Seeing this, Naruto immediately wanted to resist.

The coral growing from behind firmly connected him and Kirabi's palms, making him unable to move.

Tried struggling a few times, but to no avail.

[Yakura: The parts hit by this move will continuously grow red coral. 】

But it's not Naruto's character to sit and wait for death. He couldn't move his body, so he released Chakra's hand and grabbed 'Madara'.

Madara, who has the ability to blur, didn't have the slightest thought of avoiding it, and said lightly: "Even if we are both Jinjuriki, 6 vs. 2 will be very stressful."

"When my hand touches you, I will win."

'Madara' stretched out his hand, and approached Naruto bit by bit.


Facing the hand of 'Madara', Naruto had no way to avoid it.

Getting closer......

Getting closer, 'Madara' even touched Naruto's head with his hand, but instead of grabbing it, he passed through it.


"Exciting, Konoha Vajra Power Whirlwind!"

Maitekai, who opened the Jingmen, sent a roundabout kick straight to Madara's head.

Sensing the danger, Madara had no choice but to turn on the virtual defense, and naturally grabbed Naruto's hand and it was in vain.

Kakashi arrives with Kai.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kakashi exerted all his strength and forcibly dragged away Naruto who was locked in Kirabi's palm.

[Namikaze Minato: Kakashi, you showed up just in time. 】

[Kakashi: After all, it's a war, so you can't let Naruto, who is the number one outsider, be left alone. 】

[Uzumaki Naruto: Kakashi Sensen, cut, I am not surprised, no matter who the enemy is, I will beat him down severely. 】

【Mike: Kakashi, is it finally our turn to play? I am still very happy to be able to fight side by side with you. 】

[Kushina: Kakashi, thank you for taking care of Naruto. 】

【Kakashi: It should be, after all, Sensen and you always take care of me. 】

"Using Naruto as bait, you want to capture the time of my materialization?"

'Madara' looked at his empty palm, and after a long time, he slowly stood up, "There are two more people in the way."

"Kakashi Sensen, with thick eyebrows."

Compared to 'Madara', Naruto's reaction was much more pleasantly surprised.

"Even if there are two more people, it's useless. They still can't fight against my pupil power and tail beast power."

'Madara' turned her head, with a cold chill in her eyes.

"I also have Sharingan."

"A lone blue beast with Konoha."

Kai and Kakashi finally had an indescribable tacit understanding. As soon as the latter spoke, Kai followed up with the next sentence.

[Zenbuzhan: Kakashi is indeed very strong, but he is still just a Junin, can he really deal with such a situation? 】

[Qing: Pay attention to the details. The scenes in the previous videos about playing Kakashi and Maitekai are very similar to the scenes in this video. It is impossible to guarantee that both of them are in this fourth ninja world. War awakened. 】

[Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost: Makes sense. 】

[Obito: Speaking of this, I remembered, Kakashi, I just gave you a Sharingan, why do you have a pair of Sharingan behind you. 】

【Kakashi: This... I don't know...】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Could it be that Kakashi Sensen is the leakage king, and he picked up a Sharingan on the battlefield. 】

【Kakashi: ...】


The ground suddenly shook violently, and the three of them turned their heads to see that it was King Mu with Five Tails.

"Is the target Hachio?"

The strange thing is that King Mu didn't intend to attack them, he stepped on his hoof and rushed straight towards Qirabi.

Not long after, the weird scene appeared again.

When he came to him, King Mu did not attack Kirabi, but instead targeted 'Blade'.

With a cold snort, 'Blade' naturally saw this too.

He raised his right hand and aimed at King Mu.

Didn't see 'Madara' making any other unnecessary actions, a lavender chain appeared out of thin air.

Unrelentingly wrapped around King Mu's neck, and pulled hard.

Immediately, a howl came from King Mu's mouth, and his huge body smashed to the ground uncontrollably.

"It's so painful."

"I was actually manipulated by this bastard..."

A faint voice that only Jinchuriki could hear fell into the ears of Naruto and Kirabi.


Kirabi controlled the huge palm of the bull ghost to pinch 'Madara' tightly.

But 'Madara' is 'Madara' after all, this kind of attack like a joke can't hurt him at all.

Slowly walking out of Kirabi's closed palm like a stroll in the garden, with the help of chains and pupil power, the disordered red-tailed beast chakra wrapped King Mu again.

At the same time, Mu Wang's body is also shrinking constantly, and finally the five tails' true appearance is released.

Turned into a monster covered in Tailed Beast Chakra like before.

[Thousand Hands: It seems that the guy with the mask can't fully control the tailed beast. 】

[Shouhe: You are all so pitiful. Look at me, I haven't appeared on the battlefield from the beginning to the end. Doesn't this mean that my situation is extremely safe. 】

Chapter 113 The Quarrelling Tailed Beast

Six monsters covered by Tailed Beast Chakra gather here.

"Hey, did you hear Naruto, the voice just now?"

Kirabi had a rare serious expression on his face.

"I heard."

As Jinchuriki, Naruto can naturally understand Kirabi's mood at the moment.

"That's the sound of the five-tailed beast."

"We Tailed Beasts also have feelings, and seeing it treated like that is really irritating and painful."

The wound was still oozing blood, and the bull ghost could not help but cry out in pain when he spoke.

"What do you say so far?"

"Those ninjas who treat our tailed beasts as pets didn't do that, Eight-tailed, only you and that kid named Kirabi are special exceptions."

Before Naruto could speak, the Nine Tails in his body spoke out first.

【Ai: As a Renzhuli, it is not easy to walk this way. 】

[Senju Hashirama: Although at the beginning...But if all the tailed beasts can reconcile with Jinchuriki and live together as one, then...]

[Thousands of Hands: Big brother who can’t do it, if it’s true what Yawei said in the video, the tail beast already has feelings and is a separate individual, so who would be willing to be caught and sealed as a power. 】

【Thousands of Hands: Could it be that I did something wrong at the beginning......】

"That's not certain, Nine-Tails."

The bull ghost's voice was rather meaningful, "I understand, Nine Tails, you..."

"Stop rambling, even if you only look at the number of tails, you are second only to my eight tails, get rid of them quickly, I'm going to sleep."

Kyuubi seemed to know what Niu Gui wanted to say next, so he interrupted it bluntly.

"Don't judge strength by the number of tails. You used to be like this. No wonder a civet cat hates you."

The bull ghost talked for a long time, but got no response, "Hey, did you hear that, you bastard, a fox can't pretend to be asleep, hey!"

On the other hand, Kyuubi closed his eyes in Naruto's body, as if he had really fallen asleep.

[Shouhe: Dead fox! 】

【King Mu: That guy from Nine Tails is still the same as before, nothing has changed. 】

[Sun Wukong: Crying, very arrogant. 】

[Nine Lamas: Shut up! 】

[Niu Gui: I feel that what I said in the video makes sense, but I can't say for certain, Nine Tails. 】

"Eight-tails and Nine-tails had a fight."

Listening to the quarrel between the two tailed beasts, Naruto felt an inexplicable temperature flowing through his heart, touched his abdomen, and couldn't help laughing.

"Tailed beasts can communicate telepathically, and quarrels are rare. Open your eyes."

Kirabi was also surprised by this scene.

"What are you mumbling about, Naruto?"

"The enemy is coming, don't be careless just because we are here."

Kakashi interrupted Naruto's smirk.

【Lin: Kakashi is still the same as before. He only pays attention to the situation in front of him. Although he is doing well, the atmosphere is completely destroyed when he makes a sound. 】

[Kakashi: No way, Lin, I am still very humane to you, Obito, and Sensen. 】

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