Obviously there are several bathrooms in the house, and the two elders around him like to follow him, Rhodes is very helpless.

Especially Alice, who was used to being served by Rhodes, she had to help her get ready when she washed her face, and even Euphemia came to join in the fun when she wiped her face at the end.

In the end, Rhodes had no choice but to tidy up the cheeks of the two giant dragons, one big and one small, and send them to the bathroom to wash their faces quickly.


Seeing Alice standing with her head tilted to the side in the mirror and not going out, Rhodes abandoned the question he was thinking about just now.

He thought of the paradox he had pondered just now, because the paradox made Rhodes think of a confusing question before, like when he met Alice for the first time, he naturally bound the soul contract... Is there any reason for memory impact?

However, seeing Alice looking at him all the time, Rhode didn't have the time to think about it.

He stroked the soft hair of the dragon girl and comforted him, "Okay, I won't disappear suddenly next time."


Alice didn't speak, she just held Rhode's big hand in both hands, and rubbed her cheeks.

When she returned to the living room, Euphemia had changed and had breakfast there.

Rhodes sat down without speaking.

Judging from the content of the conversation between Euphemia and Sandora, the breakfast was actually prepared by the princess of the empire.

To be honest, after getting along with Sandora for a long time, it became more and more difficult for Rhodes to realize the identity of the other princess. Sandora was too natural in the process of life.

After disappearing for so long, Rhodes has accumulated a lot of things to do.

Academics are second.

After the strengthening of [Feast] Devouring Godhead, Rhode's class has reached the level of the late sixth level.

This kind of progress is very exaggerated, even if the old dean applies for graduation now, he won't say anything.

Rhodes is more concerned about the data issue.

So Rhode came to the old dean early in the morning. Before going out, Rhodes comforted the dragon girl and promised that she would not disappear suddenly this time.


At the gate of the old dean's small courtyard, he happened to meet Miss Miko who was just about to leave.

Rhodes greeted subconsciously.

Miss Miko stood there silently. She was still so beautiful. Her white hair and red eyes gave her a particularly holy aura. The red and white Miko costume also fit her very well. Obviously Sandora helped her improve the Miko costume.

Leticia bit her lips lightly, lowered her head slightly, and kept her gaze away from Rhodes.

"Mr. Rhodes."

Rhodes thought Miss Miko wouldn't talk to him. After all, in Rhodes' impression, Leticia hated him so much, and it was difficult for her to talk to him with her personality.

I didn't expect such a little surprise.

After seeing Rhodes, Leticia felt joy in her heart, and her heart beat faster, but the words came to her lips, and she didn't know how to say the joyful words. The curse problem on her body was relieved, and Leticia thought she could finally When expressing his heart, he wanted to speak, but he also thought of the identity of Mr. Rhodes.

He is Sandora's fiancé... If she said that, Sandora must be very embarrassed, right?

Therefore, Leticia suppressed the admiration in her heart and just said hello.

After feeling Rhodes approaching, Leticia found her heart beating faster.

So disappointing!

In order to avoid embarrassment, Leticia chose to trot away.

"It's so annoying, why don't you add some hatred..."

Rhodes looked at Miss Witch's back and thought about it.

By the way...she probably has no memory of that time, right?

Rhodes thought about it, and there was nothing unusual about Leticia. If she had memories of the age of mythology, it would definitely show up with the character of Miss Miko.

Rhodes thought for a while, Miss Miko still looked disgusted when she saw him just now, and there was not much change.

This also made Rhodes breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, although Luna and Leticia share the same body, they are two souls after all.

Rhode walked into the courtyard of the dean.

Grandma Zuoluo was also there, but after seeing Rhodes coming, she left with a smile.

Ever since Leticia's toxin problem was solved, Grandma Saru's smile never disappeared.

Especially after Hongyue, her mentality was completely relaxed.

The old dean was also very curious about the changes in his friends, and asked a few questions.

But Grandma Zuoluo only said about the toxin problem and didn't elaborate on anything else.

"It's really thanks to Rhodes. If Rhodes hadn't helped find the extremely rare winter snow lotus, Leticia would have suffered a lot."

When she left just now, Grandma Zuoluo thanked Rhodes again.

