It was a doomsday-like scene. Under the floating and shattered islands was a dark and turbulent sea of ​​corruption, constantly forming whirlpools. There was no glow in the sky, and a dull and oppressive atmosphere filled Victor's lungs.

He only has a silver blade in his hand, which is the pure blade left by his predecessor who wiped out tens of thousands of Warcraft heroes, but under the giant dragon, the faint light looks so small and so fragile.

Surrounded by endless flames that were struck by lightning on the rocks and burned out of thin air, it only took one shot to completely annihilate Victor.

Once you fail, you have to start all over again.

Die, stand up, die, stand up.


At last, standing on top of the beast's head, he severed its head with his sharp blade.

He won, and won badly.

Vega couldn't understand.

Why do people keep repeating such disparate battles?

Obviously, the chance of winning is only one in ten thousand, but it is still like a moth to a flame,

"...Won't you get tired?"

Countless deaths, countless falls, only in exchange for one hard-won victory.

What is the point of doing this?


Victor suddenly laughed.

He showed such a smile for the first time, as if he was relieved, and as if he had found a long-lost self in such a scene.

"You only need to win the next time, and that's it."

Suddenly, Vega's eyes saw Aurelion below.

There was a burst of red light in her hand, and an ethereal red flame appeared on the palm of her hand.

Almost sticking to the boss's side, Aurelian slapped heavily on the monster's body.

For the first time, the forest demon let out a painful howl!

It angrily threw out the chain made of thick vines, and swept Aurelian away with one blow.

Aurelian seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and a strong light emerged from one hand to block the attack.


She just showed the joy of success, but the giant claws of the devil attacked her body.


A blue light flashed, and she and the monster returned to their original place.

Aurelian was in a trance, looking at the numbers on the ground.


The No. 11 failures made Aurelion break his defense a bit.

She only attacked the opponent once, and she became complacent.

It shouldn't.

Feeling the recovery of the body's magic power, the monster's injuries also healed again.

Another round of fighting.

Biting her lip stubbornly, she made a fighting stance.









I don't know how long it has been.

The numbers are constantly being updated, and the death screens appear again and again, but Wei Jia is a little shocked.


She is still persisting, as if she must defeat the opponent.

From the beginning, I couldn't even hold on for ten seconds, and now the time of holding on is increasing.

It's like he is getting used to the opponent's attack trajectory and the attack method is the same.

No. 60 times, Morino Demon's injuries became more and more obvious, he was panting, and there was a bit of retreat in his eyes.

Obviously the opponent is as weak as a bug, but why can't it kill it?

The IQ of the devil can't do more advanced thinking.

"She's winning?"

Vega's voice was slightly surprised.

However, Victor just said calmly.

"The closer you get to the last moment, the more you can't relax."

Sure enough, from Victor's perspective, the demon's blood volume was running low.

Just need to hit two more valid attacks.

The forest demon will die.

But Morino Demon's retreat made Aurelian sense the opportunity. Impatiently, she rushed forward, but completely forgot about it.

Morino Majin is always faster than her.

One of its swipes missed Aurelion, but the spikes of the chain in its hand were ready to strike.

With one stab, Aurelian was 'killed' again.

But as long as Victor is around, it is destined not to kill Aurelian.

Another teleportation magic switched the positions of the two, and the magic restored their mutual physical strength.


This time, Aurelian's mood almost collapsed.

Obviously, it's only a little bit worse.

But it seems like the enemy can never be defeated.

The physical injury has recovered, but the spirit has almost reached its limit.

Suddenly, Aurelian remembered what Victor had said at the beginning.

'Do you... give up? '

Stubborn Aurelian never wants to give up.

She raised her hand, and the moment Morino Demon rushed towards her, the magic circle lit up.

The angry demon rushed towards her, crushing countless tree branches. When he got up to look, he just rushed to nothing. There were only some fine ice dust on the dead wood branches.

[Level [-] Magic: Ice Clone]

Almost a well-placed dodge, followed by her fire magic...

Vega of the sky looked at the scene below.

For the first time, it felt 'evenly matched' in the battle of Aurelion.

Obviously she didn't become that agile, but she seemed to be completely adapted to the opponent's attack trajectory.

With a steady pace, he saw the timing of the boss's attack.

Dodge, then deliver a hit.

It's done with one blow, never greedy, and retreat quickly.

Perfect fighting rhythm.

Finally, under the harassment of Aurelian's fly-like magic, the devil completely lost his mind, turned over and fell on the dense forest, and began to roll and jump continuously.

Forced back, Aurelion waited, looking for an opportunity.

Under the indiscriminate rolling of the demon, it kept rolling in the direction that Aurelian was going away.

Aurelian knew that now was the best time.

[Tier [-] Magic: Flame Shotgun]

In an instant, red formations began to form continuously in the air.

Although this is a second-level magic, it needs to construct many flame bombs in the air at the same time, so as to concentrate the attack and exert additional benefits.

For Aurelian, this is the most effective way to strike.

But its preparation time is also terribly long.

Soon, countless lines began to intertwine with each other, and the lines between several formations began to connect together.

At the moment when the formation was successfully constructed, countless flame bullets headed towards the demon.


Suddenly, smoke and dust rose everywhere!

The demon also stopped tumbling uselessly, and kept throwing rocks and dead wood at Aurelian, and the huge chain kept waving at Aurelian.

These attacks were all easily dodged by Aurelian, who had seen it many times, and she saw the tricks.

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