Looking at this room, Chu Mu couldn't help but go back to 13 years ago.

At the beginning, after he gouged out his eyes, it was here that he received Natasha's treatment.

Chu Mu still remembered that he saw the pharmacist during the treatment.

He blinded his own eyes, and wept away.

At that time, Chu Mu didn't know why the pharmacist targeted him.

However, after experiencing the adventures of Deep Blue Star and Sand Starfish, Chu Mu already understood.

The pharmacist blinded himself in order to make himself blind.

But why did He weep in the first place?

Chu Mu still doesn't understand why the pharmacist is crying.

This question may not be answered in the future.

I don't have much time for myself.

Chu Mu lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

That night 13 years ago, he looked at the ceiling above his head in the same way.

His eyes seemed to penetrate everything and see the stars.

Chu Mu turned his head to one side, Natasha had fallen asleep exhaustedly, and she was still gently holding Chu Mu's hand.

Chu Mu turned his head to the other side, and there was nothing there.

That kind old lady is no longer here.

In the silent night, the puppet was sleepless for a long time.


Early the next morning, Natasha and Chu Mu left Goethe Hotel.

Now, troops from all walks of life have gathered in front of the hearth hub.

It is worth mentioning that when discussing the battle plan, some representatives proposed to attack Fort Cripper at night and choose to attack in the early morning.

As a result, Oleg regarded him as an idiot.

At night in the upper area, there is no heating on the street. Do you want everyone to freeze to death on the road?

Therefore, the best time is when the sun rises in the morning.

At this time, the geothermal device has been activated, and the heating on the street will slowly resume.

At this time, the traffic on the street is not dense, which is the most suitable for launching a surprise operation.

Therefore, the plan is set at eight o'clock today.

Another reason for choosing this time is that based on Oleg's understanding of the Silvermane Iron Guards, the Iron Guards had already assigned today's tasks to their respective defense zones.

At this time, an emergency happened in the city, and the iron guards had no time to react.

In this way, the main opponent that the commando will face is only the defense force of Fort Cripper.

In fact, Cripper Fort is located in the center of the giant city, and the guards here have not fought a decent defense battle for hundreds of years.

In Oleg's impression, the defensive troops here have always been gilded places for noble children.

After all, there is no need to go to the front line to work hard here, and it is a dream job to be close to the big guardian and get promoted quickly.

Oleg is confident and defeated these young soldiers in one fell swoop!

The passage in the Hearth Hub has been repaired by Swallow, and with an order, the troops from the ground fire, the mechanical settlement and the wanderer are marching towards the surface!


Chapter 167

Belloberg, Upper District, Fort Clipper.

The majestic and huge fortress is located on a high platform, like a spaceship in the sky.

Standing in the central square of the administrative district, looking up at the steps leading to Fort Cripper, it seems that there is no end in sight.

This is the abode of the Great Guardian, the absolute center of Belloburg, Fort Cripper!

Named after the Guardian Star God Cripper, it represents the lofty will of the builders!

It was early morning at this time, the tram stopped in front of the square, a soldier jumped out of the car, and hurriedly ran towards the fort.

He was not neatly dressed, the buttons of his clothes were all crooked, and he obviously went out in a hurry.

"It's over, it's over, I'm late again." The soldier said hurriedly.

"Oh, you came early enough." The guard standing under the steps looked at the late colleague and couldn't help teasing.

"Brother, please let me go." The soldier begged.

As he spoke, he stuffed a few credits into the hands of the guard.

He still remembers his father's teaching that whenever he encounters a problem, he should first try to solve it with money.

Nothing that can be solved with money is not a problem.

The guard quietly stuffed the credits into his trouser pocket, and said in a low voice:

"Go up."

"Thank you!" The soldier nodded and hurried up the steps.

His duty position is the gate of Fort Cripper.

When he ran to the scheduled post, the veteran who partnered with him couldn't help but muttered:

"Boy, why are you late again?"

"I can't help it, there's something wrong at home." The young soldier was rather embarrassed.

