Li Xinxin smiled and said, "Uncle, you made a mistake. This Porsche was just bought by Miner, and it's not mine."

The father and son were taken aback when they heard the words, and thought that they only owed Li Xinxin 200 million. How could Min'er have the money to buy a sports car?

Only then did Li Xinxin realize that she was too excited today, and she accidentally told the truth. Just when Li Xinxin wanted to make amends, Zhang Min said, "Let's go upstairs to talk if we have something to say, what are we doing at the door?"

Father Zhang nodded repeatedly when he heard the words: "Yes, what Min'er said is right, let's go up and talk,"

Zhang Qiang looked at the Porsche enviously, and followed Zhang Min upstairs.

As soon as she entered the door, Zhang's mother poked her head out from the kitchen and said, "We're all back, just in time we were about to serve dinner, and Qiangzi came over to help me serve the meal."

Zhang Qiang responded and walked towards the kitchen.

After everything was packed, the five of them sat down to eat.

Only then did Zhang's father ask, "Min'er, what happened to the Porsche you bought?"

Zhang's mother, Zhang Qiang, looked over curiously at the same time, but Zhang's mother's face was full of worry.

Li Xinxin wanted to stand up and explain, but Zhang Min stopped her and said, "Xinxin, don't worry about it, you can't hide this matter, you have to say it sooner or later, it's better to make it clear today."

Both Zhang's father and Zhang's mother looked at Zhang Min and said, "Min'er, tell me."

Zhang Min sorted out his words and said, "Father, Mom, you also know that Qiangzi surgery needs 200 million yuan, but where can our family get this 200 million yuan?"

Father Zhang said, "Didn't Xinxin borrow it?"

Zhang Min smiled and said, "Xinxin is a teacher like me, do you think she can come up with 200 million?"

Zhang's father and Zhang's mother were silent when they heard the words. They had doubts at the beginning, but at that time Qiangzi was in danger, so they didn't think about it when Zhang Min said it today, so they felt something was wrong.

Zhang Min continued: "The money was given by a rich man. Xinxin is his woman, and so am I. This is the real source of the 200 million."

Zhang's father's face darkened when he heard the words: "You mean you are a child? No, I don't agree. Mommy, let's sell the house tomorrow to pay back the money. I can't let my daughter be a child!"

Zhang Min smiled wryly: "Dad, Mom, even if we sell the house, we still can't afford it. The only thing is, our family will never pay back the interest!"

Zhang's father and Zhang's mother were silent when they heard the words. They knew that Zhang Min was telling the truth. If that was the case, their family's life would be miserable in the future.

2 Chapter Sixty: The Weapon of the Kingdom

Seeing the silence of his parents, Zhang Min smiled and said: "So it's best for me to follow him. Not only will we not have to pay back the loan, but our life will get better and better in the future. Besides, I also like him and am willing to be with him."

Zhang's father heard the words and said: "But... But this is too wronged you, how can you make Dad feel at ease."

Zhang's mother even took Li Xinxin's hand and said: "Xinxin, since you are good sisters and two daughters serve one husband together, you should treat Min'er better in the future. If she makes a mistake, you can tell me, I will You must discipline her well."

Li Xinxin didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she heard the words, she thought that I was a little girl too, but she didn't say anything, she just smiled and said: "Auntie, Min'er is with me, what do you have to worry about, don't worry, we sisters will be of the same mind from now on~ Germany."

Zhang's mother shed tears and said: "Okay, with Xinxin's words from you, Auntie will be relieved."

Zhang Min saw that the atmosphere was not funny and said: "Okay, Mom and Dad, I will stay with Xinxin for the rest of my life - isn't it great."

"Yes, yes, you and Xinxin are together, mom can rest assured."

Although Zhang's father wanted to object, but thinking about the huge debts he would face, he remained silent, and just picked up his glass and drank it down.

Zhang Min looked at his distressed father, and said with a smile: "When you have time to bring him back and let you meet, you can rest assured, he is a very good person."

What else can father and mother say, this is already the best way, but father Zhang still said a word.

"Min'er, you're not doing well, so just tell Dad that our family will pay back the money even if we sell everything, and we will never let you suffer."

Zhang Min's eyes were sour and tears came down when he heard this, and he choked up and said, "Thank you Dad, I understand, you can rest assured that I will live well."

As time passed, the atmosphere gradually improved.

"Sister, can you give me a lap of your Porsche?" Zhang Qiang has long been envious. The former Ferrari belonged to Li Xinxin, so he couldn't say it, but the Porsche belonged to his own sister.

Zhang's father said with a sullen face: "Nonsense, can you drive that car? What can you do to repair it?"

Zhang Qiang said dejectedly when he heard the words: "Oh, I see."

Zhang Min said with a smile: "Qiangzi, you just finished the operation and are still taking care of your body. When your body recovers, I will give you a prescription."

Zhang Qiang said happily: "Thank you sister."

Forty-Nine City, the compound of the military region.

Ma Jianguo also knew about Mouhai, but he was not as confused as others, because his Zhanyi team was still in the hands of his son Ma Weidong.

Only the Zhanyi team could do this without anyone noticing, so he picked up the phone and made a call.

"Hey, Dad, what do you want from me?" Ma Weidong asked with a smile.

Ma Jianguo said, "Weidong, did Zhanyi's team do what happened to Xhai?"

Ma Weidong laughed and said, "I really can't hide anything from Dad. I led the Zhanyi team to do it. Dad, you don't know. It's really enjoyable. Their weapons hit us like tickles. It's ours. Stand still, or they won't be able to hit us at all."

