Bai Ze was stunned, and then realized that Er Nao had no hostility towards Liu Hua at all.

"Let me think about it." Xiaoniao Youliuhua was still thinking seriously, and then his eyes slowly lit up, "For example, one of us is hugged by him, and the other sits on his head."

"Sit on the head?" Nakano Nino was stunned.

Bai Ze subconsciously glanced at Nakano Nino's beautiful legs and charming waist-to-hip ratio, he immediately squatted down, and said with a serious face: "Nino, just come up!"

He admitted that he lost to Nino this time.

He believes that the back of a man is better than the sky!

"you shut up."

Nakano Nino blushed, why would she want to sit on his head in public?

Even though she knew that Bai Ze was joking, when she saw the other's eyes, she became angry and simply stepped on him lightly.

Bai Ze looked at the prints on his shoes: "Do you want to take off your shoes and just step on me in stockings? I can let you step on me all day long."

"Shut up! Bai Ze!"

Nakano Nino didn't dare to talk to him anymore, and by the way rejected the proposal of the three of them to compete together.

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua obviously also saw the relationship between Bai Ze and the two, this time he didn't say anything, turned around and continued to look at the prizes.

After Bai Ze led Nakano Nino into the arena, the host's eyes lit up as he was enlivening the atmosphere.

Customers with excellent appearance conditions are undoubtedly their favorite when they participate in shopping malls, because they can attract attention.

"It seems that everyone is very active, but I don't know who will win among the five couples participating this time..."

As soon as the host finished speaking, an anxious female voice sounded from outside the crowd: "Wait, we also have to participate."

Everyone followed the sound and saw a fat woman running towards a thin and gentle boy.

Judging from the age gap between the two, they should be siblings, but the woman forced her way in regardless of the complaints from the surrounding crowd by virtue of her strength.

The host was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "So there is still a sixth group of contestants participating, but..."

As he spoke, his expression hesitated, and his eyes focused on the figures of the man and woman.

"But what?"

"Ahem, it's nothing, I just doubt the strength of the boy next to you."

"Oh, don't worry about that, can I just hug him?"

The woman waved her hands carelessly, causing a burst of laughter.

The host couldn't help laughing, but only the boy wearing glasses blushed and shouted shamefully: "Sister, let's go back?"

Bai Ze and Nakano Nino were also looking at the siblings. The former thought for a while and said, "That man shouldn't be able to hug him...but now I'm under pressure."

"Don't talk nonsense, it's too impolite." Nakano Nino smiled and joked, "Are you here for No.1? I just heard from the host that only No.1 has prizes."

"Otherwise? Do you think I'm here to win the head?" Bai Ze asked back.

"Then you have to work hard." Nakano Nino folded her arms with a smile. Anyway, she just needs to be hugged by the other party, and there is no pressure at all.

But after all the contestants were in place, after the host issued the order to start the game, Nakano Nino saw Bai Ze quickly picked herself up and squatted down, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

But soon she found that Bai Ze was holding her very steadily, and she was wearing a long skirt today, so she didn't need to worry about getting naked, so she felt relieved.

In the six groups of contestants, except for the pair of siblings who are women hugging boys, the rest are men hugging girls.

This kind of squatting and getting up movement seems very simple, but when you really do it after hugging someone, the difficulty suddenly increases.

When reaching the seventh place, some men couldn't hold on, and regretted leaving the stage amidst the complaints of their girlfriends.

While watching the timer in his hand, the host occasionally raised his head to look at the remaining players in the arena.

After 20 seconds, two more pairs of players abstained.

After 40 seconds, only Bai Ze and the pair of siblings were left in the arena.

But the audience at the scene could tell that the pair of siblings were clearly at the end of their battles. The woman's face was covered with sweat, and her calves were trembling due to muscle strain and soreness.

On the other hand, Bai Ze, apart from the sweat on his face, his legs were still standing firmly.

This kind of picture has aroused the envy of many female customers. Even if some people want to poach someone, they can only shatter this idea when they see Nakano Nino's appearance.

"As expected of a man who has been recognized by Kamen Rider, he is indeed very strong." Xiaotori Yuliuhua didn't pay attention to the prize at this time, and just stared at Bai Ze.

She suddenly thought that if Bai Ze met her elder sister, that is, the holy recuperator, perhaps her elder sister would be blown away.

Fortunately, Bai Ze didn't know what she was thinking, otherwise he would have taught her on the spot how to get along with her family correctly.

No.40 seven seconds, the siblings also gave up.

The woman sat on the ground tired, panting heavily, raised her head to look at Bai Ze while wiping off her sweat, and murmured: "I approve of you, you are really strong."

You fucking don't use the second breath to influence me!

Bai Ze was concentrating on adjusting his breathing, when he heard what the woman next to him said, he almost fainted.

The host originally wanted to announce the result, but seeing that Bai Ze was still going on, he pressed the timer and watched with peace of mind.

After all, the audience off the court are still watching. If I stood up to spoil the fun, wouldn't I provoke public outrage?

