If someone is sent over, it will obviously be a little late.

The special ability that Rhodes just obtained has been confirmed to be able to be used without injury, so it is undoubtedly the most suitable for Rhodes to help deliver this news.

"I understand."

Rhodes didn't refuse, and the cloaked man also taught him how to locate the truth when he handed it over to him.

Rhodes took the quest scroll.

He didn't rush there, but went back to the apartment and talked to Euphemia at home.

And let her tell Alice, don't worry if you come back late, today the dragon girl was loaned out by Sandora again, it seems that Wendy has launched new clothes, they go to try it.

He also brought all the heroines selected by the system.

It made Rhodes have no choice but to brush up his hatred, and he happened to be free.

Ms. Blue Dragon took over Alice's work at home. She has been reading recently, saying that she wants to learn more about human's living habits.

After agreeing with Euphemia, Rhodes went outside and activated the power of truth.

Before using it, looking at the sun in the sky, Rhodes suddenly realized a problem. When using it before, both he and the cloaked man used it at night, and also interacted with Shuangyue. Can it be used during the day without the moon?

After the soul stone resonated with the magic power, Rhodes felt as if his eyes were dazzled, and he actually saw the moonlight slowly shed in broad daylight.

The mirror portal gradually formed, and Rhodes passed through the portal after it stabilized.

Familiar fluctuations flashed, and when Rhodes reappeared, the surrounding environment had undergone brand new changes.

Just by looking at the scenery around the imperial capital, one can feel a sense of abundance.

This side of the northern border is different. Although the terrain is relatively flat, there are bare scenes everywhere at a glance.

It is rare to have a lonely mountain, but the top of the mountain is like a 30-year-old programmer, and a large piece of baldness can be seen from a long distance.

The surrounding cold wind is also very obvious, obviously it is the season just after the warm spring.

In the south, the harvest of this season has just passed, and the cold wind in the north is still slightly chilly.

Walking north along the road, Rhodes walked for a long time before seeing traces of human villages and towns.

Unlike the villages and towns near the imperial capital, the houses and buildings here are all tightly hugged, and even ordinary civilians appear to be very strong.

The civilians in the north lead a nomadic and hunting life.

Coupled with a little farming, the perennial working life makes them look more vicissitudes and stronger.

However, they were very hospitable. When Rhodes approached the local village chief to ask for directions, the other party asked curiously:

"Are you an adventurer from afar?"

The village head judged Rhode's identity at a glance after seeing Rhode's outfit.

"How did the village chief know that I came from another place?"

Although the village chief is not young, he has a strong physique. He pointed to the magician's cloak on Rhodes and said: "Our adventurers in the north will criticize wolf furs. The nights here are colder, and even adventurers will have more Get some clothes on."

"I see, thank you for reminding me."

Rhodes understood the difference between himself and the local customs. Rhodes bought a wolf fur cloak from the village chief by the way, and then asked the direction of Pala City.

After knowing the direction, Rhodes hurried on the road very fast.

Soon Rhodes saw the phantom of a city.

The tall city wall is very eye-catching. After approaching, the city wall has a deeper sense of age, and there are various traces on it.

It's just that these traces have been smoothed out by history now, and it doesn't look so magnificent.

Rhode found the guard and showed his college certificate, and said that he needed to meet the local city lord.

Marquis Bill Nutt is the lord of Pala City, and Rhodes, led by the guards, went straight to the lord's mansion.

Rhodes also observed the situation in Pala City on the way.

Rhodes found that although the city walls of Pala City were tall, the scale of the buildings inside the city seemed much smaller.

Rhodes asked the guards about the reason on the way.

The guard briefly explained to Rhodes.

It turns out that the city wall of Pala City is left over from ancient times, and the Os Empire has been maintaining it.

Compared with the majestic city walls, Pala City is very ordinary, and there are many military towns around. Adventurers prefer to gather in those big cities.

Therefore, the population of Pala City is not very large.

After arriving at the City Lord's Mansion, Rhodes was very surprised to see the small and simple courtyard in front of him.

Even though the city of Pala is relatively remote, isn't the mansion of Marquis Bill Nutt too simple?There is only one big courtyard, and people come in and out of office from time to time.

After entering, there is no extra decoration to be seen.

"Master Bill is inside."

After the soldiers reported, Rhodes was invited in.

After Rhodes came in, he found that the City Lord's Hall also maintained a simple style.

"Welcome student Rhodes to come from afar."

Bill Nutter was very enthusiastic. He was tall and muscular, with a cropped brown hair and the muscles clearly visible under his clothes.

There is a very obvious scar on his right cheek, which is not noticeable.

Bill Nutt's right arm is empty, he has only one hand.

The other party was doing meeting etiquette with one hand, and Rhodes responded politely.

