 30 years. If she really Seriously, ordinary people simply couldn't maintain a calm and composed attitude under her icy aura.

The suddenly relaxed atmosphere made Qiyana unable to help but let out a long breath, and lay down on the round table in front of her weakly.

"Are you okay, Kiana?" Raiden Mei asked worriedly.

"It's okay, of course I'm fine." Qiyana straightened her upper body with a swipe, and said with a forced smile, "What can I do, isn't it just that someone paid attention to it a little bit!"

Bronya silently glanced at Kiyana's smile, did not speak, but shook her head gently.

Like ordinary girls, Kiyana certainly has a little vanity. If she relied on her own strength to get the attention of others... especially Raiden Mei, she would probably be quite complacent and calmly accept all of them. Gazing and looking, maybe even laughing a few times happily.

Yes, if you rely on your own strength.

Conversely, because another person with the same name and similar appearance suddenly appeared, Qiyana suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention without any preparation...

Well, it would probably be quite appropriate to use the four words "like sitting on pins and needles" to describe Qiyana's state of mind at the moment.

Teresa saw that Kiyana was uncomfortable, Raiden Mei and Bronya could of course do it too, but compared to Teresa who could force others to focus on Kiana with a tough aura After all, all they can do is to share some of the pressure from the outside world with Qiyana.

"Qiana Shaniat... Siegfried never told me that name before that live broadcast." Teresa frowned, biting her thumb, "However, if only from Judging from the appearance, almost everyone can tell that the person is Kiyana's older sister."

"Qiana, before this, did your father tell you that you have a sister?" Fu Hua lightly put his glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked lightly.

"..." Qiyana was silent for a moment, then shook her head.

To be honest, Kiyana has always been able to guess that the name "Qiana" belonged to someone else at the beginning.

After all, before Siegfried named himself "Qiana", whenever Kiyana celebrated her birthday, Siegfried would get drunk and collapse on the ground, and then kept saying "Qiana" silently and the names "Cecilia".

She didn't know who the original "Qiana" belonged to Siegfried, maybe... that was someone very important to Siegfried, right?But in any case, since Siegfried was willing to bestow this name on her, Kiyana was of course willing to accept this arguably the best gift for her.

"..." Seeing Qiyana's silent expression, Fu Hua couldn't help furrowing his eyebrows indistinctly.

During these three days, she, the spy assigned by Otto himself to the Far East Branch, received no less impact than Kiana and Teresa.

Otto...you bastard, what are you thinking?

Chapter 292 Suddenly Met a Teacher During the Holiday, and I Haven't Done My Homework yet 4K

As one of the very few insiders who knew Qiyana's true identity and part of the "Sirin Project", Fu Hua really couldn't understand Otto's sudden strange operation at all.

That guy, isn't he worried that Qiyana will suddenly lose control?

Suddenly, the sound of steady footsteps came from the entrance of the lounge. An unremarkable middle-aged man with brown hair and brown eyes walked into the VIP lounge. With a gray vest, he looked like an ordinary person on a business trip.

Fu Hua and Teresa looked up at the visitor, and then quickly looked away. On the surface, they didn't seem to have any emotional fluctuations because of the visitor, but they were full of grass in their hearts.

Anti-entropy leader Walter Young?

Theresa swallowed her saliva, forced herself to calmly pick up the coffee cup on the table, took a sip of the black coffee without any added sugar, and broke out in a cold sweat.

How did he come here?

Could it be the same as what Einstein said three days ago, he accepted the invitation and came to negotiate with grandpa, right?

"Huh? Teacher Yang?"

Just when there were a thousand grass mud horses galloping deep in Teresa's heart, Qiyana suddenly became energetic.

"Why did you come here too?"

Walter Yang cast his gaze on Qiyana, and secretly glanced at Teresa who was covered in cold sweat, a gentle smile appeared on his upright face.

"As your history teacher, you would want to witness the historical moment of the bishop's change with your own eyes. Isn't it a strange thing?" Walter Yang went straight to the table of a group of people, smiling, and looked at Qia However, Na's eyes suddenly became serious, "If I remember correctly, at the end of last semester, Qiyana's history score seemed to be in single digits as usual."

"Wow! Why did you mention that all of a sudden?!" Kiyana covered her face and buried her head in her arms, "And I, I, I, I am not already after that Have you passed the make-up exam for spring break?"

"That's right, a total of [-] points in the test paper is worth [-] points. If it wasn't for the acquiescence of the head of the school during the make-up exam, Fu Hua and Mei students were around to give you one-on-one tutoring. Perhaps You won't be able to stay in the same class as Mei and Bronya this semester."

