Li Youwei: "Thousands of mistakes are my fault."

Fang Qian: "What happened? The newcomer was so frightened that he looked like this."

Li Youwei turned on the live broadcast without saying a word.

She squatted on the beam with Chitong and Leonai.

The fat man with a shiny face and a fleshy face directly below him is Hillis, the grain merchant who controls nearly nine floors of the imperial capital.

At this time, Hillis tremblingly held the teacup, and in front of him was the man who held the lifeblood of the entire empire.

Minister Hornest!

01, the real controller and culprit of the decaying empire.

The powerful minister who controls the operation of the empire by gaining the trust of the little emperor is truly under one person and above ten thousand people.

Four figures stood behind Minister Hornest.

Two men, two women.

They are the famous four ghosts of Rakshasa.

Minister Ornest's personal bodyguard and executioner.

With the development of physical ability, it is comparable to Tegushi.

If all members of the night raid organization come, it can be solved.

But currently there are only Leonai and Chitong.

Li Youwei is even more aware that she is an oil bottle.

If the battle really started, she would probably be the first to die.

The most outrageous thing is that Minister Ernest asked the four ghosts of Rakshasa to kill a servant while speaking to frighten the grain merchant Hillis.

It was Zhu Tian, ​​one of the four ghosts of the Rakshasa who made the attack. Relying on his strong body, he punched the servant's body with a single punch.

The bloody scene immediately made Li Youwei's face pale.

A sense of nausea surged in his stomach.

But she couldn't move at all, otherwise she would be discovered by the four Rakshasa ghosts, and the three of them would be surrounded immediately.

Wang Teng: "I just said that the elimination period of this group of newcomers has an amazing gold content."

Wang Teng: "First Liu Changqing, then Li Youwei."

Wei Ningshuang: "Indeed, according to the development of the plot, how could it be possible for a mere grain merchant to let Ernest personally lead someone to take action."

Fang Gan: "The newcomers have sent it, how many newcomers are there?"

Zhao Han: "I'm in the world of Naruto. I just arrived in Muye Village. I want to be a refugee for a living, but they don't want me!"

Zhao Han: "What about the Will of Fire?"

Zhang Fan: "Poor."

Ye Hei: "Mine is the fantasy world of swordsmanship. Goldfinger is the strongest human system. I just joined the sect and became a handyman."

Zhang Fan: "It's similar to my start, and then practice martial arts seriously, go out to fight monsters, the start is barely a good one."

Ye Hei: "I don't have the luck of the big brother. I was blackmailed by other handymen every day. I just had a meal yesterday, and my steps were vain."

Ye Hei: "They called me up early this morning to carry water. I feel like I'm dying. Help me, boss."

Fang Gan: "Sect bullying, the gold content is not low."

Fang Man: "I traveled through the Ghost Slayer World, the strongest swordsman system, and was taken in by a person who claimed to be Wu Mi two days ago."

Fang Man: "He said that he would have dinner with me in two days, hehehe, he is such a good man!"

Su Yan: "..."

Su Yan: "May I ask, have you watched the plot of Ghost Slayer?"

Fang Man: "Ah, is there still a plot in Ghost Slayer World? Isn't that just for the Erthorn Ape? I'm not the Erthorn Ape!"

Liu Changqing: "Thank you, I was offended."

Wang Teng: "Thank you, I was offended."

Lu Yuan: "I wish you a pleasant meal!"

Zhang Fan: "Boss Lu Yuan, you are humorous."

Li Youwei: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

Li Youwei: "If Lu Yuan doesn't give up, Youwei is willing to worship as a foster father!"

Huangfuqing: "Wait a minute, I'll look through the screenshots for you."

Huangfuqing: "A real man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time.jpg"

Huangfuqing: "A sparrow knows the ambition of a swan.jpg"

Huangfuqing: "If Lu Yuan doesn't give up, Youwei is willing to worship as a foster father.jpg"

Huangfuqing: "It's so sad, the path of an ignorant girl to despair."

Huangfu Qing: "From being high-spirited to being forced to kneel to the boss."

Sith: "Ah, is there another ignorant and ignorant girl who dedicated her life to Boss Lu Yuan?"

Li Youwei: "I just bowed my head, not dedicating myself."

Zhang Fan: "Tsk, there's still a hint of rebelliousness."

Lu Yuan: "Your sweat is about to drip."

Li Youwei: "Ah, boss, what does this mean?"

In the live broadcast, Li Youwei from China and France has not yet figured out the specific logic.

A drop of sweat was already dripping down his smooth jade chin.


The pupils of Chitong and Leonai shrank suddenly.

The Raksha four ghosts suddenly raised their heads and stared at the beams of the house.

Chi Tong and Leo Nai had already caught Li Youwei and fled.

Among the four Raksha ghosts, Suzuka and Matou looked at each other and chased them out.

Minister Hornest's face was so gloomy that it seemed as if water could drip from it.

Grain merchant Hillis was even more frightened and sweated profusely.

Not to mention the tension between Chitong and Leonai.

"I stop them!"

"No, the front is the upper area, full of noble mansions, let's get rid of them there, don't go head-to-head."

Leonai interrupted Chitong's proposal, and led the two into a noble mansion, temporarily avoiding it with the help of complex terrain.

"Well, I've been very unlucky recently. First I was knocked unconscious by Youwei, and then I met the four Rakshasa ghosts and Minister Ernest."

"However, why did Minister Ernest appear in Healys' mansion? He is not afraid of night raids to assassinate him."

Leonai scratched his golden hair, his face full of helplessness.

Li Youwei lowered her head timidly when she heard the words.

after all.

Everything happened because of her.

The three of them walked and stopped within the huge noble mansion.

"Tsk, what a wicked nobleman."

The huge mansion even covers a small jungle.

The three stopped and went and finally came to a huge warehouse.

They faintly heard roars and roars of pain.

Leonai's complexion changed first, Chitong didn't speak, but the gloomy little face seemed to have already explained it silently.

They opened the warehouse, and what they saw was purgatory on earth.

Li Youwei looked at the familiar scenes and warehouses around her.

She finally remembered where this place was.

Isn't this the beginning of the plot, the evil aristocrat who took away the protagonist's two righteous partners?

The face and figure of an angel, but unfortunately the heart of a devil!

Chi Tong was about to make a move, but Leonai grabbed the two of them before her.

Just when he was about to kill him, Suzuka and Horsehead both arrived.

"Leave it to me!"

Li Youwei said in a timely manner.

Leonai didn't think too much, knocked them out and threw them to Li Youwei.

Li Youwei took over the two soft and boneless figures.

As much as she doesn't want to admit it, evil thoughts have arisen.

Chapter 138 The Moral Bottom Line Is Gone Forever


The fighting outside the warehouse has intensified.

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