Reports came one after another, and Father Zhang, who was driving the fighter plane, was so happy! !

And at this moment, another voice came from the earphone.

"Order! Let Xuannv... be born!"


After receiving the order, Zhang's father directly lowered the plane's altitude by nearly several thousand meters.

Looking not far ahead, there is a huge football field.

There should be a lot of people there, right?

Father Zhang was thinking...

The fighter plane accelerated and flew over!

Although the national football team can't do it, Xuannv can do it! !


Kai Xuannv, go cheer! ! ! .

Chapter 108 The Rage of the Eastern Dragon!Stop pretending?Father Zhang makes his debut!

at the same time.

Yingjiang's giant aircraft carrier is already full of people from various countries at this moment.

There are no less than a hundred reporters, holding cameras and getting ready.

Half of the time for the military exhibition has passed, and the countries invited by Eagle Sauce have also arrived~.

After shopping around for almost all the weapons, everyone - also gathered together.

Familiar countries are still talking.

For example, the Bangzi Country and the Cherry Blossom Country, these two countries were originally - no one cares about the other.

However... After following Eagle Sauce together, the relationship became better.

It just corresponds to the old saying of Xia Guo.

Not a family of dogs, do not enter a house! !

On the other side, Elder Wu sat alone on a small bench, waiting calmly.

From time to time, other countries come to talk to us.

To put it bluntly...just nonsense...

For Wu Lao, the answer is also very simple.

You ask me about Eagle Sauce's weapon?Awesome!

You ask me about Eagle Sauce's strength?Awesome!

You ask me if Eagle Sauce is an idiot?yes!Pooh...

Touting doesn't mean it's true.

In Wu Lao's heart, he naturally held the opposite attitude.

And...don't forget.

He came here this time to act! !


If Zhang Lin hadn't taught Mr. Wu a lesson before coming here, Mr. Wu himself... really couldn't do it!

Otherwise, with his outburst of temper, he would have shown some "big power diplomacy" long ago! !

What I didn't say... just spray!

What the hell aircraft cannon?Is Zhang Lin awesome in Wu Lao's place? ?

yes!Your aircraft carrier is better than Xia Guo in every aspect, so what?

Is Zhang Lin awesome?

No...that's amazing! !

If Father Zhang was here, he would die laughing.

After all... isn't this a trick he just learned recently?

What?Zhang Lin is my son? ?

right! !Zhang Lin is my son! ! !

Almost 10 minutes or so passed.

On the stands in front of him, a general wearing Yingjiang's military uniform slowly walked up.

The military rank is three stars, a very high status.

After walking up, Bangziguo and the others over there immediately burst into thunderous applause.

The general of the eagle sauce stood in the middle, his eyes swept across the countries, his eyes were full of pride.

Especially when looking at Wu Lao...that look is self-evident! !

Soon, just listen to him say.

"Welcome friends from all over the world to come and participate in this military exhibition."

"After the tour is over, there is a country that prefers which military weapon, you can stay...."

There were a lot of crackling words, which were actually just two simple sentences.

You will definitely like the weapon of my eagle sauce!

Whoever pays the highest price can take away the weapons. it really that simple?

Listen, Mr. Wu...Yingjiang's's almost impossible to say clearly.

It's nothing more than whoever buys Jiang's weapon, then in the follow-up...the two countries will automatically make friends, and to a certain extent, reach a strategic partnership.

It can be said... After these words came out, people from more than a dozen countries below were instantly shocked! ! !

What is a strategic partner? ?

To put it bluntly, they are like brothers! !

You are in trouble.. I will help you!I have a request.. You come to help!

You know, this kind of condition was impossible to exist before!

Not with a big country...but between a big country and a small country, there can be no strategic partnership!

After all, which big country would ask a small country to do something?

A big country is almost the same as a big country!

This is also the reason why all the small countries at the scene were extremely excited after Ying Jiang mentioned the matter of the strategic partner.

Of course, excitement is nothing but excitement... It is still very difficult to truly achieve the term of strategic partner!

First of all, do you want to consider the issue of funding?

Not to mention the many new weapons... just defeating the competitors is extremely difficult!

Secondly... There is a very well-understood problem here.

That is, once you successfully take down a certain will automatically become a strategic partner with Eagle Sauce.

Isn't this equivalent to standing in line? ?

In later days, in a sense.

Eagle sauce's opponent is your opponent!

But... is this really good?

Especially during this period of time, Ying Jiang and the rabbit had a lot of trouble.

Even country e was wiped out... a victim! !

To be honest, who doesn't want to make friends with the strong?

However, without that strength... the friends I made.

Will it really be suitable? ?

So, after thinking about this, those small countries that were still very excited...

They all became a little silent.

They dare not...

Especially... the performance of the rabbit during this time.

They are really scared!

People dare to face the hard steel eagle sauce directly!

In case something really happened... It is impossible for Yingjiang to lose, but what about this small country?

Can it resist the wrath of the eastern dragon?

The answer...seems obvious already.

Don't forget, Rabbit invited everyone in the world to watch a shocking fireworks a while ago!

If others dared to do this, Ying Jiang would have rushed over to extinguish its arrogance.

Where is the rabbit?After all this... what did the eagle sauce do?

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