In his opinion, this place is not a place for people to live. If there are people here, I am afraid that they will die here in a short time!

Soon, Ping led the two of them to a narrow mountain path.

He was about to rush over, but was grabbed by Liu Sheng.

"There seems to be something wrong."

Liu Sheng stared at the mountain road in front of him, and his keen perception told him that there was something hidden in the void.

At this time, Jiaodu also discovered the strangeness, and manipulated the black line to stab towards the mountain road.

With a bang, the black line was blocked by something inexplicable in the air, unable to go any further.

Lu Sheng rubbed his chin and murmured to himself uncertainly: "This feeling seems to be an enchantment?"

"By the way, Boy Ping, with the strength of your blood pool clan, it shouldn't be difficult to solve a few cloud ninjas, why are you always trapped here?"

Liu Sheng asked the doubts in his heart. Before, he thought that Hell Valley was deep in the Land of Thunder and was restricted by Yunyin Village, so he couldn't come out.

It turned out that Hell Valley was actually in the country of Tang, and there were only four cloud ninja guards outside.

In this case, it should be easy for the Blood Pool family to solve it.

Ping thought about it carefully, and said slowly: "I heard from my father that the original Uchiha clan seemed to have cast a super strong barrier based on something, and we couldn't get out at all."

"Then how did you get out?" Jiao Du who was listening quietly asked suddenly.

"At that time, I was half asleep and half awake, so my father sent me out and asked me to go to the country of vortex to find Master Xia Wu."

Ping shook his head, expressing that he didn't quite understand what was going on.

Liu Sheng stepped forward and punched out, the air in front of him rippled and remained motionless.

Seeing that violence is useless, he began to study this enchantment.

After a long time, Liu Sheng discovered something tricky.

"This enchantment is supported by a certain object. As long as it is destroyed, the enchantment will disintegrate by itself, but the key now is that we first need to find the thing that supports the enchantment."

"If you say it, it means you didn't say it." Jiao disdainfully said.

Now, the three of them were at a loss.

Suddenly, Jiao Du seemed to notice something.

"Boy Ping, what's the matter with your chest, why is it always glowing?"

Hearing the angle, Lucy also looked over.

"This is......"

Ping took out Xia Wu's withered statue from his bosom, it was shining continuously.

"Could it be?" Lucy became excited immediately, and stretched the statue towards the barrier in front of him.

Ping watched nervously, for fear of any accident.

Nothing happened, and the three passed through the barrier smoothly and entered the real Valley of Hell.

Lu Sheng patted his head, suddenly realized:

"Is this the real purpose of the withered statue? The arrangement mentioned by Uncle Rihe turned out to be here.

No wonder my lord wants me to go back and be punished. If the statue is really damaged on the way, we won't be able to pass through the barrier. "


In the depths of Hell Valley, Hira's father, the patriarch of the Blood Pond Clan, Sora was talking with someone.

Suddenly, a person rushed over and reported: "Master Patriarch, someone has passed through the barrier."

Hearing this sentence, Kong was stunned for a moment, looking a little overwhelmed.

After reacting, he ran out quickly, followed by the people on the opposite side.

Running on the road, Kong was worried about gains and losses. He hoped that Ping would come back, but also feared that it was just an accident.

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After a while, Sora saw three people standing near the barrier.

A cheerful-looking young man, an unsmiling middle-aged man and his own son, Ping. .

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Chapter 1 The Powerful Runaway

Seeing his son successfully brought someone back, Sora didn't know what to say for a while.

He looked at Liu Sheng and Kakuzu, and asked hesitantly: "These two are..."

As far as he knows, the Uzumaki clan should have red hair, but these two are pure black hair.

Ping immediately introduced: "This is Big Brother Lucky, from Uzumaki Country. This is Mr. Kadotsu, an acquaintance of Big Brother Lucky, and he is also here to help us."

"Tch, who is an acquaintance with this broom star!" Jiao Du whispered to himself with disdain on his face.

Nothing good happened when he met Lucy, the first time they met, the two had a fight, and he was beaten until he lost four hearts.

The second time they met, Kakuzu ran into Uzumaki Yuromo, and almost scared him half to death.

This is the third time I saw Liu Sheng. I was hunted down by Kirin. Not long after I found him, my heart that hadn't been warmed up disappeared again.

