Seeing this scene, Chu Mu understood why the fatigue on Natasha's face came from.

It's really not easy to be the only doctor in the lower area.

Chu Mu felt sorry for this former teacher.

Xier also carried a sickle to patrol. As a member of Earthfire, she also had a fixed patrol route every day, and she also had to clean up monsters and so on.

Chu Mu became lonely again.

He felt that there was no excitement around him when he was a child.

When we grow up, we all have our own jobs and have to be busy with our own affairs.

Chu Mu felt that he was special.

He used to be precocious than his peers, and now he is a bit younger than his peers.

There is always a misalignment with each other.

Now that everyone has something to do, he has become a vagrant with nothing to do.

Chu Mu stood at the door of the clinic, looking at the busy street, but he didn't know where to go.

At this time, a childish voice sounded:

"Hey, fresh face, have you seen the old witch come back?"


Chapter 162 The Dark Lord Hook

Chu Mu looked down at the person who spoke.

It was a little girl with blond hair, or it could be a boy. It is difficult for children of this age to tell the gender just by looking at it.

She was wearing a furry hood, with a fleshy face, and she was a few years younger than Clara, maybe six or seven years old.

Seeing Chu Mu staring at her without speaking, the child frowned, and said in a childish voice:

"Hey, why don't you talk? I haven't seen you in this town. Which town are you from?"

Chu Mu shook his head, pointed to his mouth, and signaled that he could not speak.

"Ah? Can you hear me then?" the child asked.

Chu Mu nodded.

"Then you have to listen well." The child crossed his waist, full of loyalty, "In this town, the adults are under the control of the ground fire, and the children are under the control of our Mole Party. Standing in front of you now is the boss of the Mole Party. You can call me, Lord Hook!"

After finishing speaking, the little girl named Hook hurriedly shook her head and said embarrassingly:

"No, no, forget that you can't speak. In short, you just need to know that I am the leader of the Mole Party, and now you are a member of our Mole Party! You have to give you a code name."

"What are the code names?" Chu Mu asked while typing.

"Julian with Thousand Faces, the cunning child, Luka the Iron Arm, and the dark Master Hu Ke!" Hu Ke said to himself, and then realized something was wrong.

She looked at Chu Mu and said:

"You, you, how do you talk?"

Chu Mu turned on the phone in his hand.

"What is this? A treasure found in a garbage dump?" Hook stared blankly at the bright phone screen, "It must be worth a lot of money."

The current Yalilo [-] doesn't even have basic wireless communication, let alone a network terminal such as a mobile phone.

The technology here is really degraded.

However, the purpose of the star train here is not only to seal the star core, but also bear the burden of connecting lost civilizations.

Chu Mu had heard about the plan formulated by Ji Zi, and when the pioneering journey came to an end, the train crew would install wireless communication equipment here and distribute some mobile phones and other network terminals.

For such a backward area, the train crew has no time to rebuild it brick by brick, and can only provide them with a channel to communicate with the outside world.

They can contact the company's trade specialists or helpful interstellar organizations through the Internet, and re-establish the framework of interstellar civilization step by step.

In Ji Zi's opinion, it is more effective to give civilization a way out than blind support.

In the vernacular of March [-]th, this is, if you want to get rich, build roads first!

At this time, Hu Ke's voice reached Chu Mu's ears, and she asked expectantly:

"Where did you find it? If Hook can find such a treasure, he can build a big house for Dad."

Chu Mu shook his head.

"Well, it's really impolite to ask someone else's treasure spot." Hook lowered his head dejectedly, "And such a treasure must be difficult to find."

"It's not digging." Chu Mu typed, "In fact, after a while, this thing will be distributed to you for free."

"Give it to us for free?" Hu Ke showed a skeptical expression, "Don't lie to Hu Ke, although Hu Ke is a child, he is not an idiot. This kind of thing looks very expensive at first glance, how can it be given for free? us?"

