The crown has already been worn by me, what else are you going to crown?

The Eyeless Youth said he was going to the Land of Bones to be crowned.

Chu Mu didn't know where the Land of Bones was, but he knew that the alias of the capital, Sklint, was the City of Bones.

Lu Wan thought so too, so he also boarded the ship.

He is going to save his own child because the young man said "save me" when he finally woke up.

This made Chu Mu guess——

This so-called coronation is probably very different from his original coronation.

Could it be Aha's trick? By observing his own coronation process, and then bewitching the natives here to also coronate?

I was crowned four years ago.

The appearance of the Black Sun Sect was a year ago.But before Lu Wan's son formally founded the sect, he had actually studied it for half a year.

In other words, there was a gap of two and a half years between the time he was crowned and when Lu Wan's son received the so-called revelation.

At that time, I was still in the freezer of the spaceship.

Coincidentally, the time difference between coming to Yalilo [-] and awakening Destiny is also two and a half years.

In some behaviors of the Black Sun Sect, the eyes are covered with black cloth, and the eyes are deliberately blinded.

This seems to be re-enacting his own blindness.

Before he lost his sight, Chu Mu couldn't look directly at the bright light, so Natasha made him a blindfold with black gauze.

Later, his eyesight gradually weakened, and the moment he put on the crown, he was completely blind.

The Black Sun Sect said at the beginning that wearing a black cloth would see the forged kingdom of the Red Sun, and only by blinding one's eyes could one enter the real kingdom of God.

This seems to correspond to this change.

When Chu Mu still had eyesight, he walked in the world of light feedback.

Only after being blind can one enter that black and white fictional space.

Now that Chu Mu connected all these clues together, he suddenly felt a creepy feeling——

I seem to have become the object of imitation!

Could the so-called divine revelation of the Black Sun Sect mean seeing the past self?

It's a pity that all the followers of this sect have turned into worms, only Lu Wan's son is in a state of uncertainty.

Chu Mu could only suppress the thoughts in his heart, and took a boat to Sklint.

He had a premonition that when he got there, the mystery would be revealed.


Sangbo's boat is powered by steam, which means that boiling water is driven by steam.

It is best to use fresh water for water, or you can directly burn sea water, but it is a bit of a waste boiler.After all, the scale produced by seawater will greatly affect the life of the engine.

The longer you drive, the more scale you have, and the faster the power decays.

However, on this planet, steam engines are basically available in larger settlements, and it is completely possible to go to a settlement to change a new one.

According to calculations, there will be at least ten large settlements on the road, and the closer to the capital, the denser the settlements.

It is enough for a steam ship to stop at a settlement every week to replenish the necessary energy, and there is no need to count on fresh water. People drink enough, and it is impossible to use it to burn boilers.

Buying fresh water is much more expensive than buying a new boiler! What's more, the old boiler can be recycled, and a part of the price can be deducted.

It is worth mentioning that the energy of this planet is all extracted from the oils of various sea beasts.

The sea here is unfathomable. With the technological level of the indigenous people, it is impossible to survey the underground coal and oil and gas resources here.

The Interstellar Peace Corporation has this technology, but for some reason, the company did not do it.

They would rather spend a lot of money to transport energy from other galaxies than to survey seabed resources.

Perhaps, there is something on the bottom of the sea that even the company fears.


Chapter 74 City of Bones

In the teachings of the Black Sun Sect, it has been preached that the black sun will eventually devour the red sun, and the world will eventually turn into darkness.

Those preachers who claim to be inspired claim—

Darkness is the kingdom of the black sun!

But now, the red sun has really disappeared, and the deep blue star is now dim, showing a kind of bluish black, and it is no longer the original blue and boundless appearance.

The sultry climate has also changed, and now it is cold and biting, and the moisture in the air is like ice picks, piercing into the bone marrow of a person.

Chu Mu, who came from Yaliluo No. [-], can resist the temperature.

The current temperature of the deep blue star is only about ten degrees, which is nothing compared to Belloberg's minus twenty degrees.

But this rapid climate change has a huge impact on the human body.

Especially the elderly.

After sailing on the Possan for two days, Rouvin fell ill due to the wind and cold.

Chu Mu came to the cabin to visit him.

