Regarding this point, not only Kevin, but even Li Shubai, who has been jumping around in various timelines, actually doesn't have much clue.

Kevin doesn't care about this either. His brain is not as good as that of researchers like Mebius and Weiwei. In the memory of the past, the time traveler named [Li Shubai] gave a new plan that was better and more perfect than the Stigmata Project to let the world pass the test of collapse. [Self] promised an opportunity.

An opportunity to go back to 5 years ago and completely restore that destroyed civilization.

As the memory of the Paradise of the Past, Kevin is deeply aware of the fact that he is not [the real Kevin], but it is also because he has completely inherited Kevin's memory, strength, and even personality. He is not so rigid about his identity as a memory.

Therefore, after knowing that the real self got a chance to completely let go of the burden, Kevin, who is a memory, naturally became the same as the real Kevin, trying to change his thinking little by little. ways and patterns of behavior.

A well-known hot knowledge——

Kevin will become cold and paranoid, not because he wants to be like this, but because he is forced to be helpless.

If it is said that Alicia's behavior and style are the same as those of Le Ziren, it is because she is very interested in everything and loves most people and things in this world from the bottom of her heart.

Trying to let go of that cold air, Kevin will unknowingly become a fun person, it is entirely because he is an optimistic young man, he naturally has a nature that loves to seek excitement.

This nature is integral to humans, indeed to all living things.

Life is all about pursuing happiness and fulfillment.

Human beings lacking this part of function are no different from cold machines.

Of course, although Kevin himself knew the reason for his sudden personality change, the other Ying Jie knew nothing about the abnormal phenomenon that happened to Kevin.

Including Su, who knew Kevin best, all the Ying Jie who had the ability to fight, without exception, released an incomparably fierce fighting spirit.

From their point of view, the reason for Kevin's sudden temperamental change is mostly because of some weird problems with his data.

Although this kind of view probably cannot be said to be wrong, after all, strictly speaking, the fusion of memories from another memory can definitely be regarded as a problem, but Kevin is obviously concerned about the extra part. Memory is sweet.

And - he wasn't going to obediently get caught because of this.

Almost at the same moment when Yingjie released their fighting spirit against Kevin, the air in this paradise area, and even the space itself, became heavy and cold like minerals that had been suddenly solidified. Incomparable.

If it is an ordinary person, probably just feeling this change in the atmosphere, the whole body will completely freeze and become unable to move.

Of course, for Alicia, Qianjie, Cosmo, Su and Hua, who are also Yingjie, this level of deterrence and momentum, apart from making their thinking and breathing more dignified, can't help them. to more functions.

"That..." Just as the atmosphere of the confrontation became tense, a boyish voice full of helplessness suddenly broke through the condensed air, " can fight as long as you want, can you let me get out of here first?"

The person who spoke was Li Shubai sitting on the tree stump... Contrary to the expectations of the Yingjies, this young man who seemed to be relatively good in physical ability was able to move freely in the fighting spirit they released. Judging from the helpless expression Look, he also seems completely unfazed by the impending war.

After realizing this, Mebius's snake pupils shrank slightly.

Although Mebius, who has always had a high self-esteem, is very reluctant to admit that she will be mistaken one day, but at this moment, she can quickly analyze... what she saw and recognized from that boy, Maybe neither is the real truth.

No, it should be said, how could it be possible that the boy who fell in love with Alicia was just a person with slightly superior physical fitness?

And... more than that.

After realizing a rather weird fact, Mebius subconsciously turned his gaze away from the boy, and instead locked on the direction of Aponia and Eden.

——After she proposed [a thorough check of Kevin's data], except for Gracie who didn't understand what happened, Sakura who was still immersed in teasing Higyomaru, and there wasn't much Apart from Patofelis, who is capable of fighting, whether it is Qianjie, Cosmo, or even that Alicia, the kind-hearted Su who is almost stupid, and the relatively jerky Hua, they all responded without exception. At her own call, even Wei Wei took out an extremely flamboyant machine gun from her magic hat without saying a word, presumably it was a special model armed with Kevin.

Obviously, most Yingjies are the same as themselves, thinking that Kevin's abnormal performance may be due to some problems in his data that may need to be resolved early.

However, only Aponia and Eden, who have the best relationship with Alicia and should follow Alicia the most... neither released hostility towards Kevin with them, nor did they seem to be Not prepared to stop this infighting between Ying Jie.

Sure enough, just as Mebius guessed, at the moment when the young man expressed "I don't want to participate in the internal struggle with Yingjie at all", Aponia and Eden showed understanding smiles almost at the same time.

"If you feel too tired, go back to the hall and have a rest first." Eden walked to Li Shubai's side with a smile, and the liquid in the goblet swayed gently with her graceful steps. Do you want to chat for a while?"

