Considering that the passengers who came to participate in the inauguration ceremony of the new bishop were not only the Valkyries from Destiny, but also some who had a basic understanding of Houkai and had a certain degree of resistance to Houkai, but because they did not spend too much time exercising their bodies As for wealthy businessmen and politicians who are not much different from ordinary people, the lift-off speed of the transport ship is controlled in a range that will not cause any pressure or impact on the human body.

But even so, a few minutes after the transport ship left the ground, it had already reached the midpoint between the floating island group and the ground.

Looking south from the window of the transport ship, you can see the endless white mountain tops of the Alps in the distance, and the tall pine forests are lush in the foothills; The empty island group became a gray-green block.

According to the information released by Tianming headquarters, Tianming's floating island group is suspended at an altitude of about 2000 meters above sea level. It has nine main islands and a number of branch islands, occupying a total area of ​​more than [-] square kilometers. airspace.

As the most important administrative hub of the entire Destiny, and even the whole world, the floating island group of the Destiny can almost be called the capital of all mankind.

Of course, in order to maintain the most efficient internal operation and maximize the wisdom of talents, the Destiny Headquarters, while ensuring its purity as the world's largest violent institution, completely eliminates the possibility of capital corrupting the members of the headquarters.Except for Otto himself and a very small number of cronies like Amber and Rita, the Destiny Headquarters will hardly participate in anything related to politics. Harmonious social and economic systems.

Although all the visitors have been audited by the Mandate of Heaven before their visit, but in the 500 years since Otto fully grasped the Mandate of Heaven, this is the first time that the Mandate of Heaven Headquarters has opened its arms to visitors from all over the world with such great fanfare.

The sacred main island of Asgard, in Norse mythology, has another name for this name - Asa God's Domain, which is the country where Odin, the god of gods, lives.This main island named after the city of God is also the heart of the Destiny Floating Islands.The landing place of the transport ship was chosen in the sixth air port adjacent to the main island of Asgard. Before it completely landed on the ground, the voice of the announcer sounded on the radio.

"Dear guests, we have arrived at our destination safely. The transport ship will need to land on the designated apron. In order to ensure your safety, please do not leave your seat before the cabin door opens. Please check whether you have taken the All belongings, professional guides are waiting at the entrance and exit. Each floating island group is equipped with armed equipment, in order to ensure the personal safety of all distinguished guests, all distinguished guests are requested to strictly follow the instructions of the guides."

Sitting side by side by the window, Li Shubai, Qiyana [The Herrscher of Fire] and Raiden Mei [The Herrscher of Thunder] looked at each other, and silently unfastened the seat belts on their seats, and waited until the transport ship came to a complete stop. At that moment, the three of them stood up from their seats and walked out of the hatch of the transport ship with the large army.

The temperature of the floating island group is milder than that of Vienna, which has just come out of the severe cold season. The transparent film of the honeycomb covers the sky, and the green belt on the roadside is full of long and narrow branches. The main island is completely different. Leaving aside the apron at the edge of the airport, the airport used to complete the take-off and landing of transport ships looks like a viaduct erected between the floating island and the floating island.

"Theresa and the others seem to be arriving earlier than us." After roughly looking around the surrounding environment, Li Shubai suddenly asked, "I remember that the transport ship they took seemed to be our last flight, so it seems , They should have arrived at the main island of Asgard to take their seats."

"Do you care about them?" Raiden Mei [The Herrscher of Thunder] asked lightly.

"What do you say you don't care about? Isn't she your teacher?" Li Shubai said, "Compared with you, who are still so resistant to letting her know me, it makes people feel more incomprehensible? To be honest, if it weren't for you in this paragraph Time has taken care of me so meticulously that I may really wonder if you Valkyries who claim to be my subordinates are trying to make me empty."

"What? Is the captain very dissatisfied with his current life?" Qiyana [The Herrscher of Salinity] embraced Li Shubai's shoulder from behind, and rested her chin on the boy's head.

