Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?

When the bill was placed on the stage and the votes of all civilized ambassadors began, the entire assembly fell into silence.

Wang Yi is the representative of the mission sent by Dongyuan for a meeting and permanent residence. Looking at the [support], [oppose] and [abstain] in front of him, he couldn't help shaking his head.

This Xinghai Community is very similar to the former United Nations. The difference is that Dongyuan is not a permanent member.

But this designated natural disaster is even more terrifying than the original Mirui Empire laundry detergent.

The Miri Empire used to find an excuse to bully small countries, and this designated natural disaster requires all members of the Galactic Community to enter a state of war with the "natural disaster", and the ownership of the captured galaxy is directly obtained by default, which is countless times more terrifying than washing powder.

Wang Yi thought for a moment and clicked [Abstain].

It is best not to get involved in this kind of thing, even though the Domler ethnic group and the Brugan Federation are slightly involved in human civilization.

Now the strength does not allow it, so let's be a little transparent.

There are many members of the Galactic Community, five or six times that of the United Nations. With such a huge number, it is difficult for anyone to notice the little transparency that has only recently qualified to participate in the meeting.

Dongyuan's influence is currently approximately zero, and he still needs to continue to improve his strength.

In the past, from a decadent dynasty colonized by separatists to a world-class power, and now, it can also change from a small transparency that has just ascended to the sky to a superpower whose influence radiates the entire galaxy!

Chapter 343 They all exploded!

The Domler group has its own diplomatic support within the Galactic Community, and the Brugan Federation also has it.

Both are also second-stage ascended empires, with similar diplomatic support and weight.

The bill to designate the Brugan Federation as a natural disaster was ultimately not approved as everyone expected.

This kind of motion is very important, so unless it gets more than 2/3 of the votes, it will not be passed.

In this kind of voting involving major events, everyone voted very cautiously, and most of them chose to abstain. Not passed.

But the move of the Domler group really shocked most civilizations, including the Brugan Federation, and made big news.

The next day, as expected, the headlines of the star posters were all about the news that the Domler group designated the Brugan Federation as a natural disaster.

The conflict has reached this point, and the northern and southern factions of the Mirui Empire as far away as Ershi have also been affected.

They began to frequently create friction at the border.

The news in various countries in Ershina also reported various reports on this incident.

Everyone is watching the situation nervously.

The media smelled something different.

These two regions that originally belonged to the same country may be coming for real!

This 'reality' is not a simple war, but -

nuclear war!

Inside the Mirui government, there have long been eyeliners placed by various large group companies, or many officials have interests in the big media. They don't mind disclosing the information they know to those newspapers to make extra money.

As a result, the international media began to report a large number of news about North and South Miri's preparations for a nuclear war.


This news further drove a large number of Mirui people to leave the country, either fleeing to nearby countries, crossing the sea to the peaceful Dongyuan, or applying to go to Nantianmen Star for pioneering operations.

Among them, the flight of various companies is the most prominent.

They took away a large amount of funds from Mirui and forced both North and South Mirui to issue relevant regulations and conduct extremely strict assessments on corporate groups that wanted to apply to go to Nantianmen Star.

This assessment aims to prevent these companies from leaving Mi Rui.

But fortunately, the reviewers all have to work hard and can't leave. It's just that the money given is not enough.

Of course, larger companies are not afraid of running out of money, while smaller companies that don't have much liquidity themselves...

For a time, there was even more complaints inside Mi Rui.

Anti-war demonstrations began to break out in various cities. Regardless of the southern faction or the northern faction, their demonstrations all reached a consensus, that is, rejecting war and refusing to limit their freedom.

Mirui himself is a beacon of freedom. He always likes to cause trouble in other countries and make other countries lose everything in exchange for freedom.

And now that even freedom is restricted, who will support the people above?

If the original development is followed, the high-level leaders of both parties who want to carry out the development will definitely be kicked out soon.

But it is a pity that the people in power above are not human beings, but aliens from alien planets.

The two sides even want to kill each other on the Galactic Community, not to mention the countries in the planet that they probably don't care about at all?

So late one night, while everyone was still sleeping, a rapid and dull alarm suddenly sounded.

That sound was like a combination of an air raid alarm and a biochemical alarm, with three consecutive alarm sounds superimposed on top of each other!

In the siren, there was also the sound of "beep, beep, beep". All the people in Mirui who heard the alarm were awakened. As the siren continued to enter their ears, they felt panic, fear, bewilderment and other emotions. into everyone's mind.

Located in a private house on the south coast of the coast, the little girl who was awakened by the alarm looked out the window. She suddenly saw a flame rising in the distance, and pointed at the flame and said: "Look, Daddy, fireworks."

