Yalilo Six.

When Chu Mu heard the name from Ji Zi, he couldn't sit still for a moment.

"What's the matter?" Ji Zi, who had a flamboyant and generous appearance, noticed Chu Mu's emotions and asked warmly.

Chu Mu took out his mobile phone and typed text quickly.

This is a spare phone that Ji Zi found in her suitcase. It is covered with a mobile phone case given by March Seven. The blue and pink design is cute and girly.

Ji Zi had a suitcase containing all kinds of treasures. It didn't look big, but Chu Mu watched as she took out a bunch of weird things from it, including maintenance tools, a steel warhammer, and a monomolecular saw.

This elegant and dignified woman seems to have a wild and unruly heart.

It was the first time for Chu Mu to type on a mobile phone, but he got used to it very quickly.After all, in the process of playing games with Silver Wolf, he has already learned to touch the keyboard.

A text-to-speech program was installed on the mobile phone, and Chu Mu finally got rid of Xing, the unreliable microphone.

But it could also just be a temporary escape.

Ji Zi originally planned to install some kind of brainwave-to-speech external device on him, so as to save the need for typing.But unfortunately, the device was worn on Chu Mu's head, but it couldn't read the brain waves.

This may be a physical limitation of the puppet.

Ji Zi is very interested in Chu Mu, but after all, she is not a mad scientist like Heita, she still respects Chu Mu very much.

Now that Chu Mu boarded the train, he was regarded as a passenger of the train, not a wonder that could think.

Generally speaking, everyone on the train crew had a good attitude towards Chu Mu.

At least, treat him as a human being.

This is also because Chu Mu did not show the aggressiveness of Feng Rao.If Chu Mu performed a demonic body attack, he might be killed by the train crew on the spot.

Therefore, when Chu Mu treats everyone on the train crew, he should be as honest as possible if he can.

The relationship between Star Core Hunter must not be discussed, and Chu Mu also told Xing not to disclose it.After all, Chu Mu knew very well that his family members did not have a very good reputation among the stars.

After all, they execute Elio's script to serve the future, and they don't consider the feelings of the present.

For example, in the invasion of the Black Tower space station, even though Esta evacuated in time, there were still casualties.

Perhaps in Elio's view, the world will eventually go to destruction, and he is reversing the ending.There will be casualties in this process, but it is also to save more people.

Maybe, when the world is saved and the truth is revealed, people will be grateful to him.But now, people just hate him.

Elio doesn't care what these people think of him now, otherwise he wouldn't make scripts one by one.

His star core hunters, Kafka and Silver Wolf, also don't care about other people's opinions, otherwise they wouldn't execute these scripts.

As their family member, Chu Mu had to care.Especially when he acts independently, he must hide his identity so as not to be implicated and thrown off the train.

Fortunately, although Xing is usually unreliable, he still kept a secret for him at this critical moment.

Chu Mu was also able to relax and communicate with everyone on the train crew.

He typed a line of words on the phone, and then clicked to play:

"I'm from Yalilo Six."

As soon as the words came out, everyone on the train crew looked at him.

The brown-haired middle-aged man wearing glasses, named Walter Yang, was affectionately called Uncle Yang by March Seventh, and he was a mature and prudent man.

Holding the cane in his hand, he pondered for a moment and asked:

"When did you leave Yaliluo? How did you become Jianmu and enter the Black Tower Space Station?"

"It's been more than ten years since I left Yaliluo." Chu Mu shook his head and continued typing on the keyboard of his mobile phone. "Unfortunately, I can't disclose to you what happened later, which involves some secrets. But I can tell you about the situation of Yaliluo No. [-]. I believe it will be of some help to you."

After Chu Mu played this passage, he thought that the other party would be a little unhappy. After all, his behavior of hiding it like this was somewhat unpleasant.

But unexpectedly, everyone in the train crew did not show any expression, but nodded slightly.

Ji Zi seemed to see the doubt in Chu Mu's eyes, so he smiled and said:

"Passengers who board the train have their own secrets to some extent. Our train crew will not explore these secrets. After all, as long as we are on the train, we are all companions, and we should respect each other's privacy."

As she said that, in order to increase the persuasiveness of her speech, she pointed to the young man beside her:

"Look at Dan Heng, he is a man with many secrets. We only know that he was hunted down, forced to flee, and he has a very complicated past. But we don't care about the past of the members. I only know that on the train A guard and recorder was needed, so I invited him."

Hearing this, Chu Mu looked at the young black-haired man. He was wearing a dark blue overcoat, holding a sharp spear, and his face was stern.

I don't know who is chasing him.

The man named Dan Heng nodded at him.

Chu Mu also nodded slightly.

