"Otherwise, my suggestion is that you don't go down the road."

Lin Ye finished.

The Sakura girl who got the response was taken aback

"The other side actually speaks our cherry blossom language?"

The mid laner Master Love was also stunned.

"How do you feel that his cherry blossom language is more standard than mine?"

"Is he a Sakura man?"

"Our R area?"

The two girls mistook Lin Ye for one of their own.

"God Xiao Ye can also speak cherry blossom language?"

"Brother, ask him, ask him if he will!"

"Lost Memories and asked Perry to ask Lin Ye in English."

Perry was helpless.

"Can't you learn Chinese by yourself?"

"Every time I ask?"

Broken Chinese said:

"Master Xiao Ye, is your cherry blossom speech like this?"

Lin Ye: "???"

"I just learned a little bit by watching Japanese and Korean videos, and lost a little bit."

Lin Ye explained to Perry in a low-key manner.

A little bit?

Perry is speechless. Do you mean that you are more authentic than the opposite Sakura?

He translated Lin Ye's words to Lost Memories.

Lost Memories and the other two white friends were shocked.

Caucasian friend: "Will you be able to master such fluent Sakura language by watching videos?"

"Why do I only say a few words after reading so much?"

Lost memories: "Shen Xiaoye is too good, then I have to learn Huaxia quickly!"

"Try to be able to communicate with him without barriers."

Got a wave of 3 kills!

Lin Ye ate the blue zone on the opposite side, and went back to his wild zone to brush a wave.

Back to the city.

He buys [Recurve Bow + Vampire Scepter].

Take the lead as a jungler.

That neutral resource must be won.

When he came to the Dalongkeng, Lin Ye turned on his scanning eyes.

Attack the Rift Herald.


On the other side, he saw Lin Ye who was platooning, and knew without thinking that he was attacking the canyon vanguard.

The mid laner and the top laner are eager to try.

But the jungler Watanabe said.

"can not go."

"He has all the mythical equipment, and there are two small pieces."

"I'm a full piece of mythical equipment behind him now."

"What to fight with him? To deliver?"

"Pioneer let go."

I heard the diamond powerhouse say so.

The Sakura players were all discouraged.


"Hint: The Empress of the Void killed the Canyon Herald!"

[Ha ha ha ha]

Lin Ye performed a transformation on the corpse of the canyon pioneer!

As neutral creeps from the void.

Once the Empress of the Void devoured it.

The transformation time of her big move will come to 180 seconds.

It can also summon schools of void fish.

The fight between the soldiers on both sides of the middle lane killed each other!

But at this time.

Following the arrival of the real body, the Empress of the Void came to the middle.

All the soldiers who died in battle, whether they were on the opposite side or their own.

After death, all turned into a void fish.

In the blink of an eye, a school of void fish appeared.

Lin Ye crushed the canyon vanguard in the middle.

On the opposite side, the single girl in the middle looked at the densely packed fish school in the void, and her panic phobia broke out.

"What is this?"


With the pioneer knocked out.

Lin Ye's two stages of [Void Torrent], the cherry blossom girl with a pink skirt close to her face.

Let the opposite control skills control yourself.

Lin Ye's W skill [Going to Shen Yuan] still made a move.

Control offsets.

In an instant, Void Fish School and the white friends immediately set fire to Master Caring.

Lin Ye's E skill [搠面皇锋] is in charge of finishing.


Super God's voice notification sounded.

Lin Ye 10/0.

Cooperate with Canyon Herald and Void School of Fish.

It took only 10 minutes to unplug the second tower.

Sakura girl players don't want to play anymore.

Watanabe comforted.

"It's okay, the economy on the other side is on the Empress of the Void."

"As long as you find a chance to kill him once to get a reward, you can fight."

"My hero is very strong in the late stage."

The five blacks on the opposite side naturally made a comeback.

The four Sakura players still trust Watanabe.

Lin Ye went back to the city to buy goods.

The legendary equipment [Blade of the Ruined King] is in hand.

10 minutes for two sets.

The Void Queen, who passively increases attack speed infinitely, develops like this.

It was hard for Lin Ye to be unhappy.

The mid laner followed Lin Yelai down the road.

Perry anti-tower.

Lin Ye charged into the void torrent.

The W skill knocks the two people under the tower into the air.

clap clap clap...

The Empress of the Void waved her wings, and her big pussy slapped the Sakura girl's face fiercely.

The three passive damages of Ruin, Siren, and Ultimate are triggered instantly.

Sakura girl couldn't use her skills, so she was beaten to death by Lin Yehuo.

But this wave of opposing support played very well.

Control Perry and replace him with the defense tower.

[Double Kill]

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