"You consider yourself to be that child's subordinate, but you still made your own choice without accepting orders?" Rita asked again.

"You don't need to continue to test the relationship between me and the captain." Ulandal [Hui Knight·Moon Soul] said calmly, "Of course I will strictly abide by the orders he gave me as the captain, but at the same time, he It also gives us the Valkyries enough autonomy to choose, so even if we make our own decisions without accepting orders, it does not violate the management regulations of the Valkyries."

"Then... from the perspective of personal feelings?" Rita touched her chin lightly, and asked a question in a tone full of curiosity that made Ulandal's body freeze instantly, " Judging from the tone of your description of the captain, it seems that the relationship between you and him is not a simple subordinate relationship."

Ulandal raised her head subconsciously, and looked nervously at the face of her other self [Bright Knight·Moon Soul].

Then, under the watchful eyes of the two, Youlandelle [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] was silent for a long while, then lowered her head, muttering something in confusion, and then quickly became serious He got up, nodded vigorously, and finally, that upright and sassy face was quickly covered with a touch of gorgeous red.

"Well, that's right." I don't know what kind of thought process has passed, Youlandaier [Hui Knight·Moon Soul] said with an unquestionable attitude, "Besides the simple relationship between superiors and subordinates, I... Youlandai Er, he and the captain have poured out their feelings to each other, and they are a couple who love each other."

couple?Although after seeing Urandale [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] and the three silver-haired girls climbed onto the boy's bed together, Urandelle and Rita were already mentally prepared for this answer, But at the moment of being confirmed by the rightful owner, the hearts of the two still skipped a beat at the same time.

Goo, Urandale swallowed heavily, with a trembling voice: "But, even if this is the case, then... that kind of thing... shouldn't be done with... Kiyana and the others, right?"

"What?" Youlandal [Hui Knight·Moon Soul] was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized what the other party was referring to. It was only a slight redness at first, but it suddenly rose from the cheeks on both sides. Beside the ears, "You you you you... how do you know?!!!!"

Rita rested her forehead with her hands, and remained silent, while Ulandal covered her face in self-defeating after realizing how violent the news she had revealed, and an unspeakable voice came from the gap between her five fingers: "Yesterday... last night... you... you and Ki... Kiyana... when they did that to that... boy, I... Rita and I were right outside the window..."

"So... so... you all saw it?" While speaking in a voice so shameful that he wanted to die, the top of Youlandelle's [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] seemed to be uncontrollable after contracting a bad cold. Strong water vapor rose like a high fever: "Why... why didn't you tell me earlier!!"

"I... I thought Kiyana had already told you...I, how did I know that you all of a sudden... started..." Youlandelle said without tears, "And... and it was still several Alone together..."

"I..." Youlandelle [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] seemed to have been emptied of strength all of a sudden, her legs softened, she squatted down slowly, and then buried her face in her own body. In the gap between the thighs, two arms tightly wrapped around the sides of the head.

"...cough." Seeing that the two Ulandales temporarily lost the ability to speak and think due to excessive shame and confusion, although she also felt shy, Rita still forced herself to press down as fast as possible. Feeling the strange feeling rising up in his chest, he pretended to be calm and cleared his throat: "Since this is the case, you will forcibly take away the control of Destiny, in fact, it is just so that Captain Shubai can have a peace of mind. The place of life, is Rita right?"

Ulandale [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] silently nodded her head buried in her knees.

"But if that's the case, why do you dislike Lord Otto continuing to be the bishop?" Rita said slowly in a soft tone, "Rita can tell that it's not just you, it seems that your Your companions have a lot of opinions on Master Otto. But since you claim to be the same as Master Ulandal on Rita's side, then the relationship between you and Bishop Otto should also be the same as Yolandelle here. Master Er is the same."

Hearing this question, Urandale slid the palm that was covering her face.

Apparently, what Rita said made her quite curious and puzzled, even with her character who doesn't like to intervene in other people's relationships.

"...Of course, Otto is my teacher and my former direct superior. I will never forget his cultivation of me, and I am not going to deny the belief he once conveyed." It seems that I have realized that continuing to escape from reality will also change Nothing happened, after a long breath, Yolandail [Hui Knight·Moon Soul] finally raised his head and said in a complicated tone, "But at the same time, what he did to me I can't forgive him for those things."

"Those things I did to you?" Ulandal was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Rita lowered her head and touched her chin. Compared with Youlandelle who didn't understand the situation due to lack of memory, Rita, who already knew most of the facts, already had a clear understanding in her heart.

Hearing another question of her own, Ulandal [Hui Knight·Moon Soul] stood up first, then closed her eyes briefly, and turned her gaze towards Rita: "I Now I don’t have time to continue explaining these complicated things to you. For the details, you can just ask Rita on your side. Since Otto is no longer your bishop, you naturally lose the reason to keep concealing your background. necessary."

