Mi Haisha also has a Shinigami following her... More importantly, she is a fanatical admirer of Kira! ! !

Because Kira punished the murderer of her parents.

Therefore, Mi Haisha is willing to give everything for Ye Shenyue, even if it is used, it doesn't matter, the premise of this is - two people get along.

So, the situation has no suspense.

As long as Ye Shenyue takes Mi Haisha to look at L, she can directly discover L's real name with her death eyes and kill him.


Then came the development that made everyone in the audience vomit.

This Mi Haisa is simply a super pig B. Her bedroom is full of Kira-related things. Any human can tell that she is a fanatical admirer of Kira.

Therefore, before Mi Haisha met L, L, who was still suspicious of Ye Shenyue, first investigated Mi Haisha who had been in crazy contact with Ya Shenyue recently. As a result, the house was searched by the police and evidence was found. Mi Haisha and Ye Shenyue were arrested.

So far...

Kira, the second Kira, all arrested! ! ! ! !

Ye Shenyue, lost! ! ! ! !

"I'm laughing so hard. I guess Yagami Yue never expected that he would lose to Mikaisha no matter how much he thought about it. What kind of pig teammate is he!!!!"

"Look at Su Ran's expression, I'm going to laugh out loud!!!"

"I'm convinced, I'm not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but I'm afraid of teammates who are like pigs!!!"

"Uh..." The corners of the hostess Shirai Heizi's eyes were also twitching violently.

Although this second Kirami Haisa is indeed very beautiful, but her brain seems to be a bit out of order, and this time she is completely ridiculous...

Ye Shenyue is now powerless, and both he and Mi Haisha have been imprisoned.

Because soon, the criminals will no longer die, and they will be identified as the final suspects.


Then, something beyond everyone's imagination happened.

While Ye Shenyue and Mi Haisha were being imprisoned, the criminals were still dying one by one...

Moreover, no matter what methods the police used, Yagami Yue and Mikai Sa resolutely refused to admit their crimes. They were imprisoned for a month and still refused to admit it even when they were about to collapse! ! ! !

Ye Shenyue with super intelligence is fine, but this Mi Haisha... how is it possible! ! ?

The two of them claim to have fallen in love at first sight, not because of Kira.

Even L couldn't see any suspicion through Mi Haisha's micro-expression, as if they were really innocent...

How could such a thing be possible! ! ! ?

Most importantly, criminals are still dying! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

L's cognition has been completely subverted. He firmly believes that he is right, but the cruel fact is before his eyes.

After torturing Ye Shenyue and Mi Haisha for a month, even the police companions couldn't stand it anymore, and protested one after another, dissatisfied with L's actions, and believed that the two of them should be released.

At the same time, the bewildered audience was stunned.

"How is it possible? What did Ye Shenyue do to Mi Haisha? Could it be brainwashing!!!?"

"No, the question is why are people still dying? Can't Death help them?"

"Su Ran's life, Ye Shenyue, what did he do before he was arrested!!!!"

The answer is impossible to know.

L had no choice but to let the two of them go, and apologized in an extremely pious kneeling posture.

At this moment, all the audience was going crazy, they wanted to know the answer too much, but... Ye Shenyue's memory seemed to be erased, he forgot about the Death Note and Death Ryuk, and was very concerned about framing himself. Kira was extremely angry and declared that he must catch the other party.

So far, Ye Shenyue and L joined forces and vowed to catch the real Kira! ! ! ! !

Shortly thereafter, two of the world's most intelligent men teamed up and captured the real Kira within a few months! ! !

Huokou Qingsuke, the head of a certain company, is a violent personality and a strong careerist who values ​​reputation.

He was caught because he used the death note to kill his competitor, and was jointly seized by Ye Shenyue and L, and admitted to the death note under the arrest of the police.

At this moment, they also understood Kira's method of killing people.

As the leaders, L and Ye Shenyue also got the note immediately. The moment they touched the death note, Ye Shenyue let out a miserable scream.

The person who touched the Death Note could see Luke, the god of death. L thought it was the reason why Ye Shenyue was frightened, and asked in shock, "I know it's scary, but is it to this extent?"


Ye Shenyue seemed a little embarrassed, she lowered her head and smiled embarrassingly.