"Is there something wrong, or did you overplay it last night?" The veteran said teasingly, "Hehe, you children of a big family have a richer nightlife. Unlike us who are bitter, haha, who go home and fall asleep."

Not all the defense forces of Cripper Fort were descendants of nobles.There are also some who are randomly assigned like veterans.

After all, with such a large army, there must be a few people who can do practical things. It would be shameful if all of them arrived late and left early like this guy.

"Brother, this is really the last time. I just came here and I'm still not proficient. I'll adjust it later when I get used to the routine." The young man vowed.

"You don't need to be so serious." The veteran waved his hand, "Anyway, this post is just an idle post. It doesn't matter if anyone comes or not. It's just a decoration."

"How can you say that? We are the first line to protect the safety of the Great Guardian." The boy said seriously.

"Oh, what kind of front line is this?" The veteran sneered, "The real front line is the soldiers in the snow outside the city. I joined the Silvermane Iron Guard in the same group as me, and I was lucky enough to be assigned here , Those who are assigned to other places are basically dead."

After finishing speaking, he paused, looked at the young man, and said lightly:

"Some occasional things, just say it in your heart, don't say it outside, let alone get cheap and act like a good boy.

"You can stand here alive, leisurely every day, and still have the nerve to say that you are the front line? If you let those guys on the front line hear it, you will have your heart peeled off."

Hearing this, the young man couldn't help shrinking his head:

"Is there nothing wrong with our position? What if there is a conspiracy?"

"What are you thinking? If the monsters outside the city can break through the iron guard line and enter here, then we don't need to defend, Belloberg has been destroyed long ago." The veteran's tone was indifferent, "As for those guys in the city , which brain do you think has a pit, dare to attack Fort Cripper?"

"You've been here for so many years, haven't you encountered anything?" the young man wondered.

"There is one thing." The veteran stroked his beard. "I remember more than ten years ago. On the day the lower area was blocked, a group of guys from the lower area came to blow up a wall of Fort Cripper. They didn't expect that there was another wall, so they were dumbfounded, hahaha."

"The people in the lower area are so fierce?" The boy's eyes widened in surprise.

"It's better to say stupid." The veteran shrugged. "The lower area is blocked, and this has nothing to do with it. Dare to attack the Great Guardian, isn't it courting death?"

"Did that group catch it?" the boy asked.

"Everyone present was caught, and there was a guy named Posang in the lower area." The veteran shook his head, "However, after the lower area was blocked, that guy must have died. Poor, one person killed the entire lower area."

The young man heard the words, but did not speak.

As a well-connected family member, he knew the reason why the lower area was blocked, and it had nothing to do with this Possang.

The reason why the Great Guardian sealed off the lower area was to transfer the silver-maned iron guards stationed in the lower area, and use it in the upper area's rift operation.

The nobles of the high-level council all lived in the upper area, so they naturally agreed to this plan.

After all, the upper area has more soldiers to protect it, so it will be safer.

However, who would have thought that in the past ten years or so, the silver-maned iron guards in the upper area would fight less and less, and the World Breaker would fight more and more.

The Great Guardian has even gone crazy, and all men of the right age have to join the army to join the Silvermane Iron Guard.

Thanks to his family connections, the young man was able to come to this safe and leisurely position.

Otherwise, it is estimated that he would have died in the Rift!

While the boy was thinking about it, at this moment, several soldiers passed by him.

Those are elite soldiers who have participated in the Battle of the Breach, and their temperament is obviously different from these guards!

The guy could feel the way the other person looked at him——

Pure contempt.

This made the guy very upset.

But I still try my best to comfort myself, although the other party is stronger than myself, but I must have a longer life than the other party!

What about elite soldiers? I'm afraid you will fight?

Survival is the real thing!

Thinking of this, the young man lowered his head very spinelessly.

After the veterans on the other side checked their identities with this group of soldiers, they let them in.

Not long after, the group of soldiers came out again.

Behind them, there are most of the soldiers of the defense force of Fort Cripper.

The veteran then asked curiously:

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