It directly caused...the entire network...and even the whole world to be fried! !

And somewhere in the sky far away from here...

As an armed helicopter flies across...

Zhang Lin is back! ! !

So... Can you kneel down and beg readers' fathers to send some flowers to the little author?

please! ! ! .

Chapter 42 Zhang Lin is back!Also with a thousand special tanks!

at the same time.

A special agency of a military department in the Eagle Sauce Country.

In the studio... a bunch of white people and black people are gathering together at the moment... with an incredible look... looking at the screen in front of them.

what happened?

It's not because of Rabbit's high-profile press conference!

And the old man who shocked the world!

No surprises... That report video has been played here no less than ten times!

However...the majestic two generals and the solemn old man prove that...the rabbit is definitely not joking! is this possible? ?

To be honest... Ying Jiang still has a hand in it!

Released outside is the a9 generation model!

In fact, the a10-generation armed helicopter has almost been completed. If there is no accident, they will create a brand new model in at least half a year!

As a result... the rabbit jumped ten generations in a row? ?


It took a long time for these foreigners to react.

The department they belong to is dedicated to monitoring what new models are produced by those big countries.

However... since the establishment of this department, they have only been shocked once!

That time... I still found a mushroom cloud over the Rabbit Country!

It was also that time that Rabbit successfully transformed from a country that everyone looked down upon into a big country!

No one dares to underestimate...except Eagle Sauce.

Who made them the world's most recognized country with the highest military strength?

Then again... It was an ordinary day, but because of this incident, it caused a sensation in the whole world!

Especially this department...

so fucking amazing...

How did the rabbit do it? ?

They don't know... I want to question it, the two generals are there, could it be a joke on purpose?

But no one would think that way!

So... they didn't dare to comment, so they had to report this matter to a higher superior!


About an hour after the press conference.

All over the world... almost no less than ten countries jointly issued a condemnation message!Just look at it and you'll find out.

Of course.. not the original, it was translated.

[Yingjiang: The rabbit is challenging my military authority! B3 strategic bomber birth warning! 】

[Iron Tower Kingdom: Rabbit's other skills have not improved over the years, but his ability to lie is invincible! 】

[Queen Guo: It's not that I don't believe it. The key is that you show the evidence, otherwise, I hope you will pay for my statement! 】

[Mao Xiongguo: Rabbit... Awesome!Please take me! 】

[Bangziguo: The rabbit stole my b5 generation machine!condemn!condemn!condemn! ! 】

[Sakura Country: Hehe, even dogs don't believe it... Baga! 】

[Rabbit: Silence is golden. 】

That's right!

Faced with the words between countries... the rabbit chose to ignore it!

It seems to coincide with Mr. Liu!

With this skill, it is better to spend some time on people's livelihood and talk about development.

Go tm and condemn it!

To be honest, the rabbit was very chic this time.

Greatly change the way of being aggrieved in the past, let them say what they say, whoever is stronger will know!

Furthermore, when the fighter planes are fully deployed to the troops on the [-]th of next month, they will naturally keep their mouths shut!

So... love it! !

At ten o'clock in the morning, because of the release of a new generation of fighters, it stands to reason...Mr. Wu should be very happy.

But...he feels a little heavy now.

Because just now, he received a call.

The content of the phone call directly made this old general...some not only into trouble!

That's how it is, the commander of the .. theater of Wu Lao's army!Going to check on him soon! !

Damn... At any other time, Elder Wu wouldn't be afraid at all, but it's different now!

The commander of the theater is the old leader of Wu Lao.

Elder Wu couldn't be more familiar with it.

This old man maintained a vigorous attitude during the war years, and it is still the same now!

And he came this time, nothing unexpected... except for inspecting the demeanor of the soldiers and their training status.

And the most important...and the one that bothers Mr. Wu the most...check...the arsenal! !

As for the army that Wu Lao is in, it is currently in a state of combat readiness, and has not participated in large-scale training, nor has it performed any labor-intensive tasks.

Therefore, all weapons and equipment should be stored in the arsenal!

And Wu Lao's army is the army, and special tanks and special chariots are the standard equipment of this army!

Two hundred special tanks, and one hundred special tanks... that's not enough! !

If it was any other time, Elder Wu could still fool him.

But the key...the people who come are different!

In the eyes of that old man, there is no room for a little sand!

If he finds out that he has lost his military equipment, the consequences will be disastrous!

Because Zhang Lin's actions were not approved by his superiors!

It was Mr. Wu who agreed with great determination... Zhang Lin went to conduct an experiment!

To put it bluntly, Mr. Wu's starting point is correct.

The key is wrong... the superiors don't know! !

If it's during wartime, that's a big deal!

But in this peaceful age... to pull out military weapons from the troops without asking for instructions...

Even if Mr. Wu is a general, it won't work...

Not to mention that Zhang Lin is only a colonel!

Therefore, Elder Wu not only became a little worried.

In fact, he has already sent someone to contact Zhang Lin, but there is no news yet.

Looking at the time... Elder Wu sighed slightly.

Immediately, he didn't say anything more, and returned to the way he was doing things before.

After putting on his lieutenant general uniform, Mr. Wu slowly walked out of the office.


"Hello, Chief!"

At this moment, Mr. Wu was standing at the gate of the military camp, looking at the old man who got out of the military vehicle ahead, and saluted the old man!

And looking at the old man on the opposite side, he is indeed a general!

And he can do one step, it is hard to imagine how difficult his experience is!

You know...Xia Kingdom only had generals at the founding of the country!

Up to peaceful times, no one has the qualification to be promoted!

At most, he is an admiral!

Looking at the aura of this old man... very ordinary, quite a return to basics.

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