The expression form of [cocoon] is not fixed in the first place.

The way of finally embracing the world is the way [cocoon] embraces the world.

Therefore, at the moment when different herrschers of the end destroy the world, the nature of the [cocoon] will also change drastically.

Conversely, before the Herrscher of the End of a world really comes, even with the technology of the previous civilization era and the high-speed observation ability of the Thousand Realms, they have no way to accurately confirm that the [cocoon] of this world will be in the end. What form does it show.

This is also the biggest reason why Qiyana, who has already become the [Hersherr of the End], was unable to lock onto the [Cocoon] of this world in the first place.

Even though it was linked with the original world, the [Cocoon] that lost its self-awareness and was easily controlled by her, Kiyana [The Herrscher of the End] still couldn't confirm the current state of the [Cocoon] in this world. state.

Therefore, while performing high-speed searches in different parallel worlds, Qianjieyicheng must always ensure the accuracy of searches under Wei Wei's supervision. She must carefully grasp the specific properties of each different [cocoon] and Compare them, and finally, from the massive [cocoons], find out the one whose nature is the closest to the current state of the intrinsic world.

"At a time like this, it would be great if Prometheus was around." Thinking of the tedious work she would face next, Weiwei couldn't help but sighed a little discouraged, "It's better to be put into the The No.17 on the other side of the imaginary number... Alas, what a pity, why did I forget how to wake her up in advance when I set up the back door? If it was her, I think it is quite close to [Cocoon] distance."

"Prometheus?" Kiana [Herserscher of the End] hesitated for a moment, "Are you talking about the artificial intelligence from the last civilization?"

"That's right." It's probably because it's a kind of pastime for someone to say a few words in a boring job. This time, Wei Wei didn't treat Qiyana [The Herrscher of the Last End] She expressed dislike and dissatisfaction with the question, but she answered her question quite straightforwardly, "According to the program preset by Dr. MEI, NO. Will, they can move the collapsed natural disasters to the artificially set track. Therefore, in your era, starting from the Herrscher of Reason, the nature of all Herrschers and the laws of their appearance are the same as ours. The era that fell under the hands of the end is very similar."

"...Is there such a thing?" Qiyana [Herserscher of the Final Yan] was full of astonishment, "This is really the first time I've heard of it, so there's no way to call that number 17 back?"

"Don't think about it, it's useless even if you really call her back." Wei Wei shrugged, "When Dr. MEI preset the invasion route for NO.17, he was not prepared to let her return to reality from the very beginning. The world, even if it is an artificial intelligence life form, at the moment when imaginary numbers and Honkai touch each other, Honkai will be shackled by her will, but correspondingly, her way of thinking will be completely changed. Change to a way of thinking about Houkai——If NO.17 can completely control the will of Houkai, you, the herrscher of the civilization era, should not have an uncontrollable desire to destroy human civilization from the very beginning, right?"

"So, if we bring her to the real world, what we will end up with is just a will to destroy human civilization?" asked Qiyana [Herserscher of the Last End].

Weiwei nodded lightly, her clear pupils reflected the constantly flickering data stream on the console screen, looking cold and heartless: "That's what's going on."

"What if we cut off the link between her and Honkai?" Kiyana [Herrscher of the Last End] asked again, "In the second Honkai... there is another thousand people I have experienced In the Herrscher incident, the squad leader should have used similar methods to cut off the link between human will and Houkai? If we can reproduce that scene...will we be able to reverse NO.17's will? gone?"

"There's no need to reappear, as I said, Dr. MEI originally reserved a way to recall her consciousness." Wilwe gave Qiyana [the Herrscher of the End] a light look, "but Her situation is completely different from that of the Second Herrscher of your era. At the moment she was thrown into the imaginary number, NO.17 has already merged with the Bengkai regardless of each other. Even if you reproduce the second Bengkai Bad Shihua used Yu Duchen to cut off the scene of the Second Herrscher and the Honkai will, and the final result was that all the efforts of NO.17 were in vain, and her will would disappear immediately."