But the moment L turned his head, an extremely evil grin appeared on his face.

L, I won! ! ! ! ! ! !

The moment Ye Shenyue encountered the Death Note, Ye Shenyue recovered all her memories.

It turned out that he gave up the possession of the note before he was arrested, and asked Reaper to transfer the note to other people, and since then lost all memories of the Death Note in accordance with the regulations.

Reaper Luke can't help him directly, but such trivial things that don't affect him don't matter.

Moreover, Ye Shenyue predicted in advance that after clearing her suspicions, she would definitely hate Kira who framed her.

He knows himself, and he will definitely participate in the capture of Kira! ! !

At that time, I have the hope of touching the Death Note again! ! ! ! !

The same is true for Mi Haisha, she gave up the right to hold the notes, thus losing all her memories, that's why she won't admit to the crime.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue's plan to frighten the world almost stunned all the audience.

What kind of incredible plan is this...?

Can this kind of thing be expected?

Ya Shenyue's intelligence is probably no different from that of a god! ! ! ! ! ! !

There is no doubt that Ye Shenyue has already won the numbness, because Mi Haisha's death note was hidden by him, the god of death, Liuke.

In other words, in addition to the one in the hands of the police, they also have another Death Note! ! ! ! !

"I knelt, how about you?"

"Mom asked me why I was kneeling to watch, Su Ran is really crazy in this life!!!"

"What kind of smart battle is this, it makes my scalp tingle!!!!!!"

"Can you come back from such adversity? What is this...?"

The horror of Ye Shenyue almost shocked all the audience.

Tired of watching the bloody battles, this kind of scalp-numbing intellectual battles gave their eyes a new look. Compared with them, the intellectual battles and business battles that any player has experienced before are like playing games! ! ! !

Su Ran's 11th life, even without any combat ability, is still a god! ! ! ! !

Next, as long as Yagami Yue restores Mikai Saya's memory, she can learn the true name of L, whom she once saw with the eyes of death, and kill L completely! ! ! 5.1


The weird thing is...

After recovering her memory, Mi Haisa actually forgot L's real name...

"Take it, I'm going to have a myocardial infarction!!!!!!"

"Look, Ye Shenyue is confused again. Now she is really going to die laughing!!!!"

"Although Ye Shenyue is about to die of anger, but I'm really about to vomit from laughter!!!!"

"Pfft!!!" Because the hostess Shirai Kuroko, who has gradually lost her comprehension of this battle of wits, was drinking water to take a break to touch fish, when Mi Haisha said that she had forgotten, she suddenly spit out all the water .

Seeing this scene, no matter whether the audience thought that Ye Shenyue's behavior was right or wrong, they were all pissed off.

Can such crucial information be forgotten?

After that, in order to kill L, Ye Shenyue made a more terrifying plan.

He let Mi Haisha consume the remaining half of his life to reopen the eyes of death, and started killing people again, and appeared as the fourth new Kira.

The police didn't know about the second Death Note, and they were all stunned when they saw this situation, and even L was greatly shocked.

However, they are still trying to find out the truth of the matter.


Why such a blatant murder?

As the tracking continues to advance, L, who will soon find out the identity of the fourth Kira, is completely incomprehensible.

This new Kira is like a madman, constantly killing criminals at the risk of being arrested by the police.

At this moment, not only L, but even Rem, the god of death who has been guarding Mikaisa, can't understand.

He didn't understand why Ye Shenyue deliberately exposed Mi Haisha, wouldn't that increase his suspicion?

at last……

he understands...

Seeing Yagami Yue's ferocious eyes, Death God Rem's eyes widened in disbelief.

I see……

Ye Shenyue knew in her heart that Rem, the god of death, would not just stand by and watch Mi Haisha be arrested.

Because Rem, the god of death, has special feelings for Mi Haisha.

Even if he sacrificed his eternal life as the god of death, he would not hesitate...

So, seeing that L was about to track down Mi Haisa who had been cleared of suspicion again, Rem sighed sadly, and wrote L's name on his note.

In the next second, his body gradually disappeared, and the incomplete parts also dissipated with the wind...



"Ye Shenyue, used tricks to kill a god of death!!!?"

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