Just when she got excited, Zhang Chulan suddenly noticed that Lu Wuwei had an extremely weird look in her eyes.

Chapter 129 Stupid

"You can't believe that the Eight Miraculous Skills were actually comprehended by your grandfather and the other eight?"

Hearing what Lu Wuwei said, Zhang Chulan fell silent.

"Each of the Eight Miraculous Skills is the absolute king in their respective fields, just like Wang Yedao and Zhuge Qing, Wang Yedao is not much better than Zhuge Qing in terms of cultivation, but the match between him and Zhuge Qing you I also saw it, easily crushed."

"One of these peerless exercises comprehended by a peerless genius is enough to shock the world, but as soon as they appear, there are eight of them, and they appear almost at the same time."

"If you think about it a little bit, you know it's impossible, right?"

Zhang Chulan pursed her lips and lowered her head deeply. She clenched her hands on the steering wheel so tightly that the veins in her hands were protruding.

"I know, I've thought about this too, but... I can't accept this possibility!" Zhang Chulan raised her head and said, "I don't believe my grandpa would be a thief who stole other people's skills! Believe it! My grandpa is definitely not that kind of person!"

"Don't be so diode, besides, who in this world can have the eight wonders at the same time? They have never appeared in history." Lu Wuwei said.

"Huh?" Zhang Chulan's eyes lit up: "Brother Wuwei, what do you mean?"

"Have you read Xianxia novels? Have you heard of treasures like bodhi fruit and bodhi leaves that can make people enlightened?" Lu Wuwei asked.

"Yeah! I've heard of it!" Zhang Chulan nodded like a slap in the face: "You mean, my grandpa and the others didn't necessarily steal other people's exercises, but more likely they found some kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure that can enlighten Taoism? "

"Yes." Lu Wuwei nodded affirmatively: "Not only are the treasures of heaven and earth, but also the blessings of heaven and earth, such as... the natural energy bureau."

"Natural Qi Bureau?" Zhang Chulan was stunned for a moment: "By the way, I remember Brother Wuwei you said that the mountain gate of the Sword Immortal School you belong to is located in a Natural Qi Bureau, right?"

"That's right, to be precise, it is surrounded by a natural qi bureau." Lu Wuwei nodded and said, "And the former head of the Sword Immortal Sect led many seniors of the Sword Immortal Sect to comprehend that natural qi bureau. After paying the price of my life, I finally realized a unique skill, a unique skill that is definitely not weaker than the Eight Wonders!"

Are there any successful cases of enlightenment through natural qi bureaus? !

Zhang Chulan's eyes suddenly brightened!

"It seems that my grandfather and the others should have found a natural qi bureau, well, it must be so!" Zhang Chulan said.

Lu Wuwei shrugged, noncommittal, but instead patted Zhang Chulan.

"Don't get excited, hurry up and catch up, don't let those people run away." Lu Wuwei said.

"Ah, oh, good!" Zhang Chulan hurriedly agreed: "But if you really fall into an ambush, then you will have to rely on Brother Wuwei... Just let me see the unique skills of your Sword Immortal School!"

"I haven't practiced it yet." Lu Wuwei pouted and said, "My move may be more difficult to practice than your family's Qi Body Origin Flow."

"That's it... That's okay, but brother Wuwei, if you have practiced the source of energy, you can tell me as soon as possible, and share your cultivation experience with me." Zhang Chulan said, and then started the car.

Lu Wuwei nodded: "Of course it's no problem, but I have no experience in this area so far. I haven't practiced much since I condensed the thing similar to the legendary Nascent Soul. My progress is faster than you, probably because I The foundation is thicker than yours, that's all."

That's all... that's all? ? ?


I'd rather you tell me what tricks you have, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me!

If there is no trick, wouldn't that mean that I can only follow the steps slowly?Then how to overtake on a curve?

The dream of overtaking on the curve was broken, Zhang Chulan drove the car to turn left at the intersection, went around and came to the other end of the alley before, and then continued to drive forward, carefully observing the surroundings while driving, looking for clues about the man.

