That's right, he is a b2 strategic bomber pilot.

The b2 fighter... just because of its eagle-like design, many people just saw it and exclaimed that this is definitely alien technology!

However... this is still a product of the last century of Eagle Sauce!

Let’s not talk about the plane, the eagle sauce soldier at this moment...was very upset when he was called back urgently by his superiors to perform a mission. Now he secretly hid a bottle of wine, drinking it, and headed towards his destination !

It's just... the more you drink... the angrier the eagle sauce soldier feels inside!Especially under the influence of alcohol, the speed has increased crazily!

But this time, he still flew with bombs!

Although it is only a small bomb, don't underestimate it!

To be taken by b2, you must first have your own strength!

Therefore, even if it is a small bomb, it is enough to kill a lot of people! !

As b2 continues to drive rapidly at an altitude of [-] meters, Bangzi Country itself is not very far away from us.

And Yingjiang's usual routine is to go around the destination first, and finally choose the easiest place to break through, go in and slip in for a lap, and then rely on your own b2 speed, after slipping, wait until you haven't responded Come and run away.

No... following the soldiers while drinking, they circled around the border of Xia Kingdom not far away.

Looking at the piece after piece of land below, soldier Yingjiang was full of disdain.

Thinking about it...he is driving the most advanced strategic bomber in the world! !

If it wasn't necessary to carry a small bomb on it, he would have loaded mushroom eggs directly!

"Fake! The border of Xia Kingdom is really far away!"

After flying around, the eagle sauce soldier looked at the picture displayed on the radar, and finally chose the southwest border!

No surprises... Because that place itself has many virgin forests, even if Xia Guo wants to fight back, it is very difficult, and this has become the place where Yingjiang chooses to break through every time!

This time was no exception, Yingjiang Dabing slowly turned the nose of the plane, his eyes still disdainful, and broke through towards the border of Xia Kingdom with full horsepower!

The speed of the b2 strategic bomber itself is extremely fast!

They are about to rush directly to the border of Xia Kingdom!

At this moment, the sky has already turned dark, but the planes are all automatically piloted by radar, so there is no need to worry about invisible situations.

To put it bluntly, in many cases, pilots will only drive manually in emergencies.

This is like the fact that high-end ingredients often only need the simplest cooking methods.

Therefore, even if Dabing Yingjiang is drinking, he does not need to worry about losing control of the plane.

Seeing that it was about to approach the border of Xia Kingdom, the soldier Yingjiang couldn't help but drank two sips of foreign wine, which seemed to be very refreshing?

And at this moment! The alarm light inside the b2 strategic bomber suddenly lit up!

At the same time, a cold voice came from Soldier Yingjiang's helmet headset.

"This is the border of Xia Kingdom, leave quickly! Otherwise, our department will take compulsory measures against you!"

Heh... the old way!

Hearing this sentence, Dabing Yingjiang unceremoniously raised an international gesture to the window!

"Second warning! Leave the border of our country quickly! Otherwise, our ministry will take compulsory measures!"

"Fake squid! You're so awesome! Come and blast me!!"

As if it wasn't exciting enough, the soldier Yingjiang, who was almost on the verge of alcohol, directly changed the automatic driving into a manual driving!

Then he... actually started to descend crazily from a height of [-] meters towards the bottom!

It seems that... Xia Guo dared not shoot because he recognized Xia Guo!

And this soldier in Yingjiang seems to have completely forgotten that the order given to him is to... approach the border of Xia Kingdom, head towards the civilian living area inside, and press the launch button?

However, under the stimulation of this situation, the soldier Yingjiang's hormones erupted infinitely, and he manually flew the plane directly into the border of Xia Kingdom!

After entering, the radar immediately showed that there was a small village nearby. Just by glancing at it, the soldier Yingjiang stopped looking proudly and flew over there!

If he's looking... he'll see.. the radar sweeps the ground... there seem to be... a lot of red dots? ?

At this time!That cold voice spoke again!

"¨Third warning! Your plane has entered our territory! Leave quickly! Otherwise, our department will bombard you indiscriminately!"

"Kamuang Beibi! Come and blast me to death!! See if it's my b2 awesome, or your trash business!"

"Hahahaha, damn the people of Xia, you have warned me three times, Fake squid Maze!!"

It is really visible to the naked eye...Because at this moment, the eagle sauce soldier is so mad that he has no side, and directly lowered the b2 fighter to a height of nearly 3000 meters!