"After all, the so-called stigmata plan was originally to let Kevin, who can bear the end, usurp the power of the end from her through the sacrifice of NO.17, and completely take over the position of the Herrscher of the end."

"..." Qiyana [Herserscher of the Last Yan] couldn't help but fell into silence.

After taking over the power of the final cocoon, she certainly knows how manic and uncontrollable the so-called final power is.

If it weren't for the captain forcibly depriving [Cocoon] of all active thinking and action capabilities, and even being unable to fully control the power of the Herrscher of the Sky, it would be impossible to completely control [Cocoon]'s vision.

Although I already realized how powerful these heroes are when I was in the Paradise of the Past, when Qiyana [The Herrscher of the End] once again set foot on the battlefield against the Houkai with them, she Only then did I finally fully understand that in order to leave behind that trace of fire and hope in this era of civilization, Yingjie from the era of civilization, Dr. MEI, and those who only have [records] left... and those who don’t even have records. The victims who failed to stay, how much blood, sweat and effort they put in, how much they went beyond the limit, and even beyond the thinking of human intelligence.

Compared with the era of deep despair 5 years ago, they have stood on the shoulders of giants from the very beginning... On top of that, they also got [Captain], they are undoubtedly happy.

"Is there really no other way?" Qiyana [The Herrscher of the End] murmured in a low voice.

"Do you mean the matter of No.17, or the matter of finding [Cocoon]?" Wei Wei said calmly.

"... Don't you feel pity for that NO.17 at all?" Qiyana [Herserscher of the End] slightly lowered her head, "Although it's just artificial intelligence, but..."

"but what?"


A voice that resembled Bronya but was completely different in tone and way of speaking echoed in the confined space.

Hearing the voice with a hint of milk and mixed with mechanical reverberation, Wei Wei and Qiyana [Herserscher of the Last End] were taken aback at the same time, and then turned their heads in a flash.

"Bronya?! Why are you here?" After seeing the girl who suddenly appeared behind them and quietly floating in mid-air, Kiyana recognized her as Bronya at first glance. The Herrscher of the End] asked the question almost instinctively.

"Huh? No." Just after asking this sentence, Qiyana [The Herrscher of the Last Yan] suddenly realized something was wrong.

Although the girl's face and voice are quite similar to Bronya's, but... her body, whether it is the torso, joints, feet, or five fingers, can be easily seen. Belong to human style.

Qiyana [The Herrscher of the End] couldn't help feeling a little dazed, she carefully looked at the whole body of this mechanical girl, hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively: "Well, are you Bronya? "

Although the Bronya she knows is not a mechanical girl, but... even herself in the world bubble can become a spring spirit born from a spring, so Qiyana [Herserscher of the End] can't be sure. , Is this girl who looks like Bronya and has exactly the same voice and tone of voice as Bronya, is she another existence similar to the elf of the spring?

"Unfortunately, although the Valkyrie named Bronya has a similar appearance and way of thinking to me, my name is not Bronya." The girl said every word in an emotionless tone. He said slowly, "My name is Prometheus. Relatively speaking, it is more accurate to call me NO.17."

"Long time no see, NO.17." A gleam of joy flashed in Wei Wei's eyes, "I didn't expect you to appear in front of us so well."

"Although it doesn't sound like a blessing, I'll accept your offer for the time being, Engineer Weiwei." Prometheus said in an inorganic voice, "Aiyi told me, You may need my help, I seem to have heard it just now, you are talking about me, so - can you upload a copy of the current specific situation to me? I need to know the progress of your work, And use this as a basis to formulate the next battle plan.”

Chapter 334 Breaking the cocoon plan, start 4k

"Wait, before I upload the work progress to you, I think you should share with us your current situation." Weiwei said, "Why did you appear here? Also, why did you and Aiyi ——It should be the one called Λ, why do you two stay together?"

"So she is Prometheus?" At this time, Qiyana [Herserscher of the Last End] spoke as if waking up from a dream, "Why does she look like Bronya..."

Prometheus crossed his hands, gently holding the upper arms on both sides with doll-like palms, and slightly closed his silver-gray eyes that could not see the slightest emotion.