At this time, Ji Zi smiled and said:

"During the journey of the train, people got on the train to join us at every station. Most of them were confused and didn't know where to go, so they moved along with the train. When they found the answer in their hearts, they could get off the train at any time."

Hearing this, Chu Mu typed on the phone:

"Your train crew is very accommodating."

Ji Zi nodded slightly.

But Chu Mu's next words made her stunned:

"What if bad guys get in here?"

"Under normal circumstances, those who can join the train for a pioneering journey are adventure companions who have been tested at a certain station." Walter straightened his glasses, "If there is really someone with evil intentions, I will keep an eye on him."

"Walter's strength is invincible." Ji Zi smiled.

Xing then squeezed over and asked:

"What about the emissaries above?"


Chapter 145 Aha's Prank

The question raised by Xing is more or less suspected of finding fault.

"Ling Shi is probably not so boring." Ji Zi shook his head, "However, I have checked the flight history of the train, and there was once a star god who disguised himself as an ordinary person and lurked on the train for more than a year, and finally seized the opportunity , blowing up half the train and the entire planet."

After a pause, she smiled and said:

"I provided this information to the Black Tower to help her perfect the project of simulating the universe. I hope that the virtual star god she made can restore some."

"That's so reductive." Xing nodded, "He actually knows that he is virtual."

"Aha?" Chu Mu asked.

"Who else is there but him?" Ji Zi sighed, "For Aha, the Star God of Pleasure, fun is the most important thing. Maybe he just wanted to trick Akivili, but he directly caused countless unknown guests His body passed away, and Akivili would probably be mad at him."

After a pause, Ji Zi said with emotion:

"The existence of the star god has lost the most basic awe of life. Even if he was a human before becoming a god, he became indifferent after becoming a god. For example, hunting, he often kills the rich people without thinking about the consequences. Yes. Sometimes, before the soldiers of Xianzhou had time to evacuate from the frontline battlefield, the hunters went down with one arrow.

"There are very few star gods who are as close to human beings as Akivili. Unfortunately, when I took over the star train, this great god has long since died. If I can follow him to explore the unknown world, I would be so lucky."

As she spoke, she looked at Chu Mu and Xing:

"So, you actually don't have to worry about anything. There is no Akivili in the current train set, so it is impossible for Ahha to play pranks again. After all, it can only be another star god who can attract the star god."

Star nodded approvingly.

Chu Mu also reluctantly nodded.

It's hard to say about this.

In short, just to be on the safe side, if you meet Sambo, don't let that guy get in the car.

"Let's go back to Yaliluo [-]." Chu Mu clicked on his phone, "Yaliluo [-] is now a planet of ice and snow, and the cold wave has been raging for hundreds of years."

"From the information I've read, Yalilo VI is a planet full of vitality, and the residents there believe in Yalilo, the god of spring." Ji Zi flicked the route map on the screen, "It seems that thousands of years , changed a lot of things.”

The last time the star train reached Yalilo was thousands of years ago.

This train departs from the home planet of Pioneer Star God, and the terminal station is also the home star, forming a closed loop.

After Himeko took charge of the train, the train was retracing the previous route.

It is worth mentioning that since the fall of the pioneering star god Akivili, the waterway opened by him has become no longer smooth.

During Jizi's journey, most of the stations she passed by were facing various crises.

Among them, most are caused by stellar cores.

Due to the influence of the star core, the space data will become abnormal, and the jump cannot be started, and the train will often stay there after arriving at the station.

Therefore, members of the train crew often turn into firefighters, and only after sealing the star core can they leave and go to the next station.

However, due to various reasons, local official forces are often unwilling to cooperate with the train crew to seal the star core.

It is impossible for the train group to stay on a planet forever, so it is often necessary to bypass the official to seal the star core.

The consequence of this is what March Seven said, she has to be wanted every two planets.

Chu Mu felt that this was not called a pioneering journey, but a journey to the star core.

Perhaps, the star train can cooperate with the star core hunter, one is responsible for discovering the star core, and the other is responsible for harvesting the star core.

It's a pity that the tonality of the two groups of people is different, and the star core hunter's lawless, righteous and evil behavior style is difficult to be accepted by the train crew.

Moreover, the star core hunter will only hunt the star core recorded in Elio's script.

Silver Wolf wanted to pick up the star core of Yalilo [-], but Kafka stopped him because the star core was left to other people.

Chu Mu didn't understand the meaning at the time, but he is now.

It seems that the star train is also an important part of the future that Elio sees.

From this point of view, Kafka stuffed the star into the star core and left it in the space station for the purpose of allowing her to board the star train?

The fate of the stars has already been planned.

What about Chu Mu's fate?Is it also in Elio's calculation?

Now these two people who are related to the star core hunter are staying on the star train.

Chu Mu has an intuition that most of those who are written into the script by Elio will have a rough fate.

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