at this critical juncture

Tai Luo actually rushed forward and blocked the fatal blow for Otto's father!

"Damn Taro! You always look like a messenger of justice! Let me..."

The blue phantom looked at this scene and said unhappily.

Taro, who was hit, twitched all over and fell to his knees powerlessly.

Mother of Ultra rushed forward to stop Beria, but was easily brought down.

No one can stop Beria anymore!

Beria turned around and walked to the energy core.

feel the power

"Hahaha it's finally mine!"

Beria pulled out the energy core and laughed wildly.

Then he left the Kingdom of Light.

With the extraction of the energy core, the energy supply system lost control.

The entire Kingdom of Light was instantly shrouded in cold air, and everything in the city was frozen.

Only Seven and the first generation set up the protective shield in time to escape the catastrophe.

The cold gradually covered all places.

Only the last remaining light remains

"The Kingdom of Light will be guarded by me!"

Taro stood up slowly and said.

Immediately rushed up, integrating the last light into his timer.

The last hope left for the Kingdom of Light!

Chapter 47 Monster Graveyard


Zhang Chulan, Walking the Bird under the Moon: "I didn't expect that Beria, who is not very ugly, would be so powerful and pick the Kingdom of Light by himself."

Beria: "Stinky boy, who do you think is ugly?"

Zhang Chulan, walking the bird under the moon: "Damn it! Beria is there!"

Zhang Chulan, Walking the Bird under the Moon: "No, I'm talking about myself."

Facing Beria, who can sweep the Kingdom of Light, Zhang Chulan is very conscientious.

"As expected of the strongest Dark Ultra fighter in the Kingdom of Light! Although the methods are not very glorious." Tregear said with a sly voice.

Reaper primary school student: "?"

The first cute king: "?"

The Cherry Blossom of God: "?"

Paramecium: "?"

Beria: "Smelly brat, what do you mean?"

Tregchia: "What I mean is that Beria used his cleverness to defeat the father of Ultra. As far as I know, in the space war 3 years ago, after the battle between the father of Ultra and the Dark Emperor Ampera Stars, each left an incurable scar on the other's body."

Paramecium: "Oh! I didn't expect Beria to be so despicable!"

Beria: "Bah! What despicable me, this is just a tactic"

Mebius, who was floating in outer space at this time, followed Seven's prompt to find Ray, a Leonix fighter who had the same genetics as Beria.

Mebius introduced to Lei the development history of the Kingdom of Light and the tragedy of the Kingdom of Light.

Said that he wanted to seek Lei's help.

Lei, who has formed a deep friendship with the first generation and Seven, will naturally not refuse.

Resolutely go with Mebius to attack Beria!

At the same time, when Lei's team members were driving the Panlong to look for him, they were attacked by monsters.

Fortunately, an Ultraman helped and saved them.

He is Dyna Ultraman, and also Asuka Shin.

Dyna helps Panlong to find Lei together.

TPC Headquarters

"This Ultraman Dyna looks like Tiga!"

Seeing Ultraman Dyna on the screen, Ye Rui couldn't help exclaiming.

"It does look familiar." Ju Jianhui looked at Dyna but couldn't remember anything.

After all, Dyna is the face of the public in the super ancient times (laughs).

"But he doesn't feel as good-looking as Di Jia," Lina said.

super victorious team

"It seems that I can't hide it, yes, I am Ultraman Dyna!"

Asuka looked at the crowd and said triumphantly

"Wow! I didn't expect you to be Dyna Asuka." Mai looked at Asuka with admiration.

"The brat shows up every time a plane crashes a Dyna, so..."

Captain Xibi thought for a while and said.

It turns out that this kid crashed the plane on purpose to transform himself.

Immediately, he realized that he was about to grab Asuka and start beating him violently.

Asuka was frightened and ran away.

On the other hand, Beria, who came to the monster cemetery, used the powerful power of plasma sparks to resurrect all the monsters sleeping in the monster cemetery.

