"It should be..." Su carefully chose his words, "...It's just that I encountered some kind of trouble that is inconvenient to tell others, so I probably hid somewhere in the paradise."

Kevin turned his face, looked directly into Su's closed eyes, and suddenly threw out a sentence that surprised Su: "Did you know that Alicia is still alive?"

He already knew?Su hesitated for a moment, nodded, and sighed softly: "But she doesn't seem to want more people to know about this, Kevin..."

"In order to prevent misunderstanding, I will confirm it again." Before Su tried to persuade his best friend, Kevin suddenly interrupted his words, "Do you already know that the real Alicia is still alive? .”



The footsteps stopped.

What did Kevin say just now?

News that the real Alicia is still alive?

"...Wait." Su raised his head and opened his eyes in astonishment, "Kevin, you just said...?"

"Yeah." Kevin nodded, his azure blue pupils, which usually looked a little cold because of his lack of emotion, suddenly showed some kind of emotion similar to joy.

...In Su's memory, the last time Kevin's eyes showed similar emotions was 5 years ago, when they hadn't separated from their bodies, and they were still in the period of [human] rather than [memory] .

"I lied to you." Kevin said, "I didn't notice Aponia's behavior, but I was invited here by Aponia."

"..." Su gently closed his eyes, and shook his head a little bit dumbfounded, "It seems that our two thoughts seem to overlap on the same road by accident."

Now that I think about it, the road was smooth and I didn’t encounter any creations of Alponia. Maybe it wasn’t because I had Kevin by my side, but because... the owner here opened the way to them from the very beginning. .

"...You don't seem to know the news that Alicia's real body is still alive." Kevin said, "Now that I've told you why I set foot here, then..."

"When the visitor was communicating with Eden, I saw Alicia attached to her body in a way similar to a consciousness, and at that time, I learned part of the facts from Eden. The truth." Su said in a calm tone, "Both are fusion fighters of the spiritual perception department, I think, among them, Aponiya should have the most detailed and objective cognition of the facts, so I just Set foot in the territory that originally belonged to Alponia."

"So, you've seen Alicia." Kevin said.

"Yeah." Su nodded, "But I haven't been able to tell whether it's the real Alicia or Alicia's memory. However, in retrospect, she did say—[My mission is about to fail] such words."

Su's words paused for a moment, and he said helplessly: "Indeed, if you think about it carefully, the memory in Paradise should not be restrained or instructed by others. Even you, Kevin, have no right to hand it over to Ellie. Shia must complete the task."

Kevin nodded, and after expressing his approval of Su's words, he fell into silence again.

In the bright corridor of the sky, the sound of two steady footsteps sank on the other side of the cloud. After a journey without any incidents and no obstacles, Su and Kevin finally arrived at the end of the corridor.

The moment the two of them stepped onto the floating altar at the end point, the boundless whiteness and silence quickly permeated Kevin and Su's perception.

Before the terrified two put on a vigilant posture, a light and cheerful voice rang in their ears.

"Hi! Kevin! Sue!"

That voice, without a doubt, was Alicia's voice.

With a joyful tone, Miss Goblin extended a warm welcome to the two invited visitors: "Welcome to the realm of Aponia's consciousness!"

The moment Alicia's voice fell, the boundless white field gradually revealed a pink color.

Kevin and Su coincidentally focused their gazes on the place where the color was generated.

In less than half a second, the condensed pink mist formed the very familiar figure of Alicia, and she was waving to them.

"..." Kevin looked at Alicia who was waving to them, and was silent for a long time, but in the end, he still didn't say anything, just nodded lightly.

"...Heh." Realizing that this is Alicia's real body, Su let out an inaudible smile and nodded gently, "Long time no see... Welcome back to the paradise of the past, love Lycia."

Just like that, after greeting each other——

"So... in your plan, although the Paradise of the Past still needs to go to the end of destruction, you still want our memories... to be attached to other people's spirits in the form of Yu Duchen's [clone]? ?”

——Soon, these few fusion warriors who were full of fighting against the Honkai apart from fighting the Honkai quickly broke away from the joy that Alicia was still alive, and led their topic on the right track.

Su summed up the memories he read from Alponia's consciousness, touched his chin, and asked cautiously: "But, if this is the case, will the visitor's spirit be overly burdened? And...if you let us die one by one in front of the visitor according to your plan, wouldn't it be too bad for the visitor?"

After a long absence, Kevin nodded and agreed with Su's words: "We all know that if the plan of [my] outside goes smoothly, the final power should be taken over by him in the next time Even if it is because of the arrival of the captain Li Shubai, extra factors are born in this world, and other methods are given to cross the end, so the stigmata plan is not the only option, and the existence of the end should also be possible Restricted, there should be no need to deceive the Herrscher of Thunder simply for the sake of the end."

