"So that's what happened, cousin."

"By the way, that demon is still in your body, did you know?"

Devin Reiser was taken aback suddenly, and quickly touched his body, but found nothing unusual.

When he woke up after fainting, he saw the second prince. She didn't know anything before that.

Devon was in a hurry, he begged the second prince impatiently:

"Your Highness, Second Prince! Quickly, get rid of the demons on my body!"

"I'm still a professor at the Royal Academy, I can't be accused of colluding with the devil!"

The second prince nodded and agreed to him:

"Okay, Cousin, I'll take the demon out of you now."

"It may hurt a little, you have to bear it."

Devin Reiser nodded, and said heavily:

"I have been tortured enough these days, I won't be afraid of pain! Come on!"

In the next second, his voice stopped.

He widened his eyes and looked at the second prince in disbelief.

Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

He lowered his head and looked at his chest.

A long sword pierced through the heart.


He survived Victor's hands.

He also survived in Heni's hands.

Even the demons didn't kill him.

Only Devin Lesser hadn't thought of it.

In the end, he actually died at the hands of his relatives who were related by blood.

Devon Reiser's pupils began to turn gray and lost his aura.

The second prince pulled out the silver sword and flicked the blood on the sword.

He watched helplessly as he fell to the ground.

"Now, the demon is exorcised."

A disgusting inky toad crawled out of the dead Devon Reiser, looking very frail.

All the knights looked at the demon in front of them as if they were facing a great enemy, and waited for the second prince's order to kill it.

However, the second prince lowered his body, picked up the disgusting toad, and put it in the palm of his hand.

The knights around him looked a little confused at the second prince's behavior, and one knight quickly shouted:

"Your Highness! That's a devil! You shouldn't..."


Countless black spikes instantly generated from the ground, piercing the bodies of everyone except this knight.

Feeling that their lives were passing by rapidly, their eyes were full of disbelief.

At this time, the second prince's voice sounded:

"David, you've been with me for a long time."

"I've told you some things a long time ago. Don't say anything you shouldn't say."

The surviving knight, David trembling, lowered his head abruptly, and the sweat beads on his forehead gradually hit the dust.

"Sorry! My lord!"

The second prince smiled with satisfaction. He lifted the black ink toad, spread it flat in the palm of his hand, and watched it with his eyes.

A sudden sound rang out.

That was the voice that did not belong to the Second Prince.

"Greedy, you look bad."

"Would you like me to help you?"

The weak toad opened his one eye, and a ray of light appeared in his eyes.

It looked up and down at the second prince, that overflowing ambition, that desire full of evil thoughts.

It's delicious.

Chapter 52 If You Slow Down, You'll Lose Money

Victor found Erica in a dense forest.

She was unconscious among the weeds, her body wrapped in a thin barrier, and her pulse and breathing were extremely weak.

If it wasn't for this magic barrier, perhaps Erica's life would have been given in that battle.

And now, she is still dying.

"Too dangerous."

Victor said calmly.

Whether it was the volcano incident or the demon invasion just now, Erica was like a dazed young man who had never been in danger.

The consequences were never considered.

If Victor hadn't cracked the magic circle in advance, Erica might have been swallowed by Yem in one gulp.

"The Duke's education method is very problematic."

Erica always wanted to express herself, she was always trying to impress others.

Especially her father.


Victor turned his gaze to the other side, the purple-haired woman who also had more serious wounds all over her body.

She exudes a transparent magical shimmer, and various magical buffs keep her life worry-free.

But his whole body was bruised and purple, and the tearing of the muscles was even more difficult to detect under the skin.

Her injuries looked worse than Erica's.

"At least she's not as cold-blooded as her father."

If there is no Erica, then this woman will definitely die at the hands of the devil.

Victor stared at her, the clothes on her body were completely torn, and the exposed wound looked hideous.

Although the blood had stopped, the horrific wound still made people shudder.

"Did the fate line change because of Erica's appearance?"

In the prologue of the game, players will be told a background story of the demon invasion.

In the middle of Chapter 1, Gwen will tell the player the cause of her elder sister's death.

Kefla Delin died at the hands of the greedy demon boss Yeem.

This character is a character that players have never had the opportunity to meet. There is not even a three-dimensional drawing in the game. It can be said that he is an NPC that really appears outside the plot.

But right now, the woman in front of her who fell unconscious on the ground was obviously somewhat similar to Gwen.

If nothing else, it's Kevlar.

"She's a witcher."

Vega responded from the side.

"Then it's understandable."

Victor nodded, he understood what the identity of a witcher meant:

In the game, the demon hunter is a special profession. Players can become a demon hunter after completing the task of changing jobs by talking to a demon hunter npc with orthodox blood.

In the previous life, Victor did not help some players to level up the task of changing jobs, and he also knew about this job.

Demon hunters have a very deep obsession with demons. Once they find a demon, they will chase it to the ends of the earth until they kill it.

Or be killed by demons.

And if the passive of the witcher's fanaticism is converted into game values, the witcher will cause an additional 50% damage to demonic units.

Since demons are a collection of magic power, correspondingly, demon hunters will also increase damage to mages by 10%.

Originally, mages were a group with low blood volume and poor resistance.

After numerical conversion, the demon hunter has also become part of the mage's nemesis.

All in all, mages hate witchers.

Of course, The Witcher is not without its flaws.

A knight who is also a melee class can also use some magic power to increase his strength, while a demon hunter is a true 'no blue bar' class.

"Fortunately it came early."

Victor leaned over to check Kefla's status.

Vega also nodded with deep intention.

"Indeed, if only later."

"She is about to heal from this injury."

Victor didn't take it seriously. He turned his palm and a bottle of scarlet potion appeared in his hand.

"You're pretty good at making people owe you favors."

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