"It's not that I'm dissatisfied, it's just that many things are not quite right." Li Shubai rolled his eyes, " care a little bit about the difference between men and women, right?"

"What's wrong with me?" Qiyana [Herserscher of Fire Flame] asked with a smile.

"You're all stuck on my back, and you still ask me what's wrong with you..." Li Shubai looked around, and said a little discouraged, "You are also the person who will be the vicar bishop and the saint soon. Well, at least I care a little bit about other people's eyes."

"That is to say, the captain doesn't really care about it, right?" Qiyana [The Herrscher of Fire] chuckled, "That's fine, I don't care about other people's opinions."

"You don't care about other people's eyes, but you also care about me being stared at by such stinging eyes." Li Shubai sighed, "Anyway, I can be considered a person with a girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? Ah, you mean Ulandal, right?" Qiyana [Herserscher of Fire Flames] put on an expression of indifference, with no intention of letting go at all, "It's okay, she won't care."

"Uh...won't you care?" Li Shubai suspected that his ears had misheard.

"Of course I don't care, she is my sister." Qiyana [The Herrscher of Salinity] shook Li Shubai's shoulder, "Look, Captain, you have lost a large part of your memory now, right? ?”

"That's right."

"That is to say, you are actually in a relatively unfamiliar state, whether it's for me or that Ulandal, isn't it?" Kiyana [The Herrscher of Salinity] said in a gentle and persuasive voice, "And As for me, I am Youlandelle's younger sister, the one who is related by blood."

"I know." Li Shubai nodded, "Yurandal told me that you are her sister."

"So, your understanding of Ulandal, at least during the time you lost your memory, is definitely not as familiar as I am, right?" Qiyana [Herserscher of Fire] raised her head neck, with a proud expression of victory.

"The truth is this..." Li Shubai frowned, "But, generally speaking, how can there be girls who don't mind their boyfriends being hugged by other girls. Think about it differently, anyway, I I definitely can't bear it."

"Indeed." Before Qiyana [The Herrscher of Salinity Flame] could answer Li Shubai's words, a stern voice suddenly sounded in front of the two of them.

Li Shubai and Qiyana [Herserscher of Salinity Flame] looked intently, and saw a blond woman in a jet-black military uniform appearing in front of their eyes. Her knee-high armored boots set off the figure of the Valkyrie. Underneath the straight, bland and majestic expression, the azure blue pupils, just like Qiyana's, were filled with dissatisfaction.

"Have you heard what the captain said, Kiyana, let go of your hand now."

"No." Qiyana [Herserscher of Salinity Flame] shut her mouth, rolled her eyes, "The captain's girlfriend is not you, what right do you have to tell me what to do?"

"Ah?" Li Shubai was taken aback.

"Yourandelle is the captain's girlfriend, and I am Youlandelle." Urandelle [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] said lightly, "So, of course I am also the captain's girlfriend. , there should be no more obvious and understandable reason than this.”

"But you're not the Urandale who confessed to the captain." Kiyana [The Herrscher of Salinity Fire] glared at the other party aggressively, "Take a ten thousand step back, even if you really belong to the captain Girlfriend is fine, so what's the matter? You're not the only Valkyrie who has a male-female relationship with the captain."

"That's right, if we really want to talk about the depth of the relationship... Youlandelle, you may not be as good as Qiyana and me." Leiden Mei [Herserserr of Thunder] suddenly inserted into the gap between the tit-for-tat sisters. Dialogue, with a bright smile, "No matter where you look at it."

Li Shubai blinked his eyes, his brain was short-circuited.

A trace of extremely strong distress flashed in the eyes of Youlandal [Bright Knight·Moon Soul].

"That's right." Qiyana [The Herrscher of Salinity Flames] tightened her arms holding Li Shubai's chest confidently, and muttered in a low voice, "What's are not the Youlandai who confessed to the captain. What about you?"

Just when Youlandal [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] was defeated by Qiyana [Herserscher of Fire] and Raiden Mei [Herserscher of Thunder], a voice full of charm calmly joined In the fierce battle situation.