"I thought so too at the beginning." Alicia spread her hands, "But... the captain doesn't seem to think that the end is something that can be restricted by us so easily, and he doesn't even think that the stigmata Planning is a choice that is bound to succeed."

"Why?" Kevin asked succinctly.

"Simply put, the captain believes that as a phenomenon and law of the universe, the upper limit of its energy level cannot be recognized by humans as intelligent creatures." Alicia recalled Li Shubai in the military situation room The words in it: "Although in principle, everything has a limit to its existence, but the collapse of something that has completely broken away from the laws of physics cannot express all of it with the cognitive language that humans already have. scale."

"...Indeed." Su said softly, "Although Dr. Mei believes that it is easier to define Honkai than to define human beings, and he has successfully deduced the time and scale of the end...but only the scale of [Honkai] itself There is also the limit that can be reached in the end, even Dr. Mei has never touched it."

"Even the Herrschers who were born from the Houkai...there is a maximum limit of the Houkai energy they can withstand. If this limit is exceeded, the Herrscher's body will also collapse. How can you guarantee the awakening of the stigmata... ...The upper limit of the Houkai energy they can withstand is greater than the scale of the Houkai itself." Alicia shrugged, and imitated Li Shubai's argument: "To put it bluntly, no matter how many people awakened from the stigmata It is impossible to have a population of more than 70 billion, and even according to the ratio of the stigmata, one percent or one ten thousandth is not bad."

"The captain admits that the stigmata plan is the best and most optimal plan under extreme circumstances, but, relying on the order of magnitude of tens of millions, it is delusional to share the phenomenon of the universe with a scale of more than one trillion yuan... …" Recalling Li Shubai's words, Alicia gave a wry smile, "I'd better not talk about the next thing."

Chapter 135 4K

"It's okay." Su and the expressionless Kevin looked at each other, then shook their heads lightly, "Even if the direction is not the same as the way, it doesn't matter if it's us, Dr. Mei, or any of your captains. , everyone’s ultimate goal is to continue human beings and civilization under the pursuit of Houkai. In this process, everyone’s opinions will have certain differences, which is a normal thing.”

"Well." Kevin nodded and said calmly: "As long as it is reasonable and feasible, mei doesn't care if others question her views and plans."

"Also, even if [I] on the outside doesn't agree with your captain's point of view..." Kevin glanced at Alicia, "...the current him, in a short period of time, should not be able to easily take over the final Yan's power."

In fact, the so-called Final Lawrence actually contains two different definitions.

On a certain level, every Herrscher has the potential to destroy the entire civilization, that is to say, every Herrscher has the possibility of becoming the [Final Herrscher].

On the other hand, if we analyze it from another angle, using the theorem calculated by Dr. Mei, the final Herrscher refers to the Herrscher with serial number No.14. The scale also has a way of operating the Houkai that is beyond common sense.

At the same time, in the last era of civilization, she was also the only Herrscher who fulfilled her potential and achieved the ultimate goal of "Finishness" for human beings.

As far as Kevin knows, the power of the final Herrscher is a concrete manifestation of all the powers of the top [-] Herrschers in the current civilization. Kevin, it should be difficult to reproduce the power of [Final Yan].

In the last era of civilization, until the end, No.12 Herrscher was not defeated in the true sense, although Dr. Mei took advantage of the short-lived miracle created by the kind sisters Ying and Ling. He sealed the Herrscher of Corrosion in the pre-civilization era in the black box, but [seal] is not [defeat] after all, nor is it [kill].

In the original timeline, it was precisely because Alicia's memory defeated the Herrscher of Corrosion and achieved the results that the previous civilization failed to achieve. Kevin, who successfully usurped the power of Corrosion, was able to continue in the future. unfold his plans.

Therefore—even if Alicia and Li Shubai did not have similar purposes at the beginning, but at the moment they chose to [erode] the Herrscher of Erosion in the current civilization era, for Kevin, unless Li Shubai And Alicia took the initiative to transfer the power of erosion to Kevin, so collecting the powers of the other thirteen herrschers except the end has always been an almost impossible task.

Although in Kevin's speculation, the [self] on the outside lost the initiative to negotiate, but based on his understanding of [self], it is impossible and also incapable of [self] to deal with Ellie who has become the Herrscher of Corruption. Shia snatched the power of erosion, but... After all, he is not the real Kevin himself, and the years and choices that the real Kevin has endured also do not belong to him, so he quickly dismissed this matter that has little to do with the status quo. Things were left behind.

"Compared to that kind of thing, let's go back to the original topic first." Kevin turned his head, glanced at Alicia, and said lightly, "Since the original Herrscher of Corrosion has been solved by you, Alicia, what are you going to do?"

Hearing Kevin's straightforward questioning, Alicia scratched her pink hair and showed a somewhat embarrassed expression: "You asked me what I was going to do, anyway, let's find some time to find Will Wei? Acting is what Wei Wei is best at! Right?"

