Hearing what Bai Ze said, everyone felt relieved.

While Yishiyu took advantage of the team members walking away, she subconsciously looked at Hayato Hayama.

The golden-haired boy who was nicknamed Qingshan Academy with laughter by everyone, nodded knowingly, and then said to Bai Ze with a natural expression: "Are you free tonight? I made an appointment with Yumiko to go to the haunted house. How about you too?"

"Haunted house? There's nothing interesting about that kind of place, right?" Bai Ze recalled the various short videos of haunted houses he had seen on the Internet. Although they looked interesting, he wasn't very interested in visiting the haunted house by himself.

"Think of it as relaxation before the holidays. After the school is officially closed, the trials will come, and we won't have any extra time to relax."

"Let's take a look first, I may have something to do tonight."

Bai Ze didn't give an accurate answer, because he wanted the dog system to "exercise" in a shop that rented photographic equipment.

That is, the so-called tool people help to accumulate experience.

Anyway, the harvest and experience in hosting can be inherited by oneself, it is better to let the so-called almighty dog ​​system do this kind of thing.

Hearing Bai Ze's answer, Hayama Hayato didn't force it anymore. When he turned around, he winked at Isshiro Yu, expressing that he had tried his best.

Yi Caiyu smiled gratefully, but was still a little disappointed.

Next, Bai Ze turned on [Free Hosting] and devoted himself to training.

After a team training match, there was an episode here.

At that time, everyone was resting on the sidelines, and saw the coach of the school's swimming department and a young woman passing by.

The woman was wearing black fishnet stockings and a short skirt, and her makeup was exquisite. Judging from the intimacy of the two, they should be lovers.

Originally, everyone just chatted casually and didn't intend to pay much attention to it. Who knew that when the woman was taking something from the bag, a card-shaped thing fell out.

The well-informed Hayato Hayama muttered softly, "That seems to be the room card of the Hilton Hotel."

It was such a simple sentence that instantly changed everyone's minds.

Looking at that woman's sexy and bold outfit, the entire football team fell silent for a moment.

Everyone, including Bai Ze, kept quiet.

Obviously, everyone can predict that tonight the coaches of the swimming department will definitely encounter the situation of fighting day and night.

The football coach was drinking water not far away and didn't notice the situation here.

Yi Caiyu, the only girl present, looked at everyone with a blushing face and annoyed: "What's your expression? Why aren't you talking?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their eyes were ambiguous, and that little expression could only be said to be understood by men.

In the end, Bai Ze stood up and coughed: "That's right, why don't you talk anymore? Why are all the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty hesitating, and no one dares to speak?"

"The minister is a general, not good at words."

"The minister is dumb and cannot speak."

"The minister has already stood up."


"Can everyone stop playing charades? How about I introduce some exciting programs to you?"

"Fukuda, shut up!"

In the noisy atmosphere, a group of people laughed loudly, only Yi Caiyu blushed and looked at Bai Ze angrily: "Why do you want to add fuel to the fire?"

Bai Ze spread his hands innocently: "I was obviously asking them according to your words, but they suddenly laughed."

Yi Caiyu was angry and ashamed: "You men are really unreliable!"

After this map shot, everyone including Hayama Hayato was amused.

After training, Bai Ze bought a lot of peppers on the way home, and he planned to cook Hunan cuisine tonight.

However, he will still pay attention to the spiciness, because Kojima Kana cannot accept "medium spicy" Hunan cuisine.

In fact, Baize’s spicy food is not too bad, but the slightly spicy level of Hunan cuisine is indeed a magic weapon for eating. As long as you are not the kind of person who can’t touch chili at all, then common Hunan dishes such as chopped pepper fish head, dried radish and bacon, Yongzhou blood duck, etc. It will definitely make you eat delicious.

Since he wants to cook Hunan cuisine, he must have onion and ginger. Bai Ze even bought some coriander, which he likes very much.

Going home and plugging in the rice cooker, Kojima Kana hadn't come home yet, so he took out his mobile phone to send a message to the other party, and learned that the other party planned to have dinner with Kirisu Mafuyu tonight.

So Bai Ze edited and sent a message: I am cooking Hunan cuisine tonight, are you interested in trying it?

Kojima Kana replied almost instantly: I will be back later!

Then she sent another one: Xiao Madong is coming too, please cook more dishes.