"You two, when fighting with your companions, fighting more and fighting less should not be a practice worth advocating."

The person who spoke was Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] who came to the side of Ulandal [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] at some time, she was wearing a uniform similar to that of Ulandal, fluffy The hem of her cake skirt swayed slightly, and two blooming roses pinned to her gray-gold bangs.

"Besides, just as the captain said, you are the saint who is about to become the vice-bishop. No matter how much you can't bear your love for the captain, in this big crowd, shouldn't you be a little Please restrain yourself." The corner of Rita's mouth raised a slightly teasing yet polite smile, "Even if you don't care about other people's gazes, you should take care of strangers' gazes." Captain, think about it, are you right? Miss Kiyana."

"But there are no strangers around here anymore." Qiyana [The Herrscher of Salinity] said.

"That's because everyone has entered the main island with the support staff who came to guide them." Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] responded calmly, "Compared with other distinguished guests who have always followed the instructions, On the contrary, your side is more like an alien who does not follow the rules."

"I have become the vice bishop, and I still need to abide by the rules specially designated for the guests?" Qiyana [The Herrscher of Salinity Fire] smiled confidently, "Even if I don't follow the rules, the Destiny Headquarters can take me again." How about it? Rita, you know me well, and you should understand that I don’t want to be such a vicar bishop at all, and I don’t have the slightest interest in the inexplicable position of saint, right?”

"Of course Rita knows this too." Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] sighed softly, and she shifted her gaze to Youlandelle [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] who had fallen into silence , "I don't want to get involved with the position of bishop... Not only Miss Kiyana, but Lord Ulandal also thinks the same."

Li Shubai looked at Youlandelle [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] from the left, and Qiyana [The Herrscher of Fire] from the right. After pondering for a moment, he suddenly said dryly: "Now I believe that you really don't want to usurp me. position."

"Huh?" The four Valkyries present were stunned at the same time.

"You are not even interested in the position of the bishop who has ruled the world in can my little captain, He De, make you want to usurp the throne." Li Shubai spread his hands, "Although, you are so It’s surprising to me how easy it is to control this organization that ruled the world, but since you are not interested in ruling other people, it should also mean that you don’t value power very much, right?”

"That's natural." Rita covered her mouth and chuckled, "After all, to borrow a certain line that Ms. Mei once said——"

"—You are more important than this world."

The cold face of Lei Dian Mei [The Herrscher of Thunder] suddenly had a bright red glow.

Chapter 3 Zero Three Inauguration Celebration 4K

As the sun set, the cathedral of Asgard, the first main island, rang a sonorous bronze bell. With the moment when the bell rang as the dividing line, the church areas located on the nine main islands all rang in unison. In response, the bells sounded, announcing the fact that it had entered the night.

Of course, for all those who visited the Floating Island of Destiny on this day, the moment when the night came, heralded the beginning of the day.

Accompanied by continuous firing of salutes, one after another fireworks exploded in the cloudless night sky, the night sky was briefly illuminated, and the colorful sparks gradually extinguished their light in the process of falling.

After hundreds of years of development under the control of Otto, the Mandate of Heaven, which originated in early medieval Europe, has gradually transformed from the original religious organization to a more modern style of violence and scientific research that is more in line with the values ​​of the modern world. However, because the political framework of its organization still uses the centralized management system 500 years ago, the leadership position of "archbishop" with a strong religious color is still retained by Otto.

Of course, as the leader who has absolute dominance over the Mandate of Heaven, if the successor is personally selected by Bishop Otto, it is almost impossible for people who are short-sighted to question the legitimacy of the successor. Nor was it necessary to consult anyone else about this heir.

In a sense, the name [Otto Apocalypse] can be equated with the word [Rule] in Destiny.

Therefore, the inauguration ceremony of the two major female bishops, Urandale and Kiyana, also completely skipped the election and deliberation stage that other religions should have, and directly entered the new bishop's first inauguration. during the Mass.

