【Classification: Rat Pokémon】

[Attribute: Electrical Attribute]

[Characteristics: Lightning Rod (capable of electric property, ignores the damage in it, and increases special attack by 1 level.)]

[Individual values: stamina (25), attack (31), special attack (31), defense (25), special defense (28), speed (26)]

[Skills: ... [-] volts, thunder, shadow clone, thunder and lightning fist, sacrifice attack, Mount Tai, destroy death light, split tiles, dig holes]

[Strength: Elite]

"Although I'm a little timid, I know a lot of moves. If you practice well, you will be able to achieve something!"

Raichu's attributes made Xiaozhi's eyes shine. The characteristics of the lightning rod and the relatively luxurious skill panel will give him a lot of advantages in the next battle!

After all, Xiaozhi planned to simply cultivate a tacit understanding with Leiqiu before the upcoming game.

Chapter 168 Shrinking and Poisonous Mud


In an open space, Raichu waved its slender tail, slapped the ground with white light, and punched a big crater abruptly.

"Good job!"

Seeing Leiqiu's performance, Xiaozhi applauded with satisfaction as a sign of encouragement.


But Raichu just responded and fell to the ground.

Because for a fat Raichu, all actions are quite exhausting.

After such a long battle for the first time, Raichu was exhausted physically and mentally.

"Is it that exaggerated?" Leiqiu's performance made Xiaozhi smile helplessly.

You must know that since obtaining Raichu yesterday, only one day has passed, and only about two hours were spent on training.

With Raichu's appearance, those who didn't know thought it was being abused?

"Forget it, this is your reward!"

Although he really wanted to complain, Xiaozhi still handed over two energy cubes that Pikachu ate as a reward.


Seeing the golden cube in Xiaozhi's hand, Leiqiu immediately changed his appearance, walked over in a hurry, and swallowed the energy cube.

This lively appearance made Xiaozhi's head full of black lines.

After a day of getting along, he probably got a clear idea of ​​Raichu's character.

He is a timid but greedy Raichu, compared with Xiaogang's little Magneton, he is a difficult guy to deal with.

Even Xiaoguang's stinky mud is easy to get along with, which shows that Leiqiu has a weird personality.

Fortunately, with the assistance of energy cubes, he was able to make Raichu so well-behaved in just one day.

"Xiaozhi, the summer lectures are about to begin!"

Just when Xiaozhi was feeling emotional, Xiaoguang stood in the distance and waved his arms, beckoning him to come over quickly.


Quickly put Raichu away to rest, and then quickly walked towards Xiaoguang.

Since it is a summer lecture, it is inevitable to attend classes, and Dr. Yamanashi will personally explain the knowledge about Pokémon to everyone.

Most of them are observing the habits of Pokémon in the wild, and let trainers understand Pokémon in more detail, which is knowledge that trainers rarely understand on weekdays.

This kind of knowledge is quite practical for Xiaozhi, who can take better care of Pokémon in small details.

Two hours later, when it was almost time, Dr. Yamanashi ended his morning speech.

Then began the first competition between the groups - tug of war.

"Okay, we must win the first place!" Xiao Guang shouted full of ambition, and there was echoing voice from the side.


"It seems a bit difficult!"

Xiao Gang took a look at the elves in the red group, like his little Magnemite and Xiaoguang's stinky mud, it's not very easy to use their advantages.

"Do your best!"

Glancing at the blue crocodile, rumbling stone and other Pokémon in the green group where Musashi is, he immediately understood Xiaogang's worry next time, but he didn't care at all.

It is only because after awakening the power of waveguide and the power of Tokiwa, his current strength is astonishing, so we can compare which one is better and which is worse.

And the final result was no surprise. Under Xiaozhi's leadership, he easily killed the blue team where Kaoping was, without even putting in much effort.

As for Musashi's green group, after a little effort, they won the first place in the group stage without any surprise.

"Okay, I really won!" Xiaoguang was amazed.

Xiaoguang also knows that the victory of his group is not high. After all, there are too few powerful Pokémon, unlike the green group that has blue crocodiles, rumbling stones and other Pokémon.

But the actual results are really surprising.

Xiao Gang stared at Xiao Zhi thoughtfully, because he always felt that the huge force coming from the team was coming from Xiao Zhi and Lei Qiu.

It's just that he couldn't be sure whether it was Leiqiu or Xiaozhi who did it?

No matter who it is, Xiaogang feels unbelievable, after all, both of them are far beyond the level of the same group.

