Once they walked in and reached a dead end, all the stones outside would fall down, blocking their way of retreat. At the same time, with the special coating on the walls, they would be completely burned here.

The feeling of being burned alive is absolutely uncomfortable.

While feeling helpless, Zhang Lin couldn't help talking to the people beside him.


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but stay where they were.

Zhang Lin looked at Jude Kao and said.

"Grab the rope."

Although those people grabbed the rope, a stone fell from the middle.

And those rocks are rocks.

Chapter 266 Is there any way

Since it is a rock, it means that it is difficult for them to leave this place.

After Zhang Lin noticed that the problem was not simple, his face became extremely pale.

Seeing Zhang Lin's appearance, Xie Lianhuan immediately sensed something was wrong. He thought Zhang Lin was acting and showed it to Jude's testers, but he didn't expect something to happen.

Looking at Zhang Lin, Xie Lianhuan said anxiously.

"What's going to happen next?"

"This place is going to be on fire, those layers are supposed to be snake flesh."

While Zhang Lin was speaking, he couldn't help but sigh.

When everyone heard it, they immediately froze in place.

After that, Zhang Lin walked to the side of the rock pile and tried to break the rock pile away, but since it was a rock, it also showed the weight of it.

If they want to open it, it will probably be difficult.

In desperation, Zhang Lin could only sigh. Seeing him like this, the others thought about it for a while, so they took the initiative to ask Zhang Lin.

"What shall we do next?"

Hearing their questions, Zhang Lin did not answer.

He kept pushing the rock away.

Seeing Zhang Lin's movements, Ah Ning hurried over to help.

Soon, several of them worked together, but there was a burning smell coming from a distance.

When Zhang Lin smelled it, he felt something was wrong, and the fat man knew something was wrong. Suddenly, there was a flash of fire behind him. Although it was far away from them, it was spreading over, and there was a crackling sound.

At this time, everyone felt an indescribable threat.

It was as if some grim reaper had put a knife to their necks.

It won't be long before their heads will fall to the ground, and they will die here one after another, but the third uncle has not been found yet, so he is really not reconciled.

Looking at Zhang Lin, Wu Zhen said hastily.

"Hurry up, don't just stand there!"

If he can't see third uncle, I'm afraid he will be in pain for the rest of his life.

"I'm going to see my third uncle! I'm going to bring my third uncle back."

Listening to Wu Zhen's words, Xie Lianhuan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't show a strange look, but moved the stone away.

Before long, they felt the flames getting closer.

The fat man also felt terribly painful, because the stones were really heavy.

When carrying it, he was covered in sweat, and he was exhausted.

Terrifyingly, the flames were also getting closer.

But Zhang Lin calmed down. He went from being terrified at the beginning to being calm now. Through the flames, he seemed to have thought of something.

Looking at the people around him, Zhang Lin said decisively.

"¨The flame will be extinguished in the secret room? Then why is the oxygen here still not burned out?"

It stands to reason that when the flames were burning, their exit and retreat had been blocked, and they should have been suffocated to kill them, not burned to death by the fire.

After realizing that he had overlooked an important issue, Zhang Lin almost didn't think about it, so he took the initiative to say this.

There is still a place for ventilation in Wangli, maybe the secret passage is near here.

While Zhang Lin was talking, he also began to look around.

Seeing Zhang Lin searching, the fat man said with a wry smile.

"Is there a possibility that we're all going to hell? But don't feel it?"

The fat man looked at his hands, which were already numb, because it was very tiring to carry those stones.

"I suspect it's my spirit that's living now.".

Chapter 267 Walking into a dead end

He thought his cold joke was quite interesting, but no one responded.

When Zhang Lin walked to the other end of the passage, although he passed by the flame.

But he wasn't afraid at all, and while beating on the hot wall, he was looking for secret passages.

Soon, he found the secret passage, and it was under his own feet.

When he walked over, he could obviously feel the space inside was empty, and the echoing sound was different, so Zhang Lin clenched his fist and smashed it into pieces.

When the secret passage appeared, he smiled, and after that, he waved to everyone.

"Come here, I found the secret passage."

Hearing his words, Aning rushed over first. Even if he rushed into the fire, Aning didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, he closed his eyes tightly and came directly to Zhang Lin's side.

"Is it really okay?"

Looking at Zhang Lin, Ah Ning was very curious.

Hearing the question of 383, Zhang Lin smiled.

After that, he looked at the crowd and said.

"Are you all right?"

They all nodded, but the fat man said with a sad face.

"I'm not good. I'm almost exhausted. Look at me, I can't lift my arm."

But Zhang Lin pointed to the secret passage and said.

"We have to go down now so we can reach the main burial chamber."

Hear Zhang Lin's words.

Wu Zhen couldn't help asking with a smile.

"Then will my third uncle appear in it? Why does third uncle arrange such a meeting?"

Hearing this question, Xie Lianhuan looked a little uncomfortable, but Zhang Lin spread his hands and said indifferently.

"Who knows? I'll go down first, and you will follow."

After speaking, Zhang Lin went down. Wu Zhen felt a little complicated when he saw Zhang Lin going down.

Because of Zhang Lin's perfunctory and indifference, it meant that he might not be able to meet Third Uncle.

In desperation, Wu Zhen could only sigh. Fortunately, not long after walking along the secret passage, they also saw a tomb.

This tomb is a bit strange.

Although there was a coffin inside, the lid was opened by GD, and a candle was lit beside it, but the candle had already been extinguished.

There are also many bronze statues here, some are the 12 zodiac signs, some are ghosts and horses.

In short, at a glance, a fool would be able to spot something wrong.

The fat man thought for a while and said decisively to Zhang Lin.

"Are we in the right place now?"

Zhang Lin nodded, and then walked in another direction.

Although you can go to another tomb over there, Zhang Lin knows that there must be a mechanism there, so he has to find out the mechanism first, so as to prevent everyone from touching it.

But when they got near the coffin.

Zhang Lin also heard a scream. Looking back, he didn't expect it to be a fat man.

Seeing the fat man screaming so miserably, Zhang Lin couldn't help walking over.

"what happened?"

"The third uncle Wu Zhen is lying here!"

The fat man covered his mouth, Third Uncle shouldn't be here.

But at this time, Wu Zhen was stunned when he heard this.

He hurried forward, and the person he saw was indeed Third Uncle.

Xie Lianhuan was also taken aback for a moment, but soon his face returned to calm without any fluctuations.

Ah Ning watched quietly from the side without saying a word, but in fact, he remembered the expressions on everyone's faces in his heart.

Zhang Lin first took a look at Lianhuan, and then said to Wu Zhen with a smile.

"It's definitely not what Uncle San doesn't believe. Look at his characteristics."

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