At the beginning, all the guests present still treated the inauguration ceremony of the two female bishops with a devout attitude.However, since both Urandale and Kiana bluntly expressed to Otto before taking office that they did not like this overly solemn atmosphere, Otto, who had resigned from the post of bishop, took advantage of the trend. After the two female bishops took office, he personally eased the atmosphere of the entire inauguration ceremony. Using his superb field control skills and a more friendly attitude, the resignation ceremony of the previous generation of bishops, the two female bishops The three links of the inauguration ceremony and the first mass of the new bishop naturally turned into a grand celebration similar to a gala.

Beautiful fireworks shone in the night sky, and beautiful and elegant music played from the open church door. Now that the celebration has begun, a luxurious dinner full of delicacies is naturally indispensable... Although the guests present came from all over the world, but In this era of information explosion, as the top elites who have received elite education in various fields around the world, the guests who are eligible to participate in this historical moment have more or less made their mark on other important occasions.Therefore, the vast majority of people actually have a basic understanding of the identities of other visitors, and almost everyone has adapted to the change in the atmosphere immediately.Handsome gentlemen and dignified ladies gathered together in twos and threes, chatting about various high-class topics; envoys and even leaders of various countries were full of polite but not necessarily sincere smiles; Human-controlled intelligent robots interspersed among the crowd in suits and ties, carrying trays full of goblets to and fro, and the glasses and the wine in the glasses reflected the bright fireworks in the night sky.

The entire first main island of Asgard was immersed in a noble, elegant and peaceful atmosphere. Almost everyone had smiles on their faces, of course, there were a few exceptions.

For example, a glass of red wine from famous estates was ordered from the tray in the hands of the intelligent robot, and then Siegfried Kaslana, a one-armed man sitting blankly on the top of the high wall on the side of the church, sat alone.

Purely in terms of identity, if Siegfried can get rid of the wanted man of destiny, then, in the absence of the anti-entropy lord Walter Young, as the head of the Kaslana family, he will not be inferior to anyone present. a guest.But sitting alone in the sky, he has a rock-like rough texture all over his body. If Siegfried accidentally spills the wine on his body, he will probably be killed by everyone who smells of alcohol. One is mistaken for a shabby drunk.

However, the current Siegfried doesn't care about his poor appearance at all.

In fact, he has been here for more than six hours.

If someone told Siegfried that, as one of the three most wanted criminals personally wanted by Bishop Otto, he could stay on the No. [-] Sky Island in the headquarters of the Destiny for an hour... he would probably laugh out loud. Accept the other party's flattery, then turn around and forget about it.He is well aware of the defense force of the Destiny Headquarters, and also understands the importance of the first sky island to the entire floating island group. Logically speaking, if special abilities such as consciousness manipulation are excluded, even a mosquito cannot The monitoring system of the floating island group fled to the sky.

Therefore, from the moment he touches the transport ship to the sixth airport, Siegfried has been mentally prepared to be detected, or even be surrounded by the Valkyrie troops.

However, he has not felt the slightest sign of being discovered until now.

Three days ago, when I saw Otto's live speech for the first time, and the "Qiana Shaniat" that appeared on the screen, God knows how angry Siegfried was.

Siegfried did not believe that Otto would give up the post of Catholic Bishop for no reason at all.

He can basically guess that there is a high probability that Otto made the girl appear in the live news broadcast with such fanfare to show the world that he wanted to use the girl's appearance and identity to attract himself and the anti-entropy people... Then they came to catch the turtle in a wave of tricks.

But even if he knew that it was the bait thrown by Otto, with Siegfried's character, he would have to be "deceived" no matter how much he messed up.

After all, judging from the appearance, even if the girl who appeared on the screen is not his own daughter, he must have a close relationship with his own daughter.

The worst case scenario is... Back then, when I and my own daughter escaped from the headquarters of Destiny, they were not able to bring all the clones of "Kiana Kaslana" out of Destiny.

