Sanjiu's expression began to struggle: "But Yukinoshita told me that you are a Mr. Monkey who only knows how to be stupid every day, and she doesn't want to be stupid with you at all."

"Do you believe in her or that I can become an Ultraman?" Bai Ze asked back.

A question that sounded very nonsensical, but Sanjiu's mouth was blocked.

The great god Sanjiu no longer shines.

Yihua blinked her eyes, eating melon was very satisfying.

After nearly ten seconds, Sanjiu finally stood up, her face flushed, "I'll trust you just once."

As the last resisting soldier fell, Yihua finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "Have you been thinking about how to deal with us last night?"

"Do I still need to think about it?" Bai Ze smiled slightly when he saw the door of Nino's bedroom opened: "There is a saying that you can live in Florida, but you can't. Although I live in Tokyo, But my heart is in Florida, if I die one day, it means I can't deal with you."

Nakano Yihua was at a loss: "What are you talking about?"

At this time, Nakano Nino, who was wearing pajamas, came out. When she saw the study materials in front of Bai Ze, she suddenly regained her spirits: "You want to help us with tuition? The four of them must not be happy, right? I'll help you. they."

Bai Ze calmly said, "I've already taken care of them before you take care of them."

Nakano Nino: "?"

Chapter 341 She's the Rebellious Yukinoshita

"That's all for today's review."

Bai Ze stood up and stretched his pantothenic waist and back, standing and sitting for a long time were very uncomfortable behaviors.

"Finally... freed."

Nakano Kazuka seemed to come back to life, muttering in his mouth, he slapped the pen out of his hand, and it happened to fall on Sanjiu's study notes.

Sanjiu rolled her eyes helplessly and resentfully, put the pen aside and continued to write and draw.

"I'm finally free." Clover imitated Kazuka's posture and opened her arms, leaning back on the sofa.

Bai Ze put down his notebook and stared at the five sisters from a bird's-eye view: "My guess is correct. Except for Er Nai and San Jiu, everyone else's knowledge consolidation has more or less gone wrong. I have another competition before the end of the holiday. If you want to get a pass or better in the opening test, you still have to rely on yourself."

"I know, I know, we will pass." Yihua lazily leaned on the sofa, looking like she wanted to lie down directly.

"I will be responsible for supervising them." Er Nai set an example.

Bai Ze nodded in satisfaction: "Have you seen Er Nao's attitude? I hope you can be like her."

These words immediately caused the girls to roll their eyes.

"If you can treat us like you did to Nino, then I will definitely help you supervise other people." Yihua's speech was explosive.

Sanjiu and Wuyue looked up at the same time. Although they didn't speak, they seemed to have this idea in their eyes.

Yotsuba was more straightforward: "Ichika is right, Bai Ze, can you touch my head like you did to Nino?"

"Just touching the head?" Er Nai froze with a gloomy expression on his face, and looked over in some astonishment.

Clover blinked suspiciously: "Otherwise? What aspect is Yihua referring to?"

"Four leaves, children are not allowed to ask such questions." Yihua smiled ambiguously.

"Damn it, I am no longer a child, we are quintuplets!"

"But quintuplets also have a mental age difference. Obviously, you are the youngest!"

"I am an adult."

"No, you are a child, a loli."


Seeing that the conversation style between the two was getting more and more deviant, Bai Ze had no choice but to stop him: "Let's move freely, I have to go back to eat."

"Why don't you stay here today?" Yihua suggested suddenly.

The other four girls were taken aback for a moment.

Bai Ze was also a little uncertain: "What do you mean?"

Yihua winked at him playfully: "Tonight, you will rest here, is it clear enough for me to say that?"

"Yihua, what are you thinking?" Er Nai got up vigilantly.

Yihua's smile remained unchanged: "I'm creating opportunities for you. Don't you want Bai Ze to stay? It just so happens that we still have a guest room at our house, and Dad won't come back to live in it. What a great opportunity this is for you Nah."

Nino sneered, "Do you think I will believe your nonsense?"

Of course she hoped that Bai Ze would stay.

But only if there is no one else in the house!

Now that the entire Nakano family is in chaos, she doesn't want to let wolves into the house... Oh, no, it should be called sheep into the house?

It doesn't seem right, that guy Bai Ze is not a sheep.

Nakano Nino fell into an emotional tangle of idioms.