Liu Sheng nodded and said, "Your Excellency already knows about you, and specially sent me to fetch you back to the country of whirlpool."

"But what about the enchantment left by Uchiha?" As soon as the words were spoken, Sora reacted.

Since the three of them were able to enter smoothly, it meant that there must be a way to pass through the barrier.

Holding the statue, Ping said: "With this, you can pass through the barrier."

Kong looked very excited, he didn't expect the family to leave Hell Valley so soon.

To be honest, when he asked his son to find Uzumaki Yuki, hoping that he could save the Blood Chi family, Sora had no hope for this matter.

After all, even the name Uzumaki Yuki was heard from Yun Nin's few words.

Due to the strong strength of Uzumaki Yuki, and the Uzumaki family who are the best at sealing in the ninja world, they are currently the most likely person in the ninja world to break the barrier that wraps Hell Valley, so they came up with this idea.

Lucy continued: "We have already dealt with Yunnin outside the valley, and we can leave now."

"Okay." Kong nodded and said, "Then I'll call the people over immediately."

He turned around and told the excited clansman behind him, "Xiao, inform all the clansmen and let them come here quickly to fight."


Sae ran out excitedly.

From what I heard just now, it can be known that their blood pool family can finally leave this ghost place.

There is no need to eat grass and pick up bird carcasses to satisfy our hunger, we can eat as much as we want every day, and we don't have to watch the clansmen decrease one by one.

"Patriarch Kong, I have a question." After Xie left, Jiaodu suddenly said:

"With this enchantment, how did you send Ping out in the first place, and why was it him?"

Hearing this question, Sora fell into memory.

"That day, I don't know what happened, the barrier surrounding Hell Valley suddenly trembled. When I checked the barrier, I found that the barrier had become very unstable, but it was gradually recovering."

"At that moment, an idea popped up in my mind. I called Ping over, and finally broke a narrow opening in the barrier with all my strength, and sent Ping out."

He stroked Ping's head, and said with a gentle expression: "The situation was critical at that time, and I would rather let Ping leave Hell Valley than I go out by myself."

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"In this way, even if he can't find a way to break the barrier and save his people, he doesn't have to suffer in this hell and can live a good life outside."

"Father..." Ping's eyes were red, and he looked up at his father, trying his best not to let the tears flow down.

"What a cruel choice!" Lucy murmured.

In the case that only one person can be sent out, whether it is to go out alone and leave the tribe and son here, or to leave here and watch the father and tribe suffer, it is a silent torture for the person involved.

Afterwards, both Ryuu and Kaku fell into silence, and only the father and son continued to communicate.

Ping has been talking about his life in the country of the vortex.

You can get a house when you settle in the country of vortex, and you can get money to buy various things as long as you work every day, and children can go to school for free.

Hearing this, there was a look of anticipation on Kong's face, and he couldn't help but sigh, "That's great!"

In addition, Ping also mentioned the method to prevent the tribe from losing control, and Sora listened to it without saying a word.

"It seems that I was right to send you out."

Suddenly, Liu Sheng focused his eyes and felt the tremor coming from the ground.

"what happened?"

He showed a hint of surprise, released his spiritual power, and probed into the depths of Hell Valley.

Only the Blood Pool clan lived in Hell Valley, so how could there be such a shock?

"Patriarch, Master Chun has lost control and has gone into a runaway state!" At this moment, Xun suddenly ran over to report.

Kong's expression changed, and he said in shock: "What? How could it be at this time?"

As a veteran of the Warring States Period, Jiaodu didn't panic at all, and said in a deep voice: "What is a runaway state?"

Before he had time to answer, Ping explained: "Because of the blood dragon eyes, the clansmen will occasionally be affected by negative emotions. At that time, the chakra in the body will increase greatly, and I will lose my mind. This is rampage."

"Then is everyone okay?"

Kong quickly asked, living in Hell Valley for many years, there are not many blood pools left. It would be too tragic if they fell before the dawn!

"Everyone is fine, Mr. Chun seems to have predicted that he would lose control, and went deep into the valley ahead of time."

"Stay here, I'll take a look first."

"Take us there, maybe it can help."

Lucy stood up immediately.

Seeing that his father was hesitant, Ping immediately said: "Brother Lucy and Mr. Kakuzu are very strong, even the Jonin of Yunyin Village was easily dealt with by them."

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