It's a pity that they didn't find anything after a lap, and I don't know if the person noticed something abnormal and ran away ahead of time, or simply lost track of him.

After returning in vain, he returned to the temporary residence to rest for the night. Early the next morning, Zhang Chulan went out with Feng Baobao again. This time they didn't call Lu Wuwei, but left him a breakfast in the living room. ..

There is only one serving, because Chen Duo has already finished his meal, only him, a late-rising slob, hasn't eaten yet.

After dinner, he gave Chen Duo a hairstyle to check his proficiency, Lu Wuwei took Chen Duo to a taxi and went straight to Badaling.

The great man said that a man is not a hero if he does not go to the Great Wall. Since he has come to the capital, he must visit the Great Wall.

With this in mind, Lu Wuwei took Chen Duo there, and four hours later, the two of them came back after drinking two stomachs full of cool breeze.

Today's wind is very noisy!

"Traveling is terrible. It depends on the weather. If the weather is bad, the experience will be directly negative!" Lu Wuwei said with emotion.

"Fortunately, I think it's very beautiful and magnificent. I really don't know how ordinary people in the Qin Dynasty built such a magnificent Great Wall more than 2000 years ago... Many people must have died?" Chen Duo asked.

Lu Wuwei gave Chen Duo a weird look: "Who told you that the Great Wall belonged to the Qin Dynasty? Director Liao? How did he introduce the Great Wall to you?"

"Uncle Liao told me a story about a woman named Meng Jiangnu crying down the Great Wall... Is this story fake? Or was the Great Wall rebuilt later?" Chen Duo asked.

"Of course the story is false, but the Great Wall was not rebuilt later...it is not the Great Wall built by the Qin Dynasty at all." Lu Wuwei said: "Some parts of the Great Wall built by the Qin Dynasty were made of rammed earth, and some parts were simply piled up of crushed stones. Yes, it’s long gone now...not all of them, I heard that there are still ruins in some places, very few.”

"Really? Then when was the Great Wall we just boarded built?" Chen Duo asked.

"It was built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and later it was repaired to promote tourism, and tiles were pasted on the original site to increase the beauty." Lu Wuwei said.

"Oh...you lied to me!" Chen Duo said, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

Lu Wuwei smiled and shook his head: "Of course not, I just think you... are a bit dumb~"

"I'm not staying at all." Chen Duo said: "I paid attention to the Great Wall we just boarded. There are no tiles on it."

Lu Wuwei: ...

Is this still called not staying?

You idiot!

"Okay, okay, forget it wrong, okay? Where do you want to go next stop?" Lu Wuwei changed the subject and asked, "I heard that the elevator has been installed on Mount Everest, how about we go there and take the elevator to the world?" Want to experience the highest peak?"

"Is it the highest peak in the world? It seems a little far away?" Chen Duo asked.

"It's not too far away. Let's take a donkey ride and we'll be there soon."

"Donkey drop... what kind of transportation? Why haven't I heard of it? Did you make it up?"

"How is it possible? Lvdi is just... wait a moment, let me think about how to make it up...ah no, how to explain it to you clearly."

Chen Duo: ...

Natal Gu warning!

Chapter 130 Friendship, Absolutely Friendship

After playing for three days in a row, Lu Wuwei was meditating on this day, when a knock on the door woke Lu Wuwei up.

Slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the newly bright sky outside the window, Lu Wuwei got out of bed and came to the door with bare feet and opened the door. It was Feng Baobao.

"We have found out the location of the person who monitored the bull-nosed man. If we start today, Zhang Chulan doesn't know whether to ask you for help. After dawdling for a long time, I'll come over and ask if you want to go together." Feng Baobao said.

Lu Wuwei shrugged: "If I'm not awake, then I definitely won't go. Since I'm already awake, let's go together."

"Well, then hurry up and change your clothes, we will leave in 10 minutes...do you want me to call Chen Duo?" Feng Baobao asked.

"No, I'll just call her."


After watching Feng Baobao leave neatly, Lu Wuwei went back to the bedside to change his clothes and put on his shoes and socks. It took a total of 2 minutes.