She obviously didn't speak, and she didn't show any emotion on her facial expression, but Qiyana [The Herrscher of the End] clearly saw a trace of impatience from Prometheus' movements.


A low sigh.

Prometheus, who closed his eyes and mouth, sighed lightly through his nose——

"Let me give a brief overview."

"To put it bluntly, it was Aiyi who stripped my data from the Honkai on the other side of the imaginary number, and she made a copy of my data and uploaded it to her data carrier...that is, Huberian number."

Wei Wei raised her eyebrows: "Is that kind of thing possible? It stands to reason that after Dr. MEI hacked you into imaginary numbers, your existence should not only be pure data, but also related to Honkai. The integrated [Honkai Will]? Let’s not talk about how she helped you get out of the control of the Honkai. Although we also have the technology to transform the consciousness body into data, if you are just a piece of pure data, you should not It might be right in front of our eyes."

"Your body—the appearance is the same as before, but if I read correctly, it should not be the robot that Dr. MEI made for you, but it is the same as Aiyi, it is a kind of concrete [self] appear?"

Although it was a questioning tone, looking at Wei Wei's extremely determined eyes, it was obvious that he had considerable confidence in the conclusion he had deduced.

"Evidently you didn't touch it directly, but you still noticed the change in the material?" Prometheus didn't answer Wei Wei's question directly, but continued to speak word by word in her inorganic voice, " Your vision is really as vicious as ever."

"I accept this sentence as a compliment." Wei Wei shrugged, "In short, since you are indeed No. 17 who was put into the imaginary number space by Dr. For a while, you should have been measuring the whole process from [Siyuan] to [Final Yan] from the perspective of [Honkai Will], right? Have those data been brought out by Aiyi?"

"If I didn't, I wouldn't have appeared in front of the two of you." Prometheus said lightly, "As you know, the moment I hacked into the imaginary number, my consciousness was also destroyed So, even if Ai opened the back door that Dr. MEI set up for me in advance, what she could see at that time was not just a [cocoon] who accepted the incomplete [cocoon] and returned to self-awareness for a short time. collapse will] only."

"But... What we need today is exactly that [incomplete cocoon], right?" Weiwei smiled softly, "I have seen the information about this era of civilization in the database of the Hyperion. History and the future, before the arrival of the Herrscher of Ice and the Herrscher of Stars, from 2014 to 2017...these three years just happened to be the gap period between the arrival of the Herrscher."

Qiyana [The Herrscher of the Final Yan] came to her senses in an instant: "That is to say, in these three years, even if it is still in an incomplete state, the nature of [Cocoon] is not due to the Herrscher's Advent produces any changes!"

"So, as long as we use the data brought back by NO.17, we can quickly lock the position of the [cocoon] in this world in the imaginary number." Wei Wei licked her lips and tongue, she turned around He scratched his head, restarted the operating system of the Second God's Key, and then shook his hands at Qiyana [The Herrscher of the Last End], "Qiana, go and get those people from this civilization era The scientific research personnel and Mebius called me, the second key of God does not need you to continue to supply energy, NO.17, hurry up and send me the data of that [cocoon], if there are no accidents—— An hour later, it will be time for us to decide the outcome against the Honkai."

after an hour--

"It is now January 2014, 1, at 14:[-] am Eastern Time, and the Hyperion is in the airspace of St. Freya College. The environment is good and the equipment is normal."

Under the cloudless clear sky, Youlandelle [Tianyuan Qiying] looked more serious than ever. She looked around at all the people standing on the deck, and then turned on her communicator. People's eyes stretched out of thin air, and the screen showed the picture of Theresa [Twilight Knight] standing on the deck, her immature face was full of unprecedented calm and majesty.

Youlandelle [Tianyuan Qiying] raised his head, looked at the virtual screen suspended in mid-air, nodded seriously, and spoke in a very serious tone like a competent soldier: "All front-line combatants have completed their positions. , Commander Teresa, please give us final instructions."