After losing many things, Siegfried has already recognized his incompetence and powerlessness, but even so, he does not allow Otto to continue to trample on the goodwill of his own daughter.

With the awareness that he might not be able to achieve anti-entropy, Siegfried, who was waiting in battle, touched the transport ship, and then... in an unexpected and unimpeded way, he came to the first host of the floating island group together with all other guests. among the islands.

Then, without being approached by any Valkyrie, he just watched Otto announce the fact that he had abdicated again under his nose, and then completely handed over the bishop's power to him in a quiet and solemn atmosphere. Urandale and "Qiana Shaniat".

When the two girls officially became the chief and deputy bishops of the destiny, and then naturally started the grand celebration, Siegfried, who was blowing in the sky, became messy.

The development of things...why is it completely different from what I imagined?

It is impossible to come forward to make trouble... Although he is a wanted criminal, he is not a thug in the true sense. How could he destroy this lively and peaceful celebration for no reason.

As for that "Qiana Shaniat"... Regardless of whether she is his own daughter or a clone like Kiyana, since Otto has really handed over the position and power of the vice bishop to Then, no matter how passionate Siegfried was, he would not be able to say "she was oppressed and treated unfairly by Otto".

So, after taking a glass of wine from the hands of those intelligent robots to confirm that he really didn't seem to be targeted by the Mandate of Heaven—at least not by the Mandate of Heaven's monitoring system, Siegfried was naturally at a loss.

He took a sip of the fragrant and mellow wine, his pupils full of bewilderment and bewilderment reflected the blooming fireworks in the night sky, then lowered his eyelids, searching for the figure of his daughter on the ground.

Siegfried felt like a discouraged ball after seeing the white-haired dumpling who was eating happily beside Theresa and the other white-haired dumpling who had mixed up with Theresa's party at some point Yan down.

"Qiana looks very happy..." He muttered in a low voice, "That Kiyana Shaniat... seems to be very happy with Kiyana and Teresa. "

So, is Otto really ready to abdicate?That Kiyana Shaniat was not the bait Otto threw at herself and anti-entropy, but was indeed one of Otto's heirs?Siegfried felt that his brain was not enough.

And...if this is the case, then, could "Kiana Shaniat" really be...

Thinking of this, Siegfried suddenly felt that his lips and tongue became inexplicably bitter. He took another sip from the rim of the goblet, trying to cover the bitterness in his mouth with the mellow taste, but found that there was no longer half of the cup left. Drip.

Should I go see her?Just as Siegfried was struggling with this matter, a light footstep suddenly sounded beside him.

The instant Siegfried heard the sound of footsteps, he tensed his muscles, and all his entanglement and bewilderment dissipated, replaced by a thinking mode that was completely switched to a fighting state.

Is it finally here?Siegfried didn't choose to act rashly at the first moment, but shook the wine glass in his hand slightly, with a low tone, full of composure and absolute confidence: "If I were you, I wouldn't face the fate of destiny alone. The strongest knight, go and tell Otto, if he wants to take me away, let him come and see me in person."

"Ah?" The visitor uttered a puzzled syllable, "Are you out of your mind? I just saw you finished drinking and came to help you get a bottle. What does it have to do with Otto?"

"Oh?" Siegfried was taken aback, turned his head abruptly, stared dumbfounded at the boy who suddenly stood behind him, and his words got stuck: "You... who are you?"

"Is it important who I am?" The boy shook the wine bottle in his hand, "The important thing is that your wine is finished, and I brought a bottle for you, so it's fine if you don't thank me, and it's still inexplicable." out of Bishop Otto."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Siegfried subconsciously bowed his head and apologized, but after apologizing, his whole body was messed up, and he shouted angrily, "No, no, no! Wait, you stand there first! Don't move!"

"Why, I'm not welcome?" The boy shrugged his shoulders, pretending that he didn't hear Siegfried's warning, and walked up to Siegfried's side in three steps and two steps, and then looked at the other side's stunned expression. Sitting beside him confidently, "It's useless if you don't welcome, this is not the place you bought."

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