"My background?"

Urandale subconsciously turned her head and shifted her gaze to Rita.

"As expected, you already know." Rita sighed softly. "It's no wonder that Kiyana subconsciously called her by that word when she met Mrs. Ulandal last night."

"... Kiyana?" Hearing Rita's whisper, Yolandelle pondered for a moment, recalling the scene when she suddenly saw Kiyana last night.

At that time, she seemed to shout to herself...

"Theresa and Kiyana, before we leave, Rita on our side will explain to them. No matter how you view your identity now, if possible, try to explain to yourself as much as possible. Please be better for your family.” Youlandelle [Hui Knight·Moon Soul] said meaningfully, “I know that I have no right to interfere with your choice, but I think you should not wish to become like me, Without knowing it, I accidentally became the perpetrator who hurt my sister."

After finishing speaking, Urandale [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] fled away, leaving only Urandale dumbfounded and Rita who put on a thoughtful expression without saying a word. Stand where you are.

Chapter 315 The Particularity of the Spirit of the Spring 4k

"Yourandelle is little Qiyana??!"

At the same time that Ulandal was in a brain short-circuit state due to the successive shocking facts.

On the other side, the two elders who were related to her by blood also suddenly fell into a state of sluggishness for similar reasons.

On the first main island of Asgard, in the garden filled with the fragrance of flowers and the sound of insects, the noon sun reflected the same blank expressions of Theresa and Siegfried on Rita Losweise [Blue Knight· Moon Soul] in the wine red pupils.The calm and elegant maid smiled and bowed slightly to the two elders who had completely stopped thinking.

"The specific thing is like this. I'm sorry, Mr. Siegfried, Lady Teresa. Rita is willing to take all responsibility for such an important thing that I didn't tell you until now."

"Wait, wait, forget about that kind of thing, let me take it easy." Teresa rubbed her temples, blinked her big eyes blankly, and then swallowed heavily, " Urandale...does she know about this?"

The corners of Rita's mouth twitched slightly in a slight arc: "If Lord Youlandal's side is going well, she on this side should have already been told by Rita in this world. Got the news."

"What do you mean?" Theresa asked subconsciously first, and then, recalling that she had just heard a similar description not long ago, she suddenly widened her eyes, "Wait, [this world]... Could it be that you are the same as Kiyana at that time...??"

"That's it." Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] nodded her head calmly, "Whether it's Rita standing in front of you now, or Ulandal who was appointed by Bishop Otto as the chief and deputy bishop Both your lord and Miss Kiyana are not natives who originally belonged to this world."

"You two replaced the 'self' of this world!?" Teresa felt an indescribable chill suddenly rising from her back to Tianling Gai, "So, what about Ulandal and Rita in this world? They are now where?"

Compared to Teresa, Siegfried was the first to understand the situation, his expression was a little gloomy, and his voice became agitated like a lion about to get angry: "So, that kid last night The said 'Qiana over there locked up my own daughter'...does this refer to this?"

Although at the moment when he learned that his own daughter was imprisoned, Siegfried almost subconsciously raised a anger that seemed to be able to curse people to death, but after he turned his anger into The moment before the actual action was vented, another extremely strange thing, like a pot of cold water pouring directly on the top of the head, extinguished the extremely violent anger.

Wait, if according to Rita in front of her, both she and Yolandelle and Kiana, who were appointed by Bishop Otto as the chief and deputy bishops, are all from parallel worlds, then, in terms of identity, The two of them should be his daughters just like Qiyana and Ulandal in this world, right?

After figuring this matter out, rather than anger, more daze occupied Siegfried's thinking.

Not to mention that it is strange enough that the same person from different worlds will inexplicably become hostile. Since the person who imprisoned his own daughter is also his own daughter, what should he do as a father? What can I do?

Fortunately, no matter which world Rita is in, she is a good girl who understands others, so after seeing Siegfried's entanglement, Rita [Blue Knight · Moon Soul] took the initiative to speak: "Please rest assured, we In fact, there is no irreconcilable conflict with the "self" in this world. The reason why we chose to temporarily replace them with a slightly tougher method is only because of our own willfulness. Rita will take the initiative Confessing everything to you two is in itself to try to resolve all the issues related to the destiny before leaving."

"Before leaving?" Teresa was puzzled, "You... are you going to leave now?"

"Yes." Rita [Blue Knight · Moon Soul] nodded lightly, and then couldn't help but sighed a long time, "If the Captain chooses to study at the Destiny Headquarters as originally planned, we Like the captain, maybe we will stay in the headquarters of the destiny for a while. But since the captain chooses to stay away, we will naturally lose the reason to control the destiny. to be free again."

