
Don't you need a break?

Yes, Erica would secretly drink a bottle of potion after each batch of mages went down to keep her mana at a relatively easy level.

Erica felt the shock and surprise in their eyes, and was very proud of her actions.

'Thanks to the potion made by Professor Victor, I can still hold on! '

'Father will be impressed by me!'

She was still thinking about it, but Duke Levi's roar knocked her awake like a hammer.

"Erica! Go down and rest for me!!!"

Erica: "...."

It was the first time she saw her father get so angry at her. For a moment, she shrank her head in fear and lowered her head.

However, her reputation has been spread throughout the ranks of the second-tier mages.

"Who knows? That's a pervert! She didn't leave when I went down for the first time, and when I went back for the second time, she was still up there!"

"You mean Duke Levi's daughter? I've seen it too. Her spiritual power is already comparable to that of a third-tier mage..."

"Even if it's that Victor, I'm afraid it's hard to tell her apart."

Erica's hearing is very good, and she is a little proud to hear these secretly praised herself.

Some people even compared her with Victor. When she heard this sentence, she couldn't help but cheered in her heart.

But Erica also knew very well that if it weren't for those medicines, she would not be able to sustain it for such a long time.

That magical potion was made by Victor...

Thinking of this, those good words that praised her made her feel surprisingly ugly.

Sure enough, she was not as good as Professor Victor.

I'm afraid that she will not be able to see the back of the other party for the rest of her life.

"Aw hoo hoo hoo!!!"

There was another loud roar from the mountain pass of Mount Vesuvius, the rolling rocks began to collapse, and the ashes in the air flew towards the earth.

The black cloud over the volcano seemed to have been shattered, and there were cracks in it, and the gaps were also burned red.

The mountain began to tremble, and the magma began to stir restlessly inside the volcano.

"Look! What is that!?"

A knight pointed to the hot raindrops falling from the sky.

Countless fire rain hit the place near the crater, and the rocks burst apart when they touched the raindrops like bombs.

All the mages and knights were on alert, and the mages immediately drew a temporary magic circle to deal with the crisis, and the knights also began to use magic props to give effects to their armor and silver swords.

Is the volcano about to erupt now?

Suddenly, a voice came from Erica's heart:

'It hurts, it hurts...'"

"It's that voice again! What happened?"

She clearly heard this voice coming from the top of the volcano, and she really wanted to go to the top of the mountain to have a look.

And, maybe...Professor Victor is there!

Erica remembered what those mages had said against Professor Victor.

She doesn't want Victor to be the one behind the eruption.

However, in this situation, anyone would suspect that it was Victor.

The disappearing Victor, and the volcano that is about to erupt.

"No! I have to find a way to go to the crater to have a look."

Thinking of this, Erica noticed the knights guarding the formation nearby.

That's the only woman in the order,

She was beautiful, the second most beautiful woman Erica had ever seen besides her mother.

The first was my sister in the Cravenna store.

She has a completely different temperament from that elder sister. She is like a knight who has stepped out of the ice, her aura is icy cold, and just standing there makes people feel a sense of alienation.

Don't approach strangers.

Erica heard that this knight is the current head of the Royal Knights - Gwen.

She intends to go to this sister and ask her to let her out.

"If you tell him directly that going up to the crater will definitely not work."

Erica was pacing and thinking, when suddenly a thought popped into her head.

She pretended to be anxious and rushed to Gwen.

As she wished, her behavior really caught the other party's attention.

"Well, sister Knight, I want to go to the toilet, can you let me leave here for a while?"


Gwen answered firmly.

"I'm here to keep you all safe, Miss Erica, please be patient."

"Woo...a cold and rigid knight who only knows how to obey orders."

Erica muttered and went back angrily.

But she became more and more anxious.

The voice on the top of the mountain and the disappearing Victor seemed to be reminding her of something.

She must get out of here and go to the top of the mountain!

At this time, Duke Levi suddenly appeared beside her and patted her on the shoulder.


Erica shuddered like a frightened little rabbit.

Duke Levi said solemnly:

"Honey, give me an explanation."

Chapter 22 We are all girls, you must understand me

Duke Levi appeared behind Erica, with his hands on her shoulders, his face extremely stern.

Erica felt a little apprehensive when she saw her father suddenly appearing behind her.

What I thought I was going to sneak away was discovered.

Her eyes wandered and she was thinking about countermeasures, but she heard Duke Levi ask.

"Can you explain why you were able to persist on the magic circle for so long just now?"

Hearing Duke Levi's question, Erica breathed a sigh of relief.

The tense smile also became relaxed.

"It turned out to be this matter."

Erica walked around behind the Duke and said mysteriously: "That's because I have a baby!"


Duke Levi was a little puzzled, what kind of baby has such an amazing effect, making Erica's mental power so powerful.

Erica proudly told her father:

"Professor Victor's stuff."

"What? Victor's?"

Hearing this name, Duke Levi was really stunned.

Of course he knew Victor was a genius, having become a professor at such a young age.

Victor, has he actually made an item that can increase mental power?

No, that's not the point!

The point is why did Victor's props appear in Erica's hands?

Victor gave this kind of thing to Erica?Is it to please her?

Duke Levi was suddenly angry, and he felt a fire in his heart, so he rushed up.

"Damn Victor, you really still miss Erica!"

He wished he could wring the bastard's head off Victor right now!

If you dare to miss his precious daughter, you must let him know what the price is!

Looking back, he suddenly felt something was wrong, didn't Erica hate Victor very much?

Why are you still so proud when you mention Victor now! ?

The more Duke Levi thinks about it, the more something is wrong. Victor is kidnapping his daughter.

Seeing Duke Levi like this, Erica took out a small blue potion from her bag.

"what is this?"

Duke Levi asked curiously when he saw the potion she took out.

It was also the first time he had seen the blue potion.

"I bought this in the item shop of Professor Victor's house. A bottle is only [-] Geo!"

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