One minute later, Bai Ze ended the fight, panting heavily.

This kind of exercise that requires a lot of physical energy in a short period of time, even he feels very strenuous.

Of course, the main pain is the wrist and thigh muscles, his physical fitness is fine, otherwise he wouldn't have resisted the idea of ​​scoring twice last night just because it was the first time for Nakano Nino.

"Congratulations, now you can choose your prizes." The host began to applaud, as did the audience.

Nakano Nino took out a handkerchief to help Bai Ze wipe off his sweat, and asked, "Shall we choose?"

"That's right." The host nodded with a smile.

"Then can we take them all?" Bai Ze asked.

"Hey, you're going too far..."

"Then can't I just take half?"

"No, please don't embarrass me, guest, it will make it difficult for me."

The embarrassing smile of the host caused many people to laugh, and Bai Ze also chose the figure of Kamen Rider Den-O in this lively atmosphere.

But when he was about to take Nakano Nino to leave, the host was whispered in the ear of the staff, and immediately stepped forward to stop Bai Ze: "My guest, would you like to leave your contact information? "

"Why do you need contact information? Are you going back on your word?" Bai Ze and the two stopped.

"How come? Our boss said just now that there will be events here in the future. If it's convenient for you two, I invite you to continue to participate in the future." The host laughed.

Bai Ze snorted, then turned to Nakano Nino and said, "They are praising you for your beauty, otherwise they wouldn't be thinking of using you to attract customers."

The host's smile froze immediately, how could anyone expose it so bluntly?And didn't I even praise you too?Can't you save me some face?

Nakano Nino suppressed a smile and said angrily, "Don't be stupid, he didn't just praise me just now."

Then she smiled at the host: "Sorry, we are still students, and we may not have time to come here normally..."

Bai Ze answered quickly: "Because we are students, can those prizes be sold to us with [-] free shipping?"

He was lightly kicked by Nakano Nino.

The girl felt ashamed of him, and dragged him away quickly.

The prize finally fell into the hands of Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua, and Nakano Nino personally gave it away, which seemed very generous.

After all, she is now the palace.

Besides, she wasn't interested in special photography works, and when she saw the greedy middle school girl next to her, she just gave it away.

Because of the gift, Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua's impression of Nakano Nino quickly improved. After a brief conversation between the two, the latter was surprised to realize that this short-looking girl was actually a high school student.

"That is to say, you came here specially to find him today?" Nakano Nino heard a lot of news.

Xiaoniao Youliuhua nodded: "I would go to that open space to wait for him when I had time, but he rarely appeared from there afterwards."

Bai Ze grumbled angrily: "Do you think I'm a mob in that area, and will refresh regularly?"

"But my intuition tells me that you will definitely go there again."

"I'm really sorry, your intuition is wrong, and intuition will only deceive you in many cases." Bai Ze used Yukinoshita Yukino's tone.

Xiaotori Yuliuka was hit hard, and hugged the figure box in her arms tightly. The world is so cold, only Kamen Rider and XX can give him some warmth.

Unfortunately, her XX is not big enough.

The three of them continued to stroll around the mall for a while, it was already time for school to end, Bai Ze was read by Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua all the way, and finally played a game of catching paper balls with each other.

He didn't release the water this time, and the second-year girl lost so badly that she didn't even see the flight trajectory of the paper ball clearly, so she was easily hit on the head, sobbing and transformed into a girl squatting with her head in her arms.

"So that's what she meant by the special training just now?" Nakano Nino was taken aback, and then felt like laughing, "Did you have too much power just now? Isn't it bad to bully other girls like this?"

Bai Ze squinted his eyes: "Aren't you clear about my strength?"

"How do I know your strength... bastard! What kind of eyes are you!"

Nakano Nino didn't understand the other party's meaning at first, until she caught Bai Ze's half-smiling eyes, she immediately remembered the other party's strength on the bed last night.

Well, after her personal confirmation, it is indeed very big.

She means strength.

"One day, I will surpass you." Xiaoniao Youliuhua firmly left these words before leaving.

Nakano Nino stared at her dumb hair for a while, then said with a smile, "She's pretty cute."

"Really? If she keeps pestering you and keeps saying Kamen Rider's lines beside you, do you still think she's cute?" Bai Ze asked intentionally.

Nakano Nino's eyes were suffocated, and she instinctively made up the picture, and shivered: "It's not cute at all!"

Since they were about to arrive at the restaurant, the two of them made a special trip to the supermarket to buy vegetables.

Originally, Nino cooked dinner for the five sisters of the Nakano family, but today she was injured and lost blood, so this time, Bai Ze will take care of it.

"What you just bought was rabbit meat?" Nakano Nino had good eyes, and noticed what Bai Ze bought.

"Yes, I plan to make cold-eating rabbit and spicy diced rabbit. Although I would like to try braised rabbit meat, but I haven't learned it yet, so I don't want to waste the ingredients." Bai Ze said to himself.

Nakano Nino hesitated and muttered: "The rabbit is so cute."

She even fed rabbits at school when she was a child.

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