This made Rhodes a little embarrassed. In all fairness, winter snow lotus is indeed very rare, but the credit for finding this winter snow lotus really has nothing to do with him.

It was completely sent by Tiandaohui.

If so, it seems that Tiandaohui has helped him a lot?Rhodes realized this problem.

Um, I can be regarded as one of the core members of Tiandaohui, right?It seems that they should do a favor?

Rhodes was a little distracted.


Seeing that Rhodes was distracted, the old dean reminded him.

"Eh... Dean, have there been major changes in the empire during this time?"

After regaining his senses, Rhodes hurriedly asked about the business.

Although Sandora also talked about these things yesterday, she said that she didn't pay attention to this aspect at the time, she just had a brief understanding.

Rhodes felt that Sandora's attention should be focused on the Red Moon at that time, so he didn't pay much attention to these things.

What Rhodes didn't know was that some time ago, Sandora's mind was completely immersed in Rhodes.

Rhode's disappearance made the eldest princess very worried.

Sandora didn't have detailed information, but it was very detailed with the old dean.

Regarding Rhodes, the old dean had no intention of concealing it, and directly disclosed all the information that the empire and the academy had just investigated.

"Is the Tiandaohui active again?"

After collecting the previous information, Rhode couldn't help asking another question.

He felt it before he came, and he didn't find that the night walker had left contact information for him, so it seems that the activities of Tiandaohui are still concentrated in the northern border.

The red moon is another very mysterious and special day, and it is difficult to guarantee that they will not come out to make small moves at this time.

After hearing Rhode's question, the old dean's always calm face couldn't help but change a little.

"What's the matter, Mr. Dean?"

The old dean thought for a while and said: "When the red moon happened, the Tiandao Society did have a lot of small moves, mainly concentrated in the empire."

After talking halfway, the old dean asked with some concern: "They didn't leave any information for you, did they?"

The old dean knows that Rhodes is now half of the top of the Tiandaohui. To be honest, even the mentality of the old dean still doesn't quite understand this matter.

But the fact is that Rhodes even has the power of truth, which is really unimaginable when you think about it.

In the end, the old dean comforted himself by using Rhodes' special thing as a reason.

"No, the people from Tiandaohui didn't leave me a message."

Rhodes replied.

"That's even stranger."

After hearing Rhodes' answer, the old dean frowned instead.

"why would you say so?"

"Because... Tiandaohui's recent actions are very abnormal."

The old dean continued to explain: "In the past, although the activities of the Tiandaohui were very secretive, they would plant seeds in one place and use the seeds as a source of power. After the accumulated seeds reached a certain amount, they would start to produce crazy destruction."

The things the old dean said are not uncommon, at least in the records, Tiandaohui has done too many of these things.

"But recently...they seem to be doing good things? Even when we sent people to eradicate their strongholds, they didn't ignite the seeds...Although it is said that the people who are planted with seeds are still broken and crazy at the end, But instead of forcing the activation, they are slowly guiding it."

Rhodes is the clearest about the harmfulness of seeds, because the power of truth he possesses can also plant the seeds of collapse. Although it can give people a powerful source of power, the essence is still collapse.

What burns is the vitality of the self.

Moreover, the source of the power of truth is also very strange, and Rhodes did not dare to explore rashly.

"It shouldn't be..."

Rhodes was also puzzled after hearing the old dean's explanation.

Because judging from what Tiandaohui has done recently, they seem to be really doing good things.

Needless to say, they helped the common people, but they did not take revenge on the nobles while helping the common people. Although they were also developing believers and planting seeds, just like the old dean said, they no longer forcibly activated the seeds, and let the people who planted the seeds burn their lives and then collapse.

Rhodes discussed with the old dean for a long time, but did not get an answer.

"According to our analysis, the people of Tiandaohui seem to have changed their minds."

The old dean said a little uncertainly.

"How is it possible...their essence is still madness, paranoid madness."

Rhodes said that as a 'high-level' Rhodes has a thorough understanding of the power of the Tiandaohui's essence.

Because innate skills want to be obtained through external forces, they will inevitably pay an irreparable price.

This is one of the rules of this world.

From the current point of view, apart from oneself, any natural skills can only be 'innate'.

When thinking of this, Rhodes couldn't help but fell into deep thought again.

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