No one in the lower boroughs would believe such a good thing happened.

Chu Mu thought of himself, at Hu Ke's age, if someone said such a thing, he would probably leave without looking back.

There is a [-]% chance that he will come back and slap the other party in the face.

What an outrageous liar, Sambo dare not make up such a thing!

Thinking of this, Chu Mu didn't continue the topic, but asked another question:

"The old witch you mentioned earlier, who are you referring to?"

"Of course it's Natasha!" Hook said in a childlike voice, "The old witch is so fierce. She doesn't allow us to take risks at noon, and forces us to sleep late. It's very annoying! Besides, she always criticizes Hook! It's scary when she gets angry!"

Hearing this, Chu Mu couldn't help smiling.

As Natasha's former student, he understood Hook's feelings.

Back then, didn't I secretly call Natasha the Great Demon King?

Now Hook calls Natasha the old witch behind his back, which makes Chu Mu seem to see himself before.

When I grow up, there will be no time for such innocence.

"Don't laugh! Be serious!" Hu Ke looked up at Chu Mu, "My companions have been imprisoned by the old witch, Hu Ke will go to the clinic to rescue them while she is away, and join all the children , overthrow the tyranny of the old witch, severely criticize the old witch, and prevent her from doing whatever she wants!"

Hook spoke his great plan in a childlike tone.

This made Chu Mu a little stunned.

Tomorrow's action plan seems to be similar to Hook's plan.

It's all about overthrowing the tyranny of a woman.

It's just that Hook is out of childlike innocence.But the adults of Earth Fire are for the future of the entire lower area.

In a sense, both sides actually have one thing in common, that is idealism.

However, Hook's plan is unlikely to succeed, after all, Natasha is not weak enough to be knocked down by a child.

This amiable doctor will take out a [-]mm hand cannon at any time and perform a convincing show.

Chu Mu hoped that Cocolia, the target of tomorrow's action, would not be so terrifying.

Although Swallow calculated a success rate of more than half, it was not [-]% after all.

There are many things that Swallow cannot calculate.

What if, on the surface, the great guardian of a weak woman can also hide her real side like Natasha?

Chu Mu, who came back from interstellar travel, knows that in this universe, individual combat power can often crush the entire civilization.

This is not just a war based on numbers, but depends on whether the opponent has a super strong individual.

Just like the war between Xianzhou and Fengraomin, no matter how powerful Fengraomin is, a activated planet will hit them at every turn, but it can't hold back the Xianzhou with the help of hunting star gods.

For tomorrow's operation, all the Destiny Walkers will be dispatched from the lower level.

Among them, Xier's role is the most critical. She will use her stealth ability to sneak into Fort Cripper and catch Cocolia in advance.

Chu Mu only hoped that Cocolia was an ordinary person and could be captured obediently.

At this time, Hook complained:

"You always ignore me, and you don't answer me when I ask you. Hmph, Hook wants to give you a code name, just call, just call, ignore people."

Chu Mu: "..."

He lowered his head, typed a line of words on the phone, and played:

"My name is Chu Mu."

"What's the code name?" Hook asked.

Chu Mu shrugged, expressing his casualness.

"It's really a log." Hook crossed his waist, "I'll call you a log."

After a pause, she continued:

"New team member, let's go on an adventure with me! Hehehe, while Natasha is not around, let's rescue the companions in the clinic."

She pushed open the door of the clinic.


Chapter 163 Invitation

"Old, old witch..."

The moment Hook pushed open the door, he happened to meet Natasha face to face.

"Oh?" Natasha smiled slightly, "Hook, I was looking for you, your father put you in the clinic, where did you go?"

Natasha's tone had a sense of calmness and prestige.

In the lower area, the miners used to put their children with Natasha before they went to work in the mine.

On the one hand, there are many children here and it is lively.On the other hand, if an accident prevents her from returning, the child can be taken good care of by Natasha.

Hook's expression instantly became very depressed, and he said weakly:

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