"Poor child, there is so much exhaustion and helplessness in your eyes, but has no one noticed all of this?" Compared with Eden, who was still a little reserved, Aponia's invitation was obviously more straightforward , "[Please] relax, come with me, by my side, no one can hurt you."


The moment Aponia's words fell, some invisible fluctuation suddenly invaded his thinking.

But before that strange fluctuation affected Li Shubai's consciousness and actions, accompanied by a slight chill, his consciousness instantly became clear.

"What did you do to me?" Li Shubai subconsciously stood up with a vigilant expression.


I don't know why, but Li Shubai treated her with extreme vigilance, but Aponiya's ethereal and clear dignified face, which always put on an expression of abstinence, suddenly burst into a beautiful and extremely touching smile.

"I'm very sorry, it's my self-assessment that troubled you." She walked slowly in front of Li Shubai, then slowly bent her slender white legs, put her fingers together, with a devout expression, "If You are puzzled by this, then please feel free to tell me, if this answer still does not satisfy can also arbitrarily impose the punishment you want on this body."


Although he was still in a state of extreme vigilance, Li Shubai was still a little stunned when he saw that Aponiya had put on such a low profile towards him.

Especially... this posture completely filled his field of vision with the two proudly standing mountains.

Li Shubai stared at the majestic pair that was lightly covered by a small piece of fabric, and there was only a layer of semi-transparent gauze left. He swallowed lightly, and then felt awkward and difficult. averted his gaze.

"You, you stand up first, let's talk slowly if there is anything, okay?"

"If that's what you expect."

Following Li Shubai's words, Aponia slowly stood up straight.

Then he discovered that his embarrassment had nothing to do with Alponia's posture.

This heretical nun whose face is full of abstinence, who is dressed all over her body is seductive and breaks her vows... No matter what posture she takes in front of her, she can easily make him feel stiff all over. .

"Stand there and don't move!" Li Shubai stretched out his palm, and said seriously to Aponiya, and then stepped back step by step. After the distance between the two sides was safe enough, he put on a serious face. With a serious face, he asked: "First explain what you did to me just now? The sentence just now... If my feeling is not wrong, you should be trying to interfere with my consciousness, right?"

"It's a very keen sense. Even if the ability doesn't work on you, you still feel that your consciousness has been interfered by outsiders." Aponia nodded slightly, smiling, "As you have noticed , just now, I did use my ability on you without authorization, and offended you, which is something I can do nothing about.”

"What is helplessness..." Li Shubai frowned, "Your ability... If I remember correctly, it should be the [discipline] that can make people obey you? Why did you suddenly use this thing on me? Although it may be a little late to remind Yes, but you have discovered it yourself, your precepts are not effective for me, so I advise you to save your energy."

"Indeed, after actually experiencing it, of course I can immediately understand that in terms of your ability, the so-called commandments are just a trick to deceive children." Aponia lowered her head slightly, "I am very sorry to make you feel uneasy gone."

Li Shubai's expression softened slightly: "Do you know that your ability will make people feel uneasy, and you still use it like this?"

"In most cases, this is just a subconscious behavior." Aponia said softly, "Only just now, I did actively try to exert my ability on you."

"Deliberately used my ability on me, what does that mean?" Li Shubai asked, "I shouldn't have offended you, right?"

"Of course not." Alponia shook his head, "It's just that there is a question that has troubled me for a long time, and I want to witness the answer to it no matter what."

"The more I talk about it, the more I don't understand it." Li Shubai said dissatisfiedly, "Is this the tradition of your Paradise of the Past?"


Why do I subconsciously feel that none of these Ying Jie can speak human words?

Phew, in such confusion, a slight stabbing pain attacked Li Shubai's consciousness, successive images turned into memories, pouring into his mind like a tide.

These memories are... Li Shubai supported his eyebrows, and his breathing became a little short.

Under the stimulation of the precepts, did part of the memory recover?

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing Li Shubai's sudden gesture of propping his forehead, Eden first glanced at Alponia with some dissatisfaction, and then said in a worried tone, "It's Alponia's commandments that make you feel Are you in pain?"

"'s the opposite." Li Shubai shook his head, removed the palm of his hand that was supporting his forehead, with a complicated expression, "Maybe... a bit of a blessing in disguise?"

"But no matter how you say it, I think it's better for you to give me a clear explanation." After explaining his situation to Eden, Li Shubai turned his gaze to the direction of Aponia again, "No That kind of ambiguous and vague answer, what I want to know is your specific purpose."

"Probably because I want to confirm whether the memory of the main body is correct."

Suddenly, Kevin interrupted Li Shubai's words.

"You don't know, three days ago, when Alicia and the others in the real world came to the Paradise of the Dead, they also updated the data of Alponia and Eden's memory."

"?" Li Shubai was stunned.

Alicia was also stunned: "Wait, why didn't I know???"

