"Of course you can! Just pray like our great goddess of love, your mind will come true, and the thoughts in your heart will come true."

Clara dared to be so sure because she could clearly see the red rope on the opponent's head.

Clara is very good at this kind of work!

Chapter 165 Death Sacrifice (4k)

Both Clara and Dorothy are dual priests, and even among the highest gods, they are the only special existence.

The main credit for expanding the priesthood is Rhodes. When the human tribe was in an ignorant era, the two goddesses spared no effort to help, and humans naturally remembered their favor.

Under Rhodes' deliberate guidance, the power of faith gradually formed.

As a result, the rules were affected, and Clara and Dorothy had a new priesthood.

Now that the gods are recovering, they are all beginning to harvest the power of faith. In fact, these gods only see the surface and use the power of faith as a power supply, without realizing the essence.

Of course, it is not easy to achieve the level of Clara and Dorothy.

Rhodes was the leader of the entire human tribe back then, and humans had unconditional faith in Rhodes at the beginning. Under such a big environment, the two goddesses gained a lot of human faith power, thus instigating the rules of the world .

When Clara saw the red string on the girl's head, she recalled the time when she and Rhodes "struggled" together, and she was very familiar with pulling the red string by herself.

Hmph, back then I was curious, or didn't believe it?I still tried it myself, and bound myself, Dorothy and Rhodes together out of a troublesome mentality, but I didn't expect that because of this move, the relationship between the three became inseparable.

Before that, there was no so-called friendship between gods.


The human girl couldn't help but start to look forward to it. Recently, there are various legends circulating in Wuxiang City, all of which have a common characteristic, that is, the result is particularly effective!

Originally, she also planned to go to the city to experiment, but the purpose would be too obvious, and she would feel a little embarrassed.

Today, I met a missionary of the God of Love outside the city, and the girl felt very lucky!

I just wanted to try it while my companion was away.

"Of course it is true. Religion is a very serious matter."

Clara made a serious expression.

"Then, then, how do I do it?"

the girl asked expectantly.

Eh, what should I do?

Clara's smiling face froze for a moment. She originally took the opportunity to come out to play today, just to stroll around, and preaching was also a temporary idea.

She winked at her friend and conveyed her question with her eyes: Have you ever noticed how believers preach?

Dorothy didn't bother to respond to her friend's stupid behavior, and stood by silently.

This made Clara very anxious. As a goddess, she must know how her teachings are passed on, right?

Speaking of which, do you have any teachings?

Although she was very ignorant about this, Clara was quick to think. She improvised a method and said, "You don't need to do it deliberately, as long as you are sincere."

Clara said in a gentle voice, and with her beautiful face, it really created a sacred atmosphere.

Anyway, I believe in myself, and I have the final say, Clara murmured in her heart.

"Is that so, I understand."

The girl listened very carefully, she had a serious expression, and closed her eyes to pray in front of Clara.

Dear Goddess, please take care of your believers and give me the favor of love!

The girl prayed sincerely, and then she had a magical resonance, as if she saw a ray of light slowly rising in the spiritual world, and then slowly descending, until it fell on the very beautiful priest in front of her.


"Cough cough."

Clara quickly hid her breath, she accidentally absorbed the faith just now in front of the believers, but luckily she didn't look carefully.

The girl blinked, thinking she was dazzled.

In order to divert the girl's attention, Clara quickly said: "The goddess has received your faith, and your love has been favored."

Clara helped her straighten the red line on her head.

Is it that simple?

The girl originally wanted to ask such a question, but felt that it was not polite to ask such a question.

"I... can just wait?"

The girl is a bit clumsy, but she is obviously a good hand as an adventurer.

Clara couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said, "Love needs to take the initiative. Of course, the favored love will have results. As long as you find someone you love and express your feelings, you will be able to get a response."

Clara said confidently that she had seen clearly just now that the red line on the other person's head was two-way, not unrequited love.

The reason why the God of Love Sect is so popular is also very simple. If there is no barrier between the relationships, the result will of course be smooth.

Two-way love is the existence recognized by Clara as the god of love, so all the love she blesses can be reaped.

The red line of love on the human girl in front of me is the simplest two-way giving. It is estimated that both parties have not explained it clearly, so the girl feels so entangled.

