"After I enter the paradise, their safety will be entrusted to you!"

"it is good."

"The captain and Xiaoshi will bring you all into a consciousness space later, Kevin, you have to be obedient and don't resist."

"it is good."

...However, when Kiyana saw Alicia repeating a series of "yes" to Kevin, who seemed to her to have no idea how to reason with her mouth, her whole body Everyone was stunned.

It was only then that she finally understood... the unnatural feeling when she saw Kevin for the first time... It wasn't really her illusion.

Co-author Kevin was really frightened by them... no, it should be said that he was petrified by Alicia? !

What was their relationship before?

...Although at that time, I felt that the image of Kevin in my heart had changed a lot, but looking at Kevin's picture, he was a little concerned about the situation in the paradise, but he was unwilling to hold the power of knowledge like himself. People scrambled for the images made of consciousness, and a strange feeling still surged into Qiyana's chest.

"Hm... Although Mebius sensed something was wrong, she still didn't realize that it was Alicia, Wei Wei... Although she had already sensed something was wrong, she still pretended not to realize it. , helping Sakura recover its sin-cleansing seven thunders." At this moment, Li Shubai's words attracted Qiyana's attention.

He kept switching the screens in front of him, and touched his chin: "Although I knew Aponia's extremely abnormal control over Paradise, I asked Alicia to find her first when she came up and show her cards, but still I really didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence to bump into Eden who also went to look for Alponia because of the appearance of Eternal Paradise, what a mistake."

"In this way, apart from Wei Wei, the creator of Paradise of the Past, Mebius, the owner, and Aponia, the actual controller, even Eden has grasped the current status quo." Li Shubai read Kevin glanced, "I said Kevin, ask me something."

Kevin was silent for a moment, then said, "What is it?"

"Based on your and Su's ability to detect abnormal events, can you realize that the Paradise of the Past has been invaded by Alicia?" Li Shubai asked.

"No." Kevin shook his head decisively, "Maybe I can detect the existence of the Herrscher of Corrosion, but even I can't accurately grasp its position in the Paradise of the Past, let alone That's Alicia."

"Aren't you stronger than Alicia?"

"I don't deny it, but the gap between me and Alicia is far from being able to ignore the power of the Herrscher to intervene." Kevin said, "Besides, you should also know that Alicia She has never really shown me her full ability from a hostile standpoint, and neither the current me nor the me as a memory is her strongest stance."

"Oh, I see." Li Shubai nodded, "So in a sense, after devouring the core of the Herrscher of Corrosion, she may have surpassed you, right?"

"That's right." Kevin said flatly.

"Is that why you listen to Alicia so much?" Li Shubai asked.

"You can think of it that way," Kevin said.

"Well, okay." Li Shubai shrugged, and didn't test Kevin's words further.

"You asked me so many questions, so in return, should you also answer my questions?" Contrary to everyone's expectations, after Li Shubai stopped his words, Kevin suddenly spoke to him.

"What's the problem?" Li Shubai glanced at Kevin's expressionless face.

"As the person chosen by Alicia and the one who saved her, I respect your ability and agree with your means." Kevin stared closely at Li Shubai's face, his breathing suddenly became a little short, "So, can you tell me, besides Alicia... Captain Li Shubai, have you ever saved other people's lives?"

Hearing Kevin's long-lost expression of uneasiness, Kiyana first sighed softly, then suddenly froze.

... The question Kevin raised sank into the depths of her heart like a huge and heavy stone.

Other than Alicia...have you ever saved other people's lives?She first chewed on the meaning covered by the words, then as if she remembered something, she suddenly widened her eyes, raised her head abruptly, stared blankly at Li Shubai's face, A look of unbelievable anticipation emerged from the depths of her blue pupils.

Chapter 127 Removal of Restrictions, Unbanning of Characters Outside the Card Pool 4K

A deadly atmosphere spread in the pure white space of consciousness. Neither Kevin nor Qiyana spoke, and stared at Li Shubai's face silently.

Although the two are completely different in terms of expressions and eyes, Li Shubai can understand that they are both the same in terms of expecting his own answer.

Li Shubai was silent for a long time, then, under the slightly changed expressions of Qiyana and Kevin, he nodded slightly.

"You are very perceptive, and you guessed most of the facts about me just by seeing Alicia." Li Shubai said, "As you can imagine, I am a time traveler, and I am also a person in the quantum sea. The sailing boatman, and in the time of traveling in various timelines...Naturally, he also saved some people who should have died."

"For example, the teacher who is respected by Qiyana and everyone..." Li Shubai glanced at Qiyana, whose pupils constricted because of his words, and said in a low voice, "He is also a god's apostle with a human body. His great warrior, Wuliangta Jizi."

