No one dared to come up and say anything to Victor, not even the few third-level mage professors.

Just like Devin did to Hernie, humiliating in public.

In fact, after Victor did this, the dean did not come forward for a long time, and they already understood what the dean meant.

Let Victor vent.

What's more, the lesson learned by Professor German is still hanging on it.

But no one wants to be the second person hanging on to piss off Victor instead of Professor Devin.

Finally, it was noon.

The sun did not break through the dark clouds as everyone hoped.


A crisp sound of horse hooves came slowly. Everyone present was attracted by the sound, and Victor also raised his head.

Here comes the Knights.

The knights headed by Gwen led hundreds of knights and surrounded the academy for a week.

At this time, all the onlookers automatically opened up a path.

Gwen wore silver armor, led a group of knights, and walked in with extraordinary heroism.

She looked at Victor with a terrifying look.

"Victor Cravenner, do you know what you're doing?"

"Intentionally hurting people in the academy, are you flouting the laws of the empire?"

Gwen said to Victor righteously, without any personal emotion in her eyes.

As a knight of justice, even if the person who committed the crime was Victor and her fiancé, Gwen would never allow it, and would never ignore it.

Victor looked at Gwen quietly and asked:

"Did the Reese family ask you to come to rescue people?"

Listening to Victor's question, Gwen calmly replied:

"The Knights are only subordinate to His Majesty and will not obey anyone else's orders."

Victor had broken the law and had a bad influence.

As a knight, she must uphold the laws of the country and take Victor away.

However, her hands couldn't stop shaking.

She did receive a request for help from Reiser's family, but in fact, this job did not require her to lead the team herself.

But she still came because the person who committed the crime was Victor.

Liya told her that this time, Victor might have committed a big crime.

Liya has a lot of spies, and she knew it immediately after Victor annoyed the Reiser family.

Who is Devin Rather?He is the emperor's nephew.

And she also told the unknowing Gwen about this.

Even if Victor prevented the eruption of the volcano some time ago, it was a great achievement.

And Victor is still a Tier [-] mage.

Logically speaking, the emperor would not dispose of such a powerful man of the empire at will.

But the person Victor attacked was a relative of the emperor.

Gwen didn't dare to bet on whether the emperor would punish Victor severely, so she wanted to arrest Victor in advance and charge him with intentional injury.

Only in this way can Victor be protected as much as possible.

"Victor! Don't resist! Don't be impulsive!"

She tried to hint at Victor with such words, and she believed that with Victor's intelligence, he would understand.

Sure enough, that last impulse caught Victor's attention.

He looked at Gwen, obviously without much expression, but Gwen still felt that the other party was obviously much more relaxed.

Just when she thought Victor would believe her and let her take him away.


A deep, dark barrier suddenly rose from the ground and quickly enveloped the entire academy.

The originally gloomy sky became even darker, and even the night sky was not even half full, as if ink was overflowing from the sky.

Everyone under the barrier suddenly felt weak and fell asleep.

Gwen also felt this way, and she even found that her strength was a little less, and even her heart felt weak.

Righteous Heart has lost its effect.

The people present thought it was the formation that Victor had put down. When they looked up, Victor seemed a little less domineering.

If it was really done by Victor, no one would have noticed when the magic circle was placed.

so conspicuous.

It doesn't make sense.

Victor raised his head, looking at the barrier with a hint of surprise and admiration in his eyes.

Vega's eyes widened even more, and the voice only rang in Victor's ear.

"What a wonderful compound array."

"She who can use magic may be a real genius."

Victor whispered back to it.


"Looks like the time has come."

Chapter 42 Do you know who your son has offended?

"The Royal Academy of Magic is blocked!"

An exclamation came from somewhere, causing the students in the college to fall into a panic.

Several students couldn't believe it and dragged their bodies to the school gate.

The door can be opened, but a barrier blocks out the outside world.

No matter how the students slapped it, the barrier remained motionless.

The sudden appearance of a black barrier over the academy spread throughout the capital at a very fast speed, and its influence was extraordinary.

Countless newspaper reporters and mages gathered in front of the barrier.

The black barrier exuded traces of black energy, seeming to dye half of the sky black.

The countless lines on it are intricately combined and covered in all directions.

The barrier seems to be filled with filth and darkness, constantly eating away at people's energy.

The darkness swallowed everything completely, leaving only the panic inside and outside the barrier, with an obvious and strong sense of weakness.

"What exactly is this?"

"Such an exquisite formation... what kind of formation is this?"

Many headlines have been reported, and without exception, they are all related to the black barrier covering the Royal Academy.

What's more, rumors have been spread that this matter has something to do with Victor.

Although the college is completely blocked by the barrier, it is impossible to communicate inside and outside.

But before the blockade, it was reported that Victor kidnapped and deliberately murdered Professor Devon.

The story soon spread to the Du Chloe family.

Erica was confused when she heard about it. Yesterday, Gang heard from Heni that Victor was not in the academy. Why did such a big thing happen today?

What's more, it was reported that Victor attacked Devon Reiser at the academy yesterday.

This is quite different from what Heni said.

"What exactly happened?"

"Did Heni conceal it on purpose? Could she be an insider?"

The more Erica thought about it, the more confused she became. Now she just wanted to go and see for herself what was going on.

But she couldn't be so reckless. The first priority was to confirm whether her father knew about this matter.

She hoped that her father could help Victor in this matter and suppress the impact of this matter!

Because Victor really made a big mistake this time!

Who is Devon Reiser?Few people even in the aristocratic circle knew about this matter.

The Lesser family has great influence in the south, and they almost take over most of the business in the southern part of the empire.

This family has a very strong ability to make money, and people with high authority like the Du Chloe family know more about the significance of the Reiser family to the entire royal family.

That is the main source of royal economy.

More than half of the money from the national treasury is spent every year to the Lesser family, and the Lesser family feeds back more every year.

In other words, all the businesses of the Reiser family in the south are all acquiesced by the royal family.

Because the Leiser family is the royal family, the emperor's younger sister, married to the Leiser family.

The royal family gave the Reiser family privileges, and the Reiser family returned royal money.

Both sides win each other.

Erica doesn't know why Victor attacks Devon Reiser, but she understands politics.

As the Duke's only daughter, her father has always trained her as his successor.

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