Hearing Victor's warning, Aurelian withdrew her anxious hand.

She silently prayed that the flying piggy was okay.

Soon, a mage came out to meet the two of them.

A white cloud gradually drifted over. An elf with long ears rubbed his sleepy eyes, stroked his long blue hair, and looked up at the two of them.

Many pink petals surrounded the clouds, and the elf mage stretched out two warm, white, slender and pretty legs from the clouds.

Just as she was about to speak, she held back her breath, touched the white clouds on her body, and then spoke again:

"You are Victor."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Chapter 78

Victor looked at the sleepy elf in front of him, and the image of the other party gradually matched the character in his memory.

Cocot Yard, is a nature elf.

There are also different races among elves, and natural elves who are close to nature are more likely to control the power of elements and become mages more easily.

And her identity is not ordinary.

As an elf queen who just wants to sleep but does not want to inherit the throne, she ran alone to the magic capital where almost no one could find her, to avoid being hunted down by her tribe.

Quite interesting.

"Mr. Yard, I didn't expect you to come to greet me."

The dozing elf opened one eye tiredly and glanced at Victor with thick dark circles.


"It's interesting. I didn't pay much attention to it when Heim said it. Now it seems that you really know everyone in the council."

Victor even knew about her, which really surprised Kokot.

As the elf of the abandoned house in the council who doesn't need to show up the most, besides sleeping in the garden, he usually sleeps drooling in the garden.

And Victor not only knew her first name, but was able to say her last name as well.

There are too many things that can be delved into this surname.

The elf sized up the human princess hiding behind Victor, and narrowed his sleepy eyes.

"Your Excellency Victor is really in a good mood. You will never forget to bring your lover when you come to Endymion."

He is also a very poisonous elf of an abandoned house.

Victor straightened up slightly, although he didn't explain, but there was a little more danger in his eyes.

"I can burn Haim's letter, so naturally I can burn your back garden."


Cocotte quickly sat up straight. Although he was still a little sleepy, he managed to force a smile for Aurelian.

Although the smile is quite ugly.

"Welcome to the capital of mages, little sister..."

Victor's cold voice sounded.

"Think about your age, and then consider your title."

"……so annoying."

The elf of the abandoned house pouted, didn't he just have a foul mouth? As for being so unreasonable?

He really has enough vengeance.

She put on a kinder expression again than before, and no longer forced a smile, she simply nodded.

"Welcome to the capital of mages—Endymion, little girl."

"You can call me Kokot. Today, I will guide you through the chaotic magic cracks in the city of mages."

Endymion is called the capital of mages for no reason. The magic in the air here is extremely thick.

The powerful magic power is constantly squeezed within a certain range, thus forming a certain chaotic collapse.

Those colorful bubbles floating in the air are the breeding products of magic chaos.

Therefore, new mages need guidance so that they can embark on the right path.

As Aurelion breathed the air, she could always feel that her body was surrounded by endless magic power.

His body had to give up absorbing the magic power in the air to prevent his body from being exploded.

She also thought about being able to absorb a little magic energy in the magic city to expand her magic power reserves.

Give up this idea.

But Aurelion still bowed to Cocotte to express her gratitude.

She didn't know what the city of mages was before.

Strictly speaking, Aurelian is not a traditional mage, but the emperor knew that her talent made her choose to become a mage.

Kokot led the way, and the abandoned house elf kept chattering on the way.

She can't walk by herself at all, and sits on a floating cloud as her means of transportation.

Aurelian looked at the floating clouds and was a little surprised.

"Is this thing still moving?"

Cocott just smiled. After all, Aurelian was here for the first time, and it was reasonable that she had never seen this kind of means of transportation.

But she didn't intend to let Aurelian know about these messy magical creatures, she just said lightly.

"The city of mages is divided into seven layers, and the degree of magic power contained in each layer is completely different from a class."

"The higher the number of floors, the higher the requirements for mages. If a weak mage recklessly climbs to a floor that is too high, his arms and legs will be broken, and he will have no chance of magic."

While speaking, she also sneaked a glance at Aurelian.

Cocotte's intuition told her own.

The girl in front of me,

something is wrong,

Very wrong.

This little girl only has one level of strength.

It stands to reason that even ordinary second-tier mages on the first floor of the mage capital can hardly bear this chaotic magic power.

As a result, the little sister in front of her was able to withstand this powerful concentration of magic power, and she was as relaxed as a normal person.

Victor saw Kokot's reaction.

Her reaction was also expected by Victor.

After all, no one would have thought that Aurelian possessed a magical talent that could be called heaven defying.

At this time, Aurelian was like a novel animal exhibited by Cocotte.

Aurelion didn't pay attention either.

Endymion, known as the capital of mages, does not actually have any cities.

It's just a group of extremely broken rock buildings.

The three of them walked for a while, and saw no other figures on the road.

Just some of the fancier magical creatures.

After walking for a while, the surrounding scenery kept changing, turning into a quiet and bottomless starry sky for a while, and a dense jungle for a while.

Their shape cannot be fixed, and the lines and colors seem to change with each step.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Aurelian looked at the road in front of her and fell into deep thought.

There is no road around, she seems to be standing on a rock at this moment, there is no place to stay around.

There was not even a single person around.

I don't know when I got separated from the teacher?


He has always been with them.

Having experienced the last battle, Aurelian was a lot more courageous, and she stretched out her little feet tentatively into the endless deep space.

It is clear that there is nothingness in front of me, but it seems to be stepping on the ground of substance.

Looking down, the endless starry sky under my feet was constantly rotating, and the island behind me was no longer visible, leaving only stars dotted on the black screen.

It's like wrapping yourself in countless good wishes, the scenery in front of you is extremely quiet and mysterious.

Aurelion felt her mind tremble, as if she had fallen into a hazy hallucination, and her eyes instantly became dreamy.

It was an indescribable beauty beyond thinking. Aurelian just glanced at it, and her mind seemed to be imprisoned in place.

But her consciousness told herself not to stay here for too long, forcing her body to step out of those hazy and psychedelic colors, and the paradise-like beauty suddenly disappeared.

After a sudden trance.


The haziness in Aurelion's eyes gradually dissipated, and what came into view was the crackling snake lightning and the dull atmosphere of the clouds in the low sky.

The only stone bridge hangs in the air, which is extremely frightening.

Cocotte introduced to the two of them:

"This is the Magic Canyon. Of course, some human stories call it Rhea Canyon."

Hearing this, Aurelian's body trembled slightly.

"Riya Canyon, is it real?"

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