A death note with unlimited killings has gone beyond the imagination of the audience.

Although the story of the death world has just begun, it seems to be much more enjoyable than other bloody battle worlds! ! ! ! ! !

at the same time.

In memory, Ye Shenyue is still seriously studying the function of the Death Note.

[After writing the cause of death, there are still 6 minutes and 40 seconds, during which time the detailed death status can be added]

"Oh, it means that it can make people die easily, but also make people die painfully?"

"It's not bad to spend so much energy on a prank."

"Will you die if you write your name...?"

Talking to herself, Ye Shenyue picked up the pen and clicked on the blank page, she seemed a little moved, but fell into hesitation: "Wait a minute, if someone really dies, I will become a murderer ?"

"Hahaha, no, it should be impossible."

Coincidentally, at this time, a hijacker's message was broadcast on the nearby TV.

A murderer named Kuro Otonhara broke into the kindergarten after killing six people in a row, kidnapped the kindergarten teacher and many children, and is currently in a standoff with the police.

While the news was explaining the latest information, it also released the wanted photos of the criminals.

After hesitating for half a minute, Ye Shenyue slowly wrote Otoharada Kuro's name on the Death Note, and then focused on watching the news.

Shortly after, 40 seconds passed and nothing happened.

"Sure enough, nothing happened..."

Ye Shenyue shook her head, revealing a somewhat self-deprecating smile.

He stood up from his seat, and just as he was about to turn off the news, a new situation appeared.

The host in the news suddenly became very excited, and explained in an incredible voice.

"Wait a minute, there is movement inside!!! The hostages are out!!!!"

"Everyone seemed safe. At the same time, riot police officers rushed in and arrested the criminal?"

"Ah, I just received information that the prisoner died suddenly in the kindergarten. The police emphasized that they didn't shoot the prisoner, so did they commit suicide because they were cornered?"

"No, according to the testimony of the hostage, the prisoner died suddenly!!!"




After being silent for a long time, the pen in Ye Shenyue's hand fell to the ground. His expression had completely changed, becoming a little...surprise?

Undoubtedly, with his IQ, it is impossible to regard this as a coincidence like those cartoon protagonists who have lowered their intelligence, because there will never be such a coincidence in the world, so Ye Shenyue has already determined that the prisoner was killed by a heart attack .

After a brief shock, Ye Shenyue immediately put the Death Note into her backpack, ready to go out for a second confirmation.

"Death Note, if it is true, it is worth trying again..."

And seeing this, many viewers have been completely dumbfounded.

The power of the Death Note is actually real! ! ! ! ! !

The culprit of heart paralysis in the world of death is definitely Su Ran's identity in this life, Ye Shenyue! ! ! !

"Have you seen it? Ye Shenyue has never considered whether he is a murderer or not. He is so cold-blooded and ruthless. This development makes my scalp tingle!!!"

"The Death Note just fell into the hands of Ye Shenyue, who has an incredibly high IQ and a strong sense of justice. With his ability, he must be able to overthrow the world!?"

"Su Ran is a murderer!!!!"

"The murderous maniac who hijacked kindergarten children deserves death, but it's not Ye Shenyue's turn to judge him!?"

"Good death, killed the bad guy, well done!!!!"

"How many people die every day in the world of swords and magic, and the jungle is prey to the strong? Why is no one caring?"

"I think the person who objects is probably a criminal!!!!"

At this moment, all audiences are having heated discussions on this issue, and almost most of the audience think that Ye Shenyue is not wrong.

Of course, considering the social laws of a modern city, Ye Shenyue will definitely be sentenced for killing prisoners indiscriminately.

However, regarding the good result of him saving the kindergarten children, in terms of human nature, most of the audience must think he is right! ! ! !

Except for a very small number of Madonnas with cerebral palsy, no one does not support Ye Shenyue's decision! ! ! !

"My God, after Ye Shenyue killed the criminal, her first thought was to test the function of the Death Note again, and she didn't think about the dead criminal at all? It really deserves to be the reincarnation of Su Ran, so indifferent !!!!!!” Hostess Shirai Kuroko subconsciously felt that Yagami Yue’s behavior was certainly wrong, but after thinking rationally, she couldn’t find anything wrong with it.

After all, if Ye Shenyue hadn't killed the criminal, innocent children might have been injured.

In memory, Ye Shenyue couldn't wait to test the power of the Death Note again.

However, before that, he still has evening cram school to attend.

"Sure enough, we still have to find the culprit, but it would be terrible if the target is a big shot. Even if the person is dead, the news is likely to be temporarily blocked."

"I want to know the result quickly..."