Hearing the name that Li Shubai said, Qiyana's eyes turned red all of a sudden, she excitedly raised her hands to hold Li Shubai's shoulders, her face flushed, and she asked cautiously in an expectant tone: " You...you just said..."

Li Shubai was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Well, just as you imagined, once, after experiencing the death battle with the Herrscher of the Sky, the Wuliangta Jizi who was on the verge of death was indeed brought back to my ship , and healed her body."

"Then where is she now?" Kiyana moved closer to her face, she stared at her moist pupils, and asked urgently, "Can... can I see her... …?I……"

Seeing Qiyana's excited emotions and her helpless look, Li Shubai slowly closed his eyes, and shook his head ruthlessly and resolutely.

"Sorry...I can't do it," he said softly.

"..." Although after seeing Li Shubai's reaction, Qiyana was already prepared for not getting what she wanted, but she still pursed her lips and asked hoarsely: "Can you tell me why? "

"...two reasons." Li Shubai said, "First of all, although I saved Wuliangta Jizi's life, for you...or, for the world you are in, she is indeed death. status."

"...?" Kiyana tilted her head with tears in her eyes, and a big question mark appeared on her head.

...Although she didn't understand, Qiyana quickly realized it. She raised her arm, wiped away the tears that hadn't overflowed her eyes, and asked in a trembling voice: "So... ...So, it's not because you don't want me to see Teacher Jizi, nor is it because Teacher Jizi doesn't want to see me... right."

"More than that, do you still remember what I asked of you before you came to the World Snake?" Li Shubai asked.

"A request? What do you want..." Kiyana was stunned halfway through.

For some reason, after all the incidents are resolved, I need to delete your memory of this period of time——Li Shubai did say this to himself before heading to the World Snake.

That is to say, not only is there no way to see Mr. Jizi, but after the matter is over, he will even believe that Mr. Jizi is still dead.

Although it is such a sad situation, after learning the fact that Wuliangta Jizi is still there, Qiyana finally connects Li Shubai's behavior with the current situation.

She took a long, deep breath to calm down her ups and downs like a roller coaster. After confirming that her thoughts had completely calmed down, she asked tentatively: "Since you will delete my memory during this time, how about ...Even if I saw Teacher Jizi, this memory should also be deleted, right?"

"That's true." Li Shubai nodded.

"You just said that you can't let me meet Jizi, there is another reason, isn't there?" Kiyana asked.

"Indeed." Li Shubai said, "However, to be honest, these two reasons are essentially the same thing—because for your world, the death of Jizi Wuliangta has become a fact, so I didn't There is a way for Jizi to come into this world through a conventional method."

Before entering this world, among the options to play Valkyrie, if it is said that the Herrsrscher of Fire, who are in the future on the same timeline, is difficult to participate in the [past] events because of the time paradox, so Huber Li'an's system automatically drew a warning sign to indicate that if it cannot be dispatched... Wuliangta Jizi [True Red Knight·Eclipse] is even directly shielded.

As the supreme commander of the Hyperion, for Li Shubai, the warning sign representing [unable to dispatch] is not an absolute sense of being unable to dispatch, but serves as a reminder and warning.If Li Shubai thinks about it, it is not impossible for the Herrschers of Fire and Fire to come to this world. He can completely change the restrictions from the Hyperion and let the Herrschers of Fire and Fire be dispatched forcibly.

But if they are chosen, the already restricted actions will become more difficult.

And unlike their [unable to dispatch], on the Valkyrie's dispatch list, at least as far as Li Shubai saw, there was no icon of Wuliangta Jizi [True Red Knight·Lunar Eclipse] at all.

Therefore, if it is said that the Herrschers of Fire Flame and the others were marked by the Hyperion as not recommended to dispatch because they would increase the difficulty of the task, Jizi's [unable to dispatch] is an objective fact.

For this world, Wuliangta Himeko, who has been confirmed dead, is not even allowed to exist.

"So, what if you let me go there?" Kiyana asked, "If Jizi can't come to this world, then in turn, can you let me go to where Jizi is now?"

"Unfortunately, although this is indeed an optional solution, at least now, it is not a good time to implement this solution." Li Shubai said helplessly, "Because of a certain function on my ship, the time we are experiencing now is different from my The speed of time passing on the ship is completely different. I can indeed let you enter my ship to meet Jizi now, but when you come back... maybe this world has been destroyed by the end, right? "

The intelligence room of the Hyperion has the ability to interfere with the flow of time, although its essence is only aimed at the time inside the intelligence room, through the power of the core of the Second Herrscher, its flow speed is slowed down to a speed that is more than 200 million times slower than that of the outside world. Even if you stay inside for a month, the outside world only comes here for about half a minute... However, the so-called [inside the military situation room] concept, even when Li Shubai and the others are dispatched, they still cover them in it.