"I don't deny this, but I don't think Weiwei will act strictly according to your ideas." Kevin pointed out the biggest dilemma at present, "And in the [future] shown to us by Aponia, if Without Wei Wei's plan, it would be difficult for us to assist Herrscher of Thunder to reproduce your memory."

"And, apart from Wei Wei's problem..." Su said softly, "Qianjie and Mebius are also more difficult problems to deal with."

As for Cosmo's Hua, as long as Alicia herself comes forward, it shouldn't be difficult to persuade them, and Gracie... in the case that Aponia and Cosmo are both persuaded by them, it shouldn't be too difficult. Express any objection to Alicia's decision.

Only Wei Wei, Qian Jie and Mebius... It is really hard to imagine that they will cooperate with Alicia to act well.

At this moment, Alponia, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"Su." She called Su's name, then thought for a moment, and suggested, "If [acting] is not feasible for them, we might as well work together to temporarily change the attitude of other people in Paradise towards Alicia." Perception, how do you feel?"

"You want them to do the fake show for real?" Su gently opened his eyes, and pondered for a moment, "In principle, it should indeed be a feasible solution, if the two of us work together... even if it is Kevin should be temporarily deceived by us as well."

"By the way, there is one more thing." Suddenly, Alicia seemed to remember something, and raised her hand with a swipe, "Can you perform the S0-1129 operation again?"

"...?" Hearing this number, which he hadn't heard for a long time, Su and Aponia looked at each other, feeling a little puzzled.

"Why?" Su asked, "Now you are the Herrscher of Corrosion, and you should already appear in the paradise in the form of similar data like us, right?"

"It's not me." Alicia waved her hand, "The captain just contacted me, I hope you can help him perform an operation on S0-1129."

"Although he lent me a feather in Yu Duchen temporarily, I am not the original owner of Yu Duchen after all. Transferring them all out, for me... to keep [myself] and Sakura's memory outside in the form of Yu Duchen's avatar... I'm almost exhausted." Alicia said, "Except In addition, the captain also said that when you conduct this experiment on him, he will find a way to analyze the principle of the experiment, and reversely deduce the method of transforming the data into consciousness again."

"This..." Su pondered for a moment, then nodded, "I have no objection."

"It's a great honor for me to meet the captain who saved Alicia." Aponia said softly, "I, like Su, don't mind treating him. Operation."

"That's the decision!" Alicia said with a smile.

Just as the Ying Jie who were in the deepest place decided what they should do next, the outside world, in the hall of the Paradise of the Past, accompanied by the sound of crisp footsteps, Lei Dian Mei walked step by step towards the person in the corridor. Go ahead.

Although Su's mental link has ended, its residual influence still exists. Some messy memories appeared in front of her for no reason, making Mei Lei feel a little dazed and dizzy in her head.

In her firm but slightly vain footsteps, the gradually darkened stone wall covered her vision and swallowed her perception in turn.

When the scene in front of me is illuminated by light again, and the five senses are restored——

——Thinking that she should have walked out of the Paradise of the Dead, Leiden Mei suddenly woke up with a jolt all over her body.

"This...?!" She looked around the scene, the square stone brick floor, the tall trees standing between the sky and the earth, the fresh vegetation and the heavy air, all of these were silently telling Lei Dian Mei irrefutable fact.

"Have I returned to the Paradise of the Past?" She murmured in a tired voice, and hastily displayed her Herrscher's armed forces to quickly annihilate the enemies that appeared beside her out of thin air.

Could it be that someone interfered with his conscious perception?

Aponia?Sue?Or Hua?

No...it shouldn't be them.

Aponia was not by his side, and neither Su nor Hua had any reason to interfere with his consciousness.

No, while waving the Taidao in his hand to quickly cut through the enemy's figure, Leiden Mei lightly bit her teeth.

The current self has just escaped from the influence of the spiritual link. If he is dragged back, his physical strength will be exhausted soon.

As usual, try to quit the training in Paradise and go back to the hall.

But when Leiden Mei silently said "exit" deep in her heart as before, the enemies that should have stopped appearing did not decrease by half.


Why can't I go back to the Paradise Hall?

Feeling the loss of physical strength in the process of annihilating the enemy, Leiden Mei, who became more and more anxious, couldn't help breaking out a little cold sweat, and her breathing became disordered involuntarily.

His hands and feet felt heavy as if they had been poured into lead, and his vision gradually blurred.

Oops, if this goes on...

Alicia was missing, and she couldn't get in touch with the outside world. If she fell into a state of [death] under such circumstances.

In that case, it's over.

Raiden Mei...will simply die in this place because of this kind of unclear and inexplicable reason.

what are you kidding...

In this case, then find a way to cut the field itself!

"!?" But at the moment when Raiden Mei refused to admit defeat and continued to gather strength, trying to further increase the output of the power of conquest.

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