Gorzan, Garn Q, Hippolyte, King Red, King Aire, Gomorrah, Zhidon...

Countless monsters once defeated by Ultraman are now resurrected by Beria and placed in the ultimate battle instrument.

"I actually saw Gorzan!"

"I found eye Q"

"I also found Baltan"

"Could it be that the universe where the Kingdom of Light is located is similar to ours?"

Dyna and the others came to the monster cemetery according to Lei's prompt.

Mebius, Lei, and Seven also flew towards the monster cemetery together.

The final decisive battle has begun!

Chapter 48 The Fallen Saiwen

u003cheaderu003eu003c/headeru003eu003carticleu003eu003cp idxu003d"0" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"0" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"1"u003e看着突然出现在自己面前的初代、赛文等人,贝利亚一脸的不屑。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"1" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"1" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"2"u003e区区一群手下败将也想打败他!u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"2" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"2" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"3"u003e贝利亚直接从战斗仪中召唤出一百头怪兽。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"3" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"3" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"4"u003e看着画面上出现的怪兽,光之国的众人都震惊了。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"4" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"4" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"5"u003e“不妙啊 是杰顿么!” 初代看着画面上出现的类似天牛状的怪兽说道。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"5" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"5" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"6"u003e杰顿的实力可是十分强劲的啊!u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"6" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"6" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"7"u003e要知道当年即使是他,面对杰顿也是惨败。幸亏人类造出黑科技武器打倒了杰顿,不然后果不堪设想!u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"7" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"7" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"8"u003e“竟然还有泰兰特 ”u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"8" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"8" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"9"u003e要知道泰兰特的实力可是非常的强劲。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"9" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"9" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"10"u003e他曾经可是从海王星一直打到地球。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"10" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"10" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"11"u003e最后还是泰罗亲手干掉了他。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"11" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"11" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"12"u003e不过当时泰兰特的体力已经被他们五兄弟消耗的差不多了,不然,泰罗都不一定能干过他。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"12" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"12" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"13"u003e面对数百头怪兽的围攻,他们并没有慌张。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"13" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"13" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"14"u003e初代和赛文留下来对付怪兽,而梦比优斯和雷则是负责夺回能量核心。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"14" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"14" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"15"u003e梦比优斯上前迎战怪兽,而雷则是拿出战斗仪召唤出哥莫拉掩护梦比优斯。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"15" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"15" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"16"u003e看着面前的雷德王,哥莫拉直接冲了上去,与雷德王进行激烈的肉搏。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"16" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"16" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"17"u003e而梦比优斯则踩在哥莫拉肩膀上跳到半空中,一发光刃就干掉了一头怪兽。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"17" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"17" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"18"u003e梦比优斯见怪兽围了过来,随即甩出光剑进攻。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"18" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"18" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"19"u003e雷操控哥莫拉将雷德王扔飞,开始厮杀。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"19" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"19" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"20"u003e即使面对帝国星人、希波利特等超级怪兽的围攻,依旧显得游刃有余。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"20" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"20" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"21"u003e“竟然实力这么强 果然雷蒙在未来觉醒了!”凯特一脸激动地望着画面上的雷。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"21" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"21" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"22"u003e“觉醒了么?看来会是个很强的对手!”虽然嘴上这么说,但格朗迪还是一脸的漫不经心。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"22" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"22" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"23"u003e与雷激烈的战斗相比,梦比优斯这边就显得朴实无华了。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"23" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"23" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"24"u003e面对这些怪兽,梦比优斯只是挥动手中的光剑。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"24" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"24" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"25"u003e每挥动一次,就有一只怪兽丧命。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"25" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"25" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"26"u003e见时机成熟,梦比优斯和哥莫拉聚集在一起。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"26" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"26" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"27"u003e一同使出了大招,一堆怪兽化为了灰烬。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"27" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"27" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"28"u003e而赛文这边的情况非常的危险。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"28" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"28" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"29"u003e他一个人面对庞德王以及金谷桥的围攻,分外的吃力。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"29" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"29" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"30"u003e在噶次星人与金谷桥的一顿输出下,赛文直接被打飞了出去。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"30" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"30" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"31"u003e见此状况,赛文直接使用冰斧对着周围的怪兽进行攻击。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"31" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"31" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"32"u003e而地面上的雷也没有闲着,直接变身觉醒形态,不断与身边的外星人战斗。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"32" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"32" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"33"u003e可惜,贝利亚趁机唤醒雷的雷不朗多因子,促使雷和哥莫拉强制进入暴走状态。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"33" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"33" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"34"u003e暴走后的哥莫拉开始无差别攻击身边的一切!u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"34" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"34" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"35"u003e赛文和初代因为想要阻止暴走的雷被哥莫拉掀翻在地。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"35" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"35" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"36"u003e千钧一发之际,戴拿带着雷的队友赶来了。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"36" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"36" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"37"u003e面对暴走的雷,日向团长直接对着雷的胸口就是一拳,直接把雷打回了人类状态。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"37" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"37" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"38"u003e贝利亚见雷恢复理智,感到一阵无趣。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"38" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"38" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"39"u003e随即就是一发闪电下去,准备结果掉雷。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"39" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"39" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"40"u003e在这危难关头,一道身影挡在了雷的面前u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"40" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"40" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"41"u003e他就是赛文奥特曼!u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"41" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"41" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"42"u003e被击中的赛文跪倒在地,头顶的计时器在不断的闪烁着。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"42" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"42" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"43"u003e这意味着赛文的时间已经不多了!u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"43" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"43" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"44"u003e看见虚弱的赛文,贝利亚指挥着怪兽大军准备将赛文干掉。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"44" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"44" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"45"u003e赛文拼命起身,使出冰斧干掉金银双龙后,干跪在地。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"45" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"45" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"46"u003e他感到自己的时间已经不多了!u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003cp idxu003d"46" p_idxu003d""u003eu003cblk p_idxu003d"46" e_idxu003d"0" e_orderu003d"47"u003e费劲全身力气将冰斧朝着宇宙的一处扔去,便倒下了。u003c/blku003eu003c/pu003eu003c/articleu003eu003cfooteru003eu003c/footeru003e