You know... as long as you are not a fool... it is impossible to descend to this height!

Because this height has already reached the height of conventional ground strikes! !

However... how could the soldier Yingjiang, who was extremely confident, care?

Especially listening to those three warnings...

Was it hit afterward? ?

How to fight? ? ?

Even if Xia Guotiao's nearest fighter plane came over, he would have already completed his mission and ran away by then! !

"Haha, go to hell! Damn Xia people!"

Speaking... Eagle sauce soldier is about to press the launch button!

At this moment, the entire interior of b2 suddenly (deli) beeped the alarm sound!

At first, Dabing Yingjiang didn't pay attention to it, but then he glanced at the radar from the corner of his eye, which scared him half of his drink!

Immediately after that, he will quickly lift into the air!

However... the scene in front of him completely frightened him into stupidity! !

At that moment... it was like daytime!

Didi Didi...Boom Boom...Tap Tat Tat....

The beep is the sound of the siren... The boom is the sound of the cannon... The tread is the roar of the armed helicopter!

That's not all...In the last desperate eyes of Dabing Yingjiang...he saw the king of close-to-air combat in Xia Kingdom...the fifth-generation fighter...J-20!

He really wanted to say: "Isn't Xia Guo's fifth-generation fighter jet deployed to the east? How did it come so fast!!!"

Despair... Regret... Fear... Chill... Accompanied by firelights!

Even people and machines were directly blasted into scum! !

At the same time, at the last moment of Yingjiang Dabing's life, he faintly heard that cold man's voice again.

"Those who violate our Xia Kingdom will be punished even if they are far away!"

At the same time, far away in the waters of Xisha in the South China Sea, a mechanical sound suddenly sounded in Zhang Lin's ear!

"Ding, the system has detected that the host has participated in the major decisions of the Xia Kingdom, and has successfully influenced the direction of the Xia Kingdom. Congratulations on getting the super mysterious reward—Xia Kingdom... Totem..."


It seems that Mr. Qi's affairs are over! !

Although Zhang Lin didn't see that shocking scene, he could imagine that nothing unexpected...starting tonight...those foreign countries who have never looked down on Xia Guo, have to re-watch this, under the artillery fire A reborn country! !'s time to do it yourself! .

Chapter 59 Satellite Images .. Shocked the Countries!A dragon totem scarier than unicorn blood!

as Zhang Lin thought

The horrific sound from the southwestern border of our country has reached the ears of many countries.

If they had the conditions, they even mobilized their own satellites and began to look towards the southwest border of Xia Kingdom at a very high speed.

But what they saw... made them all dumbfounded! !

In Bangziguo, in the meeting room, a group of high-level executives are looking at the image report sent back from below in shock! can one describe it as miserable?

Moreover, they are too familiar with what happened here! !

Because just now...they were still laughing and waiting for the good news...then they were on the horse...what's the situation? ?

Why did the picture sent back be Ying Jiang's b2... Bah, it should be scum now! !

In the picture... the wreckage is everywhere! !

It is estimated that the pilot, without even leaving a piece of good meat, was directly blasted into scum!

The key...there is something wrong with riding a horse! !

According to the original vision of the high-level officials of the Bangzi Kingdom... Shouldn't it be Xia Kingdom... where did it turn into a sea of ​​flames?And then a lot of casualties? ?

"Xiba!! People in Xia Kingdom are all lunatics!"

"Hmph! I'm looking forward to it now, what is the reaction of the eagle sauce! This is in front of all countries in the world, slapping it in the face! I don't believe that the eagle sauce is not angry!"

"Damn! When did the Xia Kingdom become so stubborn? Hasn't it always advocated peace?"

"It's hard to say... The development of the Xia Kingdom has become stronger and stronger these years, maybe the self-confidence has inflated?"

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter...It's not good to hit anyone, even if you scare it! You dare to hit it! If I were Yingjiang, I would just throw a few nuclear bombs over there!!"

"Nuclear bombs are not enough...but I think Ying Jiang will take some kind of military action against Xia Guo this time in order to save face!"

"Just wait and see...I think by tomorrow morning...the whole world will know!"

"Xia Guo is looking for a dead end. Let the troops below know. If the two sides really fight, we have to take a share! The land left by our's time to get it back!"

Not only Bangzi Country...

Ah Sanguo...Maozi Country...Queen's Country...Bai Iron Tower Country...etc...all of them looked at Xia Guo's operation in shock.

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