The Grand Guardian is still in commando hands!

The two sides fell into a stalemate.


At this time, on the central square of the administrative district, although the silver-maned iron guards cleared the area, a large number of people still gathered around.

Leaflets printed and distributed by Ground Fire were scattered on the ground. These leaflets were thrown down from the top of Cripper Fort, and the Silvermane Iron Guard had no time to collect them.

Some rebellious remarks are known to the public.

"Shocked, the great guardian turned out to be a star core puppet!"

"What is the star core? The source of the disaster!"

"Save Belloberg, upper and lower together!"

"Silvermane Iron Guard, you have all been deceived!"

Remarks like these not only caused public opinion to boil, but also made some Silvermane Iron Guards start to become suspicious.

To be exact, this suspicion has already begun.

The soldiers of the Silvermane Iron Guard complained more than once about the Great Guardian's leapfrog command.

Every command will cause heavy casualties.

In the past, it could be said that the Great Guardian had a good heart, but he was too impatient and committed a problem of eagerness to win.

But what if the Great Guardian was actually on purpose in the first place?

According to the leaflet, the Great Guardian did this to satisfy the star core, allowing it to absorb more energy from the living body, thereby expanding the Rift.

This also explains why the Silvermane Iron Guard has made so many sacrifices, but the Rift is getting bigger and bigger.

There were still many bustling neighborhoods in the upper area before, but now most of the neighborhoods have been lost.

Is all this planned by the Great Guardian?

The Silvermane Iron Guard fell into confusion.

In the temporary headquarters they set up in front of the square, their garrison officer, Jappard Landau, had a serious expression on his face.

Opposite him, his sister Sylva Landau was flipping through the leaflet in her hand, with a look of sudden realization on her face:

"So that's the case, that's the reason. Is this the case? Well, it was also for this reason that my research on the star core was stopped?"

"Sister, don't laugh." Jeppard's face was very ugly.

"Don't always put on such a stinky face!" Sylva said with a smile, "I am seriously analyzing the existing information."

Unlike his younger brother Jappard, Sylva is the scum of the Landau family.

As a nobleman in the upper zone, he should advance step by step according to his parents' plan, but Sylva was born full of rebellion.

She used to be a researcher in the Fortress Tech Department and was an excellent mechanic.

Sylva did not follow the path planned for her by her family, but became a rock musician and opened a mechanical house next to the square.

Her family seems to be dissatisfied with this daughter, and even close to severing ties. Only her younger brother Jappard will often visit her.

Her notoriety has caused her to be unmarried for a long time, and she doesn't want to think about getting married.

It is worth mentioning that she and the great guardian Cocolia used to be best friends.

When they were in college, they were roommates, they ate and lived together, and their relationship was very close.

But after Cocolia became the great guardian, this relationship gradually broke down.

Xiluwa was one of the witnesses to today's sudden incident, and she ate melons the whole time.

Now in the command room, he is still leisurely.

This made his younger brother Jappard very dissatisfied.

At this time, Sylva restrained the expression on her face, and said seriously:

"Jeppard, I care about her more than you. Unlike you, what you care about is the current her, the great guardian. What I care about is the one back then, who has not become the great guardian and has not been changed by the star core."

Sylva has always felt that the current Cocolia is very strange.

The Cocolia she knew would go up to the roof and listen to her sing quietly, but the "Great Guardian" would not.

Jeppard looked at Sylva and said:

"Sister, the rumors on this leaflet have not been proved! This is just a trick of the enemy to sow discord!"

"Whether it's a rumor or not, we know it in our hearts." Sylva looked at her younger brother, "Jephard, as the guard of the Silvermane Iron Guard, you should know whether the order issued by the Great Guardian is to send you to die .

"And, where are the enemies here? They are just a group of civilians in the lower area who can't survive. We abandoned them first. If they are really enemies, we are the ones who take the initiative to fight against them!"