Three days ago, led by Alysia [Miss Pink Fairy], there were three other Yingjie who somehow survived to this day——Eden [Gold·Bright Song], Sakura [Royal God Clothes·Don't Forget] And Aponia [Commande·Deep Sin's Threshold] made a sudden visit to the World Snake Headquarters.

While they completely controlled the World Snake, they also shocked the memories in the Paradise of the Past.

But except for Alicia [Miss Pink Goblin], the other three Ying Jie temporarily left after a brief appearance in the Paradise of the Dead to deal with other affairs of the world snake. Therefore, during these three days During the period of time, apart from Alicia [Miss Pink Fairy], the memory in the Paradise of the Dead has no other channels to understand what happened to the outside world.

Chapter 3 Alicia: Wronged 4k

During these three days, Alicia [Miss Pink Fairy] spent most of her time together with the memories of Eden and Alponia, even herself—Alicia’s memory, except for the last When I first came to the Paradise of the Dead, I was inevitably noticed by most Ying Jie, and then I met once when all the members gathered in the hall of the Paradise, Alicia [Miss Pink Fairy] never showed up.

God knows how shocked these memories were when they saw the four heroes who were still alive in the world. [Song] Leaving aside, in the concept of these memories, Sakura [Royal God Clothes·Don't Forget] has clearly been sacrificed in the pre-civilization era when the Herrscher of Erosion came.

Alponia's memory is even more incomprehensible.

Due to the special nature of memory, including Alicia's memory, the thirteen heroes standing here actually have no way of knowing what their real ending is.

The technology of creating memory itself will have an extremely huge burden on the body and spirit of the ontology. Even with the technical means of the last civilization era, it is still a task to interfere with the brain, hack into it, or even turn the memory into data. It's almost impossible to do.

Even with the help of fusion fighters from the spiritual perception department and the Eighth God's Key, this technology that was originally difficult to realize was made possible. Except for Thirteen Yingjie, ordinary fighters and scientific researchers still have no way to do it. Copy your memory into data.

Even if they are Thirteen Yingjie, it is impossible to update their memory after death.

However, Alponia is an exception.

5 years ago, after Alicia [Return] collapsed, Aponia used Wei Wei's technology to integrate everything into the Paradise of the Past.Therefore, in a sense, Alponia standing here is actually different from the memories of most heroes.

——She is without a doubt the real Alponia, or at least, she is the one closest to [the deity] compared to the memories of the other heroes.

Therefore, through my own perception ability, I watched the moment when Aponia [Discipline · Threshold of Deep Sin] and Alicia [Miss Pink Fairy] suddenly appeared in the hall of Paradise together, even with her Unwilling to go out to meet the character of the visitor, he had to show up with the memories of all the other heroes at the first time.

At the beginning, she didn't believe that it was the real "self", and she also felt distrust towards the other three visiting Yingjie.

After all, as the only one in the memory of Yingjie who witnessed [his own] demise, Alponia deeply knows his own end.

However, when Aponia and her other self [Discipline·Threshold of Deep Sin] faced each other, almost all doubts were instantly dispelled.

As a fusion warrior of the spiritual perception department, Alponia has a different way of perceiving the outside world than ordinary people.

Ordinary human beings perceive everything in the outside world through their five senses, including vision, hearing, smell, touch, and even taste... All things in the outside world can only be identified and understood within the scope of their perception. cognition.

However, as a fusion warrior of the spiritual perception department, there is one more type of sensory organ than human beings—even Aponia, who has several different sensory organs, can confirm things in the outside world at another latitude that is completely different from the five senses .

Especially, when the other party being sensed, like her, is a fusion warrior of the spiritual perception system.

Through the perception ability that is different from ordinary people, the two beings who are also Alponia can even exchange information in a way that is unknowable and unmeasurable to others.

Therefore, the moment the two Aponias faced each other, Aponias immediately confirmed that the other party's true identity was definitely the real [self].

It's just that the path that the other party took was slightly different from that of myself who had completely fallen into despair because of watching Alicia make self-sacrifice.

After a brief meeting, the four surviving Ying Jie did not stay in the paradise for long. Since they want to completely control the World Snake, they must personally interfere with everything about the World Snake.

So, after a brief meeting, apart from Alicia [Miss Pink Fairy] who is not good at dealing with such serious occasions, Eden [Gold · Shining Song], Sakura [God Costume · Don't Forget] and Aponia [Discipline · Threshold of Deep Sin] left the paradise soon after that, I don’t know if it was to make up for [myself] regret, Sakura [Royal God Clothes · Don’t Forget] is still there Before leaving, she temporarily lent her Jizo Yuhun to Sakura's memory.

Although the meeting time was very short, for their memories, the impact they received during these few minutes probably far exceeded any moment in 5 years.

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