"People are old and useless." Lu Wan's face was full of shame, "I didn't help you, but caused you trouble."

"You don't have to be so polite, it's just a ride along the way, not to mention you gave us a lot of help before." Chu Mu shook his head.

He changed the subject and asked:

"Can I ask you a question? About the history of Deep Blue Star."

"Yes." Lu Wan nodded, "I have memorized all the historical documents that our civilization has passed down to the present. However, I only provide recitations, and I cannot guarantee the authenticity. After all, there are too many revisions in historical events."

Lu Wan's words revealed his rigor as a scholar.

Chu Mu knew that he had found the right person.He asked Alan about the history of Deep Blue Star before, but Alan knew too little.

He then asked the question that had been in his mind for a long time:

"The capital, Sklint, why is it called the City of Bones?"

"This involves a long time ago." Lu Wan said leisurely, "To explain this reason to you, I have to start from the moment our civilization was born..."

According to the stories passed down by the indigenous people, the development of the deep blue civilization originated from a contract signed by their ancestors with the leader of the giant whale in the deep sea.

However, in all the literature records, there is no clear statement about the specific year when the age of giant whales opened.

Some said it was tens of thousands of years ago, some said it was tens of thousands of years ago, or even didn't make it up at all, saying it was a long, long time ago.

When Lu Wan came into contact with this historical material, he was also very curious. Why did he even forget the origin time of civilization?

This is obviously the last thing that should be missed!

You know, there is no land on the deep blue planet, and the ancestors of these indigenous people are most likely alien immigrants!

It is precisely because of this that they were able to sign a contract in the deep sea.

The reason for such a judgment is that the species of the deep blue star are far from human beings.

If humans evolved locally, then there must be close relatives of humans in the deep blue star.

Not to mention the appearance of a mermaid, at least a water monkey must appear!

Therefore, the probability of alien immigration can basically be infinitely close to [-]%.

However, alien civilization should have a developed culture in the early days, how could this historical record be lost?

All this is full of mysteries.

The past of the giant whale era is an inescapable fog for all scholars who study the history of the deep blue star.

On Deep Blue Star, after the death of the giant whale carrying civilization, it will also fall into the bottom of the sea with the remains on its back.

If scholars want to dig out the truth, they have to go into the deep sea, but with the current technology of the aborigines, there is no way to do it.

Unless, go to that place.

"Dark Blue Star has no land." Lu Wan showed a sad face, "However, in the late period of the Giant Whale Era, we have a piece of land.

"The giant whale leader who signed a contract with our ancestors created this land with his own bones after his own death.

"This is the origin of the City of Bones.

"Until 5000 years ago, after a war between the Interstellar Peace Corporation and us, the era of giant whales ended and the era of the company began.

"The company has occupied the only land on Deep Blue Star, and established the capital, Sklint.

"The relics of our civilization and the truth of history are buried in that city, but we scholars cannot enter there."

When Lu Wan said these words, there was anger and sadness in his tone.

After listening to it, Chu Mu had a deeper understanding of what the company was doing.

The space star port that the company is proud of is originally located on a skeleton!

Perhaps, at the beginning of its construction, the end of the star port's destruction was already doomed.

Chu Mu shook his head, shaking off these thoughts.

He asked again:

"Mr. Lu Wan, you said your civilization came from an alien planet, so do you know what this planet is called?"

"Unfortunately, this record is as unknown as the time when they came here." Lu Wan sighed, "Actually, we only know one thing about the ancestors who signed the contract with the giant whale, and that is that they are all blind."

"Blind?" Chu Mu asked in surprise.

"Yes, blind man." Lu Wan looked at the sea beyond the porthole and said in frustration, "I really don't understand why so many key pieces of information have not been passed down, but one of the most unbelievable ones has been passed down instead. My child was studying this topic at the beginning, and tried every means to prove whether the ancestor was blind, but in the end he made himself into that."

Speaking of this, he looked towards the black sun in the sky and murmured:

"I originally thought that my child was pure fantasy. But what happened in the past few days has shaken me. My child is really a very smart person, much smarter than me. But in this world, the smarter it is, the more painful it is..."

He looked back at Chu Mu with a trembling tone:

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