Looking back at Victor, he still had a plain poker face. Feeling Gwen's gaze, he turned his eyes to meet hers.

Gwen quickly turned her head back.

Victor saw her look away and continued to appreciate the scenery on the road.

All the way to the Knights, the knights on this trip are already ready and on standby.

Dozens of people stood in a row, waiting for Gwen's orders.

At this time, Gwen, standing at the front, reminded him of the powerful and perfect Grand Knight Commander he had seen in the game.

The same high-spirited and heroic spirit.

Gwen let the knights practice first as usual. After the drill, Gwen stood on the stage and said to the knights:

"The accompanying mage who applied last time has been found. I believe some of you know him."

Gwen took a step back and motioned for Victor to come up and show his face.

After receiving the invitation, Victor walked slowly to the stands.

Victor Cravenner!

At this moment, such a name flashed in the minds of almost all knights.

His notoriety is like thunder, and no one who claims to be a righteous knight is unaware of it.

Everyone hated the villain and wanted to give Victor a big fight if they could.

But it is undeniable that the knights were a little panicked after seeing him.

Take back the arrogant words before, that is a third-order mage!

If he breaks out and kills people here, who can stop him?

Maybe Grand Knight Commander Gwen can give it a try.

But it was rumored that Knight Commander Gwen had a marriage contract with him...

The knights were even more in awe of Victor.

Victor saw that these knights respected him very much, although his face was expressionless, he was still a little bored.

He originally thought that there would be some face-slapping plots, such as the knights dissatisfied with him and causing controversy, and then he could logically teach the opponent a lesson, show his strength, and establish his majesty.

Now it seems that he still thinks too much.

As a frightening villain, his own existence is majestic enough.

Vega, who was standing on his shoulder, was silent for a while and complained.

"You were looking forward to this outrageous development?"

"I just want to have some fun, otherwise it would be too boring."

Gwen counted the number of people again, and when there was no problem, she was ready to announce her departure.

Suddenly a childish voice came, and a little boy in armor, who was obviously not very tall or old, ran over holding a sword.

"Sister Gwen! You forgot to bring your sword!"

While running, shouting in his mouth.

The body of the sword was about the same size as him, and the hilt covered his eyes.

As a result, he tripped over a stone because he couldn't see the road.

Pa, I fell.


The silver sword flew out, pointing directly at Victor.

The knights were all shocked. If you can't avoid this thing, it will be fatal!

Just as they were about to remind them, Victor stretched out his hand.

What is he doing?Want to use magic?

"No! It has strong magic resistance."

Gwen yelled hastily.

However, Victor still didn't move.

As everyone watched in horror, Victor's outstretched hand suddenly grabbed the end of the sword.

At the same time, the body turns flexibly.

The silver sword that was supposed to fly far away was easily pulled back.

This movement was so smooth and smooth that all the knights present were stunned.

Victor flicked the sword flower smoothly, making the people of the Knights look at him for a moment.

What the fuck?

The sword of Knight Commander Gwen was playing with it casually in his hand?

Is he really a mage? ? ?

Gwen was also stunned on the spot, her body still maintaining the movement of reaching out to block it just now.

She blinked, looked at Victor, and remained silent for a long time.

Victor played with it in his hand for a while, then returned the silver sword to Gwen, and humbly said "Sorry" in front of her.

"It's been a long time since I touched this thing, I played with it for a while."

Gwen looked directly at Victor, and suddenly remembered the conversation this morning, and resentfully said:

"You know how to use a sword."

Victor spread his hands, expressionless.

"I am a mage."

Of course, he added one more sentence in his mind.

"Full-time mage."

Seeing the collective shock among the knights, Vega turned his head and glanced at Victor.

It seemed to understand Victor's intention.

Because... pretending to be B is really cool.

Gwen took the silver sword and put it in the scabbard, ignored him, and gave an order to the Knights:

"All knights! Mount! Let's go!"


Today is the first day of the opening of the prop shop, and Liya is looking forward to it, so she personally sits in the shop today.

At the same time, she also invited many 'industry insiders' for publicity.

However, the effect is not very good.

She sat in the shop and looked at the mages passing by outside.

Some people were quite moved when they saw the bottles of magic potions placed on the cabinet outside the door, but when they saw the price, they couldn't help but hesitate.

"It's expensive."

Almost all the mages passing by said this.

Liya is not in a hurry, as long as someone discovers the value of this bottle of potion, everything will be fine.

However, things didn't go as smoothly as she thought.

On the contrary, it attracted many uninvited guests.

"Is this the store?"

Liya followed the sound and saw several fierce and strong men with various tattoos outside the door.

She yawned.

Here we go again, the troublemaker.

Liya touched the mage's hand on her hand, which Victor gave to her.

Somehow, at this time, she actually felt that Victor was pretty good.

At least when doing business in the territory, no one has ever dared to think about the business of the Cravenner family.

A cold female voice came from behind:

"Do you need me to drive them away? Miss Liya."


Looking at the menacing gangsters, Liya's face was a little joyful: "Drive them away, who will sign up for us?"

There were voices outside.

"Smash it!"

Chapter 14: This thing in your house is made of gold, right?

The burly man outside the door picked up the thing and started smashing at Liya's shop.

Even the magic potion placed at the door was not spared.

All were smashed to pieces.

The blue potion flowed down to the ground, and the ground was full of the smell of money.

Liya watched their atrocities indifferently, but acted very calmly.

"Miss Liya, don't you need to stop..."

The voice behind her became a little anxious. She knew the value of those potions, and even breaking a bottle would be a loss.

Liya sat calmly on the chair and slowly watched the mob continue to make a fuss.

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