"Okay, then I announce that [The Cocoon Breaking Project] has officially started. This is our first battle, and I hope it will be our last battle, but our chance is far from this time, so if any If something is wrong, you must report it immediately, and everyone has the right to terminate this mission immediately when they realize that they or their companions are in danger!" Teresa [Twilight Knight] said very quickly, "With us In different worlds, we fight each other in different situations. Captain Li Shubai has helped us integrate forces from different parallel worlds and different timelines. We even have Qiyana who has fully mastered the final power. In the end, we are not incapable of fighting, and any difficulty will not pose a real threat to us."

"But because of this, you must remember that all front-line personnel must protect their own safety as the first goal! We must not despise the goal because we have a stronger force than in the past. Our goal is to have no casualties The success... Kiyana, do you have something to say?"

"That..." Qiyana [Herserscher of the Last Yan] couldn't help raising her hand, "Are the mission conditions this time a little too loose?"

With their own safety as the first goal, everyone is allowed to terminate this mission immediately when they or their companions are in danger—if it is placed in a general military mission, these two sentences are said in public The commander will probably be dismissed immediately because of passive sabotage.

At least as far as Kiana [The Herrscher of the End] knew, even when she didn't have the power and memory of an awakened Herrscher, during the time she was a student at St. Freya Academy, Teresa never would Give such instructions to the Valkyrie.

"Hmph, don't I understand your temperament?" Teresa [Twilight Knight] snorted coldly, with a cold expression, "Now I am the acting captain of the Hyperion, not the Valkyrie of Destiny, and more I am not the commander-in-chief of the Far Eastern branch. All the instructions I have issued to you are to ensure the interests of the Hyperion as the first goal. What danger did you encounter—how do you want me to explain to the captain?"

"You are all stronger than me now. If you really want to do something forcibly, I can't control you, so I can only let you all restrain each other. And, as I said, in the already After obtaining the coordinates of the [cocoon] in this world, our chance is far more than just this one time. Before the destined moment actually arrives, we have countless opportunities to overcome the difficulties we will face—of course, if we use It would be better not to have those opportunities.”

Teresa [Twilight Knight] glanced at the time on the console, and no longer responded to Kiyana [Herserscher of the Last End], but gave her precise instructions: "Now repeat the list of groups for each task. , Kiyana, Ulandal, and Alicia, the three of you have the experience and ability to operate in the imaginary space, so the three of you will take on the main task of tackling tough problems. If necessary, you can be liberated at any time [Siyuan ] and the authority of [Final Yan], Urandale is responsible for leading the team—you control your sister and Alicia well, and don’t let them do anything beyond my order!"

"Received!" Ulandale [Tianyuan Qiying] nodded seriously.

"Hey! Is it necessary to disobey the management like I said!" Qiyana [Herserscher of the End] shouted dissatisfied.

"Alicia has received it!" Alicia [The Herrscher of Man] blinked her eyes playfully, "A beautiful girl with a heart is omnipotent! Don't worry, cute little Shedley Sha, we will definitely complete this mission."

"Let's get along well from now on, dear Kiyana, and Yolandelle."

"..." Teresa [Twilight Knight]'s eyelids twitched, and she desperately told herself not to get angry... not to lose the majesty of being an acting captain. He talked to the two tricksters, but his tone became a little blunt: "Einstein, Tesla, Mebius, and Vivi, please return the four doctors to the second key of God, for Qi Yana and the others provide tactical and technical support at any time. Bronya, Rita, and Walter, you go to assist these four doctors. During this period, Walter, if time and circumstances permit, please give Bronya Ya's Herrscher of Reason's ability to do what she can, knows that if this operation fails, it's best to bring Bronya in the next attacking team... Whether it's logistics or the attacking team, the Herrscher of Reason's power is invaluable the power of."

"Understood." Walter Yang nodded, and then looked at Bronya [Herserser of Reason] who was looking back at him with somewhat complicated and sighing eyes, "I didn't expect that after me , There is another successor who can inherit his will and strength, I will wholeheartedly guide you how to control the power of the power of reason, Bronya, let us complete the next cooperation together."