Although at the moment of entering this world, the rules of the world itself will make the time flow rate of Li Shubai and the others reach the same speed as other things in the outside world, but for Qiyana, if Li Shubai accepts her, she will come to Hugh. The Bolian... the place where she will appear is not in the military situation room.

If this happens, the time between Li Shubai and the others and Qiyana who entered the Hyperion will be completely staggered.

Although this kind of statement sounds a bit convoluted, Qiyana's keen intuition still allowed her to quickly grasp the key points in Li Shu's vernacular.

Her eyes were brighter than ever: "If that's the case, then I can wait! As long as I can see Jizi again, no matter how long I wait!"

Yes, from Li Shubai's sentence: "It's not a good time to implement this plan", Qiyana still understands the fact that she and Jizi will not be able to meet forever.

Li Shubai shrugged, feeling a little helpless to complain.

Although Qiyana's guess is correct, what she has not been able to calculate now, or it is impossible to calculate, is that, in fact, the Herrsrscher of Fire on the ship... is actually the same as the one in front of her. This Kiyana Kaslana is the same person no matter from what point of view.

It's not the relationship between his Urandale and the Urandale of this world [Although they are the same person, but there are subtle differences due to the intervention of external factors], but, they are completely the same person.

So, is this one of the reasons why the Herrscher of Salinity has a high degree of affection for him?Seeing Qiyana's eyes becoming more and more friendly to him, Li Shubai touched his chin. If this is the case, it's no wonder that this guy would join his ship so simply.

After all, based on Li Shubai's understanding of the Herrscher of Fire [in the plot], it is really hard to imagine that she would choose to leave her own world and join her own Hyperion to become his Valkyrie one.

Wait, if that's the case, then what's going on with the Honkai 3rd card draw system in his phone?

Through this period of experience, Li Shubai has roughly figured out all his abilities, what the Hyperion is, and the essence of that mobile phone. My own experience before regaining my strength... But Li Shubai felt a rather strange sense of disobedience.

As the captain of the Hyperion, it is his prerogative to let the Valkyrie join his ship.

After he and the Valkyrie have recognized each other's identity, the Valkyrie can enter his ship as a crew member.

Whether it is Yolandelle, Rita, Kiana, or Teresa in the Essence World, they all became his Valkyrie in this way.

But now it seems that the Herrscher of Fire Flame will enter his ship in a similar way.

So... what happened to that card pool?

After regaining his own strength, he disarmed the disguised mobile phone. The screen it showed to him was actually not much different from the Honkai 3rd game screen, but the strange thing is that among them, Li Shubai was the only one who didn't look at it. To the existence of supply and card pools.

Could it be that the so-called [card pool] is actually one of the things that I wanted to abandon in the past?

Although he has not completely recovered his memory, it is not that Li Shubai has not tried to use Yu Duchen's power to check the depths of his memory in the previous time.

However, when he used Yu Duchen's power to retrieve his memory, he found that his memory could not be repaired by Yu Duchen's power at all.

To put it simply... the shattering was so tragic that even Yu Duchen, known as the key to consciousness, couldn't do it at all.

However, that card pool was also something that I wanted to change... Li Shubai was not incomprehensible about this matter itself.

Just think about it, if his members can only be limited to the [characters] recorded in the card pool... Then, when the past self meets someone who is not in the card pool, and establishes a deep relationship during the process of getting along bond, and that person dies due to various reasons...

Just imagining it made Li Shubai feel a little shuddering.

To be honest, after regaining his strength as the captain of the Hyperion, Li Shubai really imagined whether he could change all the tragedies he encountered, but now that he thought about it, he realized that it was because of My own self can't do this, so I made the decision to divide my consciousness and abandon part of the [superego].

If you want to change their fate, relying solely on [Captain Huberian]'s power will not work.

In the words of the game... He is no longer satisfied with using the card pool to get characters.

"So that's how it is..." Thinking of this, Li Shubai's eyes flashed a color of enlightenment.

After thinking through all this, he probably understood what the so-called [card pool] was.

That thing should be the same as Alponia's ability... It's a kind of ability that only you can see in the past, but you can't take the initiative to change it?

Among them, the past self can see the candidates who can become his subordinates. Although it is convenient to a certain extent, the existence of [Kachi] is more of a shackle than a convenience.

Like a cage of fate.

No wonder that thing disappeared after he regained his strength.

Undoubtedly, the disappearance of [Kachi] is just one of the many results he obtained after experimenting on himself in the past.

If his feeling is correct... the current him should be able to join the members of the Hyperion with people outside the card pool.

"Kevin, you want to ask, did I save Dr. Mei's life before you knew it? I'm not wrong, am I right?" At this point, Li Shubai shifted his gaze to Kevin, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised A meaningful arc.

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