A red evil spirit comparable to the size of a cloud punched down, smashed on the dragon's face and blasted him directly into the center of the earth.

The figure continued to fall towards the ground, and the dragon suit's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes with all his strength. He suddenly burst out with all his strength, and finally purified this incredibly huge evil spirit.

However, after the evil spirit disappeared, his eyes were still scarlet.

that is because……

A red evil spirit comparable to the size of a planet is in outer space, looking at the earth with an extremely evil attitude.

Gradually, it opened its mouth, and terrifying red particle light shot out from it.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

In the next second, a red beam of light, comparable to a meteorite burst, fell from the sky and penetrated the core of the earth. The terrifying power caused the entire earth to evaporate instantly, turning it into a magma zone that would never be restored.

The surface of the entire planet disappeared out of thin air with a radius of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and all life died tragically in it.

Even the actor's body died on the spot because of this shot! ! ! ! !

"What the hell, my God, are they all stronger than Frieza!!?"

"I originally thought that the spiritual world was just a low-level combat power. Who would have thought that the real power of the dragon suit would reach this level!!!!"

"It's so enjoyable, I'm sorry for my low-level play at the beginning!!!!"

"I declare that from now on, I am a fan of supporting actors!!!!"

Who would have thought that this Jarhead boy who worries about campus life and trivial matters would actually have the terrifying power to destroy the world! ! !

Unfortunately, he forcibly suppressed all his negative emotions, and made a percentage of emotion and pressure for his heart.

In other words, after the spiritual world dies, what will happen in reality?

Under the worried gaze of countless viewers, a new situation appeared on the screen again.

At this moment, because of the world-killing blow of the evil spirit comparable to the size of a planet, the entire earth seems to have turned into hell, endless magma is constantly boiling, and only the world under the earth's core remains.

However, at this moment—

A sudden vision! ! ! ! !

With the demise of the dragon's body, a black soul composed of spiritual particles emerged. He stood quietly in the world of earth's core magma, looking down at this shattered world from a high position.

Chaotic, invisible, and profound, it seems to represent the existence of all the emotions of the dragon set.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

In the next second, an extreme ray of light burst out, and purple waves emitted from the black shadow instantly melted the entire earth.

Not only that, this incredible force even covered the entire starry sky, turning the vacuum in the entire solar system into nothingness.

At this moment, all the planets in the universe disappeared out of thin air.

All matter, all turned into blank.

And under the observation of Moshang Enlightenment's crazy and trembling mind, after the black impurities representing emotions faded away, a pure white figure slowly emerged in the void.

This existence can no longer be observed with the naked eye.

Not even in the same dimension.

as if—

Like a god...! ! ! ! ! !

Emotion value:? ? ? %



"is it?"

"After destroying your container, my heart is like this..."

Mogami Revelation's shocked voice was a bit bitter.

Because, he saw an existence that did not belong to this dimension, and even thought that he wanted to control the other person's thoughts.

But I didn't expect that after fading away from the mortal body, there would be such a thing hidden inside.

This is definitely not a category that humans can attempt to get involved in.

The dragon's body resides with a god! ! ! ! ! ! !



In the next second, the actor opened his eyes in reality, and saw everyone he was familiar with again.

He successfully defeated Mogami Revelation and rescued Miss Asagi.

The memory stopped at this moment, and Su Ran's reincarnation this time was finally over.

However, the show scene was completely silent, and even the barrage in the live broadcast room was in a state of incomparable silence.

That last figure... what is that! ! ! ? ? ? ?

After seeing such a shocking scene, it seemed as if all the voices that had been said to be low-key had turned into clowns and jokes.

Destroying the entire universe with one blow, this kind of power is already comparable to Dragon Ball! ?

This unimaginable power has gone beyond the understanding of the spiritual world, and is simply like a god! ! ! !

At this moment, although Su Ran had taken off the machine, the pure white posture in which his body finally died and his soul came out of the shell in this spiritual world has remained in the minds of billions of viewers. An indelible shock.

This is Su Ran's ninth reincarnation, Psychic World, Kageyama Shigeo, a trick! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .

71: Su Ran has sex again! ?Sick and beautiful girl!

"One hundred percent!!! It should be the limit of the ability of the dragon set!!!! What is the question mark at the end!!!!"

“It’s so shocking and so powerful!!!!”

The hostess Daoji Zhishi explained: "It turns out that the real combat power of the dragon set is enough to destroy the whole world!! It's just because his super power is so strong that it doesn't belong to the standard of this world at all, so he will close himself inner world of

In the battle between Kageyama Shigeo and Mogami Apocalypse...

Almost everyone could see that if they wanted to, they could level a city to the ground in an instant! ! !

In the spiritual world, the strength displayed by other superpowers is even less than one ten-thousandth of his! ! !

It's really too strong! ! ! ! !

Not to mention, the appearance of the dragon set when the hair is standing up is completely different from his original mushroom head, which also shocked many audiences! ! ! !

This is the world of psychic energy, a boy with a percentage of emotion value ability, a trick! ! ! ! !

When Su Ran took off the memory device, it immediately aroused cheers from many spectators, and the faces of other contestants also became much ugly.

In this promotion round of 16 to 8, in the first two rounds, Su Ran almost won with overwhelming votes. There is a high probability that Su Ran will not have any surprises before the championship battle! ! !

Even if he pulls his hips a few lifetimes later, it may not necessarily affect his explosive popularity! ! ! !

"Contestant Su Ran!! You are so cute!!!"

Seeing Su Ran stepping down from his seat, a beautiful girl with black and purple long hair, Tomoyo Daodaoji enthusiastically grabbed Su Ran's contestant.



Under Su Ran's puzzled gaze, the female host Daidoji Tomoyo also blushed and said, "If you have the opportunity, can you please sign your name for me as Miss Pandora?"

Tomoyo's performance almost made the audience spit water! ! !

You know, in the previous memories of Tomoyo Daodaoji, she has no resistance to the cute girls, and has been chasing others to take pictures.

Now I worship Su Ran so much, it should be because the appearance of the pretentious witch Pandora is so amazing!

"If you are free, you can do it anytime," Su Ran said lightly.

After recalling the memory of the dragon set, his voice became much calmer in a short period of time, not as expressive as in other lifetimes! ! !

After all, a sidekick will only explode completely when his emotions reach their limit.

Not long after, under the watchful eyes of many audiences, Su Ran also left his seat and returned to the waiting seat.

The hostess Zhishi said: "Okay, let's invite the next contestant, Wang Ming!!!"

Seeing Wang Ming, whether it was the audience at the scene or watching the live broadcast on the Internet, they all fell into a boil! ! !

"Wang Ming!!! Get out of here!!!! Don't be disgusting again!!!!"

"Wang Ming, you little orphan and dumb!! Let me have nightmares for the past few days!!!"

Previously, the memory of Rina Longgong's sex change in that life had originally made everyone feel a little more anticipation, but they did not expect such a bloody scene to appear! ! ! !

However, the attention of Wang Ming's social platform has not decreased but increased, which really confuses many viewers! ! !

Maybe it's because there are so many perverts in this world! ! !

Not only that, even among the voices denouncing Wang Ming, there were also those who called him Sister Longgong Reina, which immediately made everyone shudder! ! !

Tomoyo was also slightly ashamed, calmed down for a moment, and said: "Player Wang Ming's memory will start soon, let's look forward to it together."

The voice fell...

Player Wang Ming's memory was also plunged into darkness.

"I guess Wang Ming's current life can still make us disgusted!!!"

"We must resist this kind of scum!!! Every time it's Wang Ming's turn, I dare not let my children watch it with me!!!〃.!"

"You can scold me all you want, as long as Wang Ming can advance!!! I just like to watch this kind of bloody and violent scenes!!!"

Shortly after……

Amidst the discussion among the audience, the memory of Wang Ming's life finally began.


Seeing Wang Ming's appearance in this life, the hostess Zhishi couldn't hold back, and covered her mouth in shock.


How could there be such a pervert! ! ! ! !

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