"Those are not fireworks." Her father came over and hugged the little girl tightly, "That's... a nuclear bomb."

His heart was beating fast, looking at the rising 'fireworks', various emotions appeared on his face.

He didn't know if it was an offensive or counter-nuke.

In short, after being influenced by various movies after nuclear wars, coupled with the never-ending sirens, he knew that the things in the movie might be about to happen...

In the past, Mi Rui's overseas bases also launched nuclear bombs in an attempt to attack Dongyuan's spaceship, but that time Mi Rui himself was also caught off guard.

At that time, Dongyuan also sounded a full-scale nuclear strike alarm, but no alarm was issued in Mirui that time, and no one could see the scene of the nuclear bomb taking off.

After that, Mi Rui made timely compromises and various concessions, and turned a blind eye to Dong Yuan's counterattack, pretending not to see it, so that the incident did not expand further.

If the nuclear bomb was aimed at Sa Wu at that time, I am afraid that there will be a full-scale nuclear strike by then.

Also, if the top management of Mirui at that time did not show weakness and seek peace in time, Dongyuan would not simply wipe out all their overseas military bases.

And now, the sirens of a full-scale nuclear strike are sounding inside Mi Rui.

The target of the attack was Mi Rui himself.

Thinking of this, countless Mirui people felt sad, waiting for that moment to come.

On TV, various urgent emergency interruptions also raised the apocalyptic atmosphere to a higher level.

It didn't take long for the people below to see flames appearing in the distant sky. It was the scene of an intercepted nuclear bomb exploding high in the sky.

A large number of nuclear bombs were launched into the air, and then were intercepted and exploded at high altitudes.

This situation stunned the aliens from both sides inside Mirui.

"This country's anti-missile system is stronger than the guidance system?"

They quickly dismissed the idea.

"It was Dong Yuan who made the move!"



The think tank had envisioned the sudden launch of a nuclear bomb by Mirai as early as when the friction between North and South Mirai began to escalate.

Everyone is executing the relevant plans step by step.

"Although these nuclear bombs did not hit our territory, for the sake of the earth's environment, we must knock them down!"

This is what the top general of Dongyuan said when the plan was proposed.

But not all are intercepted.

In the emergency plan, everyone has long been dissatisfied with Mi Rui's practice of throwing nuclear bombs from time to time.

If the other party bombs their own homeland, it is also possible to intercept most of them and then let a small number destroy their important military locations.

All those who go to the city are intercepted, and all those who go to the military base in the suburbs are let go.

The city is full of people. It would be too tragic to let it explode, so we should stop it. Those people can also go to Nantianmen Star or other habitable planets to make money for Dongyuan in the future, right?

As for military bases and things like that, just blow them up.

It's not from my house anyway.

At the same time, on the Nantianmen Star.

At this time, it was daytime where Qiu Baiyu was, and she was farming.

Her eyes narrowed as she received the message via the spybot.

"Similar to that Chosen Psychic, a dog can't change its habit of eating shit. Since you like to blow things up... then I'll blow them all up for you."

Chapter 344 Comprehensive anti-war under nuclear bombs

At any rate, human civilization has successfully entered the Xinghai Community out of Dongyuan.

A 'rebellion' broke out on Dongyuan's home planet Ershi, which also attracted many civilized media to visit.

After joining the Galactic Community, Dongyuan also joined the pan-galactic trade market. Of course, it is still only tentatively trading with other civilizations.

Because the ideology, traditions, and life forms of each civilization are completely different, it is still unknown whether any commodity trade between them will affect their own civilization.

Especially when it comes to food, you need to be more cautious.

It is good to say that the communication in terms of technology is the same set of laws of the universe, and although there are differences in understanding, they can still understand each other.

The civilizations that have joined the Xinghai Community also have the strength to be recognized by many civilizations. The recent establishment of diplomatic relations, trade agreements and other interstellar diplomatic affairs have made Dongyuan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs very busy.

As for the review of media reporters entering Dongyuan, only a few interstellar media have been able to enter so far.

These media spread what happened on the home planet of mankind and let countless civilizations know about it.

As a result, many aliens and all humans are paying attention to the major events happening in the Mirui Empire.

The launch of nuclear bombs will only be carried out when the conflicts have progressed to the point where it is difficult to reconcile, but now, North and South Miri have not informed the public that they are going to declare war, and they directly launched nuclear bombs, catching the whole world by surprise.

So when it was still daytime in Dongyuan and late at night in Mirui, the sudden news was swiped across the screen.

At the same time, some nuclear bombs that slipped through the net that were not intercepted exploded, and were photographed by people who were not afraid of death, as well as the planetary orbital defense system, and posted on the Internet.

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