"You mean, as long as I take the initiative to express my heart, I can gain something?"

The girl was still a little apprehensive.

"It's the goddess' instruction. You must have felt it just now, right?"

Clara didn't talk nonsense. As a goddess, she really felt the girl's heart just now, and the other party was praying from the bottom of her heart.


She was indeed guided in the dark as Clara said, but the girl was worried in her heart, what if she didn't succeed?

She has been adventuring with her beloved for so long, and she wanted to express her heart several times during the process, but at that time, she was always almost determined.

"Oh, if you don't believe me, take me there, and I will witness your love with my own eyes. If it doesn't work, you don't need money!"

Clara is the most unlikely girl who hesitates in front of love, so she took the initiative to say.

Dorothy next to her opened her mouth when she heard what her friend said, and wanted to say something, but she couldn't say much in front of outsiders.

"Thank you so much for that!"

The words of not wanting money are just angry words, and the girl can tell that she joined the sect in front of her on her own initiative, and they didn't charge for it.

On the contrary, I was still hesitating after receiving the blessing. It is reasonable for the other party to be angry.

After someone cheered her up, the girl's determination came out all at once.

Clara is also an activist.

"Go, let's go with you and see what kind of man makes you hesitate in front of love!"

Clara didn't have the self-consciousness of being a goddess at all, but hurriedly pulled the girl forward.

Dorothy was also very helpless after seeing this scene, but she could only follow along.

She thought, it was a wrong decision to come out with Clara today. This guy has been in God's Domain for a long time, and he has been suffocated for a long time. Clara can be more honest.

On the way, Clara also learned that the girl's name is Lena. The adventurer team she belongs to is a five-member team. Her profession is a knight, and the person she likes is a swordsman. tacit understanding.

I don't know when it started, but Reina wanted to turn this tacit understanding into love.

"Are you native residents of Wuxiang City?"

Walking on the road, Lena couldn't help but glanced at Dorothy next to her curiously. The other party was wearing a blue robe, which was the uniform color of the Harvest Sect. Lena also heard that the relationship between the two sects was very good.

From the inadvertent small interaction between the two priests in front of me, it can indeed be seen that their relationship is really good, but the priest of the Harvest God Sect doesn't like to talk.

"No, we also migrated here, and we settled down when we found this place to be good."

Clara explained that she didn't know the city well enough to pretend to be a local.

"That's true. We also set up our base in Wuxiang City after hearing about what happened here. The human city lord is indeed a very good city lord."

Lena inadvertently praised Rhodes.

Clara pretended not to care and continued to ask: "Oh, where is he better?"

Your question is too obvious, right?Dorothy next to her couldn't help complaining in her heart that she was about to use her divine power to erase her memory, and it was easy for the other party to notice the problem by asking such an obvious question.

Fortunately, Lena didn't pay attention to this aspect, so she answered Clara's question subconsciously: "Because Mr. Castello is a human being, which is very rare in this underground world. We came here because we heard about it. After coming down, I found that Mr. City Lord has a very friendly attitude towards outsiders and locals."

Humph, that idiot is just too lazy to take care of things!

Clara complained proudly in her heart, but she didn't continue the chat on this topic. She also knew that she was prone to revealing flaws.

After Reina brought the two goddesses to the stronghold, she found that her companions were not there.

Instead, he left a letter for her.

"Sorry, they have received a commission, but it's not far away, if you don't mind..."

"It's okay, let's go!"

Clara made a decision without waiting for Reina to finish speaking.

"Well, it's in the wild forest, not far away."

The three of them walked towards the wild area, and within a short time, there was a forest unique to the underground world in front of them.

The wild forests in the underground world are more than twice as dangerous as those on the surface. The monsters here are grumpy, but they will not go out of the forest area, so it is safe not to enter the forest.

However, danger is relative. For the adventurer team, there is no danger in the nearby wild forest.

"My companion said that the commission this time is to protect the priests of a sect to collect materials in the forest, and the reward is very considerable..."

Reina told Clara the contents of the envelope.

"Did your friend say that the entrusted church believes in something?"

After finishing speaking, Clara couldn't help asking, she had sensed an ominous breath.


Reina shook her head and said.

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