"Originally something that belonged to this world, now, it's time to return it to its original owner."

"..." Teresa opened her mouth slightly, was silent for a long while, and said with some difficulty, "So, the reason why you all did this kind of thing is because of that boy who is called the captain?"

"That's it." Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] said calmly, "Whether it is to fully invade the Bishop of Destiny three days ago, or to use certain conditions in exchange for Bishop Otto of this world to temporarily withdraw from the Destiny The stage, or the identities of Master Ulandal and Rita of this world were forcibly confiscated, all of this is to allow Master Captain to enjoy the time of serving in the Destiny Headquarters without any worries or threats. .”

Now, not only Teresa, but even Siegfried was speechless: "I did such an exaggerated thing just to enjoy my life in the destiny. It's really a big hand... When I was drinking last night Haven't you felt that your captain is actually such a willful person?"

"You seem to have misunderstood something." Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] narrowed her eyes dangerously, "Even if it is self-willedness, it has nothing to do with the captain. All that we have done, The captain himself does not know. Rita is willing to bear the corresponding responsibility for her actions, but Mr. Siegfried, even if you are the father of Lord Ulandale, please don't speak nonsense, and the truth comes out of your mouth , you should also understand."

"Uh..." Feeling the chill rising around the other party, Siegfried couldn't help but see a little cold sweat on his forehead, he raised his one arm and made a standard French military salute, "Okay, Well, I guess I was wrong... You guys really value that boy, and you will spare no effort to defend him."

"Of course." Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] showed a bright smile on her face, "After all, that is the unique Captain."

Seeing the smile on Rita's [Cang Knight·Moon Soul] face, Siegfried couldn't help being dumbfounded for a moment, and then took a breath: "Hiss...you little maid, you might as well be with Qiyana Same, have some special thoughts about that kid, right?"

Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] blushed slightly: "This matter seems to have nothing to do with Mr. Siegfried."

"Can it be considered irrelevant?" Siegfried scratched his silver hair with some embarrassment, "Even if it is a different world, Kiyana over there should be my daughter."

"That's right." Teresa also widened her eyes as if she suddenly remembered something, "Not just Kiyana over there, it seems that even Mei over there... seems to like that boy very much ?”

"One, two, three..." Thinking of this, Teresa raised her palm and snapped her fingers one by one, "Counting you, there seem to be three already? That boy's body Could it be that there is some kind of strange magical power? Is it so attractive to girls?"

dangerous topic.

Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] was silent for a moment, and a somewhat stiff smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "I don't think that the relationship between us and the captain is something that Lady Teresa needs to pay attention to."

"Compared to the captain's matter..." In the middle of speaking, Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] suddenly paused as if sensing something, and then slowly shifted her gaze to the entrance of the courtyard, "Master Teresa and Mr. Siegfried should pay more attention to people, shouldn't they be over there?"

Siegfried and Teresa subconsciously followed Rita's gaze towards the entrance of the courtyard, and their breathing became rapid at the same time.

I saw Yolandelle with complicated expressions and Rita with a smile on her face standing under the sun-lit door. Besides the two of them, Siegfried and Theresa also saw that they were being held by Yolandelle. The palm of the hand, Kiyana with a mixed expression of excitement and bewilderment.

"Although it's a little impolite, since the protagonists of the topic have arrived, please allow Rita to leave without authorization." After finishing speaking, Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] used a posture full of etiquette to Ziggy Fei After bowing slightly with Teresa to say goodbye, they turned around and walked towards the entrance of the courtyard without looking back.

At the moment when her body intersected with the three standing at the entrance, a soft "Thank you" suddenly flowed into Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul]'s ears.

Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] did not respond, but showed a soft smile.

After solving all the matters of the Destiny, Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] went to the apron of the first airport, and joined Youlandelle [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] and the two Herrschers.

After arriving at the meeting point, Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul], who had glanced around, suddenly let out a light sigh: "Are there only four of us? Lord Youlandal, didn't you say that last night, there were The two Miss Kiyana also came to this world through the power of the sky."

"Both of them." Qiyana [Herserscher of Fire Flame] waved her hand, "There is no need to wait for them, both of them have already been sent back to Tianqiong City by me, although they have passed through me I agree, but no matter what, since Sirin has borrowed the body of the spring elf, we have to reunite her with her sisters."

"Hey, whether it's Sirin or Kiyana, they're really messy." Youlandelle [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] sighed helplessly, "I hope the elf of the spring won't be too angry .”

"It shouldn't be." Kiyana [Herserscher of Fire Flames] shrugged, "Before borrowing her body, Sirin had already told her everything she was going to do, and if she would get angry afterwards, she wouldn't It would be so easy to agree."

