"Liya has a territorial business to do, so it's impossible to deal with things in the capital all the time."

"If you have any difficulties, go to that elf, she will not be lazy in front of big right and wrong."

Heni didn't know what to say, she felt a little lost, but she still nodded.


Is it taking a long time to see the professor?

"By the way, give me Lightton."

Honey nodded, she would never ask any reason for the professor's request.

A mass of red slowly condensed from Herni's body, and a small crocodile lay on Herni's shoulder.

It yawned lazily.

"What are we eating today?"

It had just finished asking this question when it saw Victor who was as cold as an iceberg in front of him, and suddenly shivered.

"Big... big brother!"

"Don't get excited, Lightton."

Victor stared at it, stretched out his hand, and took Lightton into his hand.

The small crocodile could not move in his palm, it could only hear a word.

"I'll go get you something better to eat."

After saying these words, Lightton's consciousness retreated into the darkness again, and he was imprisoned again.

After doing all this, Victor turned around to leave, but saw Heni in front of him a little awkward.

"What's the matter, Honey?"

The people under him are not in the right state, so he naturally needs to be more concerned.

Honey just glanced at him furtively, as if she was a little timid, she said in a very soft voice.

"Can you, come closer?"

Victor didn't understand very well, but he still tried his best to meet Heni's request.


He was almost in front of Heni. At this distance, he could hug her as long as he stretched out his hand.

Victor probably knows what Honey wants.

Probably a hug, she loves it after all.

But Heni didn't do that, she just summoned up her courage slightly, looked up at Victor, and continued:

"Can you just lower your head a little bit?"

"I want to talk to you."

He must be too shy to say some things.

Victor complied, bending as far as he could.

Even so, Honey still had to stand on tiptoe to put her mouth next to Victor's ear.

And she did.

She tried to stand on tiptoe, trying to whisper something to Victor.

Before Victor could react, it was like a delicate bird pecking lightly on a tree.

When he came back to his senses, there was already a touch of moisture on his cheeks.

He was slightly taken aback, looking forward.

Among the green leaves, a shy girl stood tall and graceful. Her face was blushing and she was smiling slightly.


"I like you."

The wind passed by her ears, and the girl left in a panic.

Only the softness of the face remained.

Cleaner than the wind.

Chapter 111

Erica started preparing everything early on.

During these days, she has been learning about the northern frontier of the empire.

There are two relatively powerful forces in the northern border of the empire. One is the family of knights guarding the northern border of the empire, the Delin family.

The other is an influence group composed of mages and mages, known as the 'Pale Sorcerers'.

The boundary of the Magic Guild is farther north than that of the Delin family.

It already belongs to the Arctic Icefield, an extremely cold place.

That land is covered with heavy snow all year round, and there is even a group of barbarian humans living in the depths who are not afraid of the severe cold.

Those barbarians whose physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people are called 'evil beasts'.

'Evil beasts' would often invade the territory of the empire, burning, killing and looting villages and towns on the fringes, doing all kinds of evil.

Therefore, the defense policy of the northern border of the empire is aimed at those barbarians.

And what Erica is going to is the Mage Alliance in the far north, which is close to the extreme northern snowfield.

She will train there for two months.

"Are you ready, Erica?"

Her father's voice sounded outside the door, and Erica hurriedly replied.

"Yes, father."

Erica is ready for everything.

In the last fantasy, she challenged Victor.

Victor's devastating magical power did not make Erica fall into long-term depression and despair, but instead made her more competitive and yearning.

She is even more eager to become a powerful mage like Professor Victor.

"I can go."


Erica was wearing a cloak, riding on a steed, carrying a heavy bag, and followed the team of mages.

The orderly army of magicians on horseback surrounded Erica in a circle and marched slowly towards the north.

Dozens of magicians have considerable strength. Erica only needs to follow those experienced magicians to reach the Pale Magic Order.

Even if the team takes a shortcut, they still have to travel nearly a thousand kilometers.

So they have to hurry up.

And the harsh terrain of the shortcut could not allow Erica to sit safely in the carriage as a young lady.

So, Erica learned to ride a horse.

It's actually very simple, for a genius like her.

Duke Levi didn't come to see Erica off, so leaving this time, on the way, was also a challenge for Erica.

Although there is no chance of anything happening to Erica under the protection of the Mage Legion, Erica needs to figure out how to deal with the harsh environment on her own.

The team slowly left the capital, and when they were [-] meters away, Erica stopped her horseshoes. The team just glanced at Erica and continued to move forward.

If this eldest lady regrets this, they will not indulge her.

Erica was riding on horseback, looking at the familiar capital with reluctance, a trace of determination and determination flowed through her eyes.

'I'm definitely going to get stronger. '

She turned around, put on her hood, and caught up with the team again.

click, click, click...

The chaotic sound of horseshoes became farther and farther away, and became lighter and lighter, until it completely disappeared into the distant dense forest and could not be heard anymore.

Duke Levi looked at the hillside in the distance, and a group of personal guards stood behind him.

He watched Erica leave with no regrets in his eyes.

"My child, she has grown up."

He has always understood what his children need.

With this extraordinary talent, what she wants has always been more recognition.

Therefore, she always tries to do things that cannot be successful at this stage.

She wants everyone's approval.

But this is not so ambitious.

"You will get your chance, get that great power."

"For you, my child. I shouldn't keep a low profile."

Duke Levi stretched out a hand, and a blue magic power spun around his wrist.

A stream of air gradually appeared in his palm, and under the breeze, the cloak behind him snorted.

The formation of the fourth-order magic was formed in an instant, and the subordinate mages present could see it at a glance.

Duke Levi at this time.

He also gradually revealed his former edge.


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