Ma Jianguo scolded: "Nonsense, you are violating military discipline and going to court-martial, do you know that!"

Ma Weidong laughed and said, "Dad, I made a foreshadowing with the commander of our base, and if I didn't say it, who would know that we did it."

Ma Jianguo snorted coldly: "Weidong, you have to know that there is no impenetrable wall in the world."

Putting down the phone, what Ma Jianguo was thinking about now was how to transfer Zhan Yi's team back, and then report to the higher authorities, otherwise the old man over there would definitely not let Ma Weidong and Zhan Yi's team back.

So he picked up the phone and called again.

Base, Commander's Office.

Ma Weidong looked at the transfer order between himself and Zhanyi's team, and knew that it must be his father's method.

"Yes, Comrade Commander, I will immediately return to the military area with the special operations team." Then he turned around and left.


Ma Weidong led the members of Zhanyi's team, boarded two military vehicles and buses, and drove out of the base directly.

When the division commander came back in the afternoon, he learned that Ma Weidong had been transferred back to the military region, so he hurried to the commander's office.

He broke in without knocking on the door, the commander looked at the teacher and said, "Why are you so busy, you can't wait to get your brows up?"

"Commander, why did you transfer Ma Weidong away?"

The commander laughed and said: "Nonsense, they are not from our base, do you understand on secondment? My father came to ask for someone, can I not let him go?"

The division commander said anxiously: "Commander, I found out from the dispatch records that Ma Weidong and his special operations team went out three times at night. From the timing, the Xhai incident is inseparable from them."

The commander stood up and said, "What! You said that Ma Weidong led the special operations team to do the incident in a certain sea? How is it possible? Even if they go out at night, the fleet is at sea. How did they get up there!"

The teacher smiled bitterly and said: "It is precisely because of this that I can't believe it, so I went to investigate this matter. After investigation, I learned from Ma Weidong's partner that this matter was indeed done by Ma Weidong, so I hurried back to find Ma Weidong. Unexpectedly Both Ma Weidong and the special operations team were transferred away."

The commander said in a deep voice: "Do you have any basis? You must know that this matter is not a joke. If Ma Weidong and the others really did it, then they are our heroes!"

The teacher shook his head and said: "I have no evidence, it sounds like a fantasy, but every time the special operations team trains behind their backs, so I don't know their strength, but there is nothing wrong with it."

The commander paced back and forth in the office, and suddenly grabbed the phone and dialed.

"Hey, send someone to chase Ma Weidong back!"

The bus had already left Fujian Province, but as soon as it got on the expressway, two helicopters hovered over the bus.

"Regimental Commander Ma Weidong, the commander ordered your troops to return to the original station, or they will be punished by military law!"

"Regimental Commander Ma Weidong, the commander ordered your troops to return to the original station, or they will be punished by military law!"


Three consecutive announcements came from the helicopter.

Ma Weidong had no choice but to order the car to stop and return to his original place.

Base Commander's Office.

The phone rang, and the commander picked it up and said, "Hello, what's the matter?"

After a while, the commander said loudly: "Okay, well done!"

The teacher asked, "Have you chased Ma Weidong back?"

The commander smiled and said, "Well, that kid Ma Weidong can't run away."

Then pick up the phone and dial out.

"Old Ma, I just remembered. The time for Ma Weidong's secondment has not yet come, so he can't be transferred for the time being. I will release him when the time comes. Do you think it's okay?"

Ma Jianguo knew that he wanted bad food as soon as he heard it. It must have been leaked somehow. How could the other party let go of such an elite group, so he said anxiously: "Old Zhang, you have to be authentic, I tell you to give me the person quickly." Put it back."


Seeing that the other party hung up the phone, Ma Jianguo's face turned black with anger.

Base, a regiment station.

As soon as Ma Weidong came back, he saw the commander and division commander standing in the courtyard, he quickly got out of the car and trotted over to salute, "Hello Commander, Division Commander."

The commander smiled and said: "Okay, just come back, go back and rest first, let's talk later."

How could Ma Weidong dare to ask the commander to wait for him, so he said with a smile: "Let them go back to rest, and I will have a good talk with the commander."

Canteen, private room.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The commander smiled and said, "Ma Weidong, tell me, what happened to the certain sea, and how did you manage it?"

Ma Weidong pretended to be stupid and said, "Commander, why don't I understand what you said?"

The teacher also said: "Ma Weidong, you can't hide it. The driving record is quite consistent with the Xuhai incident. How do you explain it?"

Ma Weidong was silent, and said after a while: "Commander, this involves the secrets of the Zhanyi team, I have no right to tell, you should ask my father."

The commander and the division commander looked at each other, and thought that it was Ma Weidong who did it, but how did they manage to sneak into the warship and kill all the soldiers of the other side without anyone noticing it sounds like a fantasy.

The commander smiled and said, "Okay, I won't embarrass you, I just want to ask how you passed by sea and avoided radar detection."

Ma Weidong thought about it: "Commander, I can only say that the Zhanyi team is different from ordinary troops. He is omnipotent. I can't say anything more."

At this time, an officer came in and said: "Report to the commander, the military department asked the commander to bring the Zhanyi team back to Sijiu City for a meeting."

The commander laughed and said, "This old horse is really fast, but it's impossible to get the Zhanyi team back, haha!"


The next day, Forty-Nine City, the military headquarters.

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