Chapter 49 Ciro Arrives!

The scene changes to a desolate planet.

This planet is called planet K76.The entire planet is made of rock.There are lightning and storms here from time to time, in short, it is an uninhabitable planet.

Leo is fighting an armored Ultraman.

Leo started with a flying kick from Leo, and the raging fire wrapped around his leg.

And Ultraman in armor didn't dodge, he caught Leo's kick with only his hands, and threw Leo out.

This scene directly stunned Mebius.

He is very aware of the power of Leo Fei's kick.

After all, he was also very determined to catch Leo Fei's kick back then, but he almost died in the end.

This Ultraman caught it with only two hands.

Where is he holy?

After Leo was thrown, he directly crashed into the mountain behind him.

The rubble continued to fall to the ground, and a large rock was about to fall to the ground.

At this time, the armored Ultraman rushed up suddenly, resisting the big rock that was about to fall.

It turned out that there was a Pigeon under him.

When Sai Luo threw the stone aside and was about to continue fighting, Leo stopped fighting.

It turned out that seeing Sai Luo's rescue of Pigmond made Leo feel Sai Luo's Ultra spirit.

At this moment, a silver figure descended from the sky!

He is the King of Ultra!

The moment the King of Ultra descended, the powerhouses of countless dimensions trembled!

Roman, who was lying in the infirmary fishing for fish, almost spit out the juice in his mouth when he saw the coming King of Ultra.

"This breath is just like the Lord!"

Looking at the King of Ultra on the screen, Roman couldn't help saying.

"I should be scared!"

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