The white light and the sense of weightlessness flashed, and Itachi returned to the time period he wanted to return to.


It was getting light, and Itachi was sweeping the fallen leaves in front of the door with a broom.

"One dozen seven brothers, Ou Hai!"

Naruto Uzumaki, who was wearing a yellow coat and a Konoha forehead protector, appeared and greeted Itachi.

"It's Narudo, Ouhai, come and find Sasuke, I'll call him."

Itachi smiled gently, and was about to turn around when Sasuke's voice sounded.

"I've been waiting for a long time, Narudo, you are too slow."

Sasuke's figure appeared, followed by a long-haired, extremely beautiful woman.

"Sister Quan, you're here too, Ouhai!"

Naruto was no stranger to Izumi, and waved his hands excitedly to say hello.

"Oh, Narudo!"

Quan smiled softly, and turned to look at Itachi who was beside him.

"Ooh, Ah Nata (dear)"


Itachi's expression was equally gentle.

"Hey, hey, Brother Seven and Sister Quan are still so in love with each other."

"Stop talking, Baga Naruto, I'm going to be late for the task, hurry up and go."

After saying goodbye to his brother and sister-in-law, Sasuke left first.

"Sass, you bastard, wait for me."

When Naruto heard the voice, Sasuke was already ten meters away.

"Brother Dozen Seven, Sister Quan, goodbye."

After saying goodbye to the two queens, Naruto hurriedly chased after him.

There are only two people left at the door of the house, Itachi and Quan.

"Come in."

Quan smiled, took a step forward, and naturally took Itachi's arm.

"One hit seven, I found that I seem to be relying on you more and more."

"Don't worry, I'll always be here."

Itachi gently touched Quan's head, but his thoughts had already sunk into the memory of a long time ago.


"This is......"

After experiencing a strong sense of weightlessness and blinding white light, Itachi, who regained consciousness, clenched his fists.

A feeling of unreality came to my heart.

In the dark night, a bright moon hangs high.

In the building of the Konoha Security Department, screams came one after another.

"Uchiha Madara" wearing a tiger skin mask is slaughtering the Uchiha tribe at will.

The screams also successfully awakened the somewhat dazed Itachi.

"I've already experienced that kind of future. This time I want to choose to believe in Dosang, believe in the village, try a completely different future, and save her..."

Itachi was very clear about his purpose of coming back.

"Hurry up, hurry up..."

Itachi originally planned to fight with the masked man, but because of this pause, the timing was staggered.

In other words, at this time, Itachi hadn't started to kill.

the other side.

How could Izumi, who is a member of the Uchiha clan, watch his own people not to be killed? When the masked man just walked out of the Konoha security department, a few kunzuizumi shot out from the hands of Izumi.

"Oh, nice eyes."

With the strength of the masked man, he would not be hurt by such a simple attack. He easily bounced off Kunai, and turned his head to see Izumi Uchiha beside him.

"how is this possible!"

Quan's current strength is not very strong, seeing that his attack has no effect, he turned around in a panic and wanted to escape.

The masked man didn't forget his purpose, he threw out the chain in his hand, tied the escaped Quan tightly, and pulled him back.

"One to seven."

"Help me, one hit seven."

Quan Gan looked at the murderous intent in the masked man's eyes, and Quan couldn't help calling out the name of the man he was thinking of.

The masked man didn't care so much, he raised the long sword in his hand, and when he was about to bear fruit, his expression changed.

Sensing something, he let go of Quan, and jumped aside.


(Setting needs, you can bring your current strength back, otherwise, if you are a weak chicken, you can't change anything.)

Hei Yan appeared out of thin air where the masked man was just now.

"One hit seven, what do you mean?"

After dodging Amaterasu, the masked man's cold questioning voice sounded.

Quan, who was let go, hadn't had time to experience the feeling of the rest of his life after the catastrophe. When he looked up, he saw that there were seven people who rescued him. Tears of grievance overflowed instantly, and fear disappeared at the same time.

"One hit seven, it's you, I knew you would come to save me."

"Don't be afraid, Quan, I'm coming."

While reassuring, Itachi pulled Quan behind him to protect him, and met the masked man's eyes calmly.

"I regret it, I don't need you here anymore, you can go."

"Oh? Just for the little girl behind you?"

The masked man didn't seem to be angry with Itachi's temporary change of mind, but instead asked with great interest.

"Yes, it's because of her."

Itachi didn't deny it either.

"for me?"

Izumi standing behind Itachi couldn't understand the conversation between the two, but understood this sentence.

Itachi said it was for me.

At this moment, Quan looked at Itachi's back and suddenly felt extra secure.

Chapter 45 The distant future

"One dozen seven, are you going to discard Zhishui's commission before death for a mere woman?"

The voice of the masked man is still full of interest.

"You are not qualified to talk about Brother Zhishui."

Itachi's eyes were very cold, and in the dark night, the scarlet Sharingan was particularly obvious.

"It seems that you have decided to go back on your word, then if..."

The masked man's voice paused, and when he spoke again, it became extremely cold.

"If I don't leave, what will you do?"

Itachi's eyes became a little colder, and he was about to speak.

"Trespassing on the Uchiha clan and killing so many Uchiha clansmen, you will die."

An angry voice rang out first.

Beside Itachi, the figure of Uchiha Fugaku appeared.

"Two kaleidoscope sharingan, the situation looks very unfavorable, forget it, let's retreat first."

Under the moon, two pairs of scarlet Sharingans with patterns cast cold gazes on the masked man. In such a situation, the masked man couldn't help but complain.

"Then goodbye, everyone."

Waved at several people with ease, a vortex appeared in the right eye of the masked man covering his whole body, and his body quickly disappeared in the twist.

When Uchiha Fugaku saw that the masked man was about to run away, his eyes froze, and when he was about to make a move, he was stopped by Itachi.

"Do-san, you can't stop it. This is a space-time ninjutsu."

With just such a delay, the masked man has completely disappeared, leaving only a few dry bloodstains on the ground.

"One hit seven, you come with me."

Uchiha Fugaku's face was very cold, he greeted Itachi, turned his head and left.

"The patriarch looks terrible, but after all, it's normal for such a serious thing to happen, but one dozen seven..."

"Nothing will happen to you."

Izumi, who was hiding behind Itachi, poked his head out timidly, completely unlike his usual carefree appearance.

"It's okay, don't worry, Quan, you go home first, and I'll come to you when I'm done."

Itachi let go of the indifference in his eyes, smiled softly, raised his hand, and tapped Quan's forehead twice with his fingertips.

"One hit seven, are you doing?"

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