I went to the next door and knocked on the door, and the door opened soon, and the board Chen Duo was wearing looked straight, so she didn't just wake up.

Talked to Chen Duo about the situation and asked her to go downstairs first, Lu Wuwei went to the bathroom to wash his face, and when he went downstairs, he found that not only a few of them, but also Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing had come.

"It's so early, when did you arrive?" Lu Wuwei asked.

"Just arrived." Wang also nodded, and then looked at Zhang Chulan: "Shall we set off now?"

Zhang Chulan nodded vigorously: "Well, let's go now."

A group of six people boarded the car, but thanks to the fact that the car was a van, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to hold so many people.

On the way, Zhang Chulan briefly introduced the situation to several people. It turned out that according to his investigation in the past few days, he found that there were more than one group of people monitoring Daoist Wang Ye's family.

They have no contact with each other, and it can be inferred that the people behind them are probably not the same person.

This made Wang Ye's expression extremely serious, and he remained silent all the time with a gloomy face. The low air pressure emanating from him permeated the entire carriage.

All the way to the old city, it is a bit depressed here, or it may be too early, and there are not many people on the street.

"It's here, and one of the people watching you lives here." Zhang Chulan pulled the handbrake and said: "Get out of the car, they should still be sleeping at this point in time, we can catch them quietly .”


Wang also nodded, pressed his hat and got out of the car, and also suppressed the evil spirit that was eager to burst out of his heart.

After getting out of the car, Feng Baobao took the lead, followed by Zhang Chulan, followed by Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing, and finally Lu Wuwei and Chen Duo.

Looking at Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing, who were walking side by side and almost holding hands, Lu Wuwei had an inexplicable expression. He always felt that there was some kind of secret relationship between these two guys... Cough cough, friendship !

Following the stairs quietly to the seventh floor, Feng Baobao stopped in front of a door and turned his head to signal for everyone to be quiet, then took out gloves from the backpack he was carrying and put them on, then took out a wire, bent it, and inserted the key hole.

Lu Wuwei raised his eyebrows, feeling that Feng Baobao used qi, and it was a high-level use of qi - transforming qi into form.

It is obvious that it will be transformed into Qi, and it is fine if it is never used in a fight, but it is actually used in sliding doors to pick locks. Lu Wuwei really doesn't know how to evaluate Feng Baobao's behavior.

With a very slight "da", Feng Baobao signaled for everyone to be quiet again, and then slowly opened the door. The whole process was as stable as an old dog, and almost no sound came out.

"You, over there, you, over here, your room..."

Feng Baobao gestured with his hands, and everyone nodded vigorously with serious faces, and then tiptoed towards their respective targets.

The room that Lu Wuwei was in charge of was on the far right. Carefully avoiding the litter everywhere on the ground, Lu Wuwei quietly came to the door.

After stretching out his hand to hold the doorknob, Lu Wuwei used Qi to transform it into a shape, and penetrated the Qi from the gap in the handle into the lock cylinder inside.

This step is not to unlock the lock, but to prevent the lock cylinder from making abnormal noise when the door is opened next time.

Press the doorknob slowly and evenly, and then continue to push it slowly and evenly, without making any sound during the whole process. Feng Baobao, who was watching the battle behind him, nodded silently.

As expected of her younger brother, this skill is gone!

However, looking at the progress of other people, Feng Baobao only felt that his eyes went dark.

Zhang Chulan stuck to the door like a thief stealing a safe and listened while carefully turning the doorknob. Although he was very careful, because he didn't have enough control over the power, whether it was turning the doorknob or pushing the door open There were inevitably some noises in the capital... Fortunately, the people inside were not awakened.

Wang Ye performed relatively better. Although he made some noise when he turned the doorknob, he mastered the strength very well in the process of pushing the door, and did not make any sound when pushing the door.

After all, he is playing Tai Chi, and his control of power is very good.

As for Zhuge Qing, he... made the loudest sound, so loud that Feng Baobao, who was some distance away, could hear the strange noise coming from that room.

Feng Baobao heard it, and Zhuge Qing naturally heard it too. He froze in place holding the doorknob, his mind went blank, and he didn't know what to do next.

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