But before Xiaogang could figure it out, all the students went to the cafeteria to enjoy today's lunch under the leadership of the doctor's assistant.

"Well, this curry rice is very good!" Xiaoguang picked up a spoon and tasted it, and immediately expressed his satisfaction.

"It's worth learning!" Xiao Gang took a bite, nodded in agreement, and agreed with Xiao Guang's statement.

"Indeed, this cook's level is very high!" Xiao Zhi took a sip and couldn't help but comment.

If he insisted on the standard, he felt that it was close to [-]% of Xiao Gang's strength.

And if he remembered correctly, Kojiro and Miaomiao were in charge of the logistics of the entire lecture, presumably this lunch was also their meal.

"Except for catching Pikachu, these people seem to be doing very well in everything. They are three talents!" Xiaozhi couldn't help but comment after tasting a few mouthfuls.

"It's a pity, if you open a restaurant, the business will definitely be full, but you want to catch his Pikachu."

Shaking his head, Xiao Zhi quickly expelled these thoughts, and then concentrated on cooking.

After enjoying a delicious lunch, the three of them came to the open space, ready to prepare for the elf battle in the afternoon.

Among them, this is Xiaoguang's request, to help her point out the fighting method that belongs to the stinky mud.

The main reason is that it was Xiaoguang's first contact with poison-type Pokémon, and he didn't know much about it, so he took the initiative to ask Xiaozhi for help.

"Good guy, not only can you become smaller, but you can even learn the poison!"

After communicating with the smelly mud, Xiaozhi learned about the skills of the smelly mud.

The other poison attribute moves are quite satisfactory, but the two skills of shrinking and poisonous are really impressive for him.

"What's the matter, are these two skills very powerful?" Xiaoguang raised his head unaware of Mingli, acting very puzzled.

On the contrary, Xiaogang recalled the effects of these two skills, and gradually understood Xiaozhi's thoughts in his heart.

"Of course, use the poison in the attack, let the opponent enter the poisonous state to consume stamina continuously, and then improve the dodge ability of the stinky mud by becoming smaller, so as to avoid being hit by the opponent's attack!"

"Just by relying on these two skills, you can greatly increase the odds of winning!" Xiao Zhi clearly explained the stakes between the two skills.

Although at present, the smelly mud does not use the two skills of stand-in and hold to increase the chance of survival, but increasing the dodge rate by reducing the skill, in theory, leads to the same goal, and can also improve the probability of survival.

With these two skills, Xiaoguang can meet the next battle, and has a great chance of winning.


After listening to Xiaozhi's explanation, Xiaoguang suddenly understood the power of it, and blinked his blue pupils with emotion.

Xiao Gang didn't say anything, but the thought in his heart was the same as what Xiao Guang said.

"Thank you, Xiaozhi!" After hearing the meaning, Xiaoguang also understood the pros and cons, and said excitedly.

"With the help of Xiaozhi and Smelly Mud, the battle in the afternoon will definitely be fine!"

With Xiaozhi's divine assist, Xiaoguang is full of ambition and ready to face the elf battle in the afternoon.

Chapter 169

After lunch, a two-hour short break, under the organization of Dr. Yamanashi and his assistants, finally ushered in the elf battle between the groups.

Among them, Dr. Yamanashi's assistant read out the rules of the game before the game started.

"Each team member will be randomly matched with an opponent, and one point will be added for defeating the opponent, and the group with the highest score will be able to add one point to the total score of the group."

The rules of the game are clear and clear, and the opponents are quickly assigned after the draw.

Among the three of Xiaozhi, Xiaogang was the first to play, while his opponents were Musashi from the green team and her partner, Milip Baby.

A Pokémon with a large head, golden hair and pink skin, resembling a little girl.

"Alright, little magneton, let's go!"

Seeing his opponent, Xiao Gang came to the competition venue excitedly, preparing for a long-lost elf battle.


The little magnetite immediately floated into the air, staring at the other party with sharp eyes.

However, the enthusiasm between Xiao Gang and Magneto gradually became confused under Musashi's control.

Because Musashi was hugging Milip Baby tightly, and he said with great distress in his mouth: "Milip Baby is so cute, how can he fight? If I get hurt, I will..."

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang next to him were speechless for a while, not knowing how to evaluate it.

But there is one thing to say, Milip Baby's appearance is remarkable. For Musashi who is a face controler, it is quite reasonable to have such a performance.

Looking at Musashi who was sentenced to end, Xiao Zhi secretly evaluated in his heart.

It is very happy for the members of the red team to easily score a point.

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