Gwen, who was sweating profusely on his forehead, was also a little dizzy at this time, why did the volcano suddenly become so hot.

"Is this extinct volcano really about to erupt?"

She shook her head, she didn't have the energy to think about it anymore.

Whether it is a horse or a knight, they have gradually begun to be unable to withstand the rising temperature, so they can only go down the mountain to rest first.

Even though the armor on her body was specially made with a first-level anti-inflammatory effect, it was still unbearably hot at this time.

Gwen waved her hand and was just about to take the knights away when she saw a pillar of fire bursting towards her from the crater.

"All get down!"

The knights who received the order didn't know why, but they just crawled on the ground quickly, and even the horses knelt down obediently on the mountainside.

Gwen turned her head, and the pillar of fire gradually dissipated to form sparks, which landed on the ground. The astonishing temperature made everyone present feel extremely tight in their chests, and their breathing felt like the trachea was burning, which was not smooth.

crater?How could such a thing be erupted?

The more Gwen thought about it, the more puzzled she became, but it was too late for her to think more.

"The volcano is very likely to erupt, go and evacuate the people below the mountain!"

With a wave of her hand she gave the order, and the knights hurried down the hill towards the town.

Looking at the increasingly restless volcano, Gwen was worried:

"Victor...where did you go!?"

Chapter 19 That Year, I Put My Hands In My Pockets

At this time, Victor was at the bottom of the volcano, in a sealed alien space.

He put his hands in his pockets, and the windbreaker fluttered under the heat.

A sentence automatically flashed through my mind.

That year, I put my hands in my pockets and didn't know what an opponent was.

An astonishing pillar of fire came towards him. Victor looked at it calmly. The magic circle under his feet instantly raised a curtain, easily resisting the attack.

With the blessing of countless magic circles, he teleported and moved, and the waves spread across the sky.

In his eyes, the huge boss is like a large and playable toy.

Gullerton gradually lifted his body, and he was actually carrying a small mountain on his back.

Lava spewed out from the body, followed by sand and gravel.

The sand and stone penetrated his body, but it seemed to hit the water curtain.

A burst of water fell, and the original Victor disappeared.

[Second level magic: water phantom]

The next second, the real Victor appeared behind the monster, his hands condensed into a tidal spear made of water, and stabbed Gullerton's ass.

Because of the restraint of elements, Gulleton felt very strongly hurt by the water gun.

It was so angry that it was in pain, and the lava sprayed towards Victor again.

Seeing Gullerton's output becoming more and more fierce, Victor relied on his invincibility to dodge those fatal attacks easily.

As long as Gulleton raised his hand, Victor knew what it was farting.

Gullerton's palms pierced the ground, and a pillar of fire burst out from under Victor's feet.

Victor subconsciously waved his hand.

[Tier [-] Magic: Water Curtain]

The water-blue film formed in an instant resisted the attack of the pillar of fire.

Gulleton squinted his eyes at Victor who was easy to deal with, feeling extremely aggrieved, and let out a long whistle to the sky, exhaling the unwillingness in his heart.

After a long fight, Victor is still as relaxed as he was at the beginning.

However, Gulleton's blood volume has only dropped by a few tenths.

Seeing that Victor could handle it so easily, Vega immediately fell into self-thinking.

Can fight evenly with Calamity, is this guy really a human?

Unable to figure it out, it simply gave up thinking, and shouted at Victor:

"Hey, it's been hours! Are you going to keep fighting!?"

When Victor heard what Vega said, he thought for a moment.

When he first saw Gollerton in the game, he and the player coalition fought against it for three days and three nights.


"Then let's fight for another three days."

Victor is gearing up, he is looking forward to this hearty battle.


[Tier [-] Magic: Galvez's Ice Storm]

[Tier [-] Magic: Death Ritual]

[Tier [-] Magic: Still Water]


Countless moves were used at Victor's fingertips, and magic circles shone in the air one after another, like stars under a black cloud.

Vega looked at Victor who was pouring spells, and was completely shocked in the air.

"Asshole, this guy is really perverted."

"This is not the strength of a third-level mage."

Numerous blast attacks of different colors continued to wear down the soaring monster.

The surrounding rocks were also crushed by the strong momentum and disappeared.

Gullerton was attacked by so many spells, and it felt like sharp thorns hitting his body. Although it was not fatal, it was painful.

With a flick of its tail, the relatively narrow crater was suddenly cut in half by it.

It crashed into the magma and splashed ten thousand feet high.

Victor stepped on a black formation, and instantly escaped into the black mist.

Appeared again on the complete crater on the other side, grabbed the gap of the attack, and continued to output.

Gullerton opened his fangs, and a blazing fireball appeared in his throat, ready to go.


The fireball burst out suddenly, attacking the mountain on the side.

The mountains and rocks were all cracked, and the smoke and dust rose to the sky.

Victor pinched the magic circle and replaced the position with the ice body buried not far away.

The icy body took over the face-protruding magic ball instead of him, turned into steam, and disappeared in the air.

[Tier [-] magic, ice substitute]

The rest of his long-distance teleportation is cooling down, and the maximum dodge distance of the ice double is precisely determined by Victor.

Sand and stone splashed and brushed his clothes lightly.

He didn't take any damage, and the boss's skills just missed him.

Victor clasped his hands together, and a giant door with white light appeared behind him.

[Third-level summoning: Bai Ling's evil words]

Following Victor's order, the huge white marble door behind him slowly opened.

A thin mist swept across the entire volcano in an instant.

Weijia's eyes were instantly covered by white mist, and he shouted at the top of his voice, "Victor! Victor! I'm still here! Don't let the things you summon attack me!"

With Vega's knowledge, it certainly knew what exactly Victor summoned.

Bai Ling speaks evil words and makes no distinction between friend and foe.

Gulleton was shrouded in this white mist, and kept waving his giant claws to try to push the mist away.

But the white mist was wrapped around it like a spider web, and it couldn't be torn apart.

A pair of slender, pale arms that seemed haggard slowly stretched out, grabbing towards Gulden.

Gullerton's head was grabbed by both hands and began to be pulled toward the door.

But because the weight of the Lava Demon God was too heavy, Bai Ling was indifferent no matter what he said.

Then the White Gate began to crumble.

The first thing out of Bai Ling's body was a head, or something similar to a head.

Seven eyes covered his head, and every look made Gullerton feel intensely dizzy.

Its body was still being pulled out, and its lower body was entwined like three sky-covering boa constrictors, covering the lava at the bottom of the volcano.

It broke the skin from the back of the head and neck, and a third arm appeared abruptly.

He pulled out the spine of his body and turned it into a sharp blade, splitting Gullerton's rock armor.

Seeing the collapse of the white door, Victor could only hold his forehead and sigh.

"This guy is still so reckless."

The strength of the summoned objects is not as good as him, and its only advantage is that it can withstand beatings better than him.

With Bai Ling fighting, Victor pulled out and cast dozens of weakening spells on the monster again, continuing to prepare for the next round of spells.

Victor took out some materials from his backpack, made some magic props on the spot, and threw them to the boss.

The effect is minimal.

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