Teresa's face flushed slightly, and she didn't dare to speak for Qiyana.

"What!" Kiyana became impatient when she heard that she might be left behind by Mei Lei and Bronya, "Can't you continue to be in the same class as Mei Mei?! That's not okay? I don't agree!"

"Don't tell me you want Mei to repeat the grade with you?" Walter Yang said lightly.

"That doesn't work either!" Crack!Kiyana slapped the table, "How can I let Mei repeat a grade because of me?!"

So you have already tacitly accepted that you will repeat the grade?Leiden Mei and Bronya looked at each other, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Since you don't want to repeat the grade, and you don't want Mei to get into trouble because of your affairs." Walter Yang raised his glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Shouldn't you be more attentive in class? Take a history class In class, have you finished the homework I assigned to you?"

"Uh... that... this..." Kiyana's eyes wandered, talking about him from left to right.

"Wait." Teresa's eyes sharpened, "Qiana, before you came here, didn't you tell me that you have finished all your homework?"

"I..." Kiyana was sweating profusely, with a smirk written all over her face, "Hey... oh, you know, aunt, how can I have the time to do my homework when something so big suddenly happened! , don't mention homework at this time!"

A well-known thermal knowledge.

If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved or explained, the best way to solve it is to throw another problem to solve it.

But obviously, neither Teresa nor Walter Yang would accept Kiana's tricks.

——It would be better to say that they are more willing to let Kiyana continue to worry about history assignments than to make Kiyana entangle the so-called "Qiana Shaniat" problem.

Teresa and Walter Yang looked at each other. At this moment, the two elders and teachers who had reached a consensus, nodded vigorously to each other.

"Looking at Qiyana's appearance, you shouldn't have touched a single word of the homework I left behind." Walter Yang said calmly.

"I... I will definitely write it well when I go back, so don't mention such incomprehensible things at this time!" Kiyana muttered in a low voice.

"It's okay." Walter Yang smiled. He took out the black folder in his arms, then opened it, untied the folder, and took out a few files under Kiyana's puzzled eyes. A piece of white paper the size of A4, put your fingers against them, and then slapped it in front of Qiyana's eyes, "It just so happens that my history teacher is also here, and during the few hours before the dispatch of the transport ship by the Destiny headquarters, Qiyana Yana should be able to spare enough time to complete the homework I have prepared for you, and Principal Teresa probably won't mind if I take up your time a little bit."

"I don't mind, I don't mind!" Teresa shook her head like a rattle, "It's better to say that it's really hard for Teacher Yang to bother to tutor my stupid niece during the vacation."

"..." Qiyana stared blankly at the stack of test papers in front of her, her bright blue eyes gradually losing their vitality.Just as Qiyana was crying, she reluctantly took the pen from Walter Young, and racked her brains to compare with the writing on the table.

When the test questions were fighting to the death, there were a few more footsteps coming from the entrance.

The VIP lounge is a public area that passengers with special identities can use. After every flight lands, people like Theresa and Walter Yang will come in and have nothing to do. By the time of 08:30, there were less than half of the remaining seats in the lounge, and amidst the noisy voices, almost no one would pay attention to who came in.

Unless... that person's performance is too conspicuous.


Following a piercing sound, several wooden round tables standing beside the entrance crashed down.

Everyone raised their gazes, and at the same time cast their gazes at the dark blue-haired youth standing at the entrance as if they were looking at a fool.

The young man whose face was covered with the word "beating" took back the left leg he kicked over the round table just now, raised his mouth, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, the quality is really bad."

"..." Teresa's mouth twitched, and she looked at Walter Yang, who had begun to cover her face, with a consulting look.

The thing at the door was brought by you?

"..." Walter Yang also twitched the corner of his mouth and shook his head silently.

Why do you think I brought this shameful thing?

Sure enough, just after Walter Yang denied Teresa's silent inquiry, another plump figure appeared leisurely and contentedly behind the young man who owed him a beating.

There is no doubt that the adult woman standing behind the young man is the culprit who caused the third collapse in Changkong City, Cocolia.

"Long time no see, Bronya." She crossed her arms, scanned all the people in the VIP room, and immediately fixed her eyes on the direction of Theresa and her group, charming and charming The mature face with a chilling air showed a smile as if seeing a long-lost companion, "How are you doing these days at St. Freya College?"

Bronya raised her face, and a slight tangled look flashed across her expressionless and plain face.

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