"Could it be that the elf of the spring has a different value for the relationship between men and women than ordinary human beings?" Lei Dianmei [the herrscher of thunder] frowned slightly.

"No, that guy is unexpectedly innocent." Kiyana [The Herrscher of Fire Flame] showed a somewhat incomprehensible expression, "However, according to Sirin, since he is an elf born in a spring, so he is not interested in the spring. As far as the elves are concerned, she herself can reshape her body through the power of the spring water... So, as long as she blocks her perception of the outside world and then uses the spring water to reshape a new body afterwards, the spring water As far as the elf himself is concerned, it seems that he just fell asleep."

"Compared to the Herrscher of Space, this sounds more like the ability of the Herrscher of Reason." Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] marveled, "It's really... an eye-opener."

"Right, I thought so too." Kiyana [Herserscher of Fire Flame] had a subtle expression, "Anyway, since she thinks it's okay... Sirin did use it after getting her consent. We have no way to blame the body of the Spring Spirit."

"Let's not talk about the Spring Fairy and Sirin." Raiden Mei [The Herrscher of Thunder] turned her gaze towards Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul], "Rita, can you find Where is the captain now?"

Speaking of the captain, Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul]'s expression also became serious: "Actually, the target location that the captain will choose is not difficult to guess, although it is because..."

While talking, Rita [Blue Knight·Moon Soul] suddenly glanced at Qiyana [Herserscher of Fire] and Youlandelle [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] with some reproachful eyes: "... The impulsive action of the position scared the captain out of the destiny headquarters without telling us. People who don’t care about other people’s feelings about how to deal with it. Therefore, in order not to cause all the Valkyrie to panic, the target location chosen by the captain should still be a place controlled by the Valkyrie.”

Hearing Rita [Hui Knight·Moon Soul] say this, Raiden Mei [The Herrscher of Thunder] quickly understood what she meant: "World Snake?"

"Nine times out of ten." Rita [Bright Knight·Moon Soul] nodded, "The only question left is those heroic warriors...and that Lady Herrscher, would you like The captain who took the initiative to throw himself into their arms has been handed over."

Chapter 316 Only Teresa's Injured World Completed 4k

For the members of the Hyperion, the base of the World Snake is not particularly confidential information.

Or it should be said that, unlike Anti-Entropy, whose command center is set up in a military base in North America, and the Destiny Floating Island Group, which simply separates its headquarters from the surface, strictly speaking, the World Snake does not actually have a separate base of operations.

Or in other words, because its predecessor was the moth that chased the fire, as long as there is still a facility that can be activated by their pioneers in a certain place in the world, then that place can naturally be regarded as the base of the world snake.

In fact, even for pioneers like Kevin, the Paradise of the Dead, a large-scale conscious stealth device that at least superficially appears to be used to inherit power, can span 5 years of time and space. It is also a surprise.

Even in 700 A.D., when the battery of the armed puppet used to take care of Fu Hua's daily life - Cangxuan Zhishu was completely worn out, so that he had to go into a dormant state, Fu Hua at that time never tried to move forward. Tomorrow Paradise borrows a battery from the facilities in Paradise, because in the concept of their pioneers, apart from Su, who is protected by the second God's key, and the dormant chamber frozen by the fourth God's key, There shouldn't be any other facilities from the pre-civilization era escaping from the final "reset".

Therefore, the headquarters of the World Snake was barely determined until the moment when the Paradise of the Past was excavated by the Gray Snake and was finally rediscovered.

The specific location of the Paradise of the Past is located at the junction of the Eurasian plate and the African plate. If you measure it on the scale of the world map, it is actually closer to the headquarters of Destiny than expected. It is even the same as the country where the floating island group is located. Austria is also in the same time zone.

...Of course, for the members of the team, there are a few Valkyries who can use the power of the sky, no matter how far the distance is, they can easily cross it in the blink of an eye.

However, before [Herserscher of Salinity] Qiyana was about to leave, another group of people suddenly came to the door.

"Wait! Don't go yet! Wait for me!"

On the periphery of the apron of the first airport, a clear and anxious voice suddenly came from a distance.

Hearing that voice, the four Valkyries who were about to leave were taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously turned their gazes towards the direction from which the voice came.

Amid the hurried footsteps, Teresa frantically moved her pair of short legs, and ran over with a burst of sand and dust.

In the sky above her, Ulandal, who was flying in the air with the help of the flight module of "Bright Knight Moon Soul", held Kiyana in one arm and Mei Raiden in the other, and followed Deli silently. behind Sha.

"Ha... ha... ha..." Teresa, who desperately ran to the front of the four, gasped for a moment, then swallowed a mouthful of air, and said with some difficulty: "You...you are going to... Where?"

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