"In any case, as the guard of the Silvermane Iron Guard, I must be loyal to the Great Guardian." Jeppard looked serious, "This is the duty."

At this time, the intelligence officer came in from the door and said:

"My lord, I have sorted out the architectural structure diagram of Cripper Fort. Some secret passages have not been mastered by the enemy. This is our breakthrough."

The intelligence officer who said this was a petite girl with long dark blue hair and a pair of round-rimmed glasses under her bangs.

At this moment, her expression is very serious.

Jepard remembered the intelligence officer's name, Pelagya Sergeyevna, whom few in the army could pronounce correctly.She once wrote a report about the casualties caused by the Great Guardian's leapfrog command.

This intelligence officer was very close to his sister Xiluva, and even joined the band formed by Xiluwa.

"Oh, my little Pera." Sylva hugged the petite intelligence officer.

Pera struggled weakly a few times and said:

"Silva, please don't interrupt my report."

"Stop making such meaningless reports." Silva took the information from Pella, "What we need to do now is not to intensify the conflict.

"Is there anything that we can't sit down and talk about? I think there should be common demands between us and them."


Chapter 171 Irreconcilable Contradictions

"Silvermane Iron Guard, you want to negotiate with us."

In Fort Cripper, Natasha looked at the letter in her hand with a solemn expression.

She couldn't confirm whether the other party really wanted to negotiate, or was it a delay?

"The current situation is that we are besieged." Oleg sighed, "We have a large number of prisoners in our hands, and the other party dare not act rashly."

However, there is no guarantee that the other party will take drastic actions next.

Based on Oleg's understanding of the Silvermane Iron Guard, if they are allowed to rescue the hostages, there is a high probability that the hostages and the bandits will be wiped out together.

The good news is that the bandits have all been wiped out.

The bad news is that none of the hostages survived.

But this is not important, what is important is that we eliminated the bandits, so this rescue is at least half successful.

Natasha heard the words, pondered for a moment, and said:

"We have to talk about this negotiation. No matter what the other party thinks, at least we have to express our own demands. We are not vicious gangsters, but comrades on the same front."

After a pause, Natasha said:

"To show our sincerity, let's release some non-threatening prisoners."

Oleg nodded and said:

"Let go of those guards."

Those high-level members of Fort Cripper must not be released, and if they go back, there is no guarantee that they will retaliate wildly.But the soldiers guarding the gate were not threatening.

Natasha weighed the pros and cons and agreed to the decision.


In a makeshift cell, several defense force soldiers were tied to chairs.

Opposite them, a young man from the commando sat at the door, guarding them with a musket in his hand.

Not long after he joined the Earth Fire organization, his face was very immature.

The young man still remembers the encouraging and expectant eyes of the seniors around him when he put on the red silk scarf symbolizing the earth fire——

It's Cruze's kid!

The young man's father is a well-known hero!

After his father died, the young man inherited his father's behest and joined the Earth Fire Organization.

To be honest, he was under a lot of pressure.

He bears the halo of Cruze's son, and he is very worried that his performance will not be good enough, not only losing face, but also humiliating his father.

Therefore, young people always rush to the front line when they are on missions.

In Commando, he was also a vanguard.

How many of these captives were captured by him himself!

Now, the superior has entrusted him with the task of guarding the prisoners, and the young man dare not relax for a moment.

His eyes were like hawks, staring at the prisoners in the temporary cell.

The captives lowered their heads one after another, dejectedly.

It was very quiet inside.

At this time, the captured veteran couldn't bear his loneliness, and took the initiative to talk:

"My little brother, are you from the lower district? I don't know which town you are from?"

The young man glanced at him, but didn't speak.

"It's okay, I like to talk, you don't need to answer, I know the rules." The veteran smiled enthusiastically, "After one of my relatives went bankrupt, they also moved to the lower area, it seems to be Rivet Town. Sigh, I haven't contacted him for more than ten years, and I don't know if he is okay."

"Rivet Town is gone." The young man whispered, "Because of the Breach."

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