In the case of not occupying anything other than the quantity, after about a month of fierce battles, the First Starfish Fleet was left in the Nanhe Samsung System forever without any accidents.

Only a few ships have made emergency FTL escapes, and there is no news so far.

"Isn't this starfish empire developing anything other than better technology than us?"

After receiving the battle report, Kong Xiaoyu, who was eating and drinking at Qiu Baiyu's house, couldn't help complaining.

"Originally, I was thinking about whether there would be a chance to board the ship and fight together. I wanted to form a small team and use it as a mobile force for landing operations. It seems that there is no chance."

"Stop reading mecha novels." Qiu Baiyu gave her a white look, "In interstellar warfare, each ship has a large number of close-in defense guns for self-defense, and you can't get close to the opponent with just the exoskeleton armor, because the combat radius is very small. Long, when you fly near someone, they can use some defense to shoot you over and over again."

Kong Xiaoyu curled her lips, "I think it is still necessary to board a ship for combat, just like modern anti-ship missiles are rampant, there is no way of landing combat, but pirates on the sea hijack cargo ships and so on, it is still necessary."

"That's also against pirates, wars of nations against nations, civilizations against civilizations, no need for that kind of thing."

"Okay... In short, we have won a major victory now, Team Qiu, do you want to treat our team to a good meal?"

"Go by yourself, I'm not free, or you treat me."

"Hey, stingy."


Chapter 307 Can't beat? Then let the enemy break through

"Half of the Starfish First Fleet was wiped out, and only a few escaped. Some alien materials, some strategic equipment, and some prisoners were captured."

The battle report was sent back to the ground, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Mingda said: "All the captives will be sent to the moon base, where we have built a starfish ecological zone, to reform them."

"All the seized materials and equipment resources are brought back to see if we can research something."

"Their ships are also kept first... well, most of them are transport and supply ships, and there are quite a few ships that can fight... In short, they are all used for research and learn from each other's strengths."


The post-war cleaning work began at the combat command center.

Everyone looked relaxed.

The powerful alien fleet was successfully dragged down through various tactics. Although careful calculations and simulations have been performed during the execution process, no one can guarantee that it will follow their expectations until the last moment.

The time span is too long and there are too many variables.

Fortunately, the final result is good.

Seeing the relaxed expressions of the people in the command center, Zhu Mingda did not tell them that when the Second Starfish Fleet had finished the battle here, it had wiped out all the galaxies that had set up an ambush.

Those who know this information have basically guessed what the Starfish Empire wants to do.

After losing several battles in succession, they urgently need a victory to reverse the situation.

As for the fleet that raided their border galaxy, after investigation, they knew that there was unlikely to be a second time, because they would strengthen the detection of the border.

Zhu Mingda gave the many combatants in the command center a three-day vacation to let them relax, and he called Qiu Baiyu, Xu Taining and other core figures in Dongyuan together.

"The Second Fleet of the Starfish Empire, according to the information sent back from the ambush point, has more and is more difficult to deal with than the First Fleet. Although the opponent does not have shield technology, they have found another way to produce a large number of disposable unmanned vehicles that can withstand attacks. Machine and bulkhead armor, this time, we want to solve the opponent's fleet so easily, it is basically impossible."

"This time, we may have to prepare for a fight to the death."

With a heavy tone, Zhu Mingda slowly told everyone the information about the Second Starfish Fleet.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Qiu Baiyu and said, "Academician Qiu, I have an idea and need your help."

"Please tell me." Qiu Baiyu nodded.

"I want to transform a group of starfish among the prisoners so that they can join the anti-war camp after returning. If they want to quickly return to the Starfish Empire, I'm afraid I need your calculation assistance, Academician Qiu."

"no problem."

"Also, I don't know if the spies lurking in the Seastar Empire can be used. If everyone in the Seastar Empire opposes the war, based on what we know about the opponent's characteristics, the war should be terminated... as a backup plan .”

"Yes, I also have this idea, and it is currently being implemented."

"Okay, next I will talk about my planned arrangement, I hope you can fully assist me then..."


It's not that easy for the Second Starfish Fleet to come over.

Because the distance between the two is about 15 hops, each galaxy needs an average of about two months to cross and enter the hyperspace channel, and it will take more than two years for the other party to approach the border of Dongyuan.

In the past two years, the factory will work overtime to produce new ships and new drones.

Qiu Baiyu was not stingy with knowledge, and when the conditions were ripe, he directly remodeled the existing frigate-class space battleship.

The direction of the transformation is naturally high maneuverability, low cost, and high battery life. In terms of firepower, it can be carried out by a specialized drone team. The role of the frigate is to take these drones to form a fleet sea and block the enemy.

As for destroyer-class warships, there is no need to build them for the time being. This class of warships may be able to carry stronger firepower, but compared to frigates, the improvement is not much improved.