"You are overrated, Mr. Walter." Bronya [The Herrscher of Reason] nodded expressionlessly, "Bronya also hopes that she can control the full power of the Herrscher of Reason as soon as possible."

"Xieer, and...uh, can I call you Hei Xier?" Teresa [Twilight Knight] looked in the direction of the two Xier, one black and one white, "After Kiana and the others performed the imaginary numbers While invading and trying to subvert the Houkai, as the opposite of imaginary numbers, the quantum sea should also produce unpredictable fluctuations. In order to ensure that Kiana and Dr. Einstein are not affected by the abnormal fluctuations of the quantum sea, I need You are always monitoring quantum fluctuations—of course, if there are monsters in the sea of ​​quantum, you just need to report to me the coordinates of the enemies you have observed, and I will let the Hyperion and other Hyperian Valkyrie support the past."

"I...I know!" Xi'er [Twins from the Other Side] held her hand in front of her chest, and clenched her five fingers tightly, as if she was kicking herself, "Xi'er will definitely complete the task!"

"Yes, yes... Really, there is nothing you can do." Xier [Night Night Xingyuan] put on a helpless expression and shrugged, "Don't worry, with me and her here, the mere Quantum Shadow, we We won't let those monsters have a chance to hinder us."

"Very good, that's the momentum." Teresa [Twilight Knight] nodded, "But as I said before, our chance is far from this time, so you must not force yourself, If you encounter troubles that cannot be solved, you must seek help from Huberian immediately."

After finishing speaking, Teresa [Twilight Knight] turned her gaze to Kevin and Su who were standing behind the Valkyrie team: "You two came from Yingjie 5 years ago, you should not meet each other Don’t you ignore the dangerous juniors?”

"Of course." Su opened his eyes, and his alluring pupils were full of seriousness, "Even if we are the pioneers, we are human beings just like you. When we encounter danger, it is naturally impossible for us to ignore it. .If you need it, I can also link my consciousness with you, and provide help within my ability when necessary."

Kevin folded his hands on his chest. Although he didn't speak, there was an indescribably chilling air all over his body, as if freezing the air nearby.

Chapter 335 Escaping Cocoon, Alicia's Proposal 4k

Imaginary space.

For ordinary human beings, it is impossible to fully understand this area that is completely different from ordinary space.

The eye loses its light here.

The ear loses its voice here.

The skin loses its touch here.

Even the body itself will gradually lose itself in this twisted nothingness.

If it is an ordinary person without special precautions, it is likely that [existence] itself cannot be maintained normally.

Of course, whether it is [Siyuan] or [End Yan], as well as [Tianyuan], which is different in nature from the first two but also possesses similar abilities, for these three uninvited guests who suddenly visit, want to be in the imaginary space It is not too difficult to retain a complete self in the world and act freely according to one's own ideas.

(It really is a bottomless darkness.)

Alicia's [True Self Herrscher of Man]'s crisp and sweet voice echoed in the depths of the minds of Qiyana [The Herrscher of the End] and Youlandelle [Tianyuan Qiying].

(I don't know, if I happen to pass by that place on the way to the destination, can I see another Alicia?)

(...Are you talking about the land of origin?) After a moment of silence, Qiyana [Herserscher of the End] responded from the bottom of her heart.

(Oh, it seems that in Kiyana's world, the relationship between me and you seems to be good, even the concept of the origin of the land is clear.)

The clear vision did not see any visible matter, but for some reason, Qiyana [The Herrscher of the Last End] seemed to still be able to see the real and vivid expression of Alicia [The Herrscher of the True Self·Humanity] in front of her eyes. Another excited smiley face.

(Relationship is good... not to mention it?) Kiyana [The Herrscher of the Last End] said in a somewhat awkward tone deep in her heart, (To be honest, before leaving that world, because Kevin and the ship What happened in the past, I have many misunderstandings about you Yingjie who are in the paradise of the past, although after reading your history, I can't understand why Kevin made that choice, but because of prejudice , I haven’t been able to exchange my true feelings with you until I walked out of the paradise.)

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