Ye Shenyue was in a daze in the classroom of the cram school. He wanted to kill the bully who was borrowing money and not repaying his classmates, but he quickly realized that it was better not to kill the people around him, otherwise he might be suspected .

After class, Yagami Yue was walking on the street and saw an unfilial son complaining about his parents not coming to pick him up quickly. He also saw a group of racing gangsters harassing women.

His expression gradually turned gloomy: "Really, it seems that no matter who they are, they are killing people who are good for the world."

However, just racing isn't enough to kill.

Yagami didn't bother to care and walked straight into a nearby convenience store.

However, outside the window, the gangsters who were racing were getting more and more outrageous, and even wanted to strip a beautiful woman naked on the street.

Seeing this, Ya Shenyue couldn't bear it any longer, and wrote the name the man reported in his notebook on the spot.

After a while, the young woman who broke free suddenly rushed onto the road desperately, and the racing gangster also chased after her on a motorcycle. But as soon as he got on the road, he was hit by a speeding car from the side. The big truck was smashed into bloody foam and stars.

"Yes, there are results!!!"

Hearing the crazy screams outside, Ya Shenyue's expression became extremely shocked.

The Death Note is 100% sure to be true, and it can precisely control the outcome of death! ! ! ! !

"I Zhuo, isn't this too crazy? I still can't believe this kind of power. If you write your name, you will die. Even in Gao Wu's fantasy world, it doesn't exist, right?"

"It feels like this world is full of scum and criminals? How can you be so bold to harass women on the street!?"

"You deserve to die!!! Those who sympathize with criminals are criminals, and Su Ran did nothing wrong!!!"

Seeing this scene, the billions of viewers in the live broadcast room also fell into madness.

The behavior of the criminal killed by Ye Shenyue can only make people feel happy and enjoyable, and very few people speak for the criminal.

Of course, they also understood that Ye Shenyue's behavior was definitely not correct.

But he is deliberately using his wrong behavior to purify this wrong world, that is, fighting violence with violence! ! ! !

After five days.

Ye Shenyue's death note was filled with numerous names. He looked at these dead criminals and sneered, feeling like he had become a god in his heart.

To adjudicate the crimes of others privately is indeed like God! ! ! !

However, in the next second, a horrified voice came from behind him.

"It seems you like it very much?"

Ye Shenyue turned her head, and a grimace appeared behind her.

"Ah!!!!" It was not only Ye Shenyue who screamed, but also the tens of millions of spectators who were terrified by the sudden ghostly shadow.

The barrage also scolded and swiped the screen one after another, angrily denouncing this immoral scare picture.

The ghost figure that appeared behind Yagami Yue had a humanoid posture, with a pale face and bulging eyes. It was simply a devil-like posture! ! ! !

"Why are you so surprised? I am the owner of this Death Note, Reaper Luke." The devil's voice asked with a chuckle.

"Looking at your appearance just now, you should already understand the usage of the Death Note, right?"



Yagami Yue, who was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground, quickly reacted, his expression gradually returned to calm, and he stood up holding on to the handle of the chair.

"I'm not surprised, Liu Ke, it's just that you look too scary."

"No, it's better to say, I've been waiting for you for a long time, Luke!!"

"Oh?" This time it was Death God Liu Ke's turn to be surprised.

"I no longer doubt the fact that this is the Death Note. This way I can face many things and act more confidently." Ya Shenyue said very calmly.

"I see. I've heard many stories about Death Notes being lost in the world before, but this is the first time you've killed so many people in just five days."

"Ordinary people will only be afraid, they will not write to this point..."

After that, through the dialogue between Luke and Ye Shenyue, the audience was once again shocked by Ye Shenyue's awareness.

When he knew that the user of the Death Note could not go to heaven or hell after death, but could only turn into nothingness, he was not afraid of it.

Rather, from the moment he learned of the power of the Death Note, he was ready to change this corrupt world with his own power in this life.

Ye Shenyue, to become the savior! ! !

"It's better for the rotten guy to die, who must do it, who must do it!!!!"

"Even if you have to sacrifice your own spirit and life, it's not okay to go on like this... If someone else picked up this notebook, who can eliminate the redundant scum in this world? There won't be such a person !!!!!!”

"But if it were me..."

“If it were me I could do it!!!”

"No, only I can do it, I must do it!!!"

"Use the Death Note to change the world!!!!!!"

"Then, I will become the god of the new world!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Under the gaze of countless spectators who were shocked to the point of scalp numbness, Ye Shenyue's fingertips began to dance crazily, sweat continued to flow, the pen followed the dragon and the snake, the phoenix flew like a phoenix, and the names written on the Death Note began to increase rapidly Then, his whole body fell into a frenzied state of mind.

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