The firepower of the frigates is enough for the second starfish fleet. In the case of restraint, the destroyer-class warships will slow down the fleet's marching speed instead, and cannot achieve guerrilla tactics of one-shot escape.

In two years, I don't know if we can build a frigate Hai enough to compete with the Second Starfish Fleet. The shipyard can only work overtime as much as possible.

"This kind of war should not only be our own business. If possible, other countries should also be brought in. As a war alliance, there are quite a lot of rich people abroad. They can form a fleet with a little donation."

"In this regard, many countries have expressed their views, but their technology is many generations behind ours. If they help, they can only help in terms of funds and resources."

"At this time, no one should block our resources, right?" Qiu Baiyu asked, "Tell me, is there anyone doing tricks secretly? I haven't done anything for a long time, and my hands are itchy."

Xu Taining, who was recalled, broke out in a cold sweat when he thought of those rich people who died mysteriously and the national consequences of offending Qiu Baiyu. He looked at the director of Dongyuan Security Bureau.

People from the Security Bureau are in charge of this aspect. If there is any trick, you have to ask the other party.

"In the beginning, there were small actions, but now I don't dare to do it anymore." The director of the Security Bureau smiled slightly, "Whoever didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, we will make them aware."

"That's a pity."

"..." Everyone.


The capital of the Starfish Empire.

The starfish spy came to a deep sea building under the deep sea.

"This combat center is hidden deep enough."

Starfish Spy turned into Qiu Baiyu at this time, looking at the deep-sea building in front of him and smiling slightly.

"It's hard to find, let's find something for you to do."


Not long after, Elder Haixing suddenly received a message.

The interstellar combat center built on the seabed encountered an unknown ocean cut-off, the protection of the entire combat center was broken, and sea water poured into it. Except for the underground emergency shelter, all places were submerged by sea water.

The pressure of the seawater directly crushed all the equipment, and more than 80% of the combatants died directly under the pressure of the seawater.

Before the Council of Elders wanted to cover it up, this matter appeared on the Internet inexplicably, and aroused public opinion.

"The gods are dissatisfied with us invading other countries at will, and the star who directed the aggressive war was punished by the gods!"


Thanks to Shuke 78204381823. I will always like Lingyuan’s two blades and Melita Parian’s blades. Thank you~

Chapter 308 Destruction, We Are Professionals!

"Investigate this matter thoroughly!"

The Council of Elders issues the highest directive.

The base hidden in the deep sea has already taken precautions against various accidents. Starfish's deep-sea maintenance machines are patrolling around at any time to avoid any possible loopholes.

Under such circumstances, the combat center, which is conducting long-distance combat staff and command, will be broken open by sea water.

Starfish who knew the situation knew that this was impossible.

Even if there are hidden dangers and negligence, it cannot collapse in an instant, leaving all the starfish unresponsive and burying more than half of the elite starfish generals under the deep sea.

"It can't be an accident, it's too coincidental."

"Do you think it is possible that the enemy has sneaked into our interior?"

"Infiltrate inside?"

"Yes, the deep sea outside has been under our monitoring. Only by doing it from the inside can such a terrible effect be produced."


After the secret meeting of the elders, the surviving starfish was secretly monitored.

Now, there is one more thing that troubles the Presbyterian Church.

Externally, the entire expedition fleet was wiped out. According to the signals sent back, most of the ships and drones in the fleet were either destroyed or captured, and only a small number of them have not been heard from for the time being.

In the case of an emergency FTL breakaway, no one knows when the remaining ships will be able to return.

Entering the subspace urgently to escape at the speed of light is a choice of last resort. How long it will take to return to the voyage and how many ships will be lucky to appear are unknown.

A military ship carrying weapons is different from a scientific research ship whose whole body is designed for superluminal escape, and it is impossible to be 100% sure of returning safely.

As soon as the news of the unfavorable war came back to the empire, bad news spread from within, coupled with various rumors, directly caused the authorities of the Starfish Empire to be overwhelmed. As soon as one matter was settled here, ten more problems were waiting.

Before the Council of Elders could deal with the collapse of the combat center, new bad news suddenly came.

A plane malfunctioned and crashed out of control into the altar of worship used by the empire to pray and pray for blessings!

Amid the rapid sirens, the plane hit the altar, made a loud noise, and exploded!

Flames enveloped the entire sky.

The splashed debris blew up the surrounding buildings and shattered an unknown amount of glass.

Faced with such an accident, the residents living around the altar of worshiping gods are all stupid.

It is worth noting that the altar for offering sacrifices to the gods, the meeting hall of the elders, and the altar of conferring titles, etc., were all built in relatively close places, which is equivalent to the administrative center of the entire planet and the center of the empire.

And the starfish living around here are basically high-ranking stars, or their family members.

At the same time, there are still many tourists staying on the altar of worshiping the gods.

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