"Bai Ze, you can stay." Clover stood up happily, her beautiful eyes flickering, "It just so happens that we can play games online together this afternoon."

"You can also make snacks at our house." Wu Yue followed and expressed his expectation.

"Where's Sanjiu? Do you have any requests?" Yihua asked suddenly.

Sanjiu was startled, then nodded decisively: "I do have a request. Bai Ze told me earlier that he could help me call out Yukinoshita, but I still have doubts about what he said. Why don't you take advantage of this opportunity and call Yukinoshita to our house, how about that?"

"No!" Er Nao was the first to disagree, with a small expression like a cat with fur.

Wuyue also looked hesitant: "I don't want it anymore? Although Yukinoshita is excellent, she sometimes talks..."

"It's weird." Yihua added.

May hummed, that's what she thought.

The most important thing is that once Yukinoshita Yukino is targeting him, he has no power to fight back against the sharp-tongued genius girl.

Even if she hasn't started a confrontation with the opponent yet, just look at Yihua and Nino who can't get cheap in front of each other. If she matches up, she doesn't even have to guess the ending.

"Now?" Bai Ze thought for a while, "Maybe it's okay in the afternoon."

"Really?" Sanjiu's beautiful eyes lit up.

Er Nai showed her minions: "Sanjiu, I disagree with what I said."

Sanjiu glanced at her casually: "Are you not confident again?"

Start again!

Nina gritted her teeth, of course she did not admit that she was not confident enough, she only admitted that she hated Yukinoshita Yukino.

Sanjiu continued: "Ernai, what are you afraid of? There are five of us here."

Bai Ze pointed to his own face: "Am I not a human?"

"I'm talking about companions, you count as half, because you have a very good relationship with Yukinoshita." Sanjiu said confidently.

"But you are also very close to her." Er Nao emphasized.

Sanjiu's face became calmer: "When did you see me helping outsiders?"

Nina was stunned for a moment.

Yihua also pinched her chin, as if she was talking to herself: "One thing to say, if Yukinoshita and Nino fight in our house, then I will definitely help Nino."

"Me too." X2

Yotsuba and Itsuki spoke together.

Er Nai looked at the crowd in a daze, and became entangled: "But San Jiu..."

"I'll help you too." Sanjiu said without hesitation.

Er Nai had nothing to say this time.

Even a little moved.

Well, she herself felt that there must be only a little bit.

Bai Ze stood aside with a strange expression, thinking that Sanjiu did it on purpose, right?

The next moment, Nino made a decision: "Okay, since you all said so, then I reluctantly agree to let Yukinoshita come over as a guest. I must first declare that I will not give her good looks."

Sanjiu, who was originally indifferent, suddenly smiled: "The plan was successful."

Nina: "???"

Yihua laughed loudly: "I just said that you looked a little bit wrong just now, you are really acting!"

"Acting?" Er Nao's face darkened, and he was tricked?

"Erno is really stupid." Wuyue sighed, and explained: "Isn't Sanjiu always confronting you at home? You suddenly saw her say 'I will help you', don't you have any doubts?"

Yotsuba smiled happily: "Er Nai is an idiot, now the Nakano family has two idiots."

"Why are you so proud, stupid Yotsuba!"

Er Nai finished her roar, then turned her head to stare at Bai Ze again, her face was hot: "You saw it too?"

"No, I didn't see anything, I just blame Sanjiu's acting skills so good that she could even fool me." Bai Ze said to save face for his girlfriend.

"Liar Bai Ze." Sanjiu expressed dissatisfaction with a puffy face.

Er Nai squeezed her small fist in embarrassment, and let it go again. She had already agreed to it just now, and it would be a bit embarrassing to go back on it.

Seeing that she was still struggling, Bai Ze took the initiative to change the topic: "Do you need me to give Yukinoshita a shocking opening?"

"What a shocking opening?" The five sisters were all interested.

Bai Ze took out his phone, searched for the video he wanted, and held it up to show: "For example, I imitated him and sang "Snow Distance" to Yukinoshita."

"What's the matter with this man's clothes?" Er Nao's attention was obviously elsewhere.

"Are there two tumors on his shoulder?" Yihua was also curious.

Bai Ze explained: "Don't misunderstand, the two on the side are not tumors, but the one in the middle is. That's why there is an idiom in Chinese called the mainstay of a tumor."


Qiqi, the five sisters, rejected his strange request.

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