Look at its length... more than white rice!The width is nearly 50 meters! !

It's hard to imagine... How did the ancient artisans make it.

Wait... the moment this idea came out, it was instantly rejected by Wu Zhen and others.

Because... this giant bronze gate is simply not something that humans can build!

Such a terrifying height...and width...the entire giant gate is still made of bronze, how much will it weigh?

That is an unimaginable number!

Especially...this is still Changbai Mountain to the inside...it's already underground.

Can the workers carry this huge bronze...in?

Certainly not possible!

That is to say, this giant gate has existed for a long time... Maybe it has been discovered all the time.

But so what?

This giant gate... even if found, there is no way to get rid of it! !

Even...looking at the giant door that was only closed, how to open it...is a problem...not to mention doing other things.

Soon...the problem comes.

Why is there a huge bronze gate here?

What is the meaning of its existence?

Here... isn't there mountains besides mountains?

Could it be... there are some shocking secrets hidden inside the bronzes?

Thinking of this, everyone sighed helplessly...after all, this kind of problem...who would know?

No one knows! ! !

Maybe someone knows... Everyone turned their attention to Zhang Lin's direction again.

It was only after looking over that Zhang Lin was not at the Bronze Gate, but... on the opposite side?

No... there is a huge coffin there?

At this time, Wu Zhen and the others naturally also saw that there was a high platform on the opposite side of the Bronze Gate!

And on this high platform... there is a huge coffin!

Wait... the surroundings of the coffin... hiss! ! !

Everyone was stunned.

What kind of terrifying monster is that? ?

"This is the legendary Centipede Dragon!"

Hei Blind, he suddenly said in amazement.

"Blind man, what are you talking about, tell the fat man."

"Actually, I don't know very well. I just heard an old man talk about this thing. He said that the centipede dragon is made up of several kinds of monsters! Look at the centipede of the monster, does it look like a centipede?" Legs? The body...is like the body of a giant dragon...the rest are all spliced ​​together, as for what..."

Heixiazi didn't say any more, but everyone could understand, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

The spliced ​​monsters... The monsters themselves are ridiculously strong, let alone this kind of splicing.

And the scariest thing is... there are nine of them here!

Damn it... It turns out that people guessed from above that the owner of the tomb has already relaxed his vigilance.

Because of the previous design... it is almost impossible for anyone to pass it! !

Facts have proved that Wu Zhen and others thought too much.

I'm afraid the previous design...the owner of the tomb didn't care at all!

The back... to the main tomb is the real biggest murderous opportunity!

For a moment... There was a terrifying atmosphere in the team.

It's okay if they don't pass, because they didn't see those centipede dragons coming.

They crawled quietly (quietly) around the giant coffin, and two of them even lay directly on the lid of the giant coffin!

And they seem to have fallen into a deep sleep, but in this situation, who would dare to go there?

In case they just passed by... Whom can they turn to for reasoning if they are surprised?

Just when everyone was in trouble.

An incomparably domineering voice... Wu Zhen and others were dumbfounded.

Just listen, that voice... said coldly.

"¨Wannu King...come out to meet me!"

Hiss...what the hell! ! !

Zhang Lin, he... he was speaking... in an almost commanding tone? ? ?

what's the situation?Only?

Just when everyone didn't understand what it meant.

The giant coffin over there...

Suddenly...it opened! ! ! .

Chapter 137 Respectfully welcome my lord, visit the Heavenly Palace in person!Zhang Lin.. is playing us?

Just after Zhang Lin said that sentence.

Everyone didn't understand what this meant, but the coffin over there was actually opened!

Although it hasn't been fully opened yet...but listening to the sound, it's clearly being opened...slowly open!

What the hell is going on with this horse? ?

not far away

The little brother was also really confused.

The indifferent eyes changed rapidly, and there was a deep sense of disbelief in the eyes...

Obviously... the little brother really can't figure it out.

In his heart... the first one to come down was for the nine hundred-legged dragons.

At the same time, he is very familiar with this place... because it's where he's been staying all year round!

Of course, these memories came back to him after he entered Yunding Tiangong, not before... In Qixing Lu Palace, the little brother lost a lot of memories.

Even now...still.

And after he remembered it, he naturally knew the degree of danger below, that's why he was like this...

However, something that made him lose his mind still happened.

Wannu King... Zhang Lin actually knew about Wannu King! !

how can that be? ?

Suddenly, the little brother remembered what Zhang Lin said to himself on the deck of the aircraft carrier that day.

He knows everything about .227.. himself?

At first, the little brother thought that what Zhang Lin knew was what he used the intelligence department to find out.

But looking at it now... not at all! !

King Wannu...is born only once in a hundred years.

And Zhang Lin... How old is he this year?

Just turned 30?

He actually knew...that is, Zhang Lin's age...is it more than that? ?

These are my brother's own thoughts.

And the little brother definitely doesn't know... The age he guessed is really right!

Although Zhang Lin is only 30 years old, don't forget that he is a person who lived out his second life!

Now that he lived out his second life... In a sense, his age can also be superimposed! !

It's just... I'm afraid my little brother can only guess this.

Because he didn't know that he was just a character portrayed by the author... including this world, it was all portrayed by man!

And Zhang Lin seems to be a person who...is not under the control of the rules of this world.

He uses a kind of quiet eyes to watch the world and do some things he wants to do.

Zhang Lin herself...is very different! !

However, the secret of time travel...it is impossible for Zhang Lin to tell others, even to the country...it is a secret that cannot be told!

Then someone asked at this time... Hasn't Zhang Lin handed over the system to the state?

Why deliberately hide the secret of time travel?

It's very simple...because it's useless to say it, but it may trigger some kind of butterfly effect.

Think about it... If Zhang Lin had not only reported the system to Mr. Wu, but also told him that he was a time traveler.

Will Elder Wu still trust himself that much?

Of course not! ! !

Maybe it's a kind of...unexplainable plot.

Besides, things like time travel...it's incredible. I'm afraid Mr. Wu wouldn't believe it if he said it, and he would directly veto even things about the system.

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