Then he handed the mission scroll in his arms to the other party and said, "Mr. Bill, here is the mission scroll that the academy asked me to hand over."

"Trouble Rhodes."

Bill didn't know Rhodes' true identity, but thought Rhodes was an ordinary Imperial College student, but his attitude was still peaceful.

He asked Rhodes to sit beside him for a while, then opened the mission scroll with one hand and began to watch the content on it.

After watching for a while, Bill stood up with a serious expression and said, "Student Rhodes has worked hard on this mission. I'm going to prepare manpower and go to explore the abyss of the Rift Valley right away."

"Does student Rhodes need supplies? If necessary, you can complete the supplies in Pala City."

"My supplies are still enough. Thank you, Lord Bill, for your kindness. Now that the task has been completed, I will go back first."

Bill didn't keep Rhodes back, but just told him not to go further north. Recently, the northern border is very unstable, and the nearby monsters and wild beasts have become extremely violent.

Bill is also considering whether to call all the surrounding civilians into the city recently.

With the quest scroll brought by Rhodes, Bill had a clear judgment. He asked the city defense officer to start notifying the nearby villagers that if they didn't want to migrate south, they could temporarily take refuge in the city.

The news from the college said that the orc tribe will definitely take action against Pala City, and the support troops are already on the way, and it will take about a day for the troops to arrive at the beginning.

During this period, Bill can do the research and preparation work first.

Bill handed over the relocation of civilians to his subordinates, while he gathered a group of elite soldiers, put on their equipment, and immediately set off for the edge of the abyss of the Rift Valley.

After Rhodes left the main hall of the city, while admiring the unique architectural style of the northern border on the street, he saw Bill leaving with a group of soldiers in a hurry.

What puzzled Rhodes was that Bill's main weapon seemed to be a bow and arrow. He carried a particularly exaggerated longbow and a one-handed sword on his waist.

Judging from the equipment style, Bill is an archer.

Can you be an archer with one hand?

Rhodes had doubts in his heart.

Because Rhodes came to the North Territory for the first time, he was quite curious about the environment here, so he didn't plan to go back right away.

Those who wanted to go out for a walk in the wild later saw the scene just now when they stayed in the city.

After seeing Bill's special appearance, Rhode couldn't help but came to the guard and asked, "My friend, how did the Lord Bill get injured?"

The guards didn't evade this question, because everyone in Pala City knew about Lord Bill.

He knew that Rhode's identity was not simple, and the city lord personally received him just now, so he explained it in detail.

"The right arm of the city owner was lost because he protected us. He is the hero of our Pala city!"

When the guard mentioned this, the expression on his face was a little excited. It seemed that he admired him very much.

Rhodes also understood the whole incident through the guard's narration.

After listening to it, Rhodes felt a little emotional, the soldier was right, Bill was indeed the hero of Pala City.

More than ten years ago, the Tiandao Society sneaked up and caused a huge disaster in Pala City. At that time, the residents in the city had no time to evacuate, and the Lord Bill took all the members of the Nat family to push up.

People in Tiandaohui are all lunatics, and they will be very powerful when they are crazy.

The battle was fierce, and the entire Nat family was killed.

Even so, the guarding force of Pala City was retreating steadily. In the end, the wife of Lord Bill sacrificed herself in exchange for the opportunity to let Lord Bill kill the leader of the Tiandao Society at that time.

In that battle, Bill not only lost his right arm, but also his wife and family.

Afterwards, in order to commend Bill's courage, the royal family wanted to promote his title and gave him a very generous reward.

But Bill did not take the royal rewards to retire and enjoy the blessings. He still insisted on his position as the city lord. He rejected the promotion of the title, and replaced all the title rewards and other resources with materials for the development of Pala City and nearby territory.

Because of this move, the welfare benefits of local residents have been greatly improved.

And Bill didn't intend to continue his bloodline, nor did he have the idea of ​​continuing, so he just stuck to his post as the city lord alone.

The fiefdom of the Nat family in the city of Pala, he has been sticking to this honor.

The Nat family is also a family that existed in the early days of the Os Empire. These ancient nobles, they attach great importance to the mission of the family.

In Bill's view, only Pala City is his own home, even if he is alone now, he must protect this home.

After hearing this story, Rhode admired him very much, and wanted to make friends with the other party.

Then he went out of the city and chased him out.

The area where the human living area is in contact with the rift abyss is irregular, and there are many abysses where the bottom cannot be seen, and the cliffs are so steep that there is no way to pass through them.

But there is also a buffer zone or two.

In the past, there was a seal at the bottom of the abyss of the rift, and the orc tribe could not pass through the ancient seal, so there was no problem with the buffer zone.

Now that the orc tribes are making small moves, and the Tiandaohui has started to go north again, the college and the high-level officials of the empire think that there may be something wrong with the seal at the bottom of the abyss of the rift, and they must investigate in advance.

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