Bai Ze smiled, he had already guessed this would happen.

Taking advantage of enough time now, Bai Ze opened [Free Hosting] and set the time to 60 minutes. He is going to study at a photographic equipment store.

[Thanks to the host for using free hosting again]

[System thinking...]

Then the system becomes unresponsive.

Bai Ze was suddenly surprised. This time the system took too long to think. In the past, the dog system could only think for five seconds at most.

"Are you in Gan Shenmo?" Bai Ze had no choice but to ask the question. If the dog system couldn't give him a satisfactory answer, he decided to torture the other party.

[Detecting that the host is going to cook a good meal tonight, the system decides to help]

"Then why did you think about it for so long?"

[Because the system also detected that the host wants to go to a photographic equipment store to gain experience]

"You can go to study first, and then come back to cook, isn't that all right?"

[However, the system also detected that the host wanted to enjoy the photo of Nakano Nino's stockings saved in the phone, so the system was very entangled]

"You fart!"

【The host please don't speak Tibetan】

"Then you shut up now and go to the store to learn."

Just as Bai Ze finished speaking, the doorbell outside rang.

Chapter 245 The System Is Very Introverted

The doorbell was still ringing, but the system chose to ignore it.

[After systematic thinking, the system decided to help the host go to a photographic equipment store to accumulate experience first]

"Although you made the right decision, can you go outside first to see who is ringing the doorbell, in case it is Miss Kanai who comes back, then you can just say something perfunctory and go out." Bai Ze reminded.

Kojima Kana and herself have known each other for the longest time and have the best relationship. It is impossible to deceive the other party based on the dog system's indifferent attitude towards women.

[Host please rest assured, the system is best at solving problems for the host]

"I doubt it."

[The host please trust the system, although the system is very introverted, it is still very reliable in doing things]

"Are you shy?" Bai Ze was startled, what kind of shameless remarks are these?

[Yes, the system once thought that if the host asks the system to go to the supermarket for help, the system will not dare to pay because of introversion]


Bai Ze was silent for a few seconds, and asked coldly: "Then if I ask you to go to the bank to withdraw money for me, will you still wear a hood shyly?"

[Shouldn't it be stockings? 】

"Shut up! Open the door for me!"

Amid Bai Ze's resentment, the dog system finally walked over and opened the door.

But as soon as the door opened, a very energetic female voice sounded outside: "Hello, Bai Ze!"

Nakano Yotsuba stretched out a tender white palm and shook it vigorously. Standing behind her were Yihua and Yishiyu.

Seeing this lineup, Bai Ze immediately understood: "No wonder Ha Shan invited me to the haunted house before, it seems to be Isshiki's idea."

As long as the other party invites the five sisters of the Nakano family, then he has no reason to refuse.

"Bai Ze, how about going to the haunted house together?" Nakano Kazuka smiled.

"Haunted house?" The system obviously hesitated.

"Yes, I happen to be free today, and Isshiki invited us to play in the haunted house, so we came to you." Nakano Kazuka nodded with a smile.

"Dog system, help me to ask why only two people came to the Nakano family?" Bai Ze asked quickly.

The system does exactly that.

"I don't know where Sanjiu and Wuyue went. They went out after eating. As for Er Nai..."

Nakano Kazuka, who was in charge of the explanation, laughed: "As soon as she heard that Isshiki invited us, she immediately refused."

Yi Caiyu smiled awkwardly.

[Host, are there ghosts in the haunted house? 】

"No, there are all staff pretending to be there."

[Pretend?It means that group of people are very bad, specially playing ghosts to scare others?The system understands]

"What do you understand?" Bai Ze was alert.

【Since there are such bad people staying in the haunted house, the system should clean up the evil】

"Are you sure you don't want to go there yourself?"

[Absolutely not, the system never lies! 】

Bai Ze didn't believe the system's nonsense at all.

"Bai Ze, why don't you speak?" Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Yi Caiyu felt uneasy, thinking that he couldn't call Bai Ze because he specially called the Nakano sisters?

As a result, the system agreed instead of Bai Ze.

"Dog system, I have to remind you, it's all fun, don't cause trouble for me in the haunted house, especially don't beat the staff."

[Host please rest assured, this system...]

"Okay, I'